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This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Have you ever played a Slasher heavy chronicles,or have you ever played has a slasher?
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
First for Moros!
First for oWoD.
muh metaplot
Third for Thai cuisine.
Don't even remind me. oWoD is so bad.
I dunno m8, the only thing I hate about owod is the Camarilla wank
I'd rather play Anarch or Sabbat :/
>Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy >Mage Supremacy
Its fluff, in terms of Demon, Vampire, Werewolf and Wraith, simply can't be beat.
I'll be the first to admit that the old Changeling sucked balls and that Lost is far better though.
8th for Toto
What fluff? The overarching plots were shit. The NPCs were shit. The fact that you had to read up on it and modify your game to fit it was shit. The fact that they released tons and tons of splatbooks dedicated to that metaplot shit is shit.
It's shit.
So you hate established settings? Why bother playing anything official then? Why not just stick with homebrews?
Really? Because I use Vampire and Werewolf as examples of how terrible the metaplot cancer of that era is.
>Hunter Supremacy
>The fact that you had to read up on it and modify your game to fit it was shit.
You don't do this? When Storytelling Forsaken I threw out all the spider and rat spirit nonsense and I ignored the tribe names thing because fuck giving every npc two names.
I have a question for oWoD savants. Is Cain strong enough to fight off Archmages or is he just another lawn chair?
Just plugging my Mage 2e game that I'll be running 5:00 p.m. Sydney Time on Wedesndays.
I can change the time if there are enough issues, but that's my current best time given my schedule.
Wraith was amazing until the Sixth Mealstrom, but thats partially remedied byt the amazingness that was fucking Orpheus. The lower powered splats were the most interesting ones to me because they were the best at telling jab-thumbs-into-your-eyes styled gritty stories, one notable one I remember being in was a long-running gang war between the local Necropoli's Spooks and Monitors, woth Legions and other Guild dancing in on occasion to shake things up.
God ultimately slaps down anyone messing with Caine, so Caine wins by default.
Now kill yourself.
>Implying God can beat an Archmage.
Don't make me laugh. Now kill yourself.
They're all lawn chairs, user.
No exceptions.
Have you ever considered God might in fact be the OG Archmage?
Can you fuck off? It's because of people like you that this place is dying. I come here for civil conversations and you just spew your shit all over the place.
Instead of 3/4/5 and 4/7/11 what if you could put 12 dots into any Attributes you want and 22 for Skills?
Improbably levels of munchkin'ing
Another unflushed toilet of mage shit. I'm just going to leave for a couple of days and hope for the best. I thought Aspel was bad.
Give it a week, it'll turn into some new form of faggotry.
I think it's about time for gay werewolves to make a comeback.
Its probably because there was only one Aspel but mage supremacy is legion.
Once Mage Supremacy is stale it'll just be something else. Then something else, and something else, until we get back to Mage Supremacy.
Does anyone have the original of the OP pic?
It's from a comic called Hack/Slash. The cover art is way hotter than the interior art.
Is that a request?
Cain and the Antediluvians are barely above planetary level. Archmages are up and beyond that by a great deal
You could always just say that their Plot Device status protects them, but the Archspheres are still an even bigger Plot Device (10 dot Disciplines are defined, 10 dot Spheres are not) than the Disciplines. So I honestly don't know.
Is that an offer?
>Starting shitposting about Mage superiority some time ago
>It was fun at first acting like a massive autist chuuni delusional fuck
>People fell for it and got genuinely upset
>Fast forward to this
>Shitpost constantly without wanting to
>Without thinking
>The superiority just flows from my fingers
>Starting to spill to my everyday life
>Go around my day thinking how could do everything and better
>Have never even played Mage
What have I become?
I'll need to build up a folder first, soz
See you in a week or so
Most people here are Requiem fags and don't even know what Antediluvians are.
See. This is the problem with Mage Supremacy shitposting.
Most of the time it's not even Mage players who do it!
Of course I do. It's anything that pre-dates The Flood. That's what the name means!
You Awakened
>lies of a madman
How does one measure plot device? And how are archmages stronger than antediluvians?
I believe in you, gaywolf shitposter.
A shit-posting mystery play? That's crazy enough that it could work as a character concept.
So, what's the whole of a World of Darkness general if it's only about mages? Why not must rename it to something?
To trick other people into playing shitty games, that they don't even realise are shitty, so Mage players can laugh loudly.
Archmages can destroy an entire galaxy let alone our solar system. Antes can't even destroy a fucking continent.
>that they don't even realise are shitty
Nice grammar, magefag.
>Archmages can destroy an entire galaxy
How do they do this exactly? Can you back this up?
Archmage with the forces sphere can control energy on a universal level dumbass.
Masters of the Art like probably every other feat of OWoD archmastery.
Can you link the text?
Some shit book called Masters of the Art, which was disowned by it's own Author. It, along with Blood Treachery are two of the absolute worst books WW ever made, along with Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand and the original line of Clanbooks.
Has anyone ever actually played a game with archmage rules? I've been in plenty of high level games but I've never heard of a game where someone legitimately reached threshold.
