What are some unusual variants on the vampire from various cultures? I know about those chinese vampires that had to count things, but what else is out there? Seems like a lot of cultures independently developed the vampire legend, after all.
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>Seems like a lot of cultures independently developed the vampire legend, after all.
it's almost like " our women are seduced into premarital sex with a foreigner who parasitically drains society dry while spreading his culture at the expense of ours" is an issue that all humans inherently understood and had beef with
There's the Scottish Baobhan sith I suppose. Not terribly different from the mundane vampire.
They're often more succubus-like in that in some tales, rather than sucking blood, they suck the libido out of a man making him impotent.
Sometimes they have deer hooves for some reason. They're also scared of horses.
Balkan vampires are sentient but genocidal, drink blood endlessly and as they become more powerful, they start bloating and turning into a sickly shade of pink. Oh, and confusing them using people or trinkets of their time alive has them go into a frenzy. If they meet the item that caused their confusion during daybreak, they get cured of their vampirism.
Also, sunlight doesn't kill them, just turns them into normal corpses, they turn after sudden non-vampire related death and they can't traverse holy ground (can't enter a church, but if they get put inside it, they can't exit it)
Babuska said some fucked up fairytales
Africa has the Asanbosam/Sasabonsam/Asasabonsam
>iron teeth
>hook-like feet
>hangs by them from trees
>rips your throat or eats you alive.
Brazil has the Capelobo
>mix of vampire and werewolf
>name means something like "broken-bone wolf"
>anteater head
>drinks the blood of people and big animals, ripping their throats with the claws.
>in some versions, it uses the claws to make a hole in the victim's skull and suck the brain.
>has a mane
>fast runner
>round hooves makes you unable to discern its direction from the trail.
>eats kittens and puppies
The Penanggalan has always stuck with me.
>Pretty lady who got her beauty through black magic or was just cursed during the day.
>At night her head detaches and flies around with her stomach and entrails dangling below it.
>The organs twinkle like fireflies.
>Most common method of defending against it is to set up thorns or the like to ensnare the Penanggalan's entrails.
>Afraid of scissors.
>Best ways to kill it are finding the body while the head is away and pouring broken glass down the neck to sever the internal organs when the head attempts to reattach or just find a way to keep the head from reattaching till sunrise.
As an additionally creepy note the creature tends to work as a midwife by day and has a thing for feeding on pregnant women.
That's only one thing vampires have historically represented, though. Old school European vampires like the vrykolakas didn't represent that at all; what they represented was more along the lines of the dangers of disease and deviating from social and religious norms, for year of civilization breaking down.
*for fear of
>the dangers of disease and deviating from social and religious norm
Yeah, like sleeping with foreigners and getting their weird foreign diseases instead of following out social and religios norms to sleep with the correct people.
Or just not going to church
Stop projecting your own fears into people living centuries ago senpai
>fear of disease
Back then people thought diseases came from god or bad air.
Ravenloft had some really cool vampire variations, bump while I dig em up.
Chinese. Hopping. Vampire.
bumping for this guy
you better deliver
I forgot to say please
Will do, pulling shit up on my laptop
First we have the Kizoku, a seemingly normal, albeit extremely handsome man; often of oriental decent. Like many vampires his predation is that of seduction, however for the Kizoku this is their only form. Preying only on married or other non single women, they convince their target to betray and murder their husbands or lovers; and when the deed is done and the maiden is theirs, he may finally claim their soul and drain their energies. Most are often spellcasters as well.
Next is the drow vampire, unusual mainly in that, while making most other dark elves of their kind a bit unnerved, they are generally revered as being closer than most to understanding the true powers of the universe. While most are female, and will prey on other humanoids to feed, they generally do not have to hide their true nature in their home, and are able to walk the underarm with no fear of sunlight. They feed through a touch attack, leaving only a welt on the spot.
