Is this tabletop game any good?
Is this tabletop game any good?
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It makes all games great again
8/10 not enough walls.
This game will be THEeeeee BIGGEST the BEST the GREATEST game ever created.
the media said only 250,000 copies of this great and luxurious game were sold.
That's a lie!
It was 1.5, maybe 2 million, lying media at it again!
If you told me 5 years ago that Donald Trump would become president I would have thought you were a crazy person who needed to be hospitalised
What a time to be alive
It's big league
I thought it was just a shitty monopoly clone with some extra gimmicks
Kind of like how D&D is a shitty war gaming clone with some extra gimmicks and all other P&P games are shitty D&D clones with some extra gimmicks
such low energy lies by CTR
This game have even official OST
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.
funny, if you told someone in 2003 that an unqualified black man would ride into office on a wave of white guilt and affirmative action, they would have reported you to Homeland Security
>an unqualified black man
Obama was actually a politician in office, not a former reality TV host. I know the other user hurt your special snowflake feelings and you're probably going to cry about it on Twitter like a teenage girl, but throwing stones in a glass house is no way to spend your life.
A law degree from Harvard means someone is unqualified?
Trump ran many succesful business and made many billions of dollars.
Obama was a community organiser, which must have been nice for him I guess.
>and made many billions of dollars.
His father made them mostly.
Didn't you know? Black people only know how to gibber and rub shit in their hair, anytime you see a black man doing anything else it's because affirmative action and white guilt handed it to them.
No memes, I played the game with my friend a lot back in the day. I always won. In the end, I got tired of winning.
I've heard it's basically just a reskin of Monopoly.
I feel like this is the perfect setup to a joke but it's 5AM over here and that level of wit is just beyond me right now.
I'm sorry.
Look I get it, you were born in 2000 and a majority of your time spent growing up with racist parents blaming all their problems on Obama has warped your perspective, but Trump is an embarrassment and to think anything else is sticking your head in the ground.
>Trump ran many succesful business and made many billions of dollars.
Yeah because business president worked just fin in Great Depression
>he turned one million into multiple billions
>h-he's an idiot r-right!?
>millenial born in 1988: the post
>>heinherited multiple billions after bankruptcy
>I'm a male, but also a feminist
>someone criticised Dear Leader
>Better call them a racist, that invalidates everything they say!
If someone handed me a million dollars I could do the same, guess I should be president too
>There are people alive that believe this.
>Believing the lying media lies
At this point, it's clear that there really is nothing stopping you.
When you undermine his intelligence just because you don't like him, you really don't help your cause.
well you also need to be charismatic enough to win the election and the popular vote, draw the biggest inaugural crowd in history and select the most qualified, most trusted cabinet in history.
But sure, then you can be President Trump
You mean the Trump never have bankruptcy?
well if he'd declared bankruptcy, how is he so rich?
>/pol/ actually believes this
I haven't had this good a laugh in a while, thanks m8
His real-estate deals were almost all based on heavy self-promotion. I won't say he doesn't know what he's doing, hell, making up for a deficiency in one area through other means is always a sign of intelligence, but the man's literally been making himself a meme since the early eighties.
Dear Leader is Trump now.
Dunno, he refused to publish his tax reports, so probably he heinherited money from his father
>b-b-but his tax returns
Cute. He won, the people chose him, his tax returns are not what they wanted to see.
>Lost the popular vote
Guaranteed money from the new owners of his brand businesses and a willingness to keep trying, because no law keeps you from constantly declaring bankruptcy whenever things turn south.
>those 3 million+ illegal immigrant votes were totally legit and not illegal!
can Cali already just fuck off so America can begin un-cucking itself?
>3 million+ illegal immigrant votes
By what mechanism.
We want to but Congress won't let us.
Yeah because it's not like you need an SSN or anything to register to vote.
\pol\ get out. No one likes you, go back to your shitty containment board.
>meme buzzword insult.
>he doesn't know the Hillshill campaign was purposefully registering illegals
>he doesn't know about the massive voter fraud in minority districts
>he doesn't know about the 'recounts'
Worry not, the champion of the people won despite the washington machine
Please tell me you are being ironic...
I didn't know this. Can I get a source?
Keep listening to /pol/ and stormfront propaganda. Whatever helps keep pushing your narrative. Bet you thought Pizzagate was a thing too.
Better start working on your Russian, Trump is going to give you a golden shower of wealth.
hi NPR
Got a new job lined up for when the taxpayers no longer support you?
Republicans will backstab Trump at the first chance they will get. Pence is the real power here.
How did Indiana do under Pence?
You retarded murricans have tons of states that are full of illegal migrants, and also lack any voter ID laws, making it possible for those FOREIGN CITIZENS to vote in your fucking elections.
It fucking baffles me how something as simple as voter ID is not used in all of your states. It is a very simple and effective way of fighting voter fraud, which is why the democraps oppose voter id laws so heavily.
Got a new healthcare plan lined up for when you're dropped and you cant afford medicine for your mountain dew filled veins?
>Better start working on your Russian
Let's assume you're right. How is this worse than the Clinton alternative: an all-right war (in which, according to Clinton herself, nuclear means are not off the table) over fucking airspace in Syria? Sometimes you need to fight, fighting to prevent others from bombing the Islamic State back to the stone age is not a valid reason.
