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Previous Thread: Why aren't you a purple smokin' bouncer or a salamanderman right now, /epg/?

So would 2160s or 2200s be a more appropiate timeframe for a campaign where people want to know the actual year instead of a really vague "anywhere from 100 to 200 years in the future"?

I like the 2160 range myself. Past that sounds a little too weirdly far.

We used the seasons of Neptune to work out the year before actually. It's a little vague but should be in the ballpark of ~2130.

Post typical day in habitats of various factions.

I will start
>just a typical day at Anarchist collective habitat.

Jovian Republic.

Not included in this image is all the biohazard signs because they're dying of sepsis.

Way too bright and daylight for jovian tummels and habs, yeah?

Well, they'd have to be lit by either a lighting element or endcap mirrors, I'm not sure they'd be dim.

Estas mentiras feas son despicables. La republica MUY limpia!


>Jovian habitats are indistinguishable from Earth environment
>Anarchists still stuck in tin cans

Come home true human.

I believe this to be fitting representation of Jovian Habitat.

Jovian outpost on Io

Or part of a lunar dome city, really anyone's subsurface dome cities. The huge caverns make me think Lunar more than Jovian though. I saw the Jovian moon cities as being more and smaller bubbles rather than single large ones.

How do I Eclipse Phase

Read the source books. Take some classes in ethics, sociology and philosophy and then never play the game.

Yeah, Luna has expressly used advanced materials science and nano-scale manufacture to create, y'know, stunningly tall or otherwise impossible structures in their vast caverns, which the Jovians just wouldn't.

I said this last thread, but I imagine lower, more organized and spartan blocks of housing or commerce interspersed with regular "small" public spaces like or

The way I did it was redpilling my IRL friends with transhumanism and other futurism stuff so they'd be somewhat informed and interested, then playing the game with them.

Here's the primer

Nasically Earth was destroyed after super AI's were created and used transhuman tech against us. Then after killing 90% of humanity they disappeared, and no one knows what they're doing or where they went.

Also, this world is basically an episode of black mirror. I'm not kidding, they even have the reputation system from that "Nosedive" episode. And somehow the authors think this is just a wonderful place to be in. Anyways, moving on.

So you have different factions vying for power in outer space (cause Earth is still a hellhole filled will killer robots). You have the:

1) Planetary Consortium. Basically a corporatocracy entirely interested in profit. Also all their people are mutant transhuman freaks and robots.

2) Autonomists: Basically a bunch of anarchists, commies, and socialists with a penchant for terrorism and a no rules against researching dangerous tech. Also filled to the brim with mutant transhuman freaks and robots.

3) Lunar Lagrange Alliance: Somewhat resembles a functioning nation. Still filled to the brim with mutant transhuman freaks and robots though.

4) Morningstar Constellation: Basically a bunch of city-states. They're even more freaky than the other transhumanists, because many of them are literally animals given intelligence and then given mutant transhuman bodies. Also, the "uplifts" as the animals are called do nothing but complain about "racism" against them.

5) Jovian Republic: The only major faction dedicated to defending against the very real possibility of the rogue AI's returning, as well as defending what's left of humanity against transhumanity. They have the strongest fleet, and they go toe to toe with giant mutant monstrosities with just the body God gave them, their iron will, and latest tech that humanity has brought forth. They also happen to be the last remnent of Christian society. So basically, they are humanities last stand. Hoo rah and Deus Vult.


If you want to see how Reagan cylinders really look like see attached.

What is this, a habitat for ants?

Jovewank: the post

If you are TITAN, yes.

>Jovewank: the post


This list is trash, it doesn't even have all the factions.

From the sun to the outer rim, roughly in order:

1. Solarians. A bunch of weirdos who use really specialized morphs capable of living in the upper layers of the sun. They mostly produce solar research, art, and likely a shitload of antimatter to buy the natural resources they need (a lot of water for one).