Once a vampire has chosen it's bride or groom, it typically means destruction and agony for anyone who stands in their way. However after their vile ceremony is completed, the vampire is incredibly vulnerable, crumbling down next to their dark lover for an hour. If the vampire is killed in this time, they become the tragic creature known as a Vorlog. Somewhere in between a human and a vampire, the vorlog longs only for its slain creator, constantly in pain and sorrow at their loss. The vorlog does not drain energy, but spiritual energy in the form of wisdom. If a victim fall below 3 wisdom, they gain the sorrow the Vorlog carries, craving only the vorlogs touch. At zero health the vorlog collapses into a pile of its own tears, reforming 8 hours later.
After an the unholy mating of a vampire and human; if an offspring is unfortunate enough to be created, the result is the Dhampir. Having the powers of their sire, though lessened by their humanity, are also protected from their vampiric ancestries weaknesses. The sun will nullify their dark gifts however. The Dhamphir also gains a character class, and most either follow the dark path of predation, though in their case only for enjoyment and power, some become exceptional monster hunters; striking out to prevent others of suffering their same fate.
I must dig deeper into my library to find more, though I recall a tale of a creeping ivy that sups the blood of the unsuspecting. I shall return in a bit with more foul creatures.
Oh /pol/ you beautiful sperg, you just can't help tying everything into your feels-driven delusions.
>bump while I dig em up.
I see what you did there, cheeky bastard. Lovely pun, 10/10
Chiang-shi originate from lands with eastern culture. It is however, the curse that is eastern in nature, and not necessarily its victim. The chiang-si have long, thin white hair, glowing luminous skin, and razor sharp nails; which continue to grow in u death, and if trimmed will grow back immediately upon rest. The chiang-si float silently directly above the ground. They are repelled by the smoke of incense of Rosemary and Myrrh, and can only be defeated by the seeding these herbs amongst the soil from their native lands they keep in their coffin, or by placing a blessed rosemary bulb in its mouth.
Reviled by even their undead brothers, the Vrykolaka are twisted beings. They are scavengers and disease carriers. Their features are sunken or bloated with decay, resembling walking cadavers. Glowing green eyes and curling talons, Vrykolaka almost seem like vampires whose host could not handle the change. Instead of fangs they drink from their victims with a needle like barb at the end of their foot long tongue. Spreading disease and sickness where they go, the only company they keep is the swarms of insects and scavengers who follow the scent of their rot.
A solitary, and shameful creature; the dwarven vampire spends it's time in deep forgotten caves. For most Dwarves the afterlife is a time of great rest and celebration of a life of hardwork, these pitiful undead hide from their own kind, ashamed of what they've become. Some say they can merge with stone itself, and travel through it as others would water. They cannot enter any building that's not at least partially created of stone or earth.
Saved, this is excellent.
The European vampire started as a fear for dead pagans murdered by Christian conversion death squads rising from the grave to torment living former pagan christians fof their betrayal.
Oh hey, I see you're posting the Ravenloft vampire profiles
The elven vampire is a horrendous sight to see indeed. Their beauty and connection to nature is the target of their curse, become ugly deformed creatures who poison the very earth around them. They typically hide their fate beneath cloak and veil in a feckless attempt to hide what they've become. They walk the land at day and must hide from the moon, though must avoid the underground entirely.
Yes yes, blame it on the white Christian man. What else is new?
Thankfully the rarest of the humanoid vampires, the Gnomish Vampire is more solitary then even the dwarven vampire. Retreating deep below the surface where encounters with even other demi-humans are rare. Mute creatures robbed of the jokes and song of their people many rely on writing to communicate. Theyre attacks may not seem to do much damage, but drain the dexterity from their victim, leaving them arthritic, crippled, or even dead as this spread to to lungs and brain. Though rare, the smile of these fallen gnomes can be deadly; causing their victims to laugh themselves to death.
Feral, wild and violent, the halfling vampire is a horrifying creature. Able to take the form of the tobacco smoke it was once able to enjoy in life, the half vamp can never travel more than 1 mile from its original place of burial; some buried far from civilization are known to go crazied with hunger.
You can't get around historical facts, /pol/ fag.
Bunch of durkadurka jewcuck desert shit.
Non native to the land of the mists, or anywhere else for that manner; the Kenner vampire is a dark creation of Lord Soth. Drawing a small kender village into his domain, he slowly killed each and everyone, torturing them and twisting them into his slaves. Now resembling mummified corpses, Bones poking through tightly stretched flesh. The Kenner can now only speak through rough whisper, even that painting them. They exist only to do the bidding of Darklord Soth.
