/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General

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Y'all gonna get archived #2 Edition

Legion builders sub edition

Lots of stuff happened on the previous thread , like double-tech heresy, crusading legions, neophyte training and the like.

XXVIth thread a go!

Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016)
What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more
>HH Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore
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>Updated rulebooks
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2Ffz1OuHK%2Fcrusade-imperialis-army-lists.pdf.html
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>/HHG/'s Legion demographics
>Primarch Popularity Poll

>Make your unit entries
mediafire.com/file/q315zmyjntb4j04/LA Exploitable v1.pdf

>BoP's Paint guide

>HH Discord

Other urls found in this thread:



First for unhelpful mould-line autism.

Reposting the pdf

It's a small thing, but with that bundle they put up today, FW also put up a pdf with all the rules released so far for custodes in one file.

It just seems odd to have such nicely freehanded icons on a sloppily prepped model.

Not sure if the knob on the bold pistol is supposed to be there but if so it's different from others I've seen.

>double tech heresy

Come ON, I'm not that bad. The monstrosities are Biologis standard, it's just the Nid claws and Carapace, the Dark Lances, the Skaven plating and the Chaos launchers.

Also I just need to build and paint my Knight and I can get started. Going to be fun.

It's mostly the bulked-up Cortex-Ogryns you'll use as Castellax. It gives my cogitator fuzzy feelings

Dread fights are such a joy.

That's the rear sight you dolt.

The tiny knob on top of the rearward block?

Inferno isnt going to be at the weekender

Pushed back till July

the leg thing is a scroll

Why are you lying?

And the backpack itself is the issue, that mold is horrible

There ain't no way that FW is going to do resin versions of the custodes that GW has already made in plastic. Plastic has better profit margins, FW is overloaded with work as it is, and they don't like doing line troops anyway they'd rather be making the big and flashy stuff. You can expect more things like the grav tanks and dreadnought, a few special characters, and perhaps some weapon upgrades if you're lucky. The only reason to do resin infantry is if they're a significantly different option in the army list.

I find it kind of sad in some ways, a bit like the last stage of the Liquid boss fight in MGS4, where it's two old men at the limits of their endurance, sustained by unnatural technology, after spending their lives fighting so long in a war in the absence of which they would be (battle) brothers. ;_;

yes its very difficult to remove completely with a knife

Why does he have claws instead of fingers.

But that's even worse if it's a modeled feature that's been sloppily painted over.

No, it isn't the rear sight, it's where the bolt pistol attaches to the plastic sprue. There's a nub or indenture left from it being cut off the sprue.

As for the backpack, FW replaces miscast ones, just provide pictures and an order number. Most Chinamen replace them too AFAIK.

I'm surprised they aren't in wider use. Can't believe no one bulked up a Praetorian and inloaded Castellax kill-engrams before. Scoria was kind enough to lend me some custom blueprints.

I love Nid kits, most of the options are still there even if they're not in the book anymore.
Also got my hands on some MKIII carcasses from Istvaan, I'm sure I can do something with them.
(Blackshield Chimerae+1T, probably. Need some Magos meatshields.)

Quick, someone shop a dread on his desk.

Why not? They made their own model of Land Raider, when there was plastic one. They have tonnes of their own SM and a lot of stuff. Do they ever released rules for something that is using not their model? It must be from FW or have no existing model at all.

Which legion would Putin and other world ea- I mean world leaders play?

How do I de-gloss transfers? Will matte medium work?

Also I finished my Omega Marine.

I'll do final highlights, bases, cleanup, and weathering when I have finished all 18.

There are different models of Land Raiders. Are there different models of Custodes?

Like I can see them making upgrade sets or maybe even characters, but I doubt they'd make a whole new set. Even most Land Raiders use the plastic one as a basis.

Varnish them and it goes away.

Kharn is Russian.
I reckon Trump would play Custards because Gold, or SoH because they're the Best.

It's a fight between two strong willed heroes who refused to die. I didn't need those feels.
Notice the tv.

And the next 4. It should be obvious, but BA, WS, SoH, IH.

Eventually I'm doing a world eater, imperial fist, salamander in mk 3. The raven guard in mk 6.

