Space Marine Sergeants: Back banner or no back banner. Debate.
Space Marine Sergeants: Back banner or no back banner. Debate
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banner yes
Always banner
Yes if your leading your squad to bolster a line of Imperial Guards, a shining beckon of hope... and 'shoot me instead' sign for the enemy.
Also everyone has helmets
Remember, the majority of fights marines have is against Orks. Against Orks, having a back banner makes you less likely to get shot because it means you're someone important and should be killed in melee.
And thus no one will remember you and you'll never get promoted.
>no back banner
This is not an option.
>not wanting a baller as fuck helmet with wings or a crest or horns
user you are a plebian of the highest calibre
this always makes me want to start a blood raven army.
Sounds like some kind of dark angel fuckery
I still love how some orks just kinda tumble through the charge scenes
>And thus no one will remember you and you'll never get promoted.
survive the first wave and we'll talk.
>fiddly bit of clothe on the back of your fucking armour, makes movement harder and a draws attention to unit leaders.
>nobody will fucking pay attention to it in the heat of battle besides mortals.
of course and ultrafaggot is wearing one
By Maccrage user you truly are faggotus maximus . . .
If thats a tactical marine sergeant i'll eat my bolter
No banner but no helmet. Banner is too retarded while no helmet is retarded enough for it to be 40k. And I loves me my retarded 40k.
Don't Ultramarine Sergeants wear red helms?
i think thats just vet sergeants.
No, it's all sergeants. Veteran sergeants add a laurel to the helm.
Yes to Banner, it's a symbol to rally to and makes the Sargent easily visible in the chaos of battle
Ah thank you a-user
It's an Honor Guard
>that one new guy shows up to his first battle without a helmet because he figures it'll give him superpowers and promotions
>immediately dies to head wound
that guard in the background is fuckhuge
Marinanlets, when they Will every Learn
More like
>only one that survives
>gets a successor chapter
>"Chapter Master, how come you never wear a helmet?"
Nah, you got it all wrong mate, you take your helmet off after your promotion, since you get a sweet force field generator to protect your head.
Ultramarines: Yes
Imperial Fists: Yes
Raven Guard: No
Iron Hands: Vets Only
Salamanders: Vets Only
White Scars: No
Dark Angels: No
Blood Angels: Vets Only
Space Wolves: No
That fucking scream.
An Ork blowing up that predator with a single rokkit is a hell of a fucking shot.
that's why they are I2
I thought they got shot on the move
Played that game so many times
Never realised that was his back banner wtf would a marine do that
Yeah I always wondered too. When I was much younger I thought it was being used as a homing beacon for the drop pods.
Banners are hard to get perfect but they are so worth it
Reminds me of this @4:42
They did, I think you can see some SM die before impact as well.
Heres the real question
Assault Squad Sergeants do you
>No helmet
>Different color helmet
>Make the beakie a Sergeant
Beakie Sgt all day
Any space marine army should have a mandatory beakie
prove me wrong you cant
No helmet
Assault are all beaky for me after DoW2.
I had saved up enough Mk VI helmets from my other kits by that point, so the Sergeants got the spiffy Sternguard/Vanguard ones.
I give my sergeants a stripe down the middle of the helmet.
Why not kitbash and get old style helmets or more decorative helmets for Sergeants?
That was one nice story
Never, it looks goofy as shit.
Banner bearers are the shit. I am to have all the squads in my Demi to have one with their own markings.
>Not blending in with your men as a sign of respect and brotherhood about how everyone is equal in war.
Sure have your nice fancy banner for the parade ground and shit but don't bring that crap to the battlefield.
What kind of faggot sergeant wears a helmet?
But nobody is equal in war, otherwise there wouldn't be a rank system. Retard.
>White Scars: No
I'll have you known that trailer is actually stolen content of this fine fellow
You can see how badly they copy and pasted it
He doesn't wear a sergeant banner, he wears a SQUAD banner.
>No robe and Angel statute option
>Iron Hands: Vets Only
pic related
although if you're using them for horus heresy the banners have rules and aren't on the sarge
My space Marines ALL have back banners, and also Tachi as combat knives. Because they're samurai
No back banner. Instead, do a it of finnicking with a craft knife and green stuff and make your sergeant also a banner-carrier. Also wear a helmet you fucking retard.
Space Marine Sergeants AND Space Marine Combat Squad Leaders both have back banners.
Back Banner, but more of a streamer sort of thing. A guidon, perhaps.
Sarge has a personal banner, someone else has the squad colours, vet squads & command squads have everyone with their personal banner.
Scouts have a handheld banner in the squad, only deployed if they're fighting openly, otherwise it's stashed and worn like a bedroll.
Dreadnoughts always have a banner.
Bikers absolutely have one, or at least hussar wings.
>Hussar Wings
My n-word.
It depends on the chapter, obviously, but some kind of wing-like structure is a good alternative when you need something sturdier than a banner.
As my chapter is space fairing and involved heavily in boarding actions then no they do not have back banners and all of them wear helmets. Even the characters
desu I don't like using the banners on sergeants, but I have thought of using the banners as objective markers instead. my dream is converting those blood angels wing jump packs for assault squads though
what kind of pleb doesn't have all beakie assault squads?
Also ALL BANNERS, ALL THE TIME. Or at least an icon of some sort, remember, no flag, no chapter.
In the game you capture locations by putting banners on them, the locations give you resources which you spend on more units, I assume its a dramatization of that process.
That is not how it works. That's never how it has worked.
Or a white stripe.
if in transport: no
otherwise: yes