While not technically undead, the Vampyre are still related to the horrific creatures of the night. Beautiful beings, they travel in packs no larger than a dozen. With members of both genders, entice their prey with promises of romance and frivolity, the vampyre will trap it's would be lover and drain them for days, keeping them just too weak to escape.
When two packs of Vampyre meet, woe is the town that hosts. The two packs will celebrate with a week's long party of death and destruction, ending with the mating of each pack, creating the progeny of their horrific clan.
Athaekeetha, was the creation of dark experiments deep underneath Bluetspur. A melding of illithid and vampire Athaekeetha and it's kind are true abominations, with longer feeding tendrils they drill a hole through their victims skull to eat the brain contained inside. Luckily their intelligence is lower than most illithid, but they are more fierce and rabid, making up with with great power. Only the most skilled, and unhinged scientist would ever dream of a creature as foul as this.
With that we wrap up the 13 main types of vampire in the land of the mists. Vampiric Darklords and many notable creatures of the night haunt the lands of ravenloft too, but most are based on these basics types.
I'm gonna a make a bite to eat, and will type up some of my favorites If this threads still alive. I'd love some good vampire films recommendations to enjoy while I finish these up.
Audun Beck is the Captain of the Illsong who was killed and reanimated as a vampire while on a voyage. After the attack, he cursed the gods and and made a wish for his crew to survive. A cursed magic helmet he carried granted a tainted version of his wish, animating his crewmen as sea zombies and ghost pirates.
obsessed with finding a cure for his vampirism, he massacred his entire village and took to the sea of sorrow, where he has cut a bloody path of death for centuries.
Every single culture developed vampire myths.
Some cultures didn't even develop gods, and still they feared vampires.
Vampires are older than sumer and every culture carried their own into the melting pot that became Dracula.
There is no "european" vampire. There's dozens, if not hundreds, of different vampire myths from Portugal to Russia.
Chinese vampires have far more weaknesses than merely having to count rice.
>Items made of wood from a peach tree
>Nail seven jujube seeds into the acupuncture points on the back of a corpse
>Ba gua sign
>I Ching
>Tong Shu
>Glutinous rice (it draws away impurities)
>Thread stained with a concotion of black ink, chicken blood and burnt talisman
>Blood of a black dog
And they can be controlled by affixing a Taoist talisman, stuck on the forehead.
Further, they drain their victims of qi rather than blood though some equate the two, can only move by jumping or hopping and always have their arms outstretched due to rigor mortis.
The hopping vampire or Jiang Shi, even has it's own genre of movie in places like Hong Kong
I wouldn't say every single culture developed vampire myths.
Just because it looks like a European vampire, doesn't mean it is a vampire. The D&D categorization autism strikes again.
It's the whole "the entire world has a myth about the flood". No, the entire world has myths about floods.
Also, yeah you are right about all the different European variant myths. Doesn't change the fact that it all birthed from the early modern period and the fear of curses and revenants.
The idea of the vampire has had more than 1000 years to change and mutate all over Europe, of course you get a million different variants.
You're enormously downplaying how long people have feared ravenous undead who feed on blood or energy. The oldest written literature is about the êkemu, a vampire, seeking revenge on his family for an improper burial.
You want them to be about gypsiest, foreigners and pagans. But that's not even the dust at the surface.
Vampire mythology is probably one of the oldest myths in existance. The first recorded story of blood sucking humans goes back to before the invention of the written word in ancient Mesopotamia.
Care to elaborate on that?
Also, now I''m thinking if the roots of the fear for bloodsucking/cannibal humans come from neolithic burial rituals. We know that neolithic people sometimes ate part of the deceased before burying the deceased.
Im sure you wont be so smug when you're wife, mother, sisters, and daughters are all Muslim sex slaves. Or when you're beaten by some nig.
No clue what game system this is from.
