Some ork tribes enslave humies that ain't worth fighting, yeah? I imagine if said humies are injured, the orks would just krump em. But what if they didn't? What horrors would a Mad Dok inflict when a puny little humie is tossed on the table by vengeful grots? What cries of pain and agony would be heard until the their life is snuffed?
Fates worse than death
I ask, cause I'm co-DMing, and the other guy went the slave revolt route. One of the PCs failed and got dragged off by a swarm of grots.
Siege of Castellax had a scene where a captured (through some backstabbing shenanigans) Iron Warriors skull was opened for the purpose of jamming cables into his brain, extracting intel on the IW fortress. Ofcourse, being a character he fought himself free with his fists, reclaimed bolter along with a dirty handerchief wrapped like turban around his exposed thinky bitz.
>He seemed more concerned with the damage to his armor though
I REALLY hate the orks taking slaves concept and outright ignore it
So should I talk to him about a retcon? I haven't the slightest what a Dok'd do.
Probably just horribly torture them in the most brutal fashion possible.
In 15 Hours a Dok was strolling through a battle field collecting body parts with his grots and took one of the named characters and tore his guts open with a rotory blade like a science student dissecting a frog.
Said character managed to An Hero with a belt full of grenades in the Dokks face but still..
That Or I imagine eating the human in front of the others.
Unfortunately, they exist. Just like Squats. Just because you don't wa
Mad dokz serjikal expertise would probably kill a human pretty quickly. He could always transfer the humies brain into a squig body for a laugh.
So general mutilation? I can roll with it.
>What horrors would a Mad Dok inflict when a puny little humie is tossed on the table by vengeful grots?
They die pretty quickly. Dok work isn't exactly subtle, Orks get through it by being super tough and having lots of redundant organs.
>Orks get through it by being super tough and having lots of redundant organs.
That, and collective psionic power of make-believe.
>lots of redundant organs.
They have organs? I though they were just really angry shrooms.
They bleed, don't they? Think about it.
They're green because their blood is full of algae,or something?
They reproduce through spores and have symbiotic relationships with plants, but they aren't themselves plants.
Orks don't seem like the type to be sadistic. They like fightan cause that's fun, and that's about as complicated as it gets.
The Dok would probably do his best to, y'know, Dok the human (transplants, augmentation and maybe, just maybe, a bit of healing). The problem is as other people have pointed out their work is kind of a axe murdery shitshow. But it's an ork axe murdery shitshow, and this is a professional Dok, dammit.
I'm thinking some arbitrary amount of agony filled futzing about with their insides and maybe they get a Waagh powered power claw or something. Depends on generous you want to be.
Orks have completely different concepts of pain, injury and casual violence to even Imperial humans. What to an Ork is just muckin' about and avin' some larks would be to a human, eldar, or tau some of the brutal and horrific torture imaginable.
Ehhhhh thats kinda dumb
I also hate the ork slave thing I personally find it useless and retarded for orks to enslave beings that arent grots or gretchin.
It just doesnt sit right with me
He's dead, mate. Have him roll up a new character, because Doks usually either 'Fix' Orks, or kill them. Anything smaller means death, with the exception of doks and meks working together to make killa kans and deff dreads. Even then, it's not very likely that they survive.
But yeah, he's dead.
You don't see bionik grots, yet they rate higher than humiez in ork hierarchy.
An ork can survive without its head, so it's pretty easy for a dok to operate one. A human, not so much.
nope, their blood is red, they have a layer of cells doing photosynthesis in the skin.
You're going about this the wrong way lads. What is this doc like?
Orkz have personalities.
Is he a benevolent doc ooo cares for da scienzes? "Dis oomie as bin krumped a bit. Time to try da new squig brain transplant and maybee a new heart whilez we at it. Wot if I replace iz blood wiff fungus brew?"
What if he's just a sadistic bastard?
Then read about Unit 731.
What if he's experimentin?
What if he's got a mekboy mate round for beers as well?
Itz time to see if a umie can be combined wiff a wabike.
Get his personality first.
>I REALLY hate the orks taking slaves concept
>I also hate the ork slave thing
Yup, as said, Orks DO have varying personalities and Oddboyz (which includes Painboys/Doks) are specifically stated to be eccentric. You can have a Dok with absolutely any sort of personality you want. Hell, you can even have him speak like a proper human if you really wanted (a "posh git"). At the end of the day, the Galaxy is a big place and it's your campaign. Go nuts.
taking care of slaves is time not spent krumpin'
it's one thing to use slave humies to mine for metal or something but taking slaves for anything but immediate labor needs just seems un-orky
They use human slaves precisely so that they can save time so they can Krump more. In one of the Straken books the orks invaded an underground city and enslaved all its surviving citizes for manual labor in one of the manufactorum. They were all chained together by the leg and the Catachans noted that the chains had dead humans stuck to the chain in various states of decay. Sure, the orks we're cruel to them and would smack one or two to motivate the other, but they weren't doing so out of a desire to see the humies suffer but more on treat them like they would do gretchin but are dumb enough to know that humans can't keep up/take care of themselves like gretchins do and end up starving/getting beaten to death.
I think those factory line slaves ended up eating the ones that died since the orks seemed like they never attempted to feed the humans.
Runtherds are literally professional slavers and trainers. It is their job to make others do the things that the Orks don't want to do. Orks are not good at taking care of slaves; as said earlier, they don't really understand the physical limits of humans. The deeper problem is that they have no empathy. Not for other races, not for grots, not for eachother. There was an old Black Library book with a Dark Eldar surgeon (forget what they're called) doing crazy torture to an Ork while the other Orks just watched amused even though they knew they were next. The only reason Orks work together at all is because they have common goals, and even then, often it's only b/c of a particularly powerful leader has (temporarily) united them.