Kill Team General /ktg/

The 40k format where you play with a few small squads of dudesmen and individual models. GW official and HoR welcome, though it's polite clarify which one you're talking about.

Ask Questions, Give Advice, Post Lists.

>Heralds of Ruin rules here:

Created because of this thread. Made me feel bad that we had no ktg.
What is everyone's thoughts on kill team? Do you play HoR or GW exclusively? Or both?

What are some houserules that you use to help make it a more gratifying experience?

Also, post pics of your games! (or your kill teams)

Posting 7ed Reference Guide that has helped me out a fuckton in KT games (and in general games)

Also posting this "1 page Kill Team" rulebook. Seemed like a way to simplify the game play. Haven't fully read through it yet but offers homebrewed stats on the factions.

Is using chimeras in KT a dick move?

Does your opponent know about it before the game and can field a transport of his own ?

Thanks, I was looking for one since I formatted my phone.

How's the officio assassinorum in HoR? I ordered the board game and I want to know if I'll either A: never win a game or B: lose all my friends.

Np man. I printed out a few a will for that very reason lol.

Depends who you fight honestly and if it is a friendly game. I wouldn't care, but I can bring a crisis suit with missile pods or fusion guns if I need AT.

Little of column A, little of column B. Assassins can be wiped off the board by superior numbers of dudes, but are most elite of the elite and can take out very elite teams, although pretty much all of them die easily to concentrated attention.

Assassins are powerful, but squishy, and god help you if you're playing a game with more objectives than you have dudes. At that point, your opponent just needs to kill one or two of your dudes and you can't actually win. Also, if you're going two very highly kitted assassins, then they just need to kill one and now you have to take a break test every turn or lose the game.

What's the difference between a break test and a route test? I know that assassins are immune to the latter.

Is 16 models too many for Skitarii (HoR)? Been thinking of reducing my list a little.

Currently have:
>Infiltrator Princeps
>10 Vanguard
>5 Peltasts
But am thinking of dropping two Peltasts and two Vanguard for:
>Infiltrator Princeps
>8 Vanguard
>3 Peltasts
>Sydonian Dragoon
For 13 models with more diverse equipment, models, and that sexy strider walker, and it leaves me with enough points to put a Conversion Field on my Princeps for a shield with potential Blind.

Is Sniper Rifle or Taser Lance better in KT? My list looks like I have enough shooting, but I'm not sure about bringing a Walker into close range.

Might be the same. If Assassins are immune to Route then I guess they're fine if they lose a model.

But I should be fine if I'm up against, say, dangels and chaos marines right?

Posting some KT lists that were fun to play.

x1 Crisis 57pts
- x2 missile pods
- x1 flamer
- (Rending)

x5 strikers 55pts
- x1 shasui (leader)

x5 breacher 45pts
- (FNP)
- (Preferred Enemy)

x1 piranha 40pts

197 pts and pretty fun to play without taking advantage of the Tau's JSJ or other cheese. Fought guard and SM to good effect.

Breachers are hilariously fun when they work, but when they don't...

>move breacher toward SM to get dat str6 ap3 goodness
>feel safe enough to not measure before hand
>5.5 inches...
>fire str5 ap5 instead SM saves the hit
>I have no other choice
>mfw breacher took down a SM in close combat.

I can't say, I don't have much experience with any of those. Maybe because those sound more elite, unless CSM guy is bringing a horde of Cultists.

Post a list and I can help you more than just guessing at what you will be fielding.

I don't actually have a game set up right now, I'm just guessing based on what my friends field.

How do demons of nurgle play? Are they competitive? Is a greater demon and nurglings viable? Or is it take plaguebearers and sowly swarm? thanks in advance for advice.

Well for csm or dangels you'll want weapons that can ignore their armor or enough shots to overwhelm their armor saves. If the CSM plays horde-y cultist heavy list you'll want templates or again, high volume of fire

I can't stop being offended by these "one page" rules that provide game rules that cannot be played from one page.
>b-b-but the credits and cover page and advanced rules don't count to the one page
Ok so can you play with the rules on just one page?
>yes completely! All you need is the basic rules
What about finding out the unit stats
>Well ok you need a page for each army
And you can't play without that and therefore you can't play with just one page, right?
>Well that's true
So basically it is not one page rules no matter how twisted your ridiculous logic?
>well no
Then stop calling it that.

