Kamigakari user, are you still present to answer inquiries?
Old Thread:
Kamigakari user, are you still present to answer inquiries?
Old Thread:
Doesn't seem like it. But if this thread lives long enough, I'll have a table of all PC-relevant Talents for quick comparsion and overview.
Nice! Looking forward to it.
I am reading through the book right now. Looks interesting, albeit the writing is dense and sometimes kinda hard to parse. It is also interesting to see how Japanese treat their RPGs differently. Like that GM advice that is basically straight up saying "you can invalidate your PCs' actions freely and move the story forward if you think you should."
Since people talked about it in the last thread, I fixed up some fillable character sheets. First time doing anything like this, so I assume other people could make them much more aesthetically pleasing, but they should be functional enough.
And here's the record sheet as well.
Also, since I completely fell in love with both the setting and the system after Kamigakari user's posts, I ended up buying the core book + 3 of the expansion books. My Japanese is acceptable at best (and translating takes quite some time to say the least), but I am thinking of at least translating any relevant information for the new styles/races, if Kamigakari user moves on to some other project. You'll just have to wait 'til they get shipped over from Japan.
user that's breaking it down into a boxed set. Where did you order yours? And when you get them, would you mind supplying us with cover art, and perhaps one or two internal art pieces? Not the full range, but just some stuff I can toss in to break up the text a bit more than it is.
Got the books from CDJapan. Can recommend them, it is a good site.
And would like to give you guys art, but unfortunately I don't really have access to any scanner. Hopefully someone else can provide on that front.
I have a scanner, but I live in Germany, so shipping and customs make purchasing anything from Japan a financial nightmare.
I'd have asked the original translator if I'd seen the first thread live, so I'll ask you now. Can you translate the FAQ he mentioned last thread? I feel like that would be fairly helpful since we can't nust8call one of you up everytime we have a question.
what is the setting like?
It is a mashup of every "modern urban fantasy" anime, LN and manga you can think about. Superpowered human hunting for supernatural threats and disturbances? Check. Secret societies like the Church, Mage Association, Demon Hunters, megacrops, assassins groups etc.? Check. Supernatural critters and more powerful beings hidden in the confluxes of ley lines? Check. Powerful beings spwaned from negative emotions and the malice of humanity, wishing for universal destruction and signing dark pacts with normal people? Check. "Most of the mythology is true, magic exists" premise? Check. Lots of random mythological names and artifacts appearing? Check. Focus on young characters and the option being descendant from gods/vampires/mage lineges/kitsune/whatever? Check. Magical girls, henshin heroes, shadowbending assassins, mages uploading their spells to smartphones? Check. Lots of generally weeb/chuuni shit like magical circles, sigils appearing on your body (including eyes!), secret techniques, fighting inside "barriers" (mirror dimensions ala Doctor Strange Movie) and oversized weapons? Check, of course! Hell, there are even Heroic Spirits in the expansions.
Overall, it is not original at the least but it is also kinda fun in its simplicity. It's a kitchen sink of anime tropes and Japanese modern fantasy so if you like that you should recognize most elements pretty quickly.
You are doing God's work, user. New Styles/Races/Armaments would be really cool. There is already Cyborg translated in the last thread, in case anybody missed it.
I started looking through the FAQ, but ran into a minor problem: Since it refers to the pages of the original handbook, it is kinda hard to know exactly what it is talking about with just the translated PDF. Especially so when I don't have all the original Japanese terms.
I'll get to it once the books arrive, unless I get too distracted by all the new fancy stuff.
is there a pdf?
It's in the previous thread
Here, I will even spoonfeed you
Also, Cyborg translated:
God damned plant people.
Not him but thanks for the Cyborg stuff, user
This game sounds really fun, the dice system seems great. Anyone play or planning a session yet?
Maybe they wanted an actual PDF
I have come up with what I think is a very powerful build.
