Fish and shit Edition
>General's Handbook pdf
>OP image album
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Fish and shit Edition
>General's Handbook pdf
>OP image album
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Ok, what link should I add/remove from resources pastebin, discuss.
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Rat-men claim-take first for the almighty-godly Horned Rat
Will we ever see a nice stuff like Slaughterpriest model as extra content in White Dwarf again?
Nurgle is best god and vanguard are best games
Ushoran usurping Nagash when?
>the retributor cunningly lures the dice into close combat to prove the superiority of stormcast jeans
made a flying circus-esque casual list. if only the skyhost was 2 squad of enlighted and 1 squad of skyfire...
probably need some more slying shit
Yeah its pretty obvious they made 2 skyfire instead of 2 enlighted so it isnt an autoinclude bataillon..
It would have been too strong
>how decimators see clan rats.jpg
Missed the opportunity to call him Traumaturge.
So the General's Handbook has everything need right?
I just need that and the Disciples of Tzeentch battletome right?
Long time no see /aosg/, if you would kindly take the time to tell me about Your Dudes, that would be swell.
>Who or what are your dudes?
>What's the backstory to your dudes?
>And what models make up your dudes?
>Who or what are your dudes?
Gay midgets from volcano
>What's the backstory to your dudes?
King midget died to a salamander and his worshippers stopped wearing clothes to honour him
>And what models make up your dudes?
Gay midgets, salamanders
What do you think about expanding Death with an all-new faction of Frankenstein-like monsters?
kinda deserves to be its own crop
Seen a Ninja (death?) star list using shock, packmaster and chaos sorcerer
Khorne peed his pants
is this a new meme ?
was wondering myself, because holy shit some people are excited about something that seems... meh
I just noticed how consistently buff Tzeentch releases are, and especially how much this particular minotaur wizard asshole revolves around anger and smashing people's faces in.
>Khorne peed his pants
Slaanesh confirms.
You don't say!
Ogroid, Tzaangors, Kairic Acolytes, Magnus over in 40k, Lords of Change, the sculpted abs on Flamers... Even goddamn Kairos is buff and he's meant to be frail and twig like for a greater daemon.
Hell, that Gaunt Summoner isn't shirtless, how do you know he's not got an 8-pack under there?
Only Ogroid and Acolytes are what I'd call buff by average AoS standards, and the latter are explicitly described in the lore as scrawny wimps and fatmasters joining the cults to get ripped without going to gym.
(Magnus doesn't count because he's a Primarch).
knocking up a knight questor for some AoS skirmish fun. decided it'd be fun if he once helped out some peasant guards/monks and they painted his armour like a knightly hero of old and now they tag along as he wanders the realms killing shit, recording his stories and helping him out like his warband of squires and minstrels .
>Only Ogroid and Acolytes are what I'd call buff by average AoS standards,
Sure, but being cut enough to have visible muscles all over is pretty dang buff for the nerd faction.
But yeah sorry for the spam, I was just going to post the original before someone suggested the trauma thing, then a friend animated it for me. I'm done now.
Any more pics? This looks very nice
>Trainers HATE him!
>This Kairic Acolyte discovered ONE WEIRD TRICK to getting ripped in just NINE workouts!
all iv'e got so far, still needs a little work. I have ten bret men at arms bodies waiting to be hacked up into his retuine.
Saw you on facebook.
Nice to see I'm not the only oldhammerist here.
also nice to know im not the only oldhammer AOS hybrid .
Back during WHFB, my Dwarfs were exploring the Lustrian mountains jungles for some of that sweet, sweet lizard treasure.
When the End Times hit, they hitched a ride on one of the temple cities and settled in Azyr, eventually meeting up with Sigmar who they greeted as one would an old, long remembered friend.
They still stick to the old ways (square bases included) and generally look down on all these newfangled 'duardin' and their elfy-tollerant ways with disdain. But when Chaos came knocking, they were the first in the line of defence and the last to return through the gates. Now that the gates have re-opened, the last of the dawi have returned for a final reckoning.
