
Lets make a sphess opera Veeky Forums
I'll start
>the factions are fighting in a galatic war

>all of the factions are economically reliant on different colors of cotton candy, the most widely valued and utilized galaxy-wide commodity

>The primary resource is a kind of miracle substance known as B.A.L.Ls
>Everyone wants to grab some big hard B.A.L.Ls to make their engines throb harder and their particle cannons blast more
>He who has the most and the biggest B.A.L.Ls wins.

>The cotton candy and B.A.L.L.S are made of the same super particle, GATE particles

>Humanity is new on the scene
>We're currently embroiled in a civil war, with each side backed by one of the sides in the galactic war
>the galaxy at large really couldn't give a fuck

we Yemen in SPESS now

>one of the major players, the grey empire, ran many test on humanity and found that humanity had no compatibility with the GATE particles and thus were largely useless to the grand scale of things

>GATE particals are capable of many things, they can be used for genetic engineering, they can be used for terraforming,they can be used as an adhesiv, they can be used for farming, they can fuel engines, they can be used to revive the dead. This has led to every major race and faction in the galaxy desperatly fighting for them

All the factions are space genies.

The entire war takes place as a proxy war over the remote for a telescreen in a distant living room far away, with each faction having one champion each.

This is a lie perpetrated by pro-humans to mask the existence of Homo Sapiens Reticulus.

I-I-I'm calling XCOM...

The lie is made truth with force.

Holograms are illegal

Ignore these posts please, fucking shitposters

The setting is called sOlar.

Humanity is a small force, relatively new on the scene but is currently being protected by a powerful and ancient space empire called The Vril that uplifted them. Without the Vrils protection, Humanity would have been wiped out long ago.

Humanities civil war is being fought between three factions. Asini wants to genetically engineer Humanity, Exothoth wants to augment Humanity with cybernetics and synthesize the biological body with synthetic parts, and Sonnenrad, which believes that Humanity must stay Human and evolve in its own way, outside of the corrupting influence of technology or other inhuman races.

>pic related is ExoThoth

The Grey Empire have no known home planet and havent been known to fight openly with other races. They collect information and seem to be massing an army but no one knows why.

The nemesis of the Grey empire are the Ænathar, a humanoid race that has a remarkable resemblance to serpents or dragons. Greys and Ænathar have been at wat for millennia.

>no one knows were the greys come from
>some people theorize that the greys are invaders from another galaxy
>others say that the greys are the oldest race in the galaxy and that there home plant was destroyed long ago
>all that is known grays are alien to nearly everyone
>there tech is strange and other worldly and there psiconic powers are horriffing
>they are other worldly even in the vastness of space

the warlike and barbaric warriors of the Rumar slaughter thousands in their holy nomadic crusades to their far spread temples to the god of the hunt

also the reason for their mindless savagery is their process of devolution cause by their hubris in the past so now they are they holders of a once powerful empire with wonderful technology with the sense of a angry five year old and the body of a silver back

>The Rumar,similar to the sharks of earth, are so violent that a single drop of blood can make one go berserk

a once powerful empire has since dwindled down to unintelligent barbarians who fight themselves more than everyone else due to their constant exposure to pure unrefined GATE particals released on their homeworlds

so barbaric sharklike warriors who go on holdy blood crusades in their gods name
now what kind of tech do they have?
