/r/ing characters with facepaint or facial tattoos
Character art thread
You only post 1
Me only post 1
oh sorry forgot, I still have no facepaint guys tho
there you go, thats five. that's is the minimum, right?
I'll keep posting but I don't really have very much.
also most of my stuff isn't applicable to most characters.
Is she wearing ceramic armor? That's not how metal works.
it does look like it is made of china. that would be an interesting idea, actually. super-strong ceramic, lightweight, doesn't rust, decorative.
Doesn't seem superstrong to me, condidering it broke on both sides after a sword thrust
I know but I'm saying the idea is interesting.
So I'm playing a romani cleric and I'm looking for any art. I realize that it's probably a bit of a narrow description so I will be happy to accept things like lightly armored clerics, or a cleric with a head scarf, or anything that comes close. Ideally one with a mace or morningstar but I'm not about to get picky.
These are all actually absurdly perfect. Thank you kind sir.
Is this enough or should I keep going?
Anybody got muscle women? Preferably in casual clothes. I'm working on a fist-fighter, but as long as she doesn't have weapons, and her clothes aren't overly modern, I'd appreciate it.
Can I have some female dwarves? I'll share those I have.
Anyone got some high elf or drow casters?
Playing one soon and I need some inspiration.
His hand is so tiny, what the fuck
Most portraits are usually meh to ridiculous nu-fantasy art style and then along comes something like this piece. Awesome portrait, would totally play this drood.
Have another high quality portrait.
Also bearded, tribal tattooed elf barbarians are the best elves.
Looking for hardboiled male noir characters, preferably black haired. Anyone that can help me out?
I am not surprised that there is fanart of professor badass.
anybody got an grizzled, homeless looking guys in long coats
Quickly, I need a sci-fi female marine officer battle dress uniform
Female fighters wearing light-medium armor please.
Like, a breastplate over padded clothing or similar.
Weapons carried don't matter, shields preferred.