What could be the benefits/cons to being taught or raised by a dragon?
What could be the benefits/cons to being taught or raised by a dragon?
If you could get a chromatic to teach or raise a non-dragon, what would you learn as opposed to a metallic?
Deception, offensives, miserliness?
Or say, in a clergy worshiping a deity among dragons teaching you the ropes?
Along the parent angle.
>Lots of gold in the hoard, mayble they'll share some with you.
>Lots of arcane insight
>Nobody besides adventurers would attack a dragon, and they'd more often than not spare you after being mistaken for a kidnapped child with Stockholm Syndrome.
>Maybe you'll have dragon siblings to adventure with.
>The faces of the rest of the party when you visit your parent's cave.
>You'll have the strangest infancy if the dragon does not have human form.
>If the dragon does not have a human form nor allows for plentiful human contact you'll have an identity crisis.
>Your Dragon parent is going to be full Jew in how much of their hoard you're allowed.
>Caves don't make the comfiest homes.
>Some adventurers will kill you along with your parent.
>You'll be treated like a child for an obscenely long time.
>A good chance that you'll end up triggering a mcguffin plot device in your parent's hoard and fuck everything up.
Like I really like the idea Aasterinian, as she could be basically the "Dragon Deity For Adventurers"
Hlal makes for a good campaign if you go with a sort of Sanguine idea where she is taking the Bard/party in disguise to spread merriment and ideals.
Tamara as teaching someone who lost their village to a Lich with a Draoclich how to win back their home...
I just think the Draconic Pantheon could be fleshed out more, does anyone else think so?
Hmm... Well, For pros, The Person learning would likely be quite advanced in magic, Be much braver than most having lived with a dragon, and Likely learn techniques to hurt larger creatures, more from just being around him long enough to know what to hit, and how to avoid Being hurt by bigger enemies.
Cons are, isolation from normal society, likely social issues because less interaction with man, and also, depending on the dragon, risking getting hurt.
>Well, you wanted to invite your teacher over for dinner at your home. What did you expect to happen?
Garyx might be the most stereotypical CE god I've ever seen.
>he's insane
>he wrecks shit
>his cult wrecks shit
>his cult has low expectations of him
>he just hands out spells
I like the idea of a dragon who really wants to teach, but everyone runs away when they see that he's... well... a dragon.
Then one kid comes along and isn't afraid, and the dragon finally can impart knowledge.
>Enthusiastic teacher, good teaching
>Nobody is going to hurt you during lessons, no matter how dangerous the world
>Teacher has knowledge from Hundreds of Years of time, lots of stories.
>Likely won't make many Human friends
>Dragon might not be too familiar with human mannerisms, so kid may be housed in more draconic conditions, like sleeping on treasure mounds.
>Kid may be taught to overvalue Treasure.
Wyverns would not be good Jenga teachers
>Nobody besides adventurers would attack a dragon, and they'd more often than not spare you after being mistaken for a kidnapped child with Stockholm Syndrome.
>Some adventurers will kill you along with your parent.
So wait, why would some spare you as a stockholm victim but others kill you? That's like being a knight and killing the princess in the crosssfire.
Some adventurers are murderhobos. Some adventurer parties have Paladins or cleric or fighters that would prevent child murder.
>>You'll have the strangest infancy if the dragon does not have human form.
I would put this as neutral and dependent on age of adoption.
>>If the dragon does not have a human form nor allows for plentiful human contact you'll have an identity crisis.
This is an interesting yet controversial topic I won't discuss or it'll derail the thread.
How would different color dragons (chromatic/metallic/whatever) differ in human childcare techniques?
Well think about it, compared to a human mom, considering how egotistic a dragon is, you'd have to live up to higher standards, and would probably have to prove -very- loyal to said dragon for them to still love or trust you as humans are even more want to go murderhobo here
What's going on in that page?
Basically this
Japan what the fuck. Just, ugh. Why?
Because it's adorable. Take your shit taste away from here pleb.
I hope you realize you're as bad as monstergirlfags with that attitude.
It would have been adorable if it showed him growing up and such over a couple chapters. As it's shown it's just barefaced Oedipus Complex.
>Not liking cute things
>Can't come up with actually arguement so he just throws out the "monstergirls are baaaaaad" despite having no bearing on the conversation >l
Go and stay
It literally says he has a mother Complex, which means he has strong incestual urges with his adoptive mother. If it was different, like him growing up being raised by a wild dragon in the wild, it would be cute.
