What are the rules for the Emperor's figure?
How many points is he?
Can I customize his power claw with upgrades?
What are the rules for the Emperor's figure?
How many points is he?
Can I customize his power claw with upgrades?
You really killed a thread for that ?
Don't you have a containment thread or 10 already ?
>What are the rules for the Emperor's figure?
>How many points is he?
>Can I customize his power claw with upgrades?
His power is maximum.
He lost to Horus, and didn't autowin in the Web Way
Yes but Horus had the blessing of Chaos ontop of his augmented, super human physical prowess. This put him on an almost equal power level to the Emperor. Note I said ALMOST equal and as the fluff continuous reinforces: The Emperor lost because he felt regret/remorse/Wanted to save Horus.
His defeat was an physiological one, if the Big E has gone full on overkill and didn't have the physiological crutch/He wasn't holding back Horus would have been worn down over time and eventually defeated.
As for the webway. The warp spawned an infinite ammount of warriors whilst The Custodes, Sisters of Silence and which ever space marines weren't fighting in the heresy had finite recourse.I hardly call "holding the line against an infinite, never relenting opposition" a defeat.
>didn't autowin in the Web Way
but he kinda did once he actually showed up in person
If he can be mortally wounded, then he has stats.
If he can bleed, he has HP.
We'll find out when Forge World releases the final HH rulebook.
NO ONE on Veeky Forums will even TRY to MAKEUP stats?
I thought this was the creative form.
Basically the same as DP Magnus but slightly better close combat stats, superior wargear, fearless for any loyalist on the tabletop, zealot for any within 12" of him, he knows all the generic psychic powers, but probably no race-specific or chaos ones, has one unique power which does a destroyer hit (what he used to take out Horus), probably very short range, lots of WC needed and so on.
Just look at Daemon Prince Angron's Stats and Daemon Prince Magnus's stats. Take the best from both, and there you go.
Than subtract 1 to get Horus.
Found them!
Man, he sucks. No wonder why he needed to make the Primarchs.
What does "100 LD" and "0+ SV" even MEAN?
Also, shouldn't he have a lower Invulnerable save?
>t. Butthurt D&D neckbeard
He also kind of confirmed the Legion as good Warp entities by summoning dead loyal imperial ghosts.
>100 LD
When you control an entire Imperium, that tends to suggest your leadership is somewhat high.
I can't wait to buy like 10 Emperors for the ultimate in heretical mary sue cheesiness.
Pretty much this.
If space marines didn't exist until the emperor created them, then how can he wear power armor like a space marine? Are you telling me /he genetically modified himself to be able to interface with that kind of armor?
The emperor is my least favorite thing about the WH40K universe. He makes no sense whatsoever.
He designed the space marine armor based off of his own armor.
And, the Novels are making him a lot more... human.
He basically fucked everything up because he doesn't like telling people shit.
Needs a 1+ invulnerable save