• World Influence Level: 1
• Race: Cyborg (Cyberdive, Precise Adjustment)
• Stat Type: Martial
• Main Stats: Strength 7, Agility 6, Intellect 1, Will 1, Luck 1
• Main Style: Arc Slayer A (Secrets of the Destroyer, Yang Style, Mysteries of Battle)
• Secondary Style: Dragon Carrier A (Crystal Transformation)
• Weapon: Form: Ranged: Heavy Firearm, 2500G, plus free Enhancing Modifications
• Protector: Suit: Resist Jacket, 800G
• Accessory: Hand: Magatama Bangle, 500G
• Accessory: Lower: Tactical Holster, 1000G
• Accessory: Upper: Jacket, 100G
• Remaining: 100G
Derived Statistics:
• Accuracy: 7 = 7 Strength + 1 Arc Slayer - 1 Heavy Firearm
• Evasion: 8 = 6 Agility + 2 Arc Slayer
• Conjuration: 1 Intellect
• Resistance: 1 Will
• Insight: 1 Luck
• PD: 24 = 4 half Strength rounded up + 4 Arc Slayer + 6 Heavy Firearm + 4 Enhancing Modifications + 2 Magatama Bangle + 4 Tactical Holster
• MD: 1 half Intellect rounded up
• Initiative: 11 = 6 Agility + 5 base + 7 Arc Slayer - 5 Heavy Firearm - 2 Resist Jacket
• HP: 46 = 7 Strength + 1 Will + 3 thrice level + 35 Arc Slayer
• Armor: None
• Barrier: 3 Resist Jacket
For [5] at the start of combat, this character enters Crystal Transformation for +1 Rank to all attacks.
For [E] and [O], not that trivial a cost, they can activate Precise Adjustment, Yang Style, and Mysteries of Battle. This gives +1 Accuracy, +1 Rank, and +10 damage.
In other words, this character can, on a regular basis, target three enemies within 8 squares at a total of Accuracy +8, Rank +2, and PD +34. That is completely devastating.
Noncombat-wise, the character can pull their weight with high Strength and Agility and Cyberdive. The one weakness of this build is its frailty.
Can anyone see any issues with this build? More importantly, can anyone come up with a build that can kill multiple enemies with even greater ruthless efficiency?
Kamigakari PDF page 123: Shadow Gate and Shadow Wind effects are exactly the same, except the range. Even the fluff descriptions are the same. Is this intended?
Heavy Firearm doesn't add to your [PD] {Combat Stat}.
I seem to have made an error. I included the PD twice from the Tactical Holster. Therefore, the damage should simply be:
>• PD: 20 = 4 Arc Slayer + 6 Heavy Firearm + 4 Enhancing Modifications + 2 Magatama Bangle + 4 Tactical Holster
Which is still a mighty high amount that goes up to +30 with Mysteries of Battle.
Another heavy-offense build I am considering is an Elder Mage A + Dark Hunter A who uses Shadow Double on Grand Spell Invocation. How well might such a build work?
Kamigakari PDF page 243: For the "Range of Attack Actions with No Range" section, the last line should most likely say "Magic Attack" instead of "Melee Attack."
>Shadow Double on Grand Spell Invocation
What are you trying to do with your regular Attack Timing?
Holy shit! First time I'm hearing about this game. Almost didn't even click the thread, but I was bored. So glad I did!
I read through the old thread and am really excited about the system now. Also kind of sad because I was working on a system with similar mechanics ideas but this game seems to do it much better! Ha, ha. Oh well, maybe I can steal from it.
Thank you so much for translating!
A regular attack with a Focus, presumably.
Kamigakari PDF page 126 and 128: There are two Talents named Element Burst. The second should be changed to something else, as Element Master and Origin Power both refer to Element Burst.
Sounds unreliable since you have to trigger Damage Calculation to use Shadow Double. Using a talent that lets you make a regular attack after you use Grand Spell Invocation normally, and then applying cost discounts to both could be the better path.
>you have to trigger Damage Calculation to use Shadow Double
Given a very high Conjure from being a magus with Familiar the ability to swap out d6s with Influence, and targeting two enemies with a Focus, it cannot be too bad. There is also the magus's Attack Magic to assure a Damage Calculation.
>Using a talent that lets you make a regular attack after you use Grand Spell Invocation normally
Such as...?
Such as Digital Sorcerer A's Battle Interpreter.
Elder Mage A already gets Quick Spell, which has a similar effect to Shadow Double.
Never mind Battle Interpreter. At least the Shadow Double or Quick Spell method costs one less spirit.
Quick Spell comes only at level 3, minimum.
Could Shadow Double and Quick Spell be used together for two Grand Spell Invocations in a row?
I have to wonder how well this build actually performs compared to the gunner in and .