>Is 16 models too many for Skitarii (HoR)?

Nope. I often play one with 25. Peltast Alpha, 19 Vanguard, 5 Peltasts. All naked.

>Is Sniper Rifle or Taser Lance better in KT?

The Radium Jezzail is hands-down terrible considering the points investment.

The Taser Lance on the other hand should punch out a Marine on the charge, makes good use of the Dragoon's extra speed, and is strong enough to threaten vehicles.

Guys, I decided to make the loudest KT ever. Could you advice me on how to play this list? I'm taking this team for campaign, most of my opponents will be spess marines.

forgot to add that for our specific campaign all orks leaders got +1LD for free, Host thought that all orks having 7 LD was silly, and I agree with him.

Lol, I thought the same thing. I posted it anyway since it seemed like a new spin on KT though.

I like the rules. Particularly their "grim dark racing," which should actually be mario kart rules instead. I am just offended by the gimmick..

Grim dark racing sounds awesome lol.

I have a friend who is into 40k literally because of the space marine bikers. Racing sounds like a good way to keep the interest alive.

Well, I do like that I can have a good mix of dudes, and cutting down my team to make them more elite seems fair. I could spam Vanguard and Peltasts, but that just seems unfair, unless my entire group is cheesing their lists.


>inquisitorial deathwing librarian

>uncircumcised cocks fly out of a black hole above his head
Space marines for sure.

Eldar best race.

Must have pissed someone off to get seconded to the Deathwatch. Probably doubly embarrassing for a Dark Angel, but you've got to send somebody to the Deathwatch out of solidarity.

How would a Deathwatch Kill Team work out (in HoR, though possibly GW)? Seems like they're built for the fucking job, since Kill Team takes its title after the Deathwatch Kill Teams.

If I did run HoR, I'm tempted to run a Captain with a Storm Shield, 5 Veterans; one with an Infernus Bolter and the other with a Frag Cannon, and an Apothecary. That many dudes, plus maybe an upgrade or two, seems to clock in at 250.

It's a prime space to be on a look out for the Fallen. And they must also uphold the Lion's honor which serving in the Deathwatch requires.

True enough. One of the better places to look for Fallen is the Deathwatch, as they are actively on the lookout for shit that needs fucking up.

And, yeah, the Space Marines demand that you occasionally send some dudes to the Deathwatch to help them keep down the xenos, so naturally you have to keep a few guys stocked there to uphold appearances, even if you're not on good terms with the Inquisition. Hell even the Space Wolves have a number of dudes stationed there, and they do, in fact, have to mock fight with any Dark Angels they are paired with on their team before they team up.

How does a GW Kill Team of 8 KdK Raptors sound?

-Raptors, 105
+3 Raptors, 57
+Meltagun, 10
+Lightning Claw, 15
Total, 192

I've just picked up the SC box for Dark Eldar, along with some Wyches. I'm also going to be picking up Gangs of Commoragh when it comes out. What sort of fun can I have when it comes to building a HoR KT? My first draft has a mix of boys and toys, but was drawn up before I figured on getting 6 more reavers and a swarm of hellions.

Should I swap out the Meltagun for an Icon of Wrath for Furious Charge, or no?

As with all Kill Teams, toys before boys will lead to tears. The Apothecary is a good shout, but with only 6 bodies each casualty is going to hurt.

Trying to come up with a Dark Angels team for HoR involving all 3 wings and can't decide between a terminator or biker Leader.

Thematically a terminator would be better (more elite, you'd bring bikes to support terminators but not terminators to support bikes), but a biker is more durable (re-rollable 3+ jink, Toughness 5) and mobile.

I got a Raptor space marine kill team

Assault Squad and Scout squad

Assault Squad has a plasma pistol and sergeant with power sword

Scout squad have bolters with camo cloaks and a heavy bolter with relentless

I think you could also squeeze a flame thrower in that Assault squad

With that seems like a solid list

What about melta bombs on the assault leader? I'm assuming all have jump packs. What are the points at right now?

I was thinking about a biker librarian so it can ride around, be hard to kill and catch up to anyone they want to kill. But yeah, I will probably go with a terminator, can't decide on which specifically though - a DW Champion for good damage output at initiative but weak inv save, DW Knight for a good damage at initiative (AP3 though) and a storm shield or just slap TH/SS on him and call it a day.

