When should a player get experience points for breaking an object?
When should a player get experience points for breaking an object?
1 XP per 10 GP of the object's value.
If the object is a golem
Can this rule be taken advantage of?
A shopkeeper could increase the price of his wares before destroying them.
Value, not market price. There's a difference.
How might one determine the value of an object without turning to market price?
Look in the book. :^)
When the object is important like a lich's phylactery or doing so does something drastic like smashing a pillar that sets off a building collapse of the enemies base or cave in on some monsters.
When its part of a quest and thus an objective and challenge. So just breaking some random sword of a mook doesn't count, but smashing the artifact sword Endbringer on the specially prepared anvil altar of a Smith God does.
Some inns have pillar supports, or beams of some sort.
Yeah, but most building don't give when just one support goes, it normally takes a few. And the tricky part to the collapsing a building like that is surviving it.
No worries, I have a heavy woolen cloak.
Party sheets course by a powerful artifice after damaging his favorite creation. Destroying things now grants small bits of XP according to their importance to their owner (1xp for a favorite cooking pot of a shelf, or 3 for a prized heirloom)
If the party goes crazy with destroying things objects start passively resisting them. Carriages break down, swords fight to escape their grasp.
Culminates in a golem of broken objects they left in their wake which harasses the party
Gets cursed*
What's the going value of a princess' hymen?
This is a very good question.
Depends on the country and how close to the throne the princess is.
The oldest daughter of the king of a great nation is going to be worth a lot more than the a poor nation's king's younger brother's third daughter even though both carry the title of princess.
Her dowry, probably.
1 xp per scream of the jerk player whose arm it was, applied both to breaker player's character and any henchmen
Depends if the character learned anything from the destruction.
This is relevant to my interests
See how much experience you get when you break it.
>DM gives you 1xp for breaking a tree
>Start a forest fire
>Hey, GM, I'm going to run to the royal market and buy 20,000 toothpicks and then break them. That'll get me enough exp to hit level 8, right?
>I should get xp for stepping on these dry leaves right?
Assuming she's the princess of an important country, then probably literally priceless, seeing as no amount of money can give you the same amount of power as a well done political marriage.
>my character's O-face when they stick their dick in her and gain all that exp.
>yfw it literally has no monetary value
Should've picked a cheaper hymen to break
Like that random peasant girls is worth at least the dowry
When it's a significant achievement to do so, same as for killing things.
AD&D barbarians gained EXP for breaking magic items. The wizards gained EXP for obtaining magic items. The best course of action is to open a portal between editions, create an object that infinitely creates minor magical items, hand those to the wizard, and then hand it to the barbarian to destroy.
If it affects the story.
The hymen isnt necessarily the defining aspect of her "purity". If you can get a bard, playwright, or just court gossip to smear her name from the fields to the castle you dont even need to commit the act.
>barbarians gained EXP for breaking magic items
Do magic just piss them so hard that they're rewarded for destroying sources of magic?
Depends on context.
If they just think exp is some magical energy you get by killing and breaking things like in some video games then no.
If breaking the object somehow overcomes some obstacle or challenge especially in a creative manner then sure.
how much xp should i give them for breaking my campaign?
Just as one should never get experience for killing monsters or collecting treasure.
Experience should be handed out for accomplishments in the story, not when you kill X boars or break y tea pots.
Just hand out exp at the end of the session, based on what the players did and how fun the roleplay was.
But you probably already know all that and just want to make a stupid bait thread.