>not saying "Stormcasts hate him!"
Why would they hate him?
Someone posted stormcast with white masks in the last thread, anyone got any more of them?
Lighting hurts bruh. no pain no gain. and this mother feather is taking the easy way.
If it's these then I'm also this guy (I don't like painting gold.I think it's beginning to show.)
Sound cool, saying that they were exploring Lustria's mountain jungles made me think of Dwarfs with an Inca theme.
The gold is okay, but the other metal... Did you put the miniature in a nuln oil bath for a week?
>to getting ripped
Damns it was near perfect...
They've got several layers of different rust on them, the camera on my old phone was shit and couldn't get a good enough picture of it.
How'd you do that? It's an awesome effect and I might try to replicate it.
I really like these, think the white masks make them look really creepy like
White undercoat, then a thick wash of agrax, then boltgun metal or similar over the whole thing.
then ryza rust followed by brown artist ink ,then a small drybrush of bultgun to highlight raised areas.
Then add in any bits of rust/wash/ect ect that you feel would finish the effect off.
This picture shows it a little better but it's pitch black right now and i'm not gonna get anything good on this phone camera.
Cheers. I like to think that it's some sort of glazed ceramic like a death mask.
Forgot the bloody picture didn't I.
One thing we need more of is these sweet maps.
Fuck linearity.
Gritty realistic maps are the best maps.
How would a nighthaunt army even do? I'm thinking about doing one based on a mountain kingdom destroyed at the onset of the age of chaos, let in by a traitor. I feel that the Ghost army from Lotr would have the feel I want, using warriors for the spirit hosts, the king for the general/wraith, and a mourngul representing the traitor once again bound to serve the people he betrayed. My problem is the hexwraiths. The rider of the dead is a single model at a much higher price than what I'm comfortable using to get squads of 5. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Time for a cartography fight.
I've been hoping that someone might post some of the maps. I've been looking to save them since I can't really find them online.
Go to games workshop.
Go to the bottom of the page and click on retailers under related sites.
Go to activity support.
Age of sigmar maps.
Damn really, it was this easy the whole time? Well thanks for telling me user.
wow so fun..
Working on some fluff for a Chaos Dwarf army
Essentially, when the end times hit and the world got fucked, a splinter of em was lost in a realm without any actual resources whatsoever, and with nothing to mine or forge, Hashut was displeased with them, punishing them severely. In a last ditch effort to come up with something or face death, the Daemonsmith leader of this faction was able to bind the body and soul of one of his chaos dwarf soldiers into a fine, yet horrifying jewel, similar to making diamonds from ashes. This pleased the dark god, and so this faction set about, looking for any living creature they could find to make more horrifying jewels from. The more innocent and pure, the finer it shined and the greater it's brilliance. But each of these Jewels are obviously cursed for anyone not of chaos. Hundreds of years of roaming the realms and repeating this dark art, the faction grew to get a sick enjoyment of it, valuing the evil gems and desiring more for their dark hoard. Building a massive vault with wheels, they would sack entire villages, and burn the innocent into ashes, only to be pressed into these gems. Eventually, they learned how to forge living beings into their armor as well, as they had with daemons. These horrifying sets of armors and shields would contort like living flesh, as the damned souls trapped within would feel the pain of every blow. Now during the Age of Sigmar, this twisted splinter of Chaos Dwarfs still roam from realm to realm, looking for more innocent lives to forge into their gems, and add to their ever growing hoard of accursed treasure, all in the name of their dark god.
You forgot to mention the part where it doesn't exist.
What exactly is a Mortuary factory anyhow?
That's a pretty good background you have for those Chaos stunties user. I like just how evil and well-fitting it is for them and now I'm imagining the Chaos Dwarf units covered in all kinds of jewels and gems.
Pretty fuckin' dark. I like it.