Any way to mix the Sisters of Battle with Imp guard in kill team? I was thinkin about using the Raging Heroes minis as SoB then picking up a box of Guard for vets.

I forgot the melta bombs but I think I should almost be at max like 199 points if I add the flamer and melta bombs

[Noob warning here, sorry for stupid question]

I'm wondering how you do when building a list for this with the FoC. For example if I want to buy a few basic chaos space marines, do I pay 70 points for 4 and a champion which takes up 1 troop slot or do I buy 1 marine per slot? Again sorry if stupid question

Not currently.

I know in HoR you can take Inquisition alongside another faction, so you could bring Sisters alongside some guard that counts as Inquisitorial Acolytes or Stormtroopers.

might add that I'm going from the basic GW rules, not HoR

You have to take a minimum squad from what I can tell, including a squad leader if that's included.

Both Victory is Vengeance (Horus Heresy Kill Team) and HoR let you buy models individuals (save for horde models), so you might just decide to buy them individually for the cost of additional members to the squad.

why not an warden (i.e. interrogator chaplain)?

So with Gangs of Comorragh going up for pre-order, i'm considering a super speedy kill-team.

How good are reavers and hellions generally considered in Killteam ?

So I ordered a box of Lychguard for kill team. I figured I could stick in 3 as Lychguard, use one for the Noble, and convert one to fill the role of one of the Core units that I'd need to include.

Would that be decent overall? I feral like that many shields and the durability would do nicely.

they are conflicting troop choices in GW kill team; you can only have 1 fast attack.

They're "okay."

Reavers are sanic speed, but only a 5+ means you'll be jinking a lot- as per usual with Deldar- but the problem is your gear is so crappy you can't reliably kill anything better than a guardsmen.

Helions look and feel awesome, but do jackshit. Hit & Run seems like it's useful, but either you will kill something in one round of combat or it will kill you, with very little exception.

Same problem most of the army has- cool gimmicks, but good luck dealing with varied play styles. Some Tac Marines in a Rhino can easily ruin your day, so be ready to play smart for a chance of success.

The jury is still out on how effective it was over all but we began rolling to hit with a D20 and using cover to reduce ballistic skill.

Eg : A 20 is always a miss, BS 3 = 17. A unit out of cover adds + 5 to a units BS, a unit in very heavy cover removes 10.

It was somewhat slower than normal but it made the cover a little more interesting. It sort of broke when you got into "move behind the guy who is in cover, unload into him with your increased BS shoota boys" but that could be fixed with some sort of over-watch bubble.

It was fun and interactive but it got fairly lethal pretty quickly.

fuck you're right... shit
good advice, thanks man.


HoR Deathwatch any good?

Wanted to do Night Lords for HoR running all raptors and warp talons. During my initial play test it seemed like it might be kinda hard for me in the upcoming kill team campaign we're going to be doing. What do you guys think?

Aspiring Champion
> Jetpack, Dual Lightning Claws, Aura of Dark Glory

Raptors x 4
> 1 flamer, 1 plasma gun

Warp Talons x 2

Guys, will I be seen as a cheesy faggot for taking this list to a kill team tourney?

Also, can I make the senine the specialist that gains +1 bs?

They're the definition of a glass cannon.

The number of friends you'll lose is dependent on how autistic they are. If they freak the fuck out over a Vindicare then they're huge pussies who probably aren't fun to play with anyway.

Not that Assassins can't be abusive either, but really a game with an assassin is so short there's no reason to panic. Try new strategies and shit, experiment with ideas you wouldn't normally do, ect.

Yes, all Assassins have access to AP 2 weapons. There is literally nothing in 40k an assassin can't kill.

Just make your dudes world eaters

Question about Victory is Vengeance, if any of you are familiar.

What is stopping people from just only taking Breachers instead of tacticals? They're the same points cost. Is FotL ever going to be worth it?

Seems like it would be hard, Those units lack powerful shooting save the plasma gun and aren't considered very good outside Kill Team anyway.

Well, Smashfucker, but I think he's an exception.

Actually, Breachers are 5 points more than tacticals. You buy them for the "add additional marines" price, and Tacticals are 10 while Breachers are 15.

Can you even take smashfucker in either Kill Team system?

No. HQ choice that uses relics which can't be taken in any KT version, that exceeds the point costs of and doesn't constitute enough models in Kill Team.

