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What's a good population ratio for old changelings?
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
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>What's a good population ratio for old changelings?
I'd say it'd have to be pretty fucking low, given how they have about a decade or so of life in them.
Magefags arguing over Ascension rules. Not realizing that no one ever plays the game RAW. Ever.
>Spheres being a Paradigm in itself
>The rules make no sense in regards to the lore
>Magic is either ridiculously easy or beyond difficult to cast.
>Paradox threat is inconsistent and ST dependent
>Discarding Foci makes no fucking sense at all
>HDYDT is the worst book addition
>Phil Brucato
> (OP)
>>What's a good population ratio for old changelings?
0 changelings. The world is too banal for them.
Seems a bit of an odd claim, given that their lifespans increase as their Wyrd rises.
That's NWoD Changeling.
Wasn't V:tM supposed to shoot for 1:100,000? I always thought that was absurdly low, it would mean that cities over a million would have like, 10 dudes in them max. IIRC the other splats were supposed to be even rarer, with the exception of Wraiths who by logic almost certainly exceed the number of mortals in the setting.
oWoD Changelings had it bad, they basically ran on various motifs of 'Clap you hands and believe in me being otherkin!' except instead of bringing them back to life, it kept them from having their Fae nature torn from them brutally and leaving them a broken, emotionally empty husk.
Is this the same vampfag that sucks Paradoxs throbbing veiny penis and believes his idea of Paradigm is the correct one?
In a 1e VtR book there was a mention of 1:10,000 being the lowest amount of humans who can effectively hide a single vampire without rousing Hunter ire. I guess they just knocked a zero off that one.
I have a question! I have a question! If Mages are the most powerful people in old and new worlds. Which splat is considered the second strongest in both? How do they compare?
Yup, i'm still here user. It's okay, we have each other. And Simpsons reacts.
>Phil Brucato
Your rant should have began and ended there.
So just how fucking bad is Inuring a spell?
Like are you considered fucking scum for doing so?
Is it just a black spot on your record?
Do all kinds of mages do it?
... I'm thinking of Inuring Psychic Domination.
I want to be Phil Brucato
Well then get to work on changing breeds 2e
I could totally see that, 10 vampires in a city/town of 100,000 doesn't seem all that crazy to me, the 1:100,000 ratio would make sense for like, Mages, Mummies and that sort of thing i'd wager. The Wolfies always seem like a moving target to me in the oWoD, they're always dying and breeding in droves and they tend to sequester themselves away from Mortals anyway with a few notable exceptions.
I'd say that in Old i'd have to give it the Demons, their demonic forms are fucking brutal if kitted out for killing, and they can get some pretty decent soak going if they have good following. For the new, I dunno, Geist? Their pretty fucking hard to kill.
I bet you also believe a Mage shouldn't be able to cast a spell ever? Or was that just your ST?
I guess I believe in using the rules governing the casting of spells in the game? And my ST used to enforce the paradox rules rather viciously until he realized that he could just have other forms of backlash happen to us for waving our magickal dicks around inappropriately in the air; for instance, you can sense when Paradox is coming down on other mages with the right spheres.
An Archmage probably just killed God because apparently they're stronger. I still need to read that book.
>believing the fail mage is your friend
I would need a drink too friend
I mean, that'd be a pretty good story unto itself; it also treads right over the toes of M:tAw however.
>not being friends with a Magus by giving them Vicissituded lawn furniture made from their Sleeper neighbors.
>What's a good population ratio for old changelings?
You could always just turn the Tzimisce into a lawn chair at the snap of your fingers if you don't like the gift. But it's the thought that counts right?
Players will never be satisfied
Dark Ages Changelings for oWoD
Demons for the CofD. No question.
I think in terms of Chronicles in Darkness, it's something along the lines of this for power order (Include 2nd Edition incarnations in this list where applicable)
Mummy (at their strongest)
Minor Templates (Generally)
The Demons are wild-cards in that they can always just say fuck it and Go Loud; there's not a lot most splats can do about that. And with Interlocks you can probably pull off some crazy shit as well.
Admittedly in terms of Mummy and Demon I'm just going off of general consensus of things I hear from both games, wasn't sure which of the two would come out top between going loud and a full powered mummy that just woke up.
I think that's largely a matter of terrain, if you try to take on the Mummy in their den, with their Cult around or whatever, you're probably boned, cover burning or no.
Indeed. Only a freshly awakened Mummy or a prepared (or just clever) Mage is going to overpower them.
The Pax Arcanum prevents Archmasters from killing gods. oWoD Archmages can do it relatively easily (they're far more powerful than Awakening Archmages) and without notable repercussion.
