Since we're getting more frequent MTG banlists now, lets speculate on the March banlist update!
Since we're getting more frequent MTG banlists now, lets speculate on the March banlist update!
Saheeli Rai is banned.
Reflector Mage is unbanned.
Stoneforge Mystic is unbanned.
I have an sneaking suspicion that either Ensnaring Bridge or Lantern of Insight will be banned, but I'm probably wrong.
I very much hope that they ban Glisner Elf and Blighted Agent, because Infect is a degenerate mechanic that prevents R&D from designing unique pumpspells.
Stoneforge is never ever getting unbanned
Personally, I predict that Tron, Lsntern and RW Prison will get hit in Modern if they continue to perform well. They are not decks that look good on camera as far as WoTC is concerned, and with the more aggressive bannings, I could see them pulling the plug on these. So:
Expedition Map is banned.
Ensnaring Bridge is banned.
Nahiri the Harbinger is banned.
As for unbans, I'd say the most likely are cards that slightly improve what certain colors are lacking (generic good creatures in white, efficient 1 mana cantrips in blue). So:
Stoneforge Mystic is unbanned.
Preordain is unbanned.
I'd Say O-Stone and Chalice are more likely to get hit than Map and Nahiri.
>Stoneforge is never ever getting unbanned
Why? Spending 4 mana and 2 turns to get a Batterskull or a Sword of Fire and Ice at best in a format of maindeck Abrupt Decays, Fatal Pushes and Kolaghan's Commands is fucking nothing, Jitte is the problem and they will never print comparable equipment again.
Personally, Lantern could fuck off for all I care but if they killed it they'd have basically admitted that nothing is sacred and the ban philosophy is a pile of bullshit, RG Tron is basically the only viable control (read: never or very rarely takes the beatdown role, Grixis "Control" is basically midrange that kills you with a 1 mana 5/5 a few turns later than Delver variants) deck besides Lantern and banning them would devolve the Modern into basically Standard lite/older Frontier.
Turn 4 boardwipe that gets countered by Stony Silence getting banned and leaving Ugin untouched, why?
>because Infect is a degenerate mechanic that prevents R&D from designing unique pumpspells
Infect is the only reason pumpspells are constructed playable in the first place so I don't understand this point.
Exactly! All the pumpspells they print are shit because they know if they make even half-decent pumpspells its gonna abused.
Shit man, even meh-tier pumpspells like Become Immense are so good in Infect, people actually think they're worthy of being banned.
So what in your mind would be an actually good pump spell? G: Target creature wins the game if it connects?
Become Immense IS good even in any non-Infect deck capable of running Temur Battle Rage as well and _should_ be banned along with Mutagenic Growth.
Ancient Stirrings banned
Preordain unbanned
Stoneforge Mystic unbanned
We know what good pumpspells look like because Legacy is a thing, and that format has shit like Invigorate, Blazing Shoal, Fires of Yavimaya, and Berserk, each of which kick Become Immense in the teeth for one reason or another.
Mutagenic Growth should be banned, I agree with you there.
None of those cards are playable outside Infect and Yavimaya is hot garbage? Blazing Shoal is double card disadvantage, how the fuck do you figure it's good?
No. Karn or Ugin should get hit if WoTC decides to target Tron. O-Stone is a mid-tier boardwipe that gets shut down by Stony.
As for RW Prison, yeah, Chalice is probably the right card to hit. Moon is a necessary evil for the Modern format, and Nahiri is a mid-tier wincon that would just end up being replaced with more Chandras/Ajanis and it would be basically the same thing.
Correction: none of those cards are _played_ outside of infect. Doesn't see play =/= isn't playable, it just means that the meta isn't kind to it.
Objectively and independently, each of those cards is better than Become Immense (except maybe for Fires of Yavimaya; I might be biased on that front.)
Also, Map/Scrying would potentially be acceptable bans as well. Not Stirrings though, that would deal MASSIVE collateral damage to Bant Eldrazi.
When did they start calling it RW Prison? Wasn't it called Sun and Moon before?