Main Style: Elder Mage A
Second Style: Arc Slayer A
Lv3: Elder Mage A - ◎ Attack Magic Expert
Lv5: High Talent - Continuous Action
Lv10: ※ Style Ultimate - ◎ Invincible Manslayer)
Lv10: High Talent - Great Caster
Invincible Manslayer turns Grand Spell Invocation into [Cost: Doubles]. Attack Magic Expert treats one part of that cost as paid. Starting level 10, fire away with 1-spirit Grand Spell Invocation, using Continuous Action to use it twice. Use your other levels and resources to add to damage. Lv15 should take Continuous Action again for more spam.
>level 10
>not playing the long game
>implying you'll get there before your game falls apart
The build still works before level 10. It would simply use less Grand Spell Invocation and more weapon attacks to varying degrees.
>stats directly affect accuracy and avoidance
>choose 2 stats to increase every single level
>there are three different avoidance stats, none of which help with accuracy
Also present!
Aren't Heavy Firearms restricted to Utility styles? You would have to give up one talent to take Weapon Proficiency instead.
Seems like it. Also check the cost and range.
That's a feature called [Anti Snowflake].
You are correct. Let us update the build, then.
• World Influence Level: 1
• Race: Cyborg (Cyberdive, Precise Adjustment)
• Stat Type: Martial
• Main Stats: Strength 7, Agility 6, Intellect 1, Will 1, Luck 1
• Main Style: Arc Slayer A (Secrets of the Destroyer, Yang Style, Mysteries of Battle)
• Secondary Style: Dragon Carrier A (Crystal Transformation)
• Weapon: Form: Ranged: Firearm, 1300G, plus free Enhancing Modifications, plus Multi-Target for 1500G
• Accessory: Hand: Magatama Bangle, 500G
• Accessory: Lower: Tactical Holster, 1000G
• Accessory: Upper: Jacket, 100G
• Remaining: 600G
• Session Prep: Gain 200G, then buy Protector: Suit: Resist Jacket, 800G
Derived Statistics:
• Accuracy: 8 = 7 Strength + 1 Arc Slayer
• Evasion: 8 = 6 Agility + 2 Arc Slayer
• Conjuration: 1 Intellect
• Resistance: 1 Will
• Insight: 1 Luck
• PD: 18 = 4 Arc Slayer + 4 Firearm + 4 Enhancing Modifications + 2 Magatama Bangle + 4 Tactical Holster
• MD: 1 half Intellect rounded up
• Initiative: 14 = 6 Agility + 5 base + 7 Arc Slayer - 2 Firearm - 2 Resist Jacket
• HP: 46 = 7 Strength + 1 Will + 3 thrice level + 35 Arc Slayer
• Armor: None
• Barrier: 3 Resist Jacket
For [5] at the start of combat, this character enters Crystal Transformation for +1 Rank to all attacks.
For [E] and [O], not that trivial a cost, they can activate Precise Adjustment, Yang Style, and Mysteries of Battle. This gives +1 Accuracy, +1 Rank, and +10 damage.
In other words, this character can, on a regular basis, target three enemies within 8 squares at a total of Accuracy +9, Rank +2, and PD +28. I still like to think that this is a monstrously strong build.
What exactly is your problem?
Summarizing Talents turns out to be quite a slog, because I keep stumbling over ambiguous or questionable parts.
Maybe post what you got here along with questionable parts so we can try to clear them up.
RAWs when?
Are there any rules for making your own monokes?
Also which splat has the [God Hand] style that's mentioned in the brief write-up for 47 in the npc list?
Expansion books.
When people with actual books get a hold of a decent scanner. There are no official PDFs from what the translator in the last thread said.
Anyone got a site where one can buy these books?
Where is the official FAQ?
Looking this over, this has been a rarity where I see a ton of REALLY DIFFERENT builds and character concepts that I want to play.
Oh, uh, hi guys. I don't check Veeky Forums every day, and I sort of thought it would be presumptuous of me to keep a thread going. But if people have questions, please let me know! I'm sure there's many...
One thing I've already determined I'd do is make up a Kamigakari PDF 2.0, where I correct a bunch of errors. For instance, the 'Melee Range' defaults being listed twice (one is supposed to be Magical Range, the latter one), and Crystal Transformation saying it 'does' spend your Start when... no, it doesn't.
