Alright Veeky Forums, you've convinced me to give this a try. Bought all this today (Minus the paints...

Alright Veeky Forums, you've convinced me to give this a try. Bought all this today (Minus the paints, some awesome guy gave me paints for free. If you're reading this, You're an amazing dude).
What now?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Open box sideways.
>Pour colours of choice.
It's that easy.
just make sure to thin them first.

open the box

Get on youtube and watch some painting guides. Maybe some building guides too if you have never done it. You will have to cut the models from the sprue then clean off the lines and chuncks from the mold before you paint them. These can be cleaned with the back side of that exacto knife. If not they will stand out very bad when painted. I prefer super glue over plastic glue. Dries quicker and you can toss the model in the freezer to break it apart if you want to change it a bit. Downside is the model will be more likely to fall apart.

Those brushes look too big for all except base coating. You will need to pick up some smaller brushes.

To play the game you will need d6s. That is all the system uses and with orks you may need a lot of them.

1 decide what bitz you want to use
2 glue them together
3 use hobby knife to remove cast lines
4 prime
5 paint

Okay, Got it open.
That's a lot of parts, but okay. Guess I should cut out at least one whole Ork.

>bought d8 and d12 for 40k
you didn't really stat and you already fucked up
>that choice of brushes
Oh, wow, this has to be ruse.

how about you take it step by step.

assemble the orcs first then we'll continue, and get a file of some sort... a nail file will do for now

Oh, I play DnD as well, those Dice are for more than just this.

dude your pliers won't cut trough the plastic, neither will your shitty scissors.

getting the parts you need out of the cast frame will be a nightmare