Was reading the previous thread when I came across this comment.
The reason why Mages in Ascension are so deadly in white-room encounters is due to the many ways they can "hang", "hold" and "store" their magicks via the Time, Space, Spirit and Prime spheres. They are all pre-rolled and as such can be incredibly powerful through rituals.
That's four out of the nine Spheres. There is only one Arcana (Time) in Awakening that lets you "hang" pre-rolled spells. The only thing preventing Mages from initiating white-room encounters is the threat of Paradox, which is still not going to deter your average Mage from getting what he/she wants If the rewards are worth it.
Magick is excruciatingly difficult, but once you prepare you're golden.
And I'm attacking that base premise, there's no reason there'd ever be a white-room and for every sphere the mage has to hang those spells, they'll still need the appropriate amount of dots of other Magick necessary to do the Lawnchair trick. This still assumes that they go first, which given the amount of experience we're throwing around here to achieve these sort of effects in character building, isn't a freebie for the Mage. These arguments have no place in this sort of game to begin with, the combat system is an absolute mess, we all know this.
She's great because she's a mage
While I can respect your unaggressive attitude to the game-line, I will have to (again, with due respect) disagree that Ascension is played without combat in mind. As it goes against the very lore/background of the setting. Both Massassa Wars & the infamous Himalayan War (the conflict between the Akashics and the Thanatoic Cults) come to mind.
Adding to this (again, with due respect) disagreement; I have had a great many sessions with combat/conflict as the core theme. Two of which were crossover (predominantly Vampire) affairs and our Mage players were not hampered in any way, (other than the obvious Paradox) whatsoever. Indeed, I would have to say the Mages were the stronger of the involved gamelines. By a good margin too.
You also have to remember that M20 isn't the definite edition here. Many of us prefer the street-level Revised Edition and others still prefer the more open-ended Second Edition. Turning Vampires (I'm sorry I mentioned it) into lawn chairs was far easier in those. The M20 Rote is an obvious joke and shouldn't be so difficult according to previous Sphere descriptions. I'm not the only one who acknowledges this.
My point is that combat does in fact have a very big place in Ascension.This is the Ascension War, after all, and we're not going to win it by sitting down.
>Another thread more mage want
Well at least they aren't vamp fags the absolute worst and most cancerous of wod fanbases.
Fuck off faggot any vamp worth their salt can speed blitz some dumbass mage before they can say abra kadabra
Are people actually debating whether or not Mages are good at fighting? This is not going to end well. Ascension Mages are also the stronger of the two, I might add. Paradox or not.
The wishful tears and dreams of vampire fags. I laugh at your pitiful delusions.
>Mage Supremacy
Delicious blood tears
This isn't even taking into account the Exploit that lets them copy the powers of other supernatural creatures or Analysts who don't get a huge toolbox of powers when they go Loud but can combine Exploits into super Exploits.
I imagine it's like unsafely relinquishing a spell. Frowned upon but unless you do it infront of the guardians in a counsilia meeting it'll probably slide.
Also I recommend talking it as a praxis for obvious reasons.
This is going to be another mage wank thread. You can thank a certain simpson for questioning the core theme of Ascension for that. Or we could just drop it and discuss something else.
You're attacking nothing. There is absolutely nothing to suggest that Ascension isn't about combat as much as it's about belief and differing philosophies. You're claiming magic is hard AF to get off but it really isn't.
Awakening, which is the better Mage game
Can forces knowing magic 'decrypt' data? Like could I look at an encrypted file and know exactly what's contained within?
What craptastic book gave mages this kind of power?
I would say yes
Anyone want to discuss something other than mage? I'd go for literally anything else right now. Even beast.
>I would say yes
Really? I'd treat it like translating a foreign tongue. While a Mage probably totally can I'm not sure if Forces is the right one to go with.
Even if forces wouldn't let you do the math you could super juice the computer with supernal energy to brute force any mundane encryption.
Most bullshit mage you can come up with in cWoD. Go
Like how Beast is the crossover splat yet Mage still does it better than them?
Like how a Mage will ever be more powerful than a filthy Beast?
A previous user came up with this
Not as explosive as Forces 9, but it is easily the single most powerful ability in the cWoD/oWoD. I don't think anyone could even defend against it, It also means you "win" the entire setting.
Threadly reminder that magefags are smelly basement dwelling neets who waste their days jerking off to power trip fantasies and who will NEVER, EVER find happiness
I shudder at the thought of vamp fans then. Or, god forbid, changeling lovers.
"mage supremacists" have never played the game, let alone read a book. They just want to masturbate about being powerful to justify their utterly beta lives.
