Is it autistic to collect and paint Warhammer 40k armies but only play with them by myself? Like roleplaying both sides of the battle, doing voices for the figures and having like a narrative for each squad, etc that is deeply rooted in WH40K lore?
Is it autistic to collect and paint Warhammer 40k armies but only play with them by myself...
>Is it autistic to collect and paint Warhammer 40k armies
Thats kinda cool actually
That sounds like fun but I'd never mention that to anybody.
Does it matter?
Do whatever you find interesting in your spare time, don't let others dictate how you have fun.
please post some battle reports with the dialogue.
Does it matter? Even if it was actually, literally autistic behavior, it would be fine to do it as long as it's fun. I mean, doing weird shit in public can cause all kinds of problems, but what you do by yourself is nobody else's business.
I'd read/watch that.
wouldn't we all...
Any particular story to share, OP ?
No, because it's not always easy to find other players of 40k. It might be the largest wargame, but wargaming is like 0.1% as large as video games, Magic the Gathering or fantasy sports.
it makes you qt! QT!
No, that's actually just downright insanity.
What does this stand for?
Tabletop games like 40k are really only fun if you're playing with another person, who's strategic and tactical decisions are unknown to you. Plus, somebody who can roleplay along with you.
Otherwise you're basically rolling dice by yourself and being amused by the results. So yes, it's autistic.
It's a bit sad, but okay. Whatever floats your boat. Also, check for a local games workshop near your area. You could find people to play with.
What army do you play?
First post best post
>Is it autistic?
Its turbo autism, but it also sounds really fun
That sounds fun.
I've been wanting to get into 40k but I'm afraid of the cost/finding games.
>implying strategic and tactical decisions matter in 40K
OPs way is the best way to play 40K. full immersion in the fluff, none of the crap of the actual game.
There are quite a few tabletop games that are played solo, and very enjoyable.
Lional Tarr re-fought the entire eastern front of WW2 in a ~20 year long solo game, and had a blast. His ruleset was like 3 pages long.
tfw I would be ok with pic related I think I need help
That sounds dang fun, bro !