2. Morningstar Constellation. They're a split off faction from the Planetary Consortium over differences in how Venus should be terraformed. They live in massive aerostat-cities in the Venusian atmosphere and orbitals. They're in a cold/meme war with the PC. Generally a more liberal PC with a lot invested in extrasolar exploration.

3. Lunar Lagrange Alliance. It's the lunar cities and most of the space habitats in earth's sphere of influence. They're the only faction with any real claim to earth's cultural past or national identities. They slumped pretty far after the fall thanks to the massive influx of physical refugees but a decade later are emerging into a strong power again. Freaked out by open nanotech and synth bodies, as a lot of them got killed by those things.

4. Planetary Consortium. The 800 pound gorilla of the factions. They're a huge sprawling trading consortium. Imagine Hansa except they're the closest thing to a superpower. Practice some weird things like consumer eugenics and indentured servitude. They don't really control many habs personally, but corporations and groups which are a part of them fill every part of the inner system. They're based around and strongest around Mars, the new homeworld after the loss of earth. Has trouble mobilizing it's true power because of it's for-profit military.


Dem vagina bones.

Where's Firewall, everyone's favorite "totally managing to fight exsurgent virus anarchists" faction?

Now I'm just picturing a colony of uplifted ants with robo-ant bodies to support their new consciousness' and give them even more proportional strength.

I mentionned this in last thread but I kinda wanna get some comments.

I'm thinking about running an EP game set on Mars, about criminals, law enforcement, politicians and regular people just trying to survive and do good in a city rife with crime and corruption, but with their motivations clashing (or sometimes even cooperating) to disastrous ends. All while they occasionally have to team up to stop Exsurgents, Exhumans and fucking Ultimates (reeeeee) from blowing the whole thing up.

Like the Wire meets Delta Green or Global Frequency, on Mars.

sounds nice

Jesus fuck that kid she's carrying looks like a 60 year old fat woman.

>Now I'm just picturing a colony of uplifted ants with robo-ant bodies to support their new consciousness' and give them even more proportional strength.

Their birthright can't be denied any longer.

How would you uplift an ant though? Gestalt consciousness with each ant a neuron ?

>Jesus fuck that kid she's carrying looks like a 60 year old fat woman.

That's how normal people look like.

Use molerats instead.

5. Tharsis League. On Mars' surface there are several massive city-states and they're joined together as the League. It's a mess of competing Consortium Martian and individual interests, but should not be underestimated, as they're one of the few post-fall powers to wage a real war.

6. Extropia. They're a mess of anarcho-capitalists mutualists, and some confused actual Extropists. Everything is legal and has a price on Extropia or it's colonies. It's the only place in the setting where Artificial Super Intelligences, Soul Traders, Pirates (digital and space variants), legitimate and "legitimate" businessmen and various state and pseudo-state actors can rub shoulders. Very dangerous without buying a good personal protection plan though.

7. The Jovian Republic. A bunch of security focused military Hard Men who vacuumed up as much talent as possible (The PC and Ultimates got more though) in the chaos of the fall. They're presiding over a bunch of hardline-bioconservative refugees in an only mostly fake republic. It's a weird place in part because their oppressive government is actually trying to moderate the populace. Heavily militarized and they possess the largest fleet in the setting. Like everyone else, they're fucked if the TITANs return.

8. Other Jovian Polities. Some Jovian moons have independent or semi-independent states from the Republic, like Europa and Callisto. The most important independent one is Hyoden, which is best described as a cosmopolitan transhuman state militarized to levels that make North Korea look pacifistic. Everyone has to do 6 years in the military before they can reproduce and fork and after that they either stay in or are assigned to a civilian militia.

Then there's the Trojan and Greek asteroids, which form the largest power bloc of anarcho-collectivists in the solar system. As a whole they're comparable to the Tharsis League, but spread out over a larger physical distance.



I don't see why Jovians and Lunar Lagrange Alliance shouldn't be allied. They seem natural partners.

There's actually an experimental micro-hab on the surface of Luna with insect I assume they use off-site computing for the actual Egos since the game states several times that "small" (i/e size of a dog or a child or so) is the minimum size to actually house a cyberbrain.