This is bard town mister, you best mosey on by
Cute things are cute, like a kid hugging a fluffy big dragon. Disturbing things are disturbing, like a manga that tells you the focus of the story is the incestuos relationship.
Reminder Gem dragons > Any other kind of dragon
If I fuck a dragon my progeny better have a lizard face.
Hmm... What about motives? Why are the Dragons training the Humans?
as with any theoretical question, depends entirely on the people involved. What kind of dragons are we talking about first of all? Skyrim style dragons? where parthanax is pretty wise and reasonable but still see's things in black and white? warcraft style dragons? much more reserved and closer to a mortal tutor than anything?
Draconic Bloodline.
Your kid may not have a lizard face, BUT, it does give them Sorcery powers.
Good taste
>Amethyst Dragon
Amethyst dragons were wise and regal. They could be found serving as intermediaries between warring dragons, and even humanoid civilizations. An amethyst dragon had lavender skin, and its scales were shaped like naturally formed mineral crystals.
>Crystal Dragon
Crystal dragons were the friendliest of the gem dragons. They were always curious, so they enthusiastically conversed with willing visitors. Crystal dragons were fond of the Elemental Chaos, but they might sometimes build ice palaces atop high, cold mountain peaks on the Material Plane.
>Emerald Dragon
Emerald dragons were inquisitive about local history and customs. Their knowledge of particular areas was often beyond that of the best sage. These dragons were very paranoid and developing relationships with them was often difficult. When not on the Inner Planes, they preferred to stay near partly inhabited areas on the Material Plane, but kept their presence unknown.
>Sapphire Dragon
Sapphire dragons were territorial, especially towards other dragons in the Elemental Chaos and the parts of the Material Plane that they claimed as their own. These dragons were anti-social towards all beings, but viewed the evil races of the Underdark as their enemies.
>Topaz Dragon
Topaz dragons were unfriendly and selfish. While not malevolent, their behavior made dealing with them unpleasant and dangerous. They spent their time in the Elemental Chaos, but made brief trips into the Material Plane into lairs on secluded beaches or caves below the waterline. Their lairs were completely dry.
I thought the first generation were mutated like tieflings but limited to draconic features.
He actually meets up with a different dragoness to swoon over that's not his mother in the manga
And there is Sardior, the ruby dragon and God of the gem dragons
If the dragon is Schwartzkopf, a lot.
If not, depends on the setting and how dragons work in it compared to other settings as well as their behaviors.
Well in the picture you used you get a Master's Degree in applied Manadynamics and Hermetic Theory, which is probably great for getting jobs.
You were raised by a goddamn dragon
Dragons are wise and intelligent as fuck, you have a definite advantage there
You were raised by a dragon and that's AWESOME and you're AWESOME
You will probably never see any of that inheritance
You will eventually have to interact with lesser lifeforms, and they will be all the more disappointing after having been raised by a goddamn dragon
What setting is that from, anyway?
Legitimate risk is what happens if you're a terrible student.
Like, if it's a less than peaceful dragon, It could roast the trouble Scolar, or Just eat the student who is purposely making a mockery of the class.
The Great Dragon Schwartzkopf spends his time in the University of Prague and teaches advanced magical stuff to folks, and the school is generally considered to have one of the best magical advanced education on the planet.
im gonna have to see some amercanise here to prove this chief.
Nah man, You won't have bad students if you set an example.
>Adventurer busts in during a teaching session.
>Dragon Blasts this dude's weapon away, and immediately chomps down on the dude.
>Swallows the adventurer whole, then looks back at the kids, and continues teaching like nothing happened.
Those kids will never step out of line.
If anyone bullies you as a kid you can say your awesome dragon momma is going to eat them.
She tells you to not say that anymore.
She totally would though.
Is it vore-o-clock already?
This is the page before that one
>Awesome Dragon Momma
I love the idea of this. Like, she acts so lovingly and caringly, but could easily wipe out a village no problem.
>*Starts a fire with fire breath* "Stay close, don't catch a cold...
>*Tucks you in by wrapping her wing around you*
>*Fights off Bears and monsters who might hurt you near the cave* "Don't ever leave the cave again! You're Grounded! ...I'm so glad you're okay don't scare me like that..." (etc.)
