>What's your favorite sideboard card?
>Do you ever side cards in/out to counter what you assume your opponent is bringing in?
>What's your favorite sideboard card?
>Do you ever side cards in/out to counter what you assume your opponent is bringing in?
Other urls found in this thread:
Op is shit. Kys
>warping wail
>isn't that the entire point of game 3?
Is Knightfall a meme deck?
Define "meme deck"
It's not very good if that's what you're asking
As Affinity-
>What's your favorite sideboard card?
Blood Moon. Usually slows everyone else down more than me, and nothing is sweeter than the rare game where I drop it on the play turn 1.
>Do you ever side cards in/out to counter what you assume your opponent is bringing in?
I always bring Thoughtseize in to snipe Artifact hate or Stony Silence. Saved my ass quite a few times.
I am addicted to combo decks. Any advice?
inb4 kys
Play legacy
What this user said i play stax and need more free wins. Plz play manaless dredge
>>What's your favorite sideboard card?
Pithing Needle
>>Do you ever side cards in/out to counter what you assume your opponent is bringing in?
I try to but I find that I rarely have answers which is a problem, i.e they bring in Stony Silence when I'm on Affinity and there's no way I can deal with it
I remember getting into legacy in like 2011 when MUD Stax was still a legit contender and Dredge was the most busted thing in the format
Whats the best combo deck in legacy?
I'd say ANT
Right now? Sneak and Show
I'd say regular dredge. But that is the 3rd answer in as many posts, so it that really shows the diversity of the format and how much personal taste comes into play untapped
>some fag in the group dumps the leftovers from his paycheck into buying Knightfall
>gets smashed by the eternal elf player of the group
I put it in the same category as Soul Sisters. The concept mostly works, but it just is no good in Modern.
Dead thread dead format.
Give me one good reason to not build Lantern
You could build Affinity instead.
loses to scapeshift
More like it's a weekend.
Lantern is for scumbag faggots and it only wins if people are dumb enough to concede. Hope you like going 0-0-3 at FNM
Which one would you rather play against? 8 rack, turns or Lantern?
who here is STILL rocking infect?
t. Tron player
>dumb enough to concede
You're not drawing anything relevant once the lock is in, and I have discard to fuck your gameplan up t1/t2. It's not a concede deck retard
You're obviously salty though, so stay mad timmy sorry you couldn't turn your creaturess sideways.
How did everyone do at fnm last night? I managed 3-0-1 on infect after splitting in the fourth round.
Elves, Sneak and Show, Storm. or ANT .
If you want to play a deck that forces rounds to time every match then you shouldn't complain when people don't want to concede. This is what you signed up for and you have only yourself to blame
The deck doesn't go to time because it both loses and wins fairly fast. Don't get the lock in place early enough? you lose. Get the lock in place? turns boil down to mill your top card/cards go, with some shuffle effects thrown in occasionally.
If lantern goes to time the pilot is either a tard or the other person is dragging the game out and blaming it on the lantern pilot, which is scummier than playing lantern.
Reanimator has seen a recent revival and comes in two flavors.
Reminder that Vortex Loam is the control deck that will save Modern.
Yeah, 2 exciting flavors of "I will never resolve reanimate" or "I will never manage to find reanimate", being RB and UB respectively
It's shit. Trust me.
>it's ANOTHER turn 2 emrakul off Kari Zev's combo
Through the breach aint shit folks
Make sure to pick up your Forbidden Orchards for turn 2s off Simian vs creatureless decks.
Why can design a set without breaking modern? This is so fucking annoying
Shit i didn't even think about that
>Kari Zev combo
Is it just Kari Zev's expertise and Breaking//Entering?
I'm playing a poor man's UG version with only 2 inkmoth no fetch or shock lands. Only yavimaya, brass, and confluence.
No noble either. Still fun though, I play myrs.
What's everyone piloting this week for Modern
I decided to throw 4 Color Gifts back together
Plus srams expertise and beck/call
Yeah, I've been running it in Grixis Goryo's,
You only draw 4 cards from that correct?
Serum visions to guarantee and Emrakul off Breaking//Entering is so fucking sweet
So which vendor are you working for to shill this tier 17 meme deck so hard?
>What's your favorite sideboard card?
Ashnod's coupon.
Starcityfireballplayer EU
Funny. People said the same about eldrazi. Stay bad
Is that a photograph of a fucking decorative blanket?
I'm having a blast watch this kid try to figure out how to play Amulet on his own.
Fucking poland lol
Suck it.