FAQ and Errata can both be found here: r-r.arclight.co.jp
Thanks again for translating this! It's new to me and I find what you said about it in the last thread very interesting.
Keep up the good work!
bless u for translating this. Thanks user
You guys convinced me, also. Seems Kami is more popular than I would've realized! So...
I'm going to release ALL of my translations up to this point. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: these are very rough, possibly incorrect, unedited, and all in raw as heck text files. None of this is complete or ready. But if you really want it, you got it.
Basically I have about half of the first expansion done, and then from the other two I mostly translated the races and styles. There's very little else at the moment, but I suspect races/styles are most important right now. Items will come, but slowly. They're next on my list.
Also, since you'll get there soon, here's the Sanctum Sheet, for use with the stuff in Requiem. It is untranslated. r-r.arclight.co.jp
I may as well ask a few questions, then.
1. How do automatic success talents actually work? Consider the following maneuvers:
Check: {Agility}
Restrict: None
Time: 10 Minute (60 Rounds)
Effect: The PC removes locks securing treasure chests or doors (including electronic locks), or
removes man-made traps. For this [Maneuver], the higher the [Result], the more complex lock
or trap that can be dealt with. In the case of a trap, failing at [Unlocking] will cause the trap to
Check: {Intellect}
Restrict: None
Time: 10 Minute (60 Rounds)
Effect: Recalling general knowledge or folklore. The higher the [Result] of the {Intellect} check
for [Lore], the more detail that can be gained.
If I roll incredibly low and use an automatic success talent on [Unlocking], does that mean I can still fail to pick a lock or disarm a trap anyway, because the [Result] is what matters and not success/failure against the [Difficulty]?
If I roll quite low and use an automatic success talent on [Lore], does that mean I gain an extremely tiny, unhelpful amount of information, because the information is based on the [Result] and not success/failure against the [Difficulty]?
2. Is there really anything stopping someone from ignoring starting equipment restrictions by using the G to purchase items during [Session Prep]?
3. Can a talent like Shadow Double or Quick Spell, either of which treats a [Cost] as having already paid, let you use a talent even though its [Cost] is not in your [Spirit] pool?
4. What does [Shadow Wind] actually do? It is a copy of the default [Shadow Gate] with ever so slightly greater range.
5. Is the millionaire [Cover] really supposed to grant bonuses to [Actions]?
6. The book is deeply unclear on how [Special Attacks] actually work. Is it that a [Physical Attack] or a [Magical Attack] can also become a [Special Attack], above and beyond its physical/magical status?
Also, wow, thank you so much for those fillable sheets, and for supporting Rikizou!
I intend to translate literally everything for Kamigakari, though it'll take some time, naturally. There's six expansion books currently! That's a lot to do, plus there's some minor data stuff in the replay, and it gets at least some items and Mononoke in Role & Roll Magazine every month. I don't even own those! But I appreciate the enthusiasm.
Oh wow... took a look at the Requiem stuff... that's exciting! You're doing amazing work with these translations, user
Whoa. Okay, I'm not sure how that happened. The one on page 128 should be Element Blast. Noting this one down for 2.0
Thanks for pointing this out! Shadow Wind should have the following effect: Unique Effect. The target gains a +1d6 modifier to {Initiative}. This Talent does not spend [Start]. If used [Out of Combat] on a target performing [Acrobatics], they succeed at the check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll] (treat as [Result: 20].)
I'll add this to 2.0 as well.
Yup! Magical Attack. Already been noted for 2.0. Thank you though!
There are no rules, unfortunately. I suppose they needed something to keep printing to make money. As for the other question, please see my post
We have a JRPG discord, with other translators. They like the game. Want to join?
1. That's a good question. Let me poke around on the FAQ and errata and stuff and see if I can't come up with anything. I sort of answered it in the previous thread, but not very satisfyingly, I admit. I'll get back to you on it!
2. Other than the GM, nope.
3. I'd have to dive into the FAQ to know for sure (if it's even brought up there), but my assumption is yes. It just seems too weird otherwise.
4. See ! Also I'm thinking an errata document on my pastebin would be a good idea, so I'll be putting it up there.
5. Nope, it gives bonuses to two [Maneuvers]. [Actions] was a hold over term when I was translating and I completely forgot Millionaire referenced it.