Warm, fussy but loving dragon momma sounds like the best.
>Powerful magical herbal tea and soup when you get sick.
>Allowance is in gold coins from some defunct kingdom.
>Makes you wear a tracking charm on a bracelet if you leave on a long trip.
>WILL come and fly you home if you stay out too late.
I'd say more like half till, but knowing Veeky Forums it will get there sooner or later
Love all this
>Dragon mom gets real worried when she can't find you, you were hiding on her back or under her wing.
>She lets you fall asleep on her torso, wing as your blanket, listening to her heartbeat.
>If adventurers bully you, she'd embarass you by trying to give them a lecture on manners before eventually killing them
>Makes the cave nice and cozy
>Tries and (Maybe suceeds?) At making Meals humans like.
>Dragon cooking human food.
I can picture a setup like someone who does incredibly detailed model work, big magnifying lens, carefully machined tools with little gripper pincers on the end so she can try to work a human sized stove.
That's funnier than I imagined. I was more picturing her like, Plucking a bundle from a wheat feild, and plundering a few cows. Using fore breath and such to cook, make GIANT bread.
>an unlikely group of four gem dragons were united under the leadership of a Crystal Dragon with an unusual tint to their scales
>an Amethyst Dragon who looked up to the Crystal, growing to be very close friends - and the Amethyst seemed to hope for something more
>a small Topaz Dragon, the runt of her clutch. Her upbringing was influenced heavily by the others of the group
>an Emerald Dragon who was essentially a cleric of Sardior the Ruby Dragon and preferred to be as close to the deity as Sardior tolerates. Very knowledgeable and probably by far the best fighter; others suspect the Emerald can glimpse the future
>during their travels together, they found a charming little human village and settled for a while
>a human bard won over the Crystal Dragon, and through the power of magic, a child was created
>the magic came at a terrible cost, however
>soon after, the dragon was consumed with frailty and perished before the hybrid child could even know their nonhuman parent
>the other three Gem Dragons take it upon themselves to raise him
>to preserve the legacy of the Crystal Dragon
>and also because there's starting to be an awful lot of wicked dragons as of late
>Are the Gem Dragons
>We'll always save the day
>And if you think we can't, we'll
>Always find a way
>That's why the people of this town believe in
>and STEVEN!
>In D&D dragons usually have a dex of 10
>That's the same as the average human
>Doesn't sound like much but by RAW that implies dragons have ABSURD manual dexterity
>Probably from spending centuries having to use their giant claws to manipulate tiny fiddly bits of things made for human sized users
>In a dragon's every day life (or rather when not burning things down and rampaging ) they show the same sort of control/skill of someone who makes ships in bottles
I'mma just leave this here.
Don't mind me if you're not interested. The dragon momma stuff is cute.
Just posting this stuff from the previous thread, can write more if there is interest or if I think of something.
I honestly didn't see it until spoiler
What subject do you think dragons would be best able to teach
>The faces of the rest of the party when you visit your parent's cave.
That's an interesting pattern of capitalization. Is English not your first language? IIRC, German has some capitalization rules that look out of place when carried over to English.
>their hoard grows with payment for services
>to use against rival dragons
>to sway public opinion in their favor
>they consider nearby townsfolk part of their hoard and believe educating them increases their value
>a bet with another dragon
There's a lot of reasons.
I used to casually RP as a dragon on another site. People would occasionally ask how I manage to use a keyboard, and my response was generally "I've had a couple of centuries to practice precise things with my claws, tail, and even tongue. Plus, a big keyboard, but that's for convenience's sake so I can use more than two claws at a time."
I'd argue that "someone who makes ships in bottles" has a well above-average DEX - it's certainly not really a hobby some rando could pick up and instantly be good at.
Of note: 3d6-1 with +2 to any one stat gives an average of barely under 10, still allowing for variance making a scrawny genius or a shy kid who makes incredibly intricate wood carvings.
More Dragon Mama
>When you get sick, she Kind of panicks, Blows plenty of fires to keep the Cave warm
>She "Stealthily" Tries to Follow you sometimes when you are young and head into the woods near the cave.
>She is skeptical whenever you bring a human friend over (if ever).
>Gets panicked if she can't find you, Always afraid she'd stepped on you or something.
Samefag here.