>release OP cards so all the fans drop mad dosh into the booster pack slot machine to get them
>ban said OP cards in competitive, negating their value to mere pretty pictures on cardboard
>fans NEVER catch on
What a glorious money printing system
It was called Sun and Moon for a month, because the new Pokémon games were coming out and people were hyped.
lol what even. no other deck would literally use them. only berserk would be a good pump spell outside of infect... and it's still better in infect.
c'mon bud i'm sure your zoo deck can win next time
so you'd basically have to make a pump better than "G: Hexproof; +4/+4 " because that's already the minimum standard in infect.
When they guy behind the Modern banlist says "Stoneforge, Jace, GSZ and Song are never getting unbanned in Modern", you have to take his word for it.
You people are fucking retards, this is the closest thing to a guaranteed never. Hell, this IS LITERALLY A GUARANTEED NEVER.
People leave companies sometimes, you know. Sometimes they even change their minds.
>People leave companies sometimes, you know. Sometimes they even change their minds.
The former hasn't happened, so bet against the latter.
If Ensnaring Bridge sees a ban I'm going to be mad as fuck.
How are you supposed to play aggro the gathering if you have to interact?
>All those people that want to ban Tron
I don't know if I want to be on your side so I can build it for less money or against you since I wouldn't be able to play it anyway
No it's called Sun and Moon because of the white mana symbol and Blood Moon.
Then people started calling it [Colour] [Theme]. Thanks Hearthstone!
Most likely this will happen.
Aetherworks Marvel banned. Otherwise no changes.
Ancient Stirrings is banned. Otherwise nothing.
They should unban Preordain but probably won't happen.
In all reality cards like Chrome Mox and Preordain could be unbanned, Chrome Mox wouldn't even see play in Ad Nauseam because it's very dear on the land counts for its win con. If Ancient Stirrings is legal then I see no reason why Preordain should remain banned. Preordain makes certain U based decks a little bit better where as Ancient Stirrings makes a deck like Bant Eldrazi extremely strong and finds Tron pieces extremely fast.
And risk making Storm from a tier 1 deck into a tier 0 deck?! Wizards has already put a lot of effort into making sure Storm doesn't dominate the Modern metagame already, please don't suggest things that would destroy the format.
This isn't legacy we're talking about, modern isn't allowed to have crazy names.
Why even live
at least copycat seems to have caught on in standard
I feel the same way, except I have most of it built and I'd like to play what I have.
Even with Probe the deck was dead as fuck. They could just ban Ascension/Pif
Did MTG go full YGO in terms of bans?
>Moon is a necessary evil for the Modern format,
I can't believe there are people out there stupid enough to believe this
>ITT autists who believe that wizards is going to ban more cards just because they have more banlist announcements
Add in a side of jundfags jerking each other off over how broken tron is and it looks like a standard Veeky Forums modern thread
Unbanning chrome Mox is just allowing more turn 1 chalice/blood moon decks into the metagame. Why the fuck would they do that?
Chrome mox would also give turn 1 cathartic reunion nutdraws, which would probably be far better than what any combo deck could do with it
>Copy cat
>not Crazy Cat Lady
They took the worst name to get popular.
Copy cat is much more succinct, actually demonstrates what the deck does and rolls off the tongue better. There is literally no benefit to the other name
Copy Cat is objectively better than reddit-tier "ZOMG Crazy Cat Lady! Just like in the Simpsons guise!"
Because funnily enough Chrome Mox would easily fight against Blood Moon and Chalice. Also it's not an autoinclude into any deck, Chrome Mox is not as strong as say Mox Diamond(or dare i say it Mox Opal) and is substantially weaker in the format. Not even in the no banlist modern tournaments is Chrome Mox played more than 2 copies and it's only in Storm.
>Chaos Emperor Dragon: Envoy of the Beginning
It's only downhill from here user.
It's not the cat that does the copying, it's the lady. Calling it copy cat is actually contradictory to what the combo is doing.
No that's incorrect, copy cat would be exactly what a redditor would choose for the name of the deck. Because they wouldn't want to offend anyone by saying crazy cat lady.
You're copying the cats, how fucking hard is that to understand?
"Minus Saheeli, copy Cat."
It's the lady that makes copies, not the cat. Felidar Guardian has no ability to copy anything. Saheeli Rai makes the copies. Therefore it's more logical that crazy cat lady makes more logical sense.