How is this deck? I have most of the cards and love a reanimator package. Good and bad match ups?
Suck what? The deck is trash
>lose because of f6 yet again
git gud
Why not just go grixis then
>two decks which have been putting up consistent results in the legacy metagame are bad
Lol cry more fgt
Jund/Junk, most control decks, Burn and Infect tend to be very favorable
Combo, Tron and Bant Eldrazi are the very rough matchups
I really love the deck in the fact that it's really tuneable to every meta and you have an array of toolbox cards at your disposal, every matchup feels winnable
I find it hilarious that gifts decks lose to leyline of sanctity
I want to make a good modern deck but they all look so boring compared to Legacy decks.
Lol what? You mill 5-10 mountains and the game's over, maindeck Surgical Extractions+Ghost Quarter, sideboard Witchbane Orb.
Eldrazi WAS bad before OGW, no one thought t1 Chalice t2 TKS t3 kill you and 100% day2 conversion rate at the Pro Tour was bad/a stroke of luck.
>witchbane orb
Why shouldn't I just run leyline instead?
How do you figure that?
Because Leyline puts 2-3 skip your draw steps in your deck, takes more sideboard space, forces aggressive mulligans to otherwise keepable hands, most of the time can't be hardcast, can't be found with Stirrings nor recurred with Academy Ruins.
Read Gifts Ungiven again
it's just junk with blue for a gifts reanimator
Think junk matchups and go from there
How good is Bloomless Titan?
I love a deck that can toolbox. I was a pod player and that was my favorite part of the deck. It's a shame it has a bad match up against Tron. I just hate that deck.
Pretty bad.
Is there ANY way except for maybe Vampire Nighthawk for mono black deck to regain health in modern that's not absurdly costly like Corrupt?
flat out loses if it can't find amulet but can do fine if it has it
probably alright i guess, no ways to interact though and can just lose to a turn 1 inquisition
collective brutality gives you 2
Siphon life
For what? 8-rack?
Tendrils of Corruption.
Yes, was thinking of going with Geralf's Messengers too.
Geralf's Messenger doesn't gain you life
Oh fuck, I'm retarded.
Disregard then.
Weird option, but maybe Battle on the Bridge. You can tap your ensnaring bridges and racks for value, and I often found with that deck that I'm floating extra mana often anyways so it can be a solid +5 life and take out one of their guys
not saying it's THE answer but it might be worth consideration
>Kari Zev combo can't be disrupted by Surgical, Relic, Tormods, Scooze
>can set if you find a target of visions, and you can discard big guys to get a reshuffle into your deck so you can hit more often
>plebs still think it's bad
top FUCKING kek
Give it up, your meme deck is nevergoing to take off
It's going to top 64 at vancouver at least, calling it now
Fuck off dude. Everyone is giving reasons why it's good and you're just sitting here like a retard saying lol bad
Im not even going to doubt the deck I just really hope it doesnt become a thing. Im so tired of Modern being ruined by bullshit decks like this, Eldrazi, and Dredge
>inb4 git gud
Im fine with powerful decks in Legacy where you have numerous ways to fight them in almost every deck, I am not fine with turn 2 beck//call or turn 3 Emrakul in a format that has no way to stop or compete with it
This exactly. Just give us force of will or something if you're gonna print shit like this every sey
That's fair, I can't tell you how many salty concedes I've gotten off a turn 1-2 emrakul
It's pretty fucking consistent as a deck since you have 8 ways to discard and 4 to stack your deck. I think I've busted once in the 20+ matches I've played with it.
Its just god damn annoying because now we'll have to wait and see if it becomes a thing, then see its metagame share skyrocket if it is, then wait till next set for Wizards to ban all expertise cards in Modern.
Im not looking forward to this, thankfully I have a Legacy deck too. Also playing in paper is nice since most people cant go drop $500 on a brand new deck its unlikely ill see it at the LGS's around here but still its awful.
Merfolk got fucked over by Fatal Push. What should I splash in as a countermeasure, assuming Fatal Push isn't banned in the next month?
Dispels, monastery siege, Kira, git gud
If I get turn 1 IoK or Thoughseized again I swear to fucking god I'm going to blow my fucking brains out
Yea you cried last thread too. Just end it
It'd be fine if it wasn't literally every fucking game that I played, and the cunt didn't spend 2 minutes deciding which card to take like it even fucking mattered
Grow up kid
Fuck off cunt
idk man looks like it still costs 5 to me
Looks like you're retarded then
What's next some Timmy faggot crying about how someone bolted/pte'd his creature?