What's your favorite low level monster? The one that you absolutely need for a low level quest to feel complete
What's your favorite low level monster? The one that you absolutely need for a low level quest to feel complete
I'm really fond of mudcrabs.
>Hey there adventurer, would you mind cleaning out my rat-infested basement? I would go myself, but my knees just ain't what they used to be anymore...
Kobolds and goblins.
Nothing screams
>were level 1 on our first adventure!
Than kobolds and or goblins.
Readers of shitty jap light novels pls keep your memes out
I'm a fan of kobolds, myself.
Bully mimics. They don't' kill you; they just beat you up.
>Post a werewolf girl
Cliche as it may be skeletons. To me nothing says "we're serious about becoming great heroes" quite like facing down a small horde of animated bones.
>First fight of a new game at level 1
>About three skeletons
>The gunslinger rolls a nat 1 and breaks the gun, everybody else misses.
>The gunslinger rolls to repair and gets a nat 1, has to spend money to repair it later, everybody but the wizard misses.
A 4 v 3 fight ended up taking about 9 rounds because everybody was missing (even the skeletons). So far it's the second hardest fight we've been in.
a large gang of hostile guttersnipes.
>nonlethal but challenging
>promotes a mild moral dilemma hopefully showing players they don't have to kill everything they meet
>keeps them relatively neutral in starting town so they aren't working for the local guard right off the bat.
The race of bully mimics has distinctive gender dimorphism.
Males will beat you up unconscious.
Females will mock and berate you to tears.
>Females will mock and berate you to tears.
Their sharp words deal 1d8 Psychic damage. Anyone who would be reduced to 0 hit points this way is instead reduced to 1 and is afflicted by the fear condition. Additionally these mimics can be harmed by a character's insults with a successful charisma roll. Please note that puns are particularly effective especially if they relate to the mimic being small chested.
A big pile of lock lurkers disguised as coins. I often run games for new players so it never gets old.
I love the goblin->Hobgoblin->bugbear->ogre progression. Easily sells an escalation of threat to players, can be varied up with tactics and equipment to change EL, no "ignores X" type qualities that bone one or more players.
personally i enjoy Kobalds and Goblins.
nothing says fuck you more then these little low levelled fuckers breaking people in half with traps, especially if people manage to break out of the newbie levelled phase and can hit their stride.
Goblins! But I am partial to Kobolds.
>breaks the gun
the gun jams, that DM.
>5% chance of breaking gun
wtf are u smoking dude.
Local hooligans.
They aren't prepared for murderhobos on crack.
Kobolds. I don't like when Goblins are downgraded to low level trash. There are Kobolds for that.
>all these kobold posts
Only time kobolds should be easy is when you catch one alone go tucker or go home.
>Tucker's Kobolds
My nigga.
OT: skeletons- played comedic.
>not knowing about matt mercer's gunslinger class
step it up nerd
>lock lurkers
Never heard of these till now.
>using Matt Mercer's gunslinger class
Fixed that for you...
I like this idea
How do you run these without it feeling cheap?
For my urban campaign, drug addicts or cultists.
Usually they are the same thing.
>you were expecting a hoard of treasure? Greedy! It's just me, Mimic-chan!
Mephits, usually from a dimensional rupture or magical accident
Black people.
Dire rats commanded by wererats in the first ones.
Or vegepygmys.
I don't see any way to make a dead and rotten human comedic without making the whole game comedic.
You what nigga?