6. So Special Attacks are essentially exactly the same in all ways as what the Item or Talent says it is. The only difference is, the target has to roll Insight, as opposed to Evasion or Resist. This usually but not always means it'll be a crap defense. (For Mononoke, use the CHK column.)
While we're at it: Godhunter NPCs.
Are you really supposed to add 8 to get the fixed values? The average of 2d6 is 7.
Legion A has this:
※ Focused Assault
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [5, 5]
Utilizing special combat techniques, you make an unparalleled focused assault.
Use On Active Check. The user performs two [Weapon Attacks] against the [Target]. While the user may apply Talents that have an effect on [Attack Actions] to this Talent, if making a [Ranged Attack] or [Magical Attack] with this Talent, it cannot be used after a [Combat Move]. This Talent may be used once per round.
Does this synergize with Arc Slayer A's Mysteries of Battle as well as I think it does? That would be two attacks each with +10 damage.
Would I have to use a separate Yang Style for each of the two attacks, or would a single Yang Style cover for both attacks?
Do [Target: Area] and [Target: Combat Zone] attacks cause friendly fire?
I can find no such rule stating that allies are exempt. Have I missed such a rule?
And you haven't answered yet
Yup! Or that's what it says in the book. I assume they're *supposed* to be a little tougher, because a lot of their other stuff is pretty strong too.
So I couldn't find a specific answer to your #1 (the FAQ is very big, 2000+ lines). But here's what I got to thinking while pondering on it. I re-checked the phrasing of those Maneuvers in question, and all they say is that "the higher your Result, the better you do." This means to me that there is no "failure" state for this roll. It's not like, say, Climbing, where you need to roll something specific to succeed, and if you don't, you fail.
Moreover, the Talents themselves all say "regardless of the Roll" and also the rules in Reading a Talent say to treat use the roll as-is to figure out who wins in the case of two people using auto-success Talents in an Opposed Check. This leads me to think that in the case of Maneuvers like Lore and Unlocking, you would also just use the result as-is.
Therefore, it's my assumption the automatic success Talents DO NOT work on those types of maneuvers. But that's just my assumption. Does that make sense? I hope it does.;
As far as I'm aware, there is no friendly fire, and no line of sight in Kamigakari. Area effects say they can freely target within the Area, as per the diagram on page 245.
So here's a weird thing. Mysteries of Battle actually wants to be used on "Use On Active Check." The Japanese for that is as follows:
Meanwhile, Focused Assault is as follows:
This second one is used a lot, and usually on attacks. The former is used on Yang Style. So I think I done fucked up on that particular translation, and will be working to resolve it.
As for the second part of the question, I found in the FAQ that if you use an effect that raises one of the Weapon Attacks, it only affects ~that one~, not both. It was referring to Additional Effects, but I assume it extends to Talents, too.
Sorry about that! Otherworldly Gaze allows you to make an Assess maneuver, and use its result as though it were the result of Identify.
Bonus time: I found that I accidentally skipped some errata for Otherworldly Gaze. You ignore both the Time and Restrict on Assess when making this. So even a non-Martial Scion can use it without receiving a penalty.
So does this mean that, for example, the cyborg's Retractable Armaments and the dragon lord's Dragonpulse Destruction do *not* actually work in conjunction with Mysteries of Battle?
Which talents absolutely, positively, undoubtedly work with Mysteries of Battle? It is an extremely strong talent that is the crux of many high-offense builds, so knowing what it is actually compatible with will be helpful.
Looking through the books, here is what it WILL work with. Please assume not listed here is wrongly translated, and will be fixed for 2.0.
Arc Slayer's Yang Style
God Hand's Swift Art
Contractor's Spirit Tracking
...And that's it.
Shit, I'm bad at this. What I mean to say is, I was looking for Use On Active Check. Swift Art and Spirit Tracking were the only two I saw with that wording.
Everything else is Use While Active. So Retractable Armaments and Dragonpulse Destruction would ~not~ work.
Basically if it's something that gives a bonus to an accuracy, conjure, or active check, it works. If it's an attack, it does not work.
That is a surprisingly short list.
What of the Divine Talker's Holy Word Strike?
Holy Word Strike
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Using a special word, you enhance your own spirit energy.
Use On {Conjure} Check. The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of the {Conjure} check. This Talent may be used once per round.
Yup, that would work! Sorry, I got a little flustered by my mistake so I was hurrying to fix it...