English is my first language, but I do study German. Guess the rules slip sometimes, oops.
It's a fucking Dragon, they likely know a fucking lot, so it'd be really damn educational.
Also if you ingratiate yourself to them, you've got a fucking Dragon in your corner.
It's a fucking Dragon, so it's possibly you'd have issues understanding what they have to teach, would have to perform to a higher standard, and would likely get dragged into Dragon bullshit whether you want to or not.
Also don't fucking cheat on tests. Who knows what they'd do.
>Who knows what they'd do.
Cheat on test?
Dragon Cheats on diet.
>"Missus Sharptail, didn't you say you wanted to cut ice cream out of your diet entirely?"
>"Yes, but it's comfort food because quite frankly your attempt to hide the textbook under your test paper was downright depressing."
>Wasn't what I meant, but this is vastly more funny, and a beautiful mental image.
That is one vintage mawshot.
Dragon mom is my favorite subject
>Would likely scrutinize any lover or friend you bring with a Scrying or Truth spell, too used to human tricks
>Would probably learn just -how- social humans are. either by annoyance or being humbled by how much love you give off to her
>likely give her a much stronger feels over you dying with your short-life, if she really cares for you, she'll find a way to extend it somehow
>Will threaten to bite off friend's head if they refer to her casually instead of the respected title she deserves (that's only for you)
History, Magic, Money Management
>The retarded D&D chromatic v metallic divide
>Different colored dragons have different magic 'breath attacks'
Best dragon
Getting older
>You bring a girlfriend over to meet her, She is very protective, asks a lot of questions, acts threateningly, but subtly so.
>Keeps trying to make excuses for you to stay in the cave with her. "I have a job now, ma." "But you have so much gold here! Already! You don't need a job!"
>Secretly spies on what's popular in local villages, takes notes.
>If he gets in any teen trouble, she swoops down and intimidates the crap out of the thugs.
these guys are grim, but noble like odin, so expect a very "Weight of your responsibilities" deal and not much time for fun, they also see themeselves as shepards with a strict hierarchy, so you could end up seeing yourself as above other humans, not out of arrognace but in a matter-of-fact way
these guys love humans, so expect a relatively normal life with lots of human contact, and expect a lot of "always fight for what you believe in" lectures
these guys are all about duty and honor, so expect to be groomed to be a raised as a hands-on ruler of the people, rather than as a guardian, expect to be raised as a fiery, passioned person who leads from the front, and actively seeks out threats to fight
opposite of the gold dragon, you will have lots of fun and have a big emphasis on being tricky, cunning, smart, and word play. they also are the least confrontational, so you wont grow up with the "fight evil" aspect, and none of that "duty to bahamut and humanity" that others get
love of conversation, riddles, puns, wordplay, or just talking. they also have a hands-off approach, instead of duty expect to be raised to be more of a philanthropist, donating to worhty causes instead of taking up a banner
Sounds like Mama would be a brass dragon.
I know exactly what you meant, but the thread's too young. Source on that image, though? It looks cute as fuck.
Different scenario
>"You brought cake? Did I really get that good a score?"
>"No, but you deserve a reward for your clever plan of a repeating recording of a stalactite dripping your notes in Morse code."
Dammit, the gems didn't match up so I didn't pick up on it until "glimpse the future".
Sadly source unknown. Found it a few threads back, Decided to save it for a reaction image.
As for thread being young, I suppose this is true, I'm not one to force the point. But, this is Veeky Forums. Give it a few dozen more posts, someone will ease into it.
This guy was raised by a dragon and he turned out alright.
...On second thought.
This dragon would probably be good for hands-on anatomy lessons. Definitely not at all a ploy to get her paws, tummy, and muzzle rubbed, no siree.
>Teaches you warrior techniques, Coughes up a sword or two and some armor for you to use
>Always concerned about fighting, but deep down knows you'll need the skills
>Pretends not to notice every time you've ever snuck out at night
>Whenever adventurers try to slay her, she always saves some kind of trinket to give you as a gift.
>Actually becomes more hesitant to kill humans as time goes on.
>with paws
That doesn't make sense. Not even in a sparkle dog kind of way.
You must be new here
I'm stealing "Grew up with Dragon Mama" for my next character.
Spoken like a true newfag
What system do you usually play?
Would a dragon tutor place emphasis on a Polymorph Self (Dragon) spell, or see humans as inherently unworthy of ever taking the form of a dragon?