Thats tumblr. You're getting your boogymen mixed up. Crazy Cat Lady is a good nickname for a card, poor choice for a deck
>implying there's a difference
Autism: the Post. I bet you call them cucklands, too
>cannot refute argument: ad hominem the post electric boogaloo
I have refuted your argument. It was my first post. Fucking idiot. Plus Ad hominem itself does not show an incorrect argument, only that you're still an autistic idiot
Did you just reply and argue to yourself? Why would you even cuck yourself this way?
Eh, i replied to the wrong im drunk and arguing with autists on my PieceofShit4, like a true patrician
You're just mad because you're bad.
I knew you were a pleb.
PieceofShit4.PS4. Sony Console.
I knew the one dipshit who like shitty deck names was a moron
Hey i'm not the one who self cucked himself because he's bad at everything.
Except the first response to your post, which was me and not that guy, told you exactly what was wrong with your stupid reddit name and you didn't refute any of my points. All you could say is that the cat doesn't do the copying which is moot because that's what the deck does, it copies cats
Ancient Stirrings is one of the fundamental pieces of Tron, without it the deck is likely to fall apart completely, so I don't think that will get banned. However a Karn or Ugin ban is something I could see happening.
Again you're still cucking yourself. How bad do you have to user? How bad are you at both MTG and Veeky Forums? That's a whole low level of cuckery.
Who the fuck are you arguing with? Are you just shitposting to shit post? I'm agreeing with you that CCL is a bad name, assuming only one person in this thread is retarded enough to unironically use the term "cuck"
It's time you stopped posting son. You don't even know who is who anymore.
>Serum Visions is Banned
>Sleight of Hand is Banned
If you're the person advocating fotr CCL then you're a fucking retard that's been BTFO. If you're the person shitposting just to shitpost, you're still a retard. So I don't understand what your purpose is
Like I said son, you don't even know who you're talking to. Cucking yourself with console shitposting and being bad at MTG and logic. I'm sorry son but there's no hope for you. It's time you went back to plebbit.
Don't forget thought scour!
>you don't even know who you're talking to.
Right back at you pal, I don't even own a PS4. Take your own advice and go back with your own kind, faggot
Yeah because Valakut and BGx: The Format sounds fun right?
>people actually want lantern banned
It's neither a large share of the meta, nor does it break any of the rules that wotc has for modern. I f they ban anything from lantern with the intent to hurt lantern then nothing is off the table ban wise.
Fuck I play Utron and I just want these salty shits to hate something else
It has the same constraints as Top, there is precedent
No? Top makes each turn slow down, Lantern just makes the game slow down.
Lantern is no where near top in that regard user, You're not constantly shuffling and presenting with lantern or playing against lantern, which is why top was banned. Lantern shouldn't go to time as well because once the lock is in place turns should be about as draw go/mill as they come.
>The constant activating of Sensei's Divining Top bogs games down, which ultimately leads to an increase in the number of matches that go to time and beyond, which in turn leads to tournaments running much longer than they have historically. Furthermore, the Top encourages players to maximize the number of shuffle effects they play in a deck and the constant shuffling, cutting, presenting to an opponent to repeat the process, and then continuation of a turn exacerbated the situation. In the past the DCI has banned such cards on those grounds alone (Shahrazad is a good example of this, with Land Tax and Thawing Glaciers also having been banned for similar reasons) but in conjunction with the Top’s popularity during the last Extended PTQ season, the decision was to ban the card from the format it was harming.
That trend predates Hearthstone, it's basically just Wizards trying to shut down unique deck names to make noobs more able to understand what something is. Imagine you're a new player, now what's easier to understand The Rock or GB Midrange?
It's a lame practice and I hate it. I want to go back to the days of Fruit Loops and Cephalid Breakfast.
My greatest magic related hopes are that wizards announces two things next update:
1. Urzas tower banned in modern, or wasteland spoiled for the Egypt plane.
2. Wizards takes over the banlist from the RC, Sol ring banned in edh.
>Sol Ring banned in EDH
you can't be that retarded
But user fast mana and mana acceleration is icky.
Sol ring is the most powerful magic card ever printed. It belongs in every deck. That is exactly the opposite of what should be allowed in a format about creativity.
>banning tron
literally why?
>banning sol ring
not gonna happen
EDH is a casual format, though. Sometimes the worst deck at the table gets a Sol Ring and gets a little headstart. It adds meaningful variation to the game. In more competitive settings, Sol Ring is balanced by the guy playing it getting a bit of extra hate.
