Has anyone tried SeaKrieg 5? I'm told it is THE naval tabletop wargame for big gun battleship battles, and everything else up to 1945.
But it is expensive as hell, so I was wondering if anyone had any experience with it?
Has anyone tried SeaKrieg 5? I'm told it is THE naval tabletop wargame for big gun battleship battles, and everything else up to 1945.
But it is expensive as hell, so I was wondering if anyone had any experience with it?
It would be Naval Admiral, not Naval General.
Get your shit together OP.
Pretty sure it's SeeKrieg 5 as well.
You are correct user.
Fuck, that's one of the best looking photos of the Nelson I've seen.
I've played Seekrieg.
It's... intense. Not stupidly so, but turns take a lot of time to get through, or they seem to. Orders are written, and given by the flag, with a chance that your commanders misinterpret them (which leads to some historically accurate screwups in the pre-dread and dread age.)
It has one of the best damage systems I have ever seen in a ship game, with hits allocated to different sections of the ship, each with their own armor value, etc.
I would not recommend it for new players. But if you are advanced as a player (so if Command at Sea is too simple for you...) then it's very good. Quite expensive, but the authors did a ton of research.
is the SK4 playable or 5 is just plain better?
What makes it expensive? I see rulebooks, those can be pirated. I see paraphernalia, that can be ignored. I see terrain, that can be approximated. And strangely enough on their store site, I DON'T SEE MINIATURES. So those look like they can be anything.
To reiterate, what makes it so expensive?
Seekrieg4 is free on their website if you want to have a look at it.
It was published in 1984, so take from that what you will.
i never played one of these so i dont know
its a bad first naval wargame system?
>I see rulebooks, those can be pirated.
Good luck finding those. Unlike 40k or other popular games, it is a bitch and a half to find free copies of most historical games.
Add to that, they do need the money, since small publishers should be supported especially in a niche product area.
As to expense:
Base game is 80
Every Ship pack is 24. So for full fleets, probably 400 dollars or so.
>i never played one of these so i dont know
its a bad first naval wargame system?
Take a look at the rulebook, if it looks too complex, it probably is.
In the naval wargame world I would suggest in order of increasing complexity:
Axis and Allies Naval
Victory at Sea
Naval War (it is free though, so bonus points)
----- Line of insane complexity
Command at Sea (Very Complex)
SeeKrieg 5 (Like Command at Sea, yet somehow more complex?)
I have played all of them, they are all fun and make for great afternoons with friends. But your level of enjoyment will be higher if you ease yourself into it.
Effective design for sure but still one of the ugliest things ever put on the sea.
>one of the ugliest things ever put on the sea
Are we ignoring the Fuso/Ise/Tone in this discussion?
Never have needed luck. Just patience, nice manners, and diligence.
As far as them needing it, then they should market it so that it is easy/cheap to get into, harder/more expensive to master. Look as SFB and the direction it was going with Star Fleet Commander. Also campaign style games that cost more then the basic game are a decent way to get money for deeper play while trying to keep a entry/basic game inexpensive to gain a market.
You can't trust the written word to be worth anything in the internet society we have created. Just like you can't trust buggy whips to be worth much anymore. They can adapt or be driven extinct.
> then they should market it so that it is >easy/cheap to get into
They have a niche product, that grognards will pay for. They don't need it to be cheap, since the market bears the price point they have set. They don't need it easy to get into, since the only people who will play Seekrieg are dedicated and experienced wargamers.
Most niche wargames are like that.
>They can adapt or be driven extinct.
And yet I still have to send a written cheque to get pewter models from Britain, because this one hobby shop is the only one casting what I want.
You only have to adapt if you have competition, historical wargames really don't have any competition.
Have some Victory At Sea anons
If you want to start playing naval games, start there and enjoy!
Then they are doing fine enough for me to pirate the rulebooks.
One way or the other. They are earning enough that they don't need my pity and therefore money for their rulebooks. Or they are the poor pathetic downtrodden publisher that needs me to stop being bad and getting information for free off the internet and actually pay them for the words they write.
And if they are doing well enough, it will be easy to get the games off the internet, and find people to play against
If they are not, then I couldn't find people to play against anyway, so why get into it?
Anyone play Harpoon?
>I couldn't find people to play against anyway, so why get into it?
You probably shouldn't, you sound like an autist douchebag with no friends and no income other then a disability cheque.
Or just a smart enough guy to know the words "wasted money" and what they actually mean. But you sound like a retard who actually thinks money has no value. Looks like you are going to be homeless and broke in your old age. So enjoy that disability check in your future.
Nice, thanks!
Lols, autist confirmed.
Get a job hippie.
I prefer Amirauté with the 2013 rules.
And you'll find people to play with, if only in play by mail where I live.
Only issue I have with V@S is they never expanded the fleet lists for Italy enough, or the Soviet Union although I understand the latter. France also sucks as well.
Kind of disheartening that the pt value for a Yamato is the same as a Littorio or Richilieu.
>small publishers should be supported
top kek, I'm a consumer not a charity donator
Minor/less popular navies getting fucked so that devs can focus on shit that sells is to be expected. Sure they could include stuff like Sweden's attempt to make a sea plane cruiser or Spanish light cruisers but that shit doesn't sell copies.
A couple years back when Naval Generals were s regular thing for a little while before we had /Hwg/, a couple of anons did some Harpoon on Roll20.
You sound more like a poor thief then a consumer.
This will help a bit in that regard.