Basically a huge funeral home or morgue for a large mass of bodies, I'm guessing. It is in the realm of death after all.
Thanks guys, I plan on kitbashing the faces of Spirit Hosts and using some greenstuff/milliput to put them on the shields of some FW Ironsworn Chaos Dwarfs, bulging out of the shields similar to pic related.
>excited about something that seems... meh
That's the only reason we even have an age of sigmar general
He's not the one that told people to go to Activity Support when what you're showing there is in Point of Sale Gallery...
It's a facility for building and shipping out morgues, duh.
You got lost in super markets alot when you were a child didn't you?
That's a cool idea, would look pretty damn neat too if it can be pulled off.
Hell, I wanna try doing this conversion now too.
Better than having a thread for no reason, like with Fantasy.
Excellent damage control
"guys..9th age is totally a thing..i promise.. Look, i've done these drawings in crayon and look at our admin structure and ...and you'll see, we have avatars of war on our side...I'll show you all..."
ahhh, fuck em.
With that accent, I doubt it.
Have you played Mordheim? Vampire Thralls are a thing, and would probably be a good basis for some extra Soulblight Battleline.
Y'know, like said.
This guy's suggestion for Deathlords also fits pretty well.
I'd be okay with 9th age if they stopped being such nerds and allowed rules for new AoS armies.
Also if they weren't rude as shit. They're a group united by their mutual dislike of something and a strange attraction to complex administrative management structure.
Never a good mix.
Anyone got a pic of bone-white colored Khorne? I lost the reference image I had.
you forgot the best part
Whats that?
Which is...?
Hey does anyone know of any good sources for different heads for stormcast size models? I'd really like to give them helmets that aren't silly human faces, like the horus guard helmets from Stargate. Something that looks fantastical but emphasizes 'helmet not face'
yeas the best part is in their OP :
>Kindly no End Times or Age of Sigmar. If that is your cup of tea, please go elsewhere, especially if you're just going to shill or troll. For all intents and purposes, it's not the same universe.
>pls no bully ;(
These guys, the Flayed?
Post your tournament warface
Modified list, thinking it seems fairly balanced in terms of things, but not sure. The basic jist being the Tzaangor Coven runs with a Shaman and the Sorcerer Lord babysitting it to give it buffs and whatnot, another Shaman sticks with the Acolytes to boost them, and the Ogroid goes where Ogroid pleases. Chariots serve to move and support and block and whatnot. I'm tempted to drop two for more Skyfires but I really want chariots just for the theme of the army and for the fun of conversion.
Tzaangor Shaman (120)
Tzaangor Shaman (120)
Ogroid Thaumaturge (160)
- General
- Trait: Soul Burn - Tzeentch Mortal Hero
- Artefact: Wicked Shard
Chaos Sorcerer Lord (140)
- Runesword
- Artefact: Souldraught
10 x Kairic Acolytes (140)
10 x Kairic Acolytes (140)
20 x Tzaangors (360)
3 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (160)
3 x Tzaangor Skyfires (160)
1 x Chaos Chariots (80)
- Greatblades
1 x Chaos Chariots (80)
- Greatblades
1 x Chaos Chariots (80)
- Greatblades
3 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (160)
Witchfyre Coven (60)
Tzaangor Coven (40)
Total: 2000/2000
is it casual ? semi casual ? tournament ? cheese factory based on mourngul ?
Do you face order ? Chaos ? etc.
Semi-Casual, and I face a bit of everything that's common, but I'm also moving soon so hard to say what'll be there.
im not sure about the witch fyre coven with so few models. It ends up costing 17points/kairic.
the 3 chariot are nice tho, there isnt an obvious flaw for semi casual environment, good theme.
These two maps look like sonething from Gauntlet Legends, and I'm A-OK with that
Gotta love brimstone RAGERs
Yeah, ripped for next, but not for long. Next thing you know, Tzeentch will have him look like this.