Cultural baggage? LLA is mostly South and East Asia with a hint of some other regions like Europe or US, Jove is mostly South American with hints of North American leadership.

I don't believe this is correct, isn't there a heavy American presence in Lagrange orbitals?

Jovian Republic seems populated heavy by Americans too to me

You forget about the Titanians.

no I forgot my

9. Titanian Commonwealth. A statist giant around Saturn. They're the most powerful component of the Autonomist Alliance militarily. They're a big technosocialist and cyberdemocratic nation. That means everyone votes for what the state does and the state controls most everything, but somehow it works pretty well. Partially that's because they're taking in tons of infugees for the cheap labor with free bodies as a reward. There's a weird AI system called The Orchestra which controls information in the government, and might run the whole thing secretly. Their military and intelligence services are continuously pushing the envelope far enough that "posthuman killing machine" describes them pretty well.

There's a lot of other factions operating in the Saturnian system as well. iZulu and Kronos are both Extropian, while Salah is a booming muslim corporate hamilton cylinder. There's also Godwinshead which is fucking weird.

After Titan there's only one (and a half) large factions left: Ultimates.
The Ultimates are a bunch a warrior-monks descended from a brutally efficient pre-fall PMC called Ultimate Security. They want to push themselves, and the human mind to its limits to find and become the best ubermensch they can. They're divided as to whether the rest of the human race should be destroyed, pressed to join them, or simply left behind and forgotten. They might be planning an attempt to seize the means of extrasolar exploration for themselves. They're primarily based in Xiphos a large hamilton cylinder in Uranus orbit. The inner system Ultimate headquarters is Aspis, in the main belt, though this seems to be more of a corporate office as the Ultimates are still mercenaries.

Not really, not that are actually in the LLA. You've got:

>Remembrance (Primary Languages: English, Hindi, Wu)
>Vo Nguyen (Primary Languages: French, Vietnamese)
>Erato (Primary Languages: Chinese, English) Explicitly noted as Sino-European origin
>Shackle (Primary Languages: English, Hindi) Started with Indian government and corps as primary interest
>The Colony (Primary Languages: Javanese)
>Feynman (Primary Languages: Arabic, English) An Omnicor station
>Korolev Shipyard (Primary Languages: Russian)
>Mare Vaporum Circumlunar People's Republic (Primary Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin)
>Tsukumo (Primary: Languages: Japanese) The Go-Nin HQ


I know the thread you stole this from, you devious little /pol/lack

The deep outer system is a mess of small factions. There's experimental societies like Alpha Plus (everyone mentally modified to love their place in society), survivalist Brinkers in [LOCATION REDACTED], a pandora gate controlled by anarchists, and a lot of other weird things like artificial nanomechanical plants someone let loose.

This is also where a lot of in-system Exhumans hide out. Exhumans are hard to describe as they vary a lot, but in general they consider humanity to be a detrimental dead end and are trying to transcend it in order to better survive or thrive. This might mean radical intelligence augmentation, sleeving into super-predator morphs after stripping away your mercy and fear, or all kinds of stranger things. Solarians are pretty similar to Exhumans in a lot of ways. Generally, they aren't friendly to humanity, and often prey on them for sport or resources. They've been fighting the Ultimates outside of the solar system for a while. Considering recent history, they're right.

Finally, spread all over the system there's the Scum. They're an interesting mix of individualist tribe-like anarchists who are known for partying hard; combined with a shitload of technical knowledge and skills because they keep large fleets plying the space ways between habs. Fun to be around if you're uninhibited, and great to have in a pinch, because of those scrounging and technical skills.

They're only really similar because they like Reclamation of earth and have cultural tides. The LLA is precautionist technologically, but doesn't reject various transhuman technologies, which puts them on a very different footing that the republic. The SC and LLA Council could probably find common ground, but their respective populations would have problems with each other, like being soulless monsters.

so does this count as a handjob or a footjob?