Also, he'd suck. Just put a blob or two of cheap infantry in the way and have a couple of fast guys to cap objectives; there's only so many wounds smashfucker can cause in a single round of assault.

Even with an apothecary you couldn't cheese Iron Hands in Kill Team, right?

Most you could probably get out of it in GW KT is 3+/3++/FnP (4+). Except can Apothecaries confer abilities in GW KT? I thought units didn't work like that in GW KT so abilities don't confer.

In HoR you could have 2+/3++/FnP (4+) for sure with a Terminator (TH/SS) Iron Hand and Apothecary buddy (alternatively, Artificer Armor and Stormshield build if possible), but you can't in any way have Eternal Warrior and It Will Not Die, which is a huge component of what makes Smashfucker so fucking tough on the field.

Also not counting Cataphractii on a Bike as a thing. That's fucking cheating and you fucking know it.

Oh. You're right, I'm just retarded.

R8 my Ork KT

Deffkopta w/ Twin Linked Rokkit Launcha

20 Boyz, of which one with a Big Shoota

13 Gretchin and a Runtherd.

Anyone got a decent 250pt HoR Iron Hands list?


Anyone have custom missions they're dying to play in Kill Team?

Train robberies, defend the line, multi-part scenarios with multiple outcomes to advance a campaign?

My group has been tossing around the idea of a 'convoy ambush' style mission. Have a couple light transports or vehicles for one team, and make them the objectives that need to be driven to the other side of the board.

I've got a pretty cool finale for a campaign coming up that I'm excited about.
Basically its a three-way race to the last lander evacuating a planet before exterminatus, all the while being chased by a much larger and more powerful force.

And the space on the lander is limited so not everyone gets a ticket off-world....

Sounds neat. Roll some transports down the middle and try not to get them fucked up. There'd have to be ways to defend them better, though, or someone might just park a heavy gun in the way and draw LoS. Could be they have to steal something from them instead and can't risk blowing up the transports, but can to force a draw to deny the defender points while losing out any chance to gain any of their own.

Sounds like a fun one. Desperate three-way dash for the last transport out definitely sounds like a fun way to end a campaign, and appropriately grimdark. How has the campaign been so far? Is there a narrative that's been built of these wins and losses?

Yeah, our campaign gm has made up a narrative according to who wins and who loses.

At first the campaing was your fairly standard everyone-fighting-everyone-else -funtimes but after our GSC player got a few impressive victories he was rewarded with a Tyranid bio-ship crashing into his camp, drawn there by the cult.

Since then its been no reinforcements, pants-shittingly scary crawl towards the spaceport for everyone else. Every fight draws the 'nids eventually so if a fight drags on for too many rounds the bugs show up and start wrecking ass. And as I said, casualties are not replaced so at that point its fuck-the-objective-and-run -scenario.

Been really interesting and fun (and stress-inducingly intense at times). I highly suggest having a campaign gm who decides how the games effect the campaign and to try out different scenarios and don't be afraid of homebrewing some wacky mechanics in there.

Yeah. I imagined it would be a bit more like the typical Relic missions, except with the transports starting in possession of it. It'd need some tweaking both to ensure those ambushing couldn't simply alpha strike with a big gun, and those escaping couldn't just flat out to the board edge.

Having the transports themselves count as objectives and being non-scoring if they get wrecked would help with that.

I would certainly love a game like that. Setting up a scenario with each team having goals they're working towards. Other times they could merely be representative of a wider force, and their own special missions could be reflective of an overall wider campaign.

Like, the AdMech could place some archeotech geo-resonators along a fragile faultline, and the AdMech player's Kill Team is one of the representatives of those teams. If they win, the fault line breaks and the AdMech cause some massive devastation. If they lose, maybe the other teams didn't do so well as well or there weren't enough to chain and set of the fault, so it fails or at most does very little.

Hello Veeky Forums !
I'm having very few time to play these days so I'm looking upon killteam to provide me with my mandatory weekly dice rolls

I have a few questions for the experts
-How's magic handled ? Can I have some warp fuckery in my killteam ?
-How viable are bike gangs ? My CSM army is bikegang-themed, so I'd like to use some, idk if it's allowed/playable/viable tho
-How "your dudes" is killteam ?

Thanks !

>How's magic handled

Theres some tweaks to the psychic phase in the rules but its there and psykers are nothing to scoff at especially in HoR. Check out the rules and decide for yourself if you like it but I think it works.

