>PCs are working under an authority figure, like soldiers in an army under a general or evil minions under an overlord
Is this DMPCing?
>PCs are working under an authority figure, like soldiers in an army under a general or evil minions under an overlord
Is this DMPCing?
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No, it is MAID
Depends on how you play it
If you have said evil overlord budding in on every quest than yes
If not then there's no problem fampai
>Is this DMPCing?
it is giving murderhobos something to destroy in autistic suspicion and hunger for power.
Depends on how hands on the authority figure is. Some players like getting missions from a commander npc.
It's an easy way of handing out plot hooks. Just don't let the commander npc interfere with the actual solving of the mission too much.
Of course not, idiot.
A quest giver is not a dmpc. A person who goes on every mission as a member of the party is.
You can combine them, but they are not the same.
It's leading them by the nose, a bit. Some groups need that sort of thing though.
No, just DMCing. Unless your general insists on going with you and micromanaging everywhere.
>Canadian sexual fetish cartoons
The show is a breeding ground of magical realm, which is probably why I need to watch it again.
What about this?
>PCs are part of some sort of army or militia
>They've got to fight a battle on multiple fronts
>They have access to troops who will fight autonomously (ie. the DM will tell them how the battle turned out later) on any front the players assign them to, even if it's the same as one or more PCs
>They also have access to an elite unit who will do the same, a ballsy Lord Flasheart/Ace Rimmer type character
To clarify, if troops/the elite unit fight on the same front as the PCs, they'll see things happening turn by turn, but will only hear about the results on fronts the PCs aren't at afterwards.
Just sounds needlessly complicated. Of you have a workable mass combat mini game you can hand them fine, but outside of that leave out anything but the illusion of fiddly bits.
isn't that literally the point of dark heresy ?
acolytes working for an inquisitor
>Totally Spies in MAID, with Jerry as the Master
This makes way too much sense.
>Not NPC
Just because the DM uses a character does not make it explicitly their character, ffs.
No, as said, that's your quest giver. They hand out things to do for the party, they don't do them themselves.
If the DM sucks and does start using them in a PC manner, it's time for the players to seize power and off that character.
Pretty much. And Only War, taking orders from your CO until the party needs to make its own decisions in the field.
Never heard of MAID, what does it stand for?
It's not an acronym. It's the name of a system where everyone is a maid to some rich asshole.
I kinda had the same idea for if I ever get around to finding enough peeps and getting the system down pat enough to run an Only War campaign where the players are FNGs in the 597th, and occasionally they run into Commissar Cain as he investigates runs in terror from some minor matter battle changing event.
Not often, mind. Just mid fight "Hey, there's Cain. You need help, Commissar?"
If not done well, the "commander" can be overbearing and dictate the party dynamic more than the players do.
On a related note, how would you feel about the party having more or less and official leader? What if one of the party members was a prince, lich lord, ect and all of the other party members were part of his retinue?
Do it like Jeeves(es) & Wooster.
not really, it's giving players who don't care to plot too much for themselves some direction.
They somehow disguised their pure fetish show as empowering for young girls. Genius.
Worked fine in my kingmaker game. I guess it depends on the group.