There's also a number of other groups out there, like the exhumans - a bunch of crazies who left behind their humanity to become stronger and the Minervan fleet - a group of extremists who think the Jovians aren't going far enough and try to destroy as many transhuman stations as they can. But these are mostly minor groups and bogeymen rather than real factions.


Don't forget the Minervans, who broke away form the Jovian's when they decided to take the determinist approach, has a fleet that probably has a currently hidden base around the outer reaches of the solar system, is bioconservative when it comes to their bodies but completely unrestrained when using external tech against transhumans, even going so far as to use async's and TITAN tech against transhumans. Currently the main fleet is building their strength up, while they have a group known as the SIS, consisting of about 20 men in 2-3 man groups, going around destroying transhuman settlements.


> going around destroying transhuman settlements.

Argonauts are fucking next.

Can't fucking wait to see those smug fuckers blown into smithereens

That's the Minervan fleet, yes?

>I know the thread you stole this from, you devious little /pol/lack

Muahaha, my cover is blown, but know this, we are here.
Watching, observing, manipulating.

I freaking love the Minervans man, they basically describe what my reaction to Fall would be to a T.

Plus they show, if nothing else, that being in a flat really isn't that much of a disadvantage, if 2 flats can destroy entire anarchist settlements by themselves.

>This is also where a lot of in-system Exhumans hide out. Exhumans are hard to describe as they vary a lot, but in general they consider humanity to be a detrimental dead end and are trying to transcend it in order to better survive or thrive. This might mean radical intelligence augmentation, sleeving into super-predator morphs after stripping away your mercy and fear, or all kinds of stranger things. Solarians are pretty similar to Exhumans in a lot of ways. Generally, they aren't friendly to humanity, and often prey on them for sport or resources.

If you have modified biological organism it is always good to rely on fall back if something goes wrong. In order to have new stock of things to improve on, if the last experiment failed.

Hence my belief that Exhumans could make a deal with bio-cons and help them dominate the system.

It's okay, I'm on your side. Death to the soulless mutant transhuman freaks!

Earth will be ours again!

Wow, Jove wasn't biocon enough?

Minervan posters are the fanbase's alt-right.

I'll be honest, I don't see why the Ultimates don't attract that kind of crowd. They're basically everything the Jovians wish they were.

>But these are mostly minor groups and bogeymen rather than real factions.

Yes, yes Anarchist-Man, the Minervans are powerless tools and bound to fail, because they cling to patriarchy and reject the true ideology of anarchism.

The Minervans are about as biocon as the Jovians, they just have different goals and priorities. Here's a simple comparison.

Jovians- Our #1 enemy is the TITANs, and we must be willing to use transhuman technology if necessary to fight them

Minervans- Our #1 enemy is the transhumans, and we must be willing to use TITAN technology if necessary to fight them

99% of morphs are splicers, so it should be easy to purge the rest.

Also X-risk mentions that most morphs are TITAN creations anyway, so it's not like you are killing any humans.

That's stupid though, because you don't roll back 10,000 versions.

>Also X-risk mentions that most morphs are TITAN creations anyway, so it's not like you are killing any humans.



It doesn't, Jovian fans are just as allergic to reading the books as ever.

One of the dialog pop ups.
Most morphs have TITAN code in them that nobody is aware of(well at least Firewall thinks nobody knows).

Know the difference.

yes it does.
I can even check the book if you are so far in denial.

So who actually plays EP here?

>Most morphs have TITAN code

Not how that works.

You have an assertion, you prove it.

That makes sense. The Titans sabotaged a majority of human infrastructure and left traces, and people were forced to adapt TITAN technology to rebuild.

Doesn't mean that transhumans don't have thinking, feeling egoes and their morphs weren't designed and built by transhuman effort though.

It's like saying a human isn't human because they have trace amounts of beef in their bodies.

From my point of view transhumans are an x-risk

>Argonauts are fucking next.

He says, just about as Argonauts is going to drop and will probably talk more about how the Medeans are really boss.

You're not going to out soldier or out-science the Soldier-Scientists.

I bet you hate sand and have a bad feeling about this too.