>Kharn is Russian.
Only because of his future accent of the translation of his High Gothic.
I bet he doesn't even squat :^)

>They made their own model of Land Raider

Which is a different unit with its own rules. If you really expect FW to make their own version of the plastic Custodes with shields, swords and spears, you're in for a looooong wait. All you're gonna get are conversion kits to the existing models or completely different models for totally different units.

>They have tonnes of their own SM

Which existed before BaC and BoP. So they have no reason to just drop them as long as they got stocks and moulds, and people buy them.

>Omega Marine

Trump could go Milita, Fists, Custodes, and SoHs. Given that video on him about revenge gives me a SoH vibe. Paul Manafort is definitely a Son of Horus. Have the head Fin's office. So neat.

R8 my Zone Mortalis List

1250 Ultramarines.

=== HQ ===

Praetor : Mantle of Ultramar, Iron Halo, Mastercrafted Paragon Blade, Power Fist, Digital Weapons +++ 220

=== ELITES ===

Invictarus Suzerain Squad (5) +++ 200

Contemptor Dreadnought (1) : Kheres Assault Cannon +++ 190

=== TROOPS ===

Tactical Squad (10) : Vexilia, Artificier Armor, Power Axe, Melta Bomb, Combat Blade +++ 180

Tactical Squad (10) : Vexilia, Artificier Armor, Power Axe, Melta Bomb, Combat Blade +++ 180

Breacher Squad (10) : Artificier Armor, 2 Meltaguns, 8 Power Swords +++ 280

Any good RoW I could take?

>Kharn is Russian.
He's Arabic though.

Fists seems like the obvious answer because muh walls, but I think he's a blusterer who'll take credit if anything at all anywhere goes right, so Ultrasmurfs it is in my books.
That's assuming he's a loyalist, if he was traitor it'd probably be Emperor's Children I think.

Khârn is from the Urals in Russia.

The Zone Mortalis RoW

Because Alpharius is dead. And the ultramarine sign inverted is an Omega symbol.


Because I prefer this headcanon desu.


Only his name.
Betrayer the Betrayer, enemy of Raven Raven and Iron Hand of the Iron Hands.

1: Gloss varnish the model where the transfer will sit.
2: Apply the transfer.
3: Slap on MicroSol or something like that.
4: Varnish over everything.

Filters, weathering, etc on top of it all will further help blend the decal blend in with the paintjob.

They made their own land raider because it's a version of GW's original from way back in the day. It's also different on the table. Like says, other variants of tanks are generally upgrade kits anyway. The numerous varieties of power armour all date from a while back, and you may have noticed that since BaC came out they've largely released kits that combine with the plastic ones too. FW also have a lot on their plate what with carrying on HH, plus doing BloodBowl, the new Epic, and supposedly Necromunda and BFG too (not to mention stuff for AoS and 40k). The whole reason for doing some of the kits in plastic was to capitalise on their popularity and ease some of the load on FW's casting and sculpting facilities. There's literally no reason to think that they'd make resin versions of kits that they've released in plastic.

It can go anyway I suppose.

I asked for the sauce.

Does anyone have both plastic MkIII from BoP and resin MkIII/Breachers from FW? Are there any noticeable differences on their arms?

If a centurion with a boarding shield joins a unit does the unit benefit from the defensive grenades?


Only 15 more alphariuses until the weekender! Inferno! Custodes! Sisters of Silence! Thousand Sons! Space Wolves! Legio Cybernetica! Legio Titanicus! All of the models! Your primarch, your characters, your unique units! Even Valdor and Scoria! All of your dreams! No risk of disappointment! It's 100% happening no risk of last minute changes!

>Your primarch

>Your primarch, your characters, your unique units!
I'd rather they make my LA rules not ass.

Stay strong brother.

Stay strong for the Emperor.

any sign of the Fabius Bile Primogenitor or Leman Russ Primarch book yet?

>Dark Angels complaining while having the best gear and RoW

I swear if you recoloured that disembodied Magnus head he'd look like Link from the legend of Zelda.


I actually kind of don't want him to show up because I can convert one and use his rules for the Biologis leader, plus he'd be expensive as hell, but at the same time I look forward to seeing what they come up with for him.