They just need to accept that there's nothing shameful about being a cuckold.
This guy on a now defunct website took the time to record every mention of population ratios in a single list. I repost:
You're going to need a hacksaw, a pair of forceps and some local anesthsetic for the lobotomy. Some daytura may also be necessary for the delusions and ranting. Finally, you'll need a Patreon so you can beg others to pay your rent while Richard Dansk swims in his kidney-shaped swimming pool full of $100 bills.
>What is paradox?
>Brucatto don't hurt me
>don't hurt me
>no more
I thought they went out of their way to nerf the big three and put Mortals on steroids for Chronicles of Dickeggs? huh. It's a good thing no-one ever leveled charges of Consistency against OPP (Over-Powered Pulp)
The only fags that liked owod mages were those power gamer who used the vague confusing and shitty rules to blitz any story in the face
I'm too gay for super science as magic to not love the setting.
Poor baby, are the nasty 4channers liking what you don't like again? Just turn off the computer and watch Thomas the Tank Engine, you have pre-school in the morning.
I will just list them for you, Anons.
Masters of the Art pgs 65 - 75
>Forces 9 Remove gravity from the universe causing all the stars to go supernova. You have now destroyed the universe.
>Entropy 9 Complete control over destiny. Existence is now your personal fanfic. You are Omniscient.
>Time 9 You exist outside of time. You are older than existence and younger than the void.
>Life 9 You have true immortality in the grandest sense of the word. You cannot be killed by any means.
>Mind 9 You are now the single mind of the universe. You exist as everyone. Individuality no longer exists. The rarest of the Archspheres.
>Prime 9 You can create universes in the palm of your hands. You are omnipotent within said universes with your knowledge of the spheres as the only limitation. The Consensus is now your bitch.
Pick one.
>mages r da best hurdurdurr
>ima go jackoff to gandalf
Do you fucking enjoy posting boner material for magefags you piece of fucking shit? Fuck off and die.
What void?
mad vampy
Can you fuck off too? Mage asses have been doing nothing but whoring themselves for the past four threads. You can also leave. The above shitpost does nothing but prolong this annoyance. We get it. Power is mage theme. But can you fuck off?
new mage has Free Council, which has all the techy tech
2nd edition definitely helped that. The 1st edition Free Council book made me sad inside.
Have the Tremere actually done anything wrong?
>level 9 sphere
>getting a 12 on a ten sided die
In Left Hand Path they want to end the world. So no.
>what is quintessence
>what is willpower
Don't feet the mage whores you whore
>paying quint
>not being a Mage
Of course, at this point you are a walking Paradox bomb and the Tellurian wants you to literally move to your uncle and aunty in the Bel Air Realm.
There's also the fact that you wouldn't even be remotely human anymore. Haven't you seen Akira?
>Archmage Time 4 hangs Forces 9 Obliterate Universe spell
>Sets conditional trigger to set loose upon his death
>Forces the universe to worship him as the new God-Emperor of the Galactic Mage Imperium
>A new glorious age of Mage supremacy has begun
No, of course not. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Also, please contact your local Chantry if you see any sneaky terrorist types with three eyes.
But we will still have vampfags and other lesser splats to torture, right?
>Most boring game in history. Exists only to stroke the creator's ego. No stars.
> --- The Guardian
Of course, my good user! They shall be pitted to fight each other for our own amusement.
I'd prefer they committed suicide, because if they just fuck off, they'll shit up another part of the internet with juvenile power fantasies
How amusing, it will be like watching monkeys fight.
Oh look, you're samefagging. How frightfully droll. What an acme of comedy and originality. What an apex of academic excellence and biting satire. What an apogee of Shakespearean wit.
Joke. You fail to satisfy on every level, just like your lovers keep telling you.
You're just going to get their pus filled ego sacs swollen red.
>Level9 spell
>difficulty 12
>five successes for correspondence
>ten successes for everywhere
>ten successes for major effect
on ten sided dice
never forget mage fags are lazy fags
Are you trying to be clever?
Forces 9 explicitly targets the entirety of the universe. The ability is called "Alter Universal Forces"
Read MotA pg 69
Except Mage doesn't because they overshadow the other players.
Second edition buffed the supernaturals hard. A mortal isn't going to throw down with a Werewolf and live.
>difficulty 12
Doesn't that mean they'd have to roll two additional successes at a difficulty of 10?
So, SEVEN successes. With a generous dice pool of Arete 9, that means chances of success are less than 0.0002%
yeah. I've seen pizzas more "supreme" than that. And they even had olives...
"trying" implies he failed. he didn't.
y u mad tho?