I can agree that Blood Treachery was fucking atrocious, but I did thoroughly enjoy the fluff in Masters of the Art. The archspheres were over powered and a mess, and could have been written better, but they were still a necessity in my honest opinion. They give you a lot of ideas.
They're discussing Ascension Archmages. Awakening Archmages are actually playable with a coherent system. Thanks to actual real life Mage Dave.
>which was disowned by it's own Author
Brucato didn't write the book.
But he fucking HATES it.
>Brucato didn't write the book.
>But he fucking HATES it.
Probably because it has rules at all.
Personally I think that Imperial Mysteries did everything that MotA tried to do but better, the fluff was on point, and whilst I never have played as an Archmaster, their means of making change changes to the Fantastic World seem a great deal more awesome.
But that really dovetails into my overall thought on Archmastery, it really doesn't work for playing, they're so overwhelmingly powerful that I struggle to articulate what a Campaign using them would be like, what does a being that lives inside it's own temple-soul *do* all day? I mean, they're so far removed from our condition that the drama ceases to function correctly in ways that we can truly rationalize.
>what does a being that lives inside it's own temple-soul *do* all day?
Go for a morning jog on the even horizon of a black hole, travel to 18th century vienna for some light shopping, have lunch with Luna, Sol, and other greater/lesser celestials, travel to the underworld for a quick round of mini putt by the river styx, empty the trash in one of the lower depths, craft a creature past the limits of possible biology, kill said creature for dinner, watch Galaxy Generals the hit t.v. series that's yet to be made, etc.
Then shitpost on /CoFD/ about Mage supremacy.
What a life.
>archmages transcend the boundaries of time and space just to shitpost and bully other splats
Truly a worthy use of their vast cosmological power.
And it doesn't even violate the Pax Arcanum.
Something that petty sounds perfectly in character for a lot of mages.
The Pax Arcanum doesn't exist in Ascension
Best splat to play so I can have a marraige of convinience to a nubile young girl to protect her from exploitation?
Is there a particular reason why other ascended mages don't send down the occasional ochemata to wreck shit?
Surely they'd be past the point where the exarchs can retaliate.
That sounds like a story hook for a changeling game.
(You) won't be missed, and are part of the problem.
They've got their own shit going on up there. Oracles are busy defending the Watchtowers and Exarchs are busy being godkings of reality and also trying to destroy the Watchtowers.
I think.
ERP doesn't need a system desu.
Because the Exarchs already won their right to rule over the World of Darkness. That's the entire point. The Exarchs are the living symbols of human oppression/tyranny. How are you going to fight concepts? They're too powerful to fight directly.
But how am I supposed to get off if there aren't dice rolling?
I mean, don't they? That's where stuff like rotes and legacies come from in a lot of cases for the Pentacle, their AMages are putting down fingers once in a while when they have time between ducking super-heaven's prison angel hordes.
Ascended Mages are basically concepts, weak concepts compared to the supreme power of the Exarch's tyranny. I'd imagine they find it hard to think about the Phenomenal World any more.
Back from LARP. Finally winding down after a long day.
* Poor Toreador didn't get squished. But he did accidentally let the Project Twilight leader know that the vampires are investingating the 'terror attack'.
* Archon Malkavian showed up to investigate melty Tremere (finally).
* Archon Tremere and Elder Setite 'make nice' (IE: they hate each other)
* New Elysium was established.
* Prince is to be ousted next game by the Primogen if all goes as planned
* Poor young Giovanni did NOT accidentally summon Grandmother to him again...
All in all, a good session.
>Archon Tremere
God damn it, Archon Malkavian and Elder Setite 'make nice' even.
>no mages
Terrible session
We weren't even talking about ascension dumbass owod baby
No one will ever make new Mage LARP rules out of spite for Mage fans.
Cancer of this level shouldn't be possible
>dumbass owod baby
Don't be a meanie doo doo head. I will tell the teacher on you!
We need like 4 threads
Just merge the last two into the mage supremacy thread
Whos the changeling? The player or the girl?
Can you summon multiple spirits/ghosts at once or is it only one entity per casting.
So Cain fighting an Archmage 1v1 is suicide, apparently. Is there anyone else who could do it? Could Lilith? Lucifer? I haven't read Demon so I don't know too much about him.
Amp up the number of targets, and that copies the spell's effect to an increased number.
So add on -4 to increase that factor by two steps and you'll summon 4 Ghosts/Spirits.
>Masters of the Art and Blood Treachery for the reading pleasure of any masochistic Anons.
>Brucato didn't write the book.
>But he fucking HATES it.
The fact that the narcissistic and incompetent M20 mega-douche Brucato hates Masters of the Art is probably the best endorsement the book could hope to achieve.
That would make sense. If I switched it to 'area of effect' i should be able to command *every* ghost or spirit in range of the spell that doesn't withstand the spell. Holy crap that's nuts. I could have dozens of spirits coming to defend me.
So is Dracula basically the vampire ideal?
kinda of
an utter monster
and killing machine
but with some weird ass flaws
Does dracula actually exist in V:tR?
Didn't he found the Ordo Dracul?
I thought he was considered a mythic figure like longinus or cain.