Ban Crypt if you want to ban Sol Ring. It's way more degenerate, and the life loss matters very little in the hyper-gay decks that want to play it.
Just as often as the worst deck at the table gets a head start, the best deck at the table gets the head start. Your counter argument is meaningless and betrays an ignorance of probability.
Standard ban:
Felidar Sovereign (If anything)
Modern bans:
>Fast Mana Tier
Mox Opal
Simian Spirit Guide
Eldrazi Temple
>Lockdown/Non-interactive/Noobkilling Tier
Blood Moon
Ensnaring Bridge
Arcbound Ravager
Chalice of the Void
>How about we actually finish our matches tier
Fetchlands, all of them.
>6 mana 4/6 with lifelink and vigilance needs to be banned in standard
>It adds meaningful variation to the game
If you want Sol Ring banned your meta is bad, which isn't a fault of Sol Ring
>modern ban
>mox opal
>blood moon
>ensnaring bridge
Wew lad, glad they don't let retards like you in charge senpai
>wanting the most competitively disruptive card banned means you suck.
Why do people think stoneforge will get unbanned? It's a powerhouse in legacy even without Jitte.
Modern is a much more hostile environment for both creatures and artifacts than legacy.
Not really, abrupt decay is played in 58% of decks in legacy while the most used kill spell in modern is path at 42% and it can't even hit artifacts.
lmao I meant the Saheeli combo cat
Felidar Guardian. That one.
And yeah I don't quite get this meme.
If Deathrite Shaman is too much, SFM certainly must be. (Shocks are plentiful and the nigga has to go a full turn cycle to do anything. Killing a Stoneforge still gives them the artifact.)
You don't like modern very much, do you?
Storm hasn't been tier one for years, and the probe banning has only made it worse, what the fucked are you talking about?
I love Modern, but that's what I think would be on the chopping block if we had to have more bans.
Fast mana/free stuff has a track record of getting banned. The cards in the bracket I listed are probably the most powerful remaining of their kind.
The second bracket includes cards you likely wouldn't see designed anymore. Often 'unfun' for newer players to play against.
Fetchlands require shuffle time and limit what lands get to be printed with dual land types.
They add minutes to each match, and power Tarmogoyfs.
Just seems like the natural progression.
Fetchlands are the least likely, but they are something complained about often for timekeeping.
And frequent early exchanges between players of "Play fetch, go, eot crack fetch for shockland,
shuffle... shuffle, shuffle... untap, draw, play another fetch."
Is not the most engaging spectacle, visually.
(Heck I personally like it, but it seems plenty don't.)
If you don't think Sol ring is effectively power, you're just bad at magic. It isn't a question.
I personally think nothing really should be banned in edh. But if you were to logically start anywhere, it would be ring and crypt. Both highly degenerate cards that slipped in due to the total inconsistency of the van list.
I'm not even going to go full meme. I don't totally hate the ban list, and I don't hate this Sheldon guy as I imagine he probably tries his best even if he isn't always right. But I think it's very clear especially compared to other banlist choices Sol ring and crypt deserve to be on there.
French EDH and other highlander formats aren't particularly comparable to mtiplayer commander, but there's a reason pretty much the first thing banned after power in all of them is Sol ring
I understand your second bracket, but IMO those are just as bad as Liliana. Going thoughtseize Bob Lili nahiri or anything along those lines pretty much means you're locked out all the same, it just cost the BX goodstuff player a few hundred more dollars to do it than you.
Banning cards based on design philosophy as opposed to power level could leave modern very stale.
Bolt, terminate and other similar removal spells see much more play in modern than legacy. My point is that main boards generally have more removal in them and sideboards are likely to have more Artifact hate in modern than legacy.
>Fast mana/free stuff has a track record of getting banned.
On that note it's still mindblowing to see that Simian Spirit Guide is STILL legal in modern. You'd imagine a card that gives you free mana would be already banned since the beginning, considering their approach on modern. Considering it enables a lot of combo decks, and is a staple in ridiculously fast aggro decks ( cough eldrazi winter cough ), you'd imagine you wouldn't see that ape around anymore.
Simian out. If probe is banned because it enables degeneracy then the monkey is much worst in every way.
Mox Oppal out because I truly believe that it gives affinity too much power. Metalcraft is a stupid mechanic.