>she becomes almost masterful at nonlethally defeating humans
>stripping them of armor and weapons
>though, she leaves their clothes
>they're not as interesting, and she's learned humans need them
>she lets them go, maybe spread the word of not trying to kill her so much
>of course, if they rush her again
>unarmed, unarmored, probably dazed
>she also lets them choose their fate
Admittedly I should've waited a couple dozen more posts.
To be fair, Veeky Forums's been the place for dragon vore for years.
D&D. I prefer 5e. Easy to whip up a character, No confusing skill system, Just smooth to use.
Please learn how to be discrete in your fetish posting.
Except you'd, you know, die.
>umans as inherently unworthy of ever taking the form of a dragon?
I feel it would be like this. Gold dragons and even silvers are still arrogant to a fault, and I imagine they don't view copycats too highly, considering their condescension towards wyverns as lowly breds.
I love dragon fucking and vore as much as the next fa/tg/uy but don't force it regardless of how likely it is to go there anyway, it's just rude
>Would a dragon tutor place emphasis on a Polymorph Self (Dragon) spell, or see humans as inherently unworthy of ever taking the form of a dragon?
Depends on the dragon I'd say, most (read 3) of the good core dragons have a human form by default, but I could see evil ones disliking it and good ones taking a dim view of it at worst
I could also see one preferring a human partner to "accommodate" them that way but they'd probably at least still see them as playing the part rather than actually being a dragon, it might come down to what the human uses it for
Doesn't NummyNumz do endo only?
Besides I literally just mentioned petting the dragon, as it sounds like cute fun.
Younger, maybe
>Dragoness learns to sing a few lullabys, hugging you with a wing
>Whenever you were afraid of the dark, she's just light a small fire in her mouth and Make the room glow.
>instead of baths, she'd hold you under a waterfall to get you clean.
>Early on wasn't sure what to feed you, so she just uprooted stuff from nearby farms and roasted some livestock, Learning little by little how to prepare human meals.
Petting muzzles and tummy rubs sound less like vore and more how you'd trwat a cat or dog. Playful, cute.
I feel that in the case of Polymorph Self Dragon, a dragon tutor would teach you how to fly, considering the turns you'd need to make and adjust to from flying as well as
>How Do I Not Die From Murderhobos Whilst Flying
>it might come down to what the human uses it for
>dragon watches from afar as their student is fighting a few stronger monsters
>trying to draw them away from an innocent bystander
>they get bodily thrown off a tall cliff
>dragon starts thinking of what to do with the body
>immolation, maybe - they do deserve something a little bit dragony
>a large form swoops up over the cliff's edge
>the "dragon" lands atop one of the monsters, crushing them
>roars a challenge at the others, sending them fleeing
>after making sure they're all gone or dead, the human returns to his normal form and attends to the bystander
>[distant dragon nod of approval]
Thirded, though I think bellyrubs are more for Large and smaller size dragons, and stroking their muzzles is Large and bigger. And from what I gather from this thread about that specific dragon, she's in that second category only.
Also, headpats are great.
Okay. Cute and cuddly dragons are different. But that artwork makes the dragon look like it has rubber skin.
Ugh, I am so annoyed with myself. There was a story I read as a kid about almost exactly this. Some stable boy who found a dragon that trained him, and gave him a gem or two, and whose teachings made him respected by everyone, but the boy got so wrapped up in the status he got from the teachings that he leaves the dragon for long periods of time to go off with the knights. There is a twist ending that I don't want to spoil, but does anyone know the book I am talking about? It is perfect as a manuscript of how dragon tutelage could be played straight.
Like vore but about being inside something rather than being eaten
>Veeky Forums's been the place for dragon vore for years.
no, it's been the place for seducing dragons that you're sent to kill and then having a comfy relationship.
Vore is ancillary and an unfortunate tag-on. Personally I find it as disgusting as snuff, because it's the same thing but with a halfassed denial aspect to it.
Daily Reminder That
A Dragoness is a Boy's Best Friend
Sadly I don't know, but could you Spoiler that ending in case we don't figure it out?
Blue dragons might be up for it. They actually get along the best with the humanoid races out of chromatics. Unlike some other chromatics whose favourite food is intelligent humanoids blues love camels.
I can't help but feel that that dragon is used in porn.