Post Veeky Forums related humour.
First joke:
> What is the hardest part of baking vegetable?
> Fitting the Golden Throne in the oven.
Post Veeky Forums related humour.
First joke:
> What is the hardest part of baking vegetable?
> Fitting the Golden Throne in the oven.
Other urls found in this thread:
How did the dreadnought resist the wiles of the Slaaneshi cultist?
Even in death, I still serve
this is a top-tier thread.
If sex is within the domain of Slaneesh, why does Tzeentch have a Thousand Sons?
Do Orks even pee?
I liked that thread.
Probably, squigs hang around "the drops" which I always figured was their toilets. The squigs would give some unlucky orks a nasty surprise.
Maybe they are monotreme and have a cloaca.
pmuch every game I've ever played has been a combination of these two comics
>human creatures are immune to shotgun based attacks
I imagined that "The Drops" was just where they dumped all the leftover pieces of meat and fungus from brewin', cookin', skinnin', fightin', and doktorin'
blood and iron
I wish this synced
Holy shit my sides
They're also known as the plops.
It's where they shit.
That's a paladin?
I guess you could say he's a sexual tyrannosaurus
Ah, classic Veeky Forums
I need to know more about this thread.
I swear Veeky Forums always delivers.
Orks produce no bodily waste, due to their extremely efficient digestive systems. To release toxins and zero-content waste material, they go on Veeky Forums and orkpost aggressively.
In Space Wolves novel written by William King, Ragnar in hiding got pissed by a ork.
>Why does the Emperor of Mankind suck at comedy?
>Because he can't do standup.
blood and iron
Fucking 10/10
blood and iron
Blut und Eisen
That's a grudging.
Good parental planning. Slannesh makes all the babies, but they end up in Tzeentchs custody because Slannesh always shows up drugged at court.
PLANNED parenthood
>Total War comes out
>Mannlet is the top dog, only rivaled by Azhag
>Gets nerfed into oblivion when Vlad comes out, and Vlad is hilariously overpowered to the point of taking back the top spot
That was an amazing thread. That concept needs more art.
Still basking in the fact that I'm in what's shaping up to be a well-loved cap.
I have a really good joke
Okay I'm pretty sure that is Incase.
I'm also pretty sure 90% of characters have dicks, regardless of their gender.
And I'm pretty sure one guy is going to get buttfucked, but not the one on the right, as he's not feminine enough.
So does anyone have source, or do I have to reverse search it and have google remember it until the end of times?
>power word: ill
Sick moves, brah.
Pretty sure thats Alfie, Incases long running comic, doesn't have dickgirls funnily enough
Blood And Iron.
that's his comic buttsmithy.
thus far there's been traps, but the trap was dominated by a shortstack milf, and there's been no dickgirls thus far.
While that's funny as shit, Star Trek has really affected people's perceptions of a ship's bridge. They call it "standing watch" for a reason.
I think in the environment of a spaceship where digital consoles are handled much more like a computer, sitting down at your workdesk is a fair assumption as compared to a 16th century sailship where a lot of tasks only briefly required you to go check a table, then go back to walking around the ship to take care of things.
Blood and Iron!
user, the watch stands up their whole watch period even today. Standing up helps you stay alert and mobile.
Blood and Iron
Blood and Iron
>Okay I'm pretty sure that is Incase
the fact that those are the only two faces he draws didn't immediately tell you hat it was Incase?
blood and iron
Blood and Iron
In Caves of Ice, Magot tells Cain she shot an ork right up his wazoo as he was taking a piss.
Blood and iron
all hail the glow cloud.
i believe that orks piss and shit in "Grunts" by Mary Gentle