We don't really have any proper vampires in Scandinavian folklore. We have plenty ghouls though, like draugr. The seductive part is present in the Neck; a sexy, nude man or woman-looking creature that tricks people into hopping into his/her stream or lake. Sometimes they play an instrument, sometimes they're not evil and just sexy.
Though not exactly mythical in origin, the American Vampire series deals with a lot of vampire varients. The curse occasionally mutates as it's passed down, leading to different regional vampire species; the series focuses on a new varient arising in the American west.
>>Stephen King
ya did good, user.
it's daylight now, get some sleep.
It's one of those things where they get him to do just enough so they can throw his name on for recognition.
A-are you me?
Can we Asatruar together?
First read about the Penangalan in the 1st Ed Fiend Folio, later worked a manufacturing job with a lot of Filipino co-workers (who were fucking awesome, hard working, kind, funny people who I can't say enough good things about). Got talking with Ronaldo about comics, started talking Hellboy. Mentioned a story from The Right Hand Of Doom where Hellboy is in the Filipines and encounters a penangalan. Rob proceeds to tell me what bits of folklore he can remember, because obviously it's something only the older folks really had as part of their cultural landscape.
Anyway, the Penangalan appears as the flying, severed head of a beautiful young woman, with all the vital organs hanging from the raw stump of the neck. She has to either and shrink her organs by soaking them in vinegar so she can reattach herself to her body. That's what I got from Hellboy and DnD.
What I got from Ron is that they apparently went after the blood of expectant mothers and newborns, and that they'd pick up the spilled blood and body fluids of a birth, and try to fly in your nursery window to drink your baby's blood. The traditional defence against this was to attach long thorns to the window frame to snag and catch her organs as she flew in.
Makes sense, I had just given king 3 solid tries and hated all of them by the end so I'm wirry of his name.
From what I recall of my comic days, it's a solid comic and the big break out piece for Scott Snyder, who's the next DC boy wonder.
As the other user pointed out, King has little to do. I think he helped do the outline for the story.
I've definitely heard Snyder name before, I've been thinking of getting into comics again, I'll give this a look.
The Madness Season by CS Friedman has shapeshiftign vampires as a race. they aren't undead just a human mutation that lives an extraordinarily long time. Sunlight exposure makes their normally slow metabolism burn human fast, and they get a fever and can't be differentiated from humans. They only drink blood because their own bodies can't process normal nutrition, but a synthetic hemoglobin substitute is fine. they remember everything and sometimes even lapse into memory fugue states where they relive memories intensely.
At the end, and this is truly spoiler, The MC realizes that the reason vampires exist is that when large population segments of the human race die off or suffer massive fatalities, vampires serve as the human 'memory back', lkiving for hundreds of years and lookign like anyone they need to to inspire, teach, discover 'new technology', and unearth 'ancient secrets', and so on. All those scientists making great discoveries? Not humans, vampires giving back information lost to the ages.
>That picture
Inquisitor Klaus is not a vampire.
Have you checked?
Yes. I am the player for the PC and made the OR in that drawthread. He's just your average, every day NE asmodean inquisitor with full body burns who cut out his own eye after seeing hell, killed a paladin to return his daughter's soul to the mortal coil, and is infected with dire rat lycanthropy.
He's good at killing vampires though. Usually by cudgeling them with an inert(?) stick grenade.
Read Generation V.
>not posting the yara-ma-ya-who
Disappointment, Veeky Forums.
Also cool little animation featuring it: vimeo.com
It probably also has to do with Cro-Magnon's territorial fights with other hominids and how most of them seem to have had no problem with eating each other.
Don't know bout the game artwork but the names are of mythic vampires
Roma, the vengeful returned corpse of someone who died suddenly while holding a grudge. Or was improperly buried.
Greek, a Lilith/Medusa expy.
Hindu, insatiable blood-drinking, flesh-eating monsters. Born of Brahma's breath while he was having a nightmare.
UK, Dracula's stand-in name in Stoker's notes.
Philippines, either beautiful women cursed by jealousy, or vile spirits pretending to be beautiful women. They are taken to their victim's bed by a flock of imps/crows/bats.
>tfw can't be a Dhamppy in tabletop without hearing autistic screeching about snowflakes
Dhampir are probably the apex of wasted potential in gothic horror. It does get boring when they're just a collection of tropes since in folklore:
>Not all dhampir are good.