>So I couldn't find a specific answer to your #1 (the FAQ is very big, 2000+ lines). But here's what I got to thinking while pondering on it. I re-checked the phrasing of those Maneuvers in question, and all they say is that "the higher your Result, the better you do." This means to me that there is no "failure" state for this roll. It's not like, say, Climbing, where you need to roll something specific to succeed, and if you don't, you fail.
>Moreover, the Talents themselves all say "regardless of the Roll" and also the rules in Reading a Talent say to treat use the roll as-is to figure out who wins in the case of two people using auto-success Talents in an Opposed Check. This leads me to think that in the case of Maneuvers like Lore and Unlocking, you would also just use the result as-is.
>Therefore, it's my assumption the automatic success Talents DO NOT work on those types of maneuvers. But that's just my assumption. Does that make sense? I hope it does.;
Now, this confuses me, because all of the Will maneuvers are [Result]-dependent.
Does this not mean that the scion's Sacramental Majesty would only ever work on Will-based [Mend] checks?
Also, your explanation for «Combo Skill» is highly obtuse and unintuitive, although that could be the original writer's fault. Could you please break it down step by step?
Hawa, well, to my thinking basically... is there a [Difficulty]? If yes, automatic success works on it, but it only just meets the difficulty. If there is not and you're rolling just to see how high you roll, then they do not work on it, because there's no success or fail state, it's just reading how high you go.
Does that help?
Combo Skill I translated just today in fact, so I'm not surprised it isn't very clear. But one portion that is lacking is that it's actually a High Talent, level 5.
«Combo Skill»
Timing: Unique
Range: User
Target: User
Cost: None
You unleash a powerful combination attack you devised yourself.
Unique Effect. Use when the target declares an [Effect Class: Physical Attack] Talent. The target may use and stack the effects of another [Effect Class: Physical Attack] Talent that they already have acquired (each Talent's [Cost] must be paid individually). This Talent may be used once per round.
So as per the examples given, let's say you use God Hand's Smiting Wave. You pay for it as per normal, and it'll give you a Main Stat to your damage. But then you declare Combo Skill, and stack Heroic Spirit's Heroic Strike. You must use the Physical Attack portion of this, so it gives you both the Main Stat, and +1 Rank, so long as you can also pay its cost.
They both have Target: 1#, so you just need to decide whether you want Charge 4 Sq., or 7 Sq. as your Range.
However, it seems like, as per the second example, if Smiting Wave happened to be Target: Area, you would *have* to use its Range and Target. You couldn't pick, say, Heroic Strike's Range, and Smiting Wave's Target.
I suppose Sacramental Majesty really does work only on Will-based [Mend] checks. That is rather narrow.
«Combo Skill» does not seem especially effective for a level 5 talent, but that is the writer's call, I suppose.
As for the automatic successes working on Lore etc. I think you have it wrong. Nothing in the game before ever implies that there is a degree of succes mechanic in place. If anything, It is always referring to set Difficulties and even explicitly states that if the maneuver doesn't provide Difficulties in its description then the GM should set one. I think that things like Lore should be just normal rolls to get a piece of information and their description is just stating the obvious "rolling higher means you can beat higher Difficulties."
Anyway, thanks for releasing those other initial translations! Will have a look at them.
It is a little narrow. If it helps, I haven't translated the GM section of Requiem yet, which has a long list of Events to populate Sanctums with. Some of them call for Will checks.
Also, it occurs to me that even though there's no guideline for Difficulty listed, it's very much within the GM's call to make there be one. How hard is it to charm the bodyguard into leaving her post? Depending on your approach, it might be "an expert could do it" so you use the appropriate difficulty.
Or, as put it, while I was writing!
Combo Skill might be useful if you have Talents that can reduce the cost of attacks, or have a very helpful Digital Sorcerer around.
Time Wizard B has this:
Kairos Bleed
Timing : Prep/Attack
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
Using a special spatio-temporal spell, you launch countless bullets of light that tear down space itself.
Magical Attack. The user makes a [Magical Attack] by spending one [Timing] of either [Prep (OR) Attack], then inflicts [Rank: 1] [Magical Damage] on the target (resist [Halves].) This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).
The translation is confusing. How exactly does this work? Is the [Rank: 1] [Magical Damage] on top of whatever attack you make?