>tfw american paperboats outside of montanas don't really get any love
Hell, even Montanas are always shitty 27-28 knot designs instead of shit like this.
those are all fine looking ships though. Y'all niggas gay
What a beautiful boat, what a shame that her service life was so short though.
>tfw nobody ever does stats for the Tillmans
I just wanna see a world where WW1 ends in a white peace and we see all the crazy ship plans get built. Maximums, Incomparable, Gavrilov design, etc.
>tfw you want to use SpringSharp but you're stuck on a mac for the immediate future
>Tillman II
>4x6 16 in/50s
>6-gun turrets
jesus christ how horrifying
That's the Derfflinger.
It flings derfs.
From /hwg/
If you say so.
Creating your own crimes against boat design should not be as enjoyable as it is.
Sacrificing Armor for speed worked out so well for everyone else, why not do the same on the Montana?
I'd rather have the 15 inch armor and 28 knots then 12 inch armor and 33.
OK, I give up, what boat is that?
I'd rather have two Essexes (with full plane complements) instead.
Keep your carrier faggotry out of this.
Still angry that both of your floating hotels got sunk by carriers?
Man, I can't wait for RtW2 to come out:
tfw you just got to the point where you can fight some real nice big-gun battles with your awesome Super-Dreadnoughts - and then a swarm of fucking bugs pays a visit to drops a shitload of stinking bombs & torps all over your shiny, new Battlefleet.
Do you guys know of anyway to do a tabletop type game over the internet? I know a few people who are interested but we are spread out all over the place.
Roll20 is the best option, IMHO.
>not building fast super-badnought carrier hybrids
Pic not exactly related.
Yes, planesandmercs.org
Bloodwake game.
Carriers are over-rated. In the modern day, they are just as obsolete as battleships.
Subs are the only WW2 naval weapon that is still valid in full scale combat today.
I will second this. I was skeptical at first, but it runs pretty well. Pic is our fleet's current turn. Our ships are the disorganized mess, the enemy is the red ships that seem to know what they are doing.
It might not be your style to do play by post, but it works for me as an easy distraction every day or so.
Why stay in the realm of the plausible?
Thanks I'll give it a shot
Send a PM to the boss of botes (Hanley) and they'll help you out if you get lost.
I kind of want to know what boats are what on your side. There are no notes on them.
J3 Class Battlecruiser
What game?
Ded Chinese bote game called Steel Ocean.
Doesn't seem dead to me when I played it this morning. Lots of new players now.
Superior to WoWs in pretty much every way.
>Superior to WoWs in pretty much every way.
You say that like it's an achievement.
Who had prettiest boats during WW2 and why it was USA?
But, user, this is a U-boat - not a USN boat ...
Late US ship design (Carolina, Iowa, Montana) suffered from panama-canal fatass-syndrome
You are right, that's not a very hard bar to jump.
>not liking fat boat afts
Oberon= Courbet Class
Beowolf = Andrea Doria Refit
Skolopendra = Greek BB Salamis
Merda = Pensacola CA
Bandai= Takao CA
The others are DDs of some type or another, Ognevois and Bensons I think.
Say what you will, that's a very nice looking boat.
>order 2 ships from 2 different countries
>both of them get delayed because of the ww1
>after the war go full jew and refuse to pay for the completion of the vessels
As expected of Greece.
I think Britain seized the US guns meant for the Salamis and used them on their own boats or something.
Well this just sounds like a clusterfuck.
Tell me more.
So, gentlemen, what are your fleets like?
Mine are all 1/6000 so they don't photograph well.
>trying to use winebottler
>it just gets stuck halfway through and won't go
Sucks to be you.
>brit carriers
>not having english longbows
[REEEs externally]
but furious is a QT
Vanguard reporting, last battleship ever made.
Gotta love those tiny WW1 vintage turrets.
You can talk bad all you want about the Iowas, but the North Carolinas were sexy boats.
Brits built their guns right the first time, BL 15 Mk1 was a damn fine gun through three wars.
No argument from me.
13.5 was pretty remarkable as well, and the 15 was just an upscale of that.
>manage to get winebottler to work
>it opens with the "do you want to quit" mini-window
>main window only appears after pressing no repeatedly, and won't allow me to click anything in it
[screams externally]
Wait, is this because you are on a Mac?
>Dat Transom Stern
Not very aerodynamic.
What did you expect from a boat built on shoestring budget?
>finally get a splendid cat with at least somewhat sane design
>scrap her when you get the first chance to do so
The stuff I've got painted so far.
pic is the biggest chunk of what I currently have left to do, along with some minor navies stuff and the little bit of USN I have.
Never understood the point of having stripes on non-carrier boats.
As far as I know the Italians once bombed a couple of their own ships by mistake, so they painted those high visibility stripes on the bows to avoid attacking allies again.
The Regia Aeronautica were really bad at coordinating with the Regia Marina, and this extended to target recognition. Lot of other countries used aerial recognition marks in one way or another, it's just that the Italians were the most stylish about it.
Fuck you man Tone is great. Perfectly shows how the Japs tried keeping somewhat within the treaties whiles bolting all the guns they could get their greedy little hands on
>axis and allies Naval
Fuck man that just reminds me that I have the entire Imperial Fleet. (Minus the odd destroyer and what not). Wish I could find someone to play with though
t. John Fisher
It was Britain's own fault for being poor and having to concede to treaties.
At least we got some smaller cuties as compensation.