>Not all dhampir are the product of rape.
>Not all dhampir hate their progeny.
>Not all dhampir are male.
>Not all dhampir have all the powers of their parent.
>Not all dhampir who hunt monsters do it for free
>Not all dhampir who hunt monsters sympathize with humans
In romanian folklore the dhampir will always side with the mother and that marks their destiny, wether they'll be vile warlocks of brave hunters. And good dhampir usually don't have more than one magic ability: to turn into a massive black hound that can fight vampires, witches and werewolves.
Ironically the only dhampir I've really enjoyed reading is the greatest gary stu of all, but the fact that D behaves more like a poised spaghetti western protagonist than an angsty goth kid makes him more true to dhampire folklore
Is D a Dhamphir though, Ive only seen the movies and it's been awhile but, I thought it was hinted that D was the original vampire and just so powerful he could walk in daylight.
He's the son of the original vampire and a human woman.
Ahh the movies never really made that clear, from what I remember.
Did OP's picture ever get finished by drawfag? I kinda was use it for character art.
What is the pic of?
I'm all for doing pagan psychedelic ceremonies drinking weird herbal brews and eating funny mushrooms, but I refuse to put any belief in any belief system.
Paganism is all part of the same problem as the monotheistic faiths. The creation of an absolute world-view that is dogmatic. Before religion, humans had everchanging chaotic ideas about the world around them that changed as quickly as the understanding of shamans about the world. Now we return to that mindset, an era where science, philosophy and art are always stretching the boundaries of thought, providing us all with new ideas on how to think, providing us with more degrees of freedom, more "space" to think. To adhere to a belief system is to shackle your mind in place, unable to experience the full range of thought that can be experienced. [/autism]
Are you kidding me? After D destroys Carmilla's psionic illusions, just before he eats her soul, Carmilla asks if he is the son of the Vampire King - Dracula.
Like I said, it's been a few years since I saw it and missremembered it
Then watch it again mate. The animation is so good. Vampire Hunter D really should be on your "yearly anime watch" list.
Since group video sites get deleted as spam now heres a link.
I have a roleplay question and considering the thread topic I figure this is the place to ask
How could I roleplay a human who hates vampires and hunts them being forced into thralldom?
I can't figure out how to react to "so you're a thrall now" especially since this character is 100% dedicated to human purity and bodily perfection
I want to fight against it but doesn't the fact that the character is a thrall now (and has been for quite some time) mean he is basically broken?
He could strive to have his thrall-dom cured, or to use his newer power to do an end to vampires, vowing to end himself when his talk is complete.
His task is complete* fucking mobile
Or simple misunderstandings of decomp.
Too good a fate if you ask me.
Yeah I guess that's the way to go, so far I've been playing him as just depressed and disgusted with himself, but I hate the low-energy emoness, and so do the other players, I gotta go on a full on self-hating crusade
Vampire question for the thread.
I have an idea for a 5e warlock whose patron is a Vampire Lord/Lady and was wondering how to go about it. DM is accomodating and likes the idea, but I still need to hash out the mechanics. I was thinking of the undying patron, but that one seems more geared towards liches and necromancers. Has anyone found a good homebrew vampire lord type patron, or had any ideas in that regard? I can give more details on the concept if anyone thinks that might help. Thank you in advance.
I've only seen exhumed corpse in a picture but man, they can look bizarre.
He's not that's just a historical fear
Is it the vampire or the bride that becomes the vorlog?
Make a huge lists of Vampire powers, weaknesses and passive traits from all sorts of stories and cultures, then create individual vampires by rolling randomly. Probably weigh the powers and weaknesses, so that you either get a few strong ones or a lot of weaker ones.
So for example you might end up with a vampire that sparkles in sunlight (Twilight), but his powers are transforming into a giant firefly (Ewe myth) and sucking the fetuses out of pregnant women (Manananggal myth), and as a weakness he can't cross running water, hates garlic, and has to eat nail clippings (Betsileo myth).
Loophole abuse/literal genie interpretation of all orders intended to get his master killed.