Nope, it means it itself is an Attack. You simply can use it with either Prep or Attack Timing, and it inflicts Rank 1 Magical Damage.
>Also, it occurs to me that even though there's no guideline for Difficulty listed, it's very much within the GM's call to make there be one.
Does "the higher the result, the better..." actually refer to [Difficulties], then, rather than open-ended margins of success?
It never mentions Difficulty at all. But the beginning of the Maneuver section does state that if there's no specific guideline for Difficulty, the GM should set one.
So how would a maneuver like Lore actually work with an automatic success talent like Ancient Memories? What would the process from the GM be, before and after the Ancient Memories?
Also, could you please break down how the level-based upgrades of Godforged Regalia work? I am not sure I quite understand what it means to gain "Acquire 1 [Godforged Power: Weapon, Common] Each" at level 1.
As well, how do nonhostile "attacks" such as the Elder Mage A's High Cure actually work? Does the target simply not make a [Reactive Check]?
Basically, like any other game. I will probably end up rewriting that line for Maneuvers with it, honestly. But...
GM goes 'okay, so you want to know about the old clocktower. It's pretty obscure and no one has really done anything with it since Purgatory Night, so it'll be a 16 difficulty.'
Or, he could go, "there's been a lot of talk about restoring the clocktower recently, so there's a lot of easily available information on it. Difficulty 10."
Essentially, it's not saying "it's an open-ended check" but "more difficult things require a higher result." So... that's why I will probably rewrite it, because it doesn't make sense otherwise. I just never thought about it until now.
There are actual Godforged Powers to pick, I just haven't translated them yet. So like you'd pick the one that makes the weapon deal +20 damage against non-Boss Mononoke, or something. It's like an Additional Effect, only specific to Godforged.
I looked this up a bit ago, in fact! The target does not HAVE to make a check, so in that case they just treat it as they fail (so that means they get healed, in this case). However, they can, if they want to, make the check. This allows them to [Influence], if they want. But if they succeed... they resist and negate the healing.
God Hand A offers this:
Storm Smite
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
You rapidly enhance your power by unleashing an attack that places tremendous strain on your weapons.
Physical Attack. The user gains +2 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. All [Weapons] used for «Storm Smite», after [Timing: End], are unable to be [Equipped] until [Combat End].
Would this not mean that a God Hand-user loses their ability to use unarmed attacks until the combat ends?
>a good game gets tainted with 2hufag
Well, shit.
Whatever [Weapon] they have equipped effectively gets destroyed, or well, "strained." [Unarmed] is not technically a weapon, so it wouldn't get destroyed. That Talent is pretty clearly meant to be used with Spirit Armament though.
Everyone's welcome here! We should all have fun.
>[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. Bare-handed brawling that incorporates spirit energy.
>While not [Equipped] with a [Weapon], you are automatically [Equipped] with this [Weapon].
Unarmed does, in fact, seem to be a [Weapon].
Huh. That's kind of silly.
Q: "If Storm Smite is declared while [Equipped] with only [Unarmed], although that [Unarmed] becomes unable to be [Equipped], is it possible to equip a different [Unarmed]?"
A: Every character has only 1 [Unarmed].
So, yeah, I guess you're right. I just assumed.
After analyzing Arc Slayer A + Dragon Carrier A and comparing it to Arc Slayer A + Legion A, it seems that the former is still the superior build for consistently demolishing enemy after enemy throughout an entire encounter. Crystal Transformation for [5] is highly cost-effective. [E] and [O] for Precise Adjustment, Yang Style, and Mysteries of Battle are all cost-effective too.
Focused Assault is quite nice, but [5, 5] is too unreliable a cost, and it does not play well with Precise Adjustment.
Kamigakari user, would you happen to see any way to improve this triple-target death build?
I assume that you are working on translating the FAQ in time?
Nope. It's like a 2000+ line document. Every moment I spend translating that is spent not translating game stuff, and while the FAQ would be nice to have, I just don't have the time to do everything.
Dispersal, Body Morph, Shadowrunning Proficiency and the bit on Shift:Hidden all set the appropriate Results to 20, so you could make a similar case for Sacramental Majesty.
Do the optimization yourself, faggot.
They did and now are asking for an opinion.
They're asking how to improve the build, which is something they should do on their own instead of relying on others like a fag.