Is a Land Raider Proteus worth it without Explorator Augury Web for a unit of 10 Seekers/Tactical Support just to hide in until turn 2-3, like a giant Rhino with Lascannons?

>the best gear and RoW
Plasma Repeaters are useless because 12" Salvo
Calibanite Warblades are only good for Apothecaries and Axe/Sword Chaplains
Terranic Greatswords are AP3 and only available on HQ's

Stasis ordnance are nice
Molecular Acid Shells make Heavy Bolters great again.

Our Rites are potent but incredibly limiting and cookie cutter.

Proteus, especially with the extra dual lascannons, is pretty sweet. It gives seekers an option for decent vehicle hunting.

Giving it the web is pretty good though as seekers with scout are goty

I don't care. I got a Mk1 land raider and I'm going to make it the transport for my cataphractii praetor and command squad.

Doesn't the web take up two seats in the LR?

Is there any way to get Cassian Dracos into a drop-pod?

Depends if the pod is that sort of woman.


Where's this from?

With the deafening silence over Inferno, how sure are we it's even going to come out on time?

Director of District 9 (and a few other movies) is a very good digital artist.

If dubs, it's not happening.

>not sure if this counts

"'We are all impatient today,' an Iron Warriors captain voxed back to /HHG/. ' Have faith, user.' The link went dead to the sound of chuckling."

Neil Blomkamp made this?
But what movie or whatever is it from?


Yeah, that's why I said without the web. I already have two units of 10 and I'd hate to not be able to play with all my dudes, which is why I asked.

IWs should know about waiting bitterly. Where are their Tyrants and Iron Havocs?

Right here, where they have always been.


My bad, reading comprehension failed me.

Into the pain glove I go.

He has a good sense of humour then.

Maybe he should direct a 40k film? Heh...

There must have been some Slaanesh warband that have the pain glove under their armour and just fuel themselves on the pain.

I read "Space Wolves had one job" as "Space Wolves handjob".

>Maybe he should direct a 40k film? Heh...
Of course he should. I magine what his bolters would be like

That was their one job.

>n-no Leman-chan s-stop it!
>You know you want it Magnus-kun you dirty witch~

Just don't let him write it. Or let him, then get someone else to re-shoot the end so that the plucky underdog taking on the powerful people on top cause the downfall of the world to Chaos or Tyranids or something.


Most directors whom people say they are good aren't such well writers, rather they're good SCENE directors, like Zach Snyder and Sucker Punch.
Almost all of his scenes are worthy of being a desktop image, but the actual writing and story are mostly held up in cohesion because of the visuals.

Let him and Neil handle the visuals, let Nolan write the actual stuff in cooperation with...Graham McNeil?

That is pretty much exactly what has gone wrong with sci fi/fantasy movies lately. All of the directors have learned how to make beautiful shots and now copy paste any franchise into the same visual effect-heavy formula (JJ Abrams). You can even see it in the sameness of every trailer they put out.

Nothing feels unique from the AAA content creators.

>You can even see it in the sameness of every trailer they put out.
It doesn't help the trailer-makers also happen to do exactly the same trailer over and over again.

What country is this

What kind of iconography fits some deathguard freehand?

Great Britain. That's what they drive the queen around in when the horse-drawn carriage is being repainted.

Britfag here, can confirm.

Scythes, Skulls, skellies, hazardous chemicals warnings and such.

The new Custodes stuff lacks experimental rules, while the older grav tank had them, indicating imminent real rules.

On that note, where is the extra hull-mounted weapon supposed to be placed on the Proteus?

I'm a bit rough on my iconography: how often did Legions utilize unit markers, like the Tactical Squad arrow or Heavy Support chevron? I know they were, and remained very popular with the Ultras, but how often did others use them?

If they have an FW transfer sheet, check it.

On a Predator turret on top of it :^)
Maybe placed like and where the twin linked Assault cannon is mounted on the Land's Raider Redeemer.

Nigger-kun I literally just posted the same kind of markings for the Death Guard.
Enough spoon-feeding, grab the damned book.

District 9 was good. Everything after that was mediocre.