>How viable are bike gangs ?

Very. Your team is going to be small but effective, especially if you play on a bigger table (my group uses a 6' x 4' table)

>How "your dudes" is killteam ?

Extremely. Your model count is so small that you can really go balls to the wall with customization and give some love to your dudemans.

Fix the vehicle's path and movement. They're not controlled by the Kill Team player, they're NPC vehicles. They have a set path and behaviors, moving forward along the set path if able, firing only at the closest enemy, etc. The Kill Team has to work around them in order to get the job done.

Also possible, the opponent might buy stratagems like barricades, tank traps, or mines to try and slow them down or disable them. Homebrewed, these could cause Immobilized results, or Crew Stunned might result in the vehicle slowing for a turn. Free vehicle tools to fix those would be a must. Instead of outright blowing up the vehicle, they might just knock it down for a turn.

If you play SM don't bother giving them character. They'll just get wiped off the board by Tau and Eldar anyway.

Yay ! thanks for your answer !
I really like playing my 10+ (13 hehe) bikes at classic 40k, and its really sub-optimal against most stuff that isn't a single big think that massed bolters can kill or massed troops. So it's cool that it works fine in KT !
Also, for psychic, I'm looking for flavor more than efficiency, as long as it's not destroying any chance of a fair game, I like having a(t least one) psyker (I'm a cyclopia cabal fanboy, kinda). But imo 40k lacks customisation on powers, rolling for them really isn't cool when it comes to building a story about it.

I feel like having them be automated would help a lot. That also means they could probably be a slightly more durable vehicle and not have to eat into the player's points at all.

Tank traps and other traps for the ambushers might be interesting. Perhaps Grav Mines that could inflict temporary immobilization and eat up turns. Having some NPC techpriests or mechanics to conduct repairs from inside the transport would help a lot as well.

I feel like an ideal map would be a sort of narrow road through a city. Lots of alleyways to ambush troops from, narrow passes where it'll be hard to get past the vehicles, and winding routes to make sure things don't progress too quickly.

Getting wiped by tau/aeldarflakes is called "a normal game of 40k', but ty, captain obvious ;)

Bulk up the terrain and make it an alleyway fight. Send in the dudes to fight alongside the transports and counter-attack the attackers, forcing them to focus on you, not the transports.

Also, it could be possible to make the road these vehicles travel be curves around the map, or at least have some corners to it.

HoR gives you a selection of a few powers, though you don't get a massive range of choice because some is just bullshit for KT. Along with the new powers from the SM and CSM expansions, it's likely the next HoR mini-Codex update for them will see a couple of the more modest powers added.

They also allow psykers, among other things. I'm not sure if GW KT bans them this edition, but it did last one.

A few rare psykers get the whole range of their disciplines to choose from, but this extends only to very expensive and fluff-wise masterful psychics. Harlequin Shadowseers get the run of three Psychic disciplines, but they're 60 points base, are already in an army of glass bones for toughness and paper skin for armor, and to get to ML2 you pay 20 more points for an 80 point model at T3 with just a 5++ and her own powers to protect her.

Would be worried to fight. I doubt I would have the shots to kill all of them.

Which kt though? GW or HoR?

I'm going to be building a Genestealer Cults -team based on an IG -unit that turned out to be cult infiltrators. What do I take to deal with vehicles and bigger things?

Sentinel with lascannon? A few weapon teams? Whats the smart choice here?

It's ok, I can field 6 Meltas if I want.

Love these models, but they just look super bored in combat.

Spontaneously bough a dark Eldar start collecting +scourges

What would be the best way to outfit the scourges for Hor?

Scourges are probably best used as your special Weapons platforms. Reavers can do that to a degree, but are more limited in how many they can get and also want to be in assault. Your Kabalties can handle anti-infantry duty fine, so that leaves Scourges for bringing mobile, High AP firepower.

Any top tips for handling shooty Tau ( is there any other kind) as Orks in Heralds of Ruin. The JSJ suits are killing my wins into draws. What units would work well in that context? Tankbustas have been true MVPs oddly enough, taking down suits like nobody's business, sadly they can get a lot of my boys out as well.

Thinking of delving back into 40k with this; how well do Militarum Tempestus lists do?

I tho,k the only thing you could really try is bikes or jump units for speed to try and catch them.