Which is worse: the traitor or the heretic?
Which is worse: the traitor or the heretic?
They are the same thing.
>Kill a traitor before an enemy.
>Kill a heretic before a pagan.
>Kill a traitor heretic before all else.
>If you are confronted with a traitor and a heretic and you have but a single bullet.
>Shoot traitor, pistol whip heretic to death.
>Get more ammunition.
The Witch of course!
Traitor. A heretic may find absolution in death.
For a traitor there's no absolution in this world or the next one.
>Which is worse: the traitor or the heretic?
Even though you once called him friend, the Traitor has forsaken you. Show no mercy even if he begs it, for his soul is tainted and given the chance he will betray your trust.
>not using the full quote
A Heretic may see the truth and seek redemption. He may be forgiven his past and will be absolved in death. A Traitor can never be forgiven. A Traitor will never find peace in this world or the next. There is nothing as wretched or as hated in all the world as a Traitor.
Holy shit it's an inquisitor!
Not true. All Heretics are Traitors, but not all Traitors are Heretics.
Therefore Heretics are worse, because they are a worse version of Traitor.
Is that Avitus?
Could be, but looks more like Gabriel to me.
I got you user.
You have it backwards. All Traitors are Heretics because being a Traitor is Heresy. Not all Heretics are Traitors because they still believe in the Imperial Creed and claim fealty the the God-Emperor, but do so in a way that profanes and perverts His Imperial Truth in a manner that constitutes Heresy.
They are the same
The heretic can be made to see the error of his ways, and if not, be forgiven in death.
Treason is unforgivable.
The Loyalist.
Heretics can repent.
Betrayal can never be forgiven.
Too true brother
the mutant