>You're not going to out soldier or out-science the Soldier-Scientists.
Minervans are just going to sell them to TITANS.

My main question is this, if you take away all the mods from a splicer do you end up with a flat? The higher aptitude maximums and game mechanics would suggest no, yet in the book it says this:
>The vast majority of Jovians (over 80%) retain their original bodies
Okay, so that makes it sound like 80% of Jovians are flats
>Many are genefixed (splicers), though some refuse out of religious objection
How much is "many"? Is it the other 20% More importantly, if you can't resleeve in the Jovian Republic, and you can refuse to change out of religious objection (meaning you're not a fetus at the time), then does that mean that flats can become splicers?

Sand can be cover for nano-machines,so yes.

I do

It's from the last page of the Morph Recognition Guide, not X-Risks, and is talking about how the TITANs targeted genetic sequences from morph-lines which had resistances to basilisk hacks. There's no information that any genetic code was inserted or edited, just that any corporation making morphs with certain genes "mysteriously" went out of business.

Of course none of that really matters now, because the TITANs aren't using those vulnerabilities anymore.

No one. We just like talking about it.

Jovians actually have positive population growth from births, not just immigration, so that may be Flat parents have Flat children and don't upgrade.

>, if you can't resleeve in the Jovian Republic

You can resleeve in Jovian Republic.

Way to late, the Prometheans already bought them.

It's probably possible to adjust a morph's genotype with gene therapy, cybernetics and enhanced regeneration to speed up cell replacement in the body. Setting wouldn't be very transhumanist if the only way to upgrade is to upload and resleeve.

>thinking, feeling egoes
Half of them have a computer for a brain.

Besides, it doesn't matter whether they can think or feel, what matters is if they have souls. And the answer to that question is no. They do not.

How do you treat your fork, /epg/?

Hardmode: No NRX posters.

Practically you probably couldn't, as angry mobs or the local KKK equivalent are known to burn them down and kill the technicians operating them. That doesn't lend itself to people who want to stay healthy, wealthy and wise.

Your dog doesn't have a soul user. Why do you love it instead of butchering it and beating its puppies with its legs?

It's heavily restricted though, you basically have to be a special ops soldier or someone really important (although backups and cortical stacks are allowed for a lot of people).

I'm pretty sure if 2 splicers or 2 exalts have a child it will be flat too though. After all, the mixture of two almost perfectly gened parents does not make the child some kind of ubermencsh superhuman too.


Somebody get me a Minervan edit of this, since as is typical, the writers made a hostile parody of Battlestar Galactica as a possible antagonist in the game, everybody immediately wants to play them. I'm surprised you guys don't suck Singularity Seeker TITAN dick as much

>Of course none of that really matters now, because the TITANs aren't using those vulnerabilities anymore.

You know, I know certain faction whose scientists created TITANS and which has the most expertise on studying their artifacts and creations.

I am pretty sure they wouldn't use such knowledge to their advantage.

I just dug through every mention of the word TITAN in X-Risks, and the closest I could find was the insinuation that the Hyper-Corps use salvaged TITAN tech. So this is probably what he's referring to.

No, because normal humans have recessive genes and you can get some of their negative qualities. Exalts have no negative qualities, unexpressed genes, or recessive genes.

Promethean/Titan, what's the difference?
Both will end up under the boot of humanity.

>After all, the mixture of two almost perfectly gened parents does not make the child some kind of ubermencsh superhuman too.

I legitimately can't tell if you're being sarcastic or straight with me right now. This is the state /epg/ is in at this moment.

>not mussol.ini

Humanity is an illusion.

Splicers and splicers make Splicers.

Exalts and Exalts make Exalts, and most comparable genotypes make either Splicers or Exalts... although you might need some reproductive assist for rarer genetic types like Hyperbrights or Remades.

Also, there's no real ubermensch going on except for the Ultimates. Transhumans treat their bodies as a very essential piece of equipment, like a car or appartment, and pick them based on the performance benefits they give and what's in their price range at the time.

The only people who think they're superior are you.