>One candidate takes money from the main combatant against the Islamic State (unconfirmed)
>The other takes money from the same people who finance the Islamic State (confirmed) as well as Lockheed, which specializes in military hardware (confirmed)
Neither are perfect candidates, but Hillary is a shit candidate. Maybe, maybe if Sanders wasn't fucked over by the DNC, y'all niggars would have a more qualified president (and even then we have no idea if he'd attempt to drain the swamp or not).
>Americans are retards
>can't even use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation
Sure, Ivan. Sure.
>>b-b-but his tax returns
Give better explanation about source for his come back.
>He won,
Good, because if Hillary won your outdated 2parties system would be ruined.
>his tax returns are not what they wanted to see.
So it shouldn't be explained?
>he actally believes Putin would have dared to pick a fight with the USA
Hahaha, you don't know a lot about Minuteman II ICBMs do you?
>can't argue back.
>"I know, I attack his spelling instead, that'll show him!"
>implying I am a russian.
Well, this thread was doomed from the start. Why does /pol/ have to shit on everything? I know this thread was just bait, but it could have been reasonable bait, here and gone swiftly. Not a /pol/ circlejerk that will linger like a malignant cancer for hours before it's finally deleted.
Left or Right, I think we can all agree this thread was a mistake and should be deleted due to the resultant flame war that it spawned
Shoo shoo /pol/ goblin!
Shoo shoo /pol/ goblin!
And how is that different of Trump supporter who call everybody that criticise him SJW/liberal or other buzzword like that?
Why do we have to drag this shit into Veeky Forums
I am not American, so I have no horse in this race.
I just saw a fucking retard - you, and I love an easy target.
Hitler was a huge oaf and look at how far he got.
With you on the Sanders thing. DNC shot themselves in the foot trying to push Hillary.
Can you tell me what states don't require a SSN when registering to vote?
It's funny how leftist politicial beliefs are allowed to be discussed fully here, but the moment someone says something that leans even remotely to right, is pro nationalist or opposes globalism etc, you are told to shut up and go back to /pol/.
well they can't have their safe spaces violated can they? ;^)
If it had been a bunch of leftists shitting up the thread, I'd have said the same thing.
Besides, the left and the right are equally full of shit. Can't trust either.
>fighting to prevent others from bombing the Islamic State back to the stone age is not a valid reason.
To be fair, the fight would be over the fate of Syria. ISIS is done, and I don't know why anyone is taking it seriously anymore.
>Hahaha, you don't know a lot about Minuteman II ICBMs do you?
No. Enlighten me.
So you're saying, both sides are bad?
Cuz it's easy.
Show me just one "leftist thread" that's not a blatant false flag.
Wow, we got an enlightened centrist here.
I made no mention of threads.
I said that such beliefs are allowed to be discussed here without the imedeate outcry to "go back to /pol/". Such topics often crop up in various threads as they go along.
>muh sargon
The only time claiming to be center is ever useful is to shame others into thinking they're closed minded.
I made $18,000 betting 2btc at 12:1 odds on the election 2 weeks before victory, then sitting on the btc and selling when it hit 1.1k, buying back at 8 and selling again at 9. Dad knew a baron who put down 10k just before the election and made a cool $100,000. Liberals will never learn.
>a ms paint comic will surely convince others that my views are correct.
>he actally believes Putin would have dared to pick a fight with the USA
Both American and Russian military advisors have attested that enforcing a no-fly zone over Syria means war with Russia.
>To be fair, the fight would be over the fate of Syria. ISIS is done, and I don't know why anyone is taking it seriously anymore.
True dat, but you'd think that with all the shit they've pulled in the Middle East America would know what happens when you depose a dictator in the region.
>Another dictator takes over. Meet new boss, same as old boss.
>With the approval of the masses (most of whom overwhelmingly support the Sharia) a theocratic regime is established that actually enforces that Sharia with all the negative consequences it leads to
>Chaos and civil war
I've arranged them in decreasing order of desirability. But the most desirable option is simply to keep around the devil you know, because who knows how bad the devil you don't can get? If you're lucky, the devil you know can be made somewhat less horrible (like the king of Morocco, he's not a bad guy and I'd rather keep him around than whatever would happen when he's not there).
What Americans do not understand in their foreign policy is that not everyone is ready for democracy. As I always say, there's a reason the French Revolution happened in 1789 and not during the Jacquerie.
Cali should be abandoned along with tornado ally and the permanet flood zone.
How is an economy supposed to run when people keep parking their trailers and building plywood houses in natural disaster areas and then await welfare and disaster relief aid.
In short, WW3 will be a big fat victory for the USA because they have advanced modern MIRVs linked directly to spy satellites, while Russia has outdated half-functional 30-40 year old MIRVs from the Soviet era that operate on computers that make a MSDOS device look advanced.
It will suck big fat monkeydick, but Russian nuclear technology has regressed or more like stagnated so far, WW3 has an actual winner predetermined, unlike the '80s NATO projections of a phyrric nothing.
Learn what?
So. That is just Putin talking tough. He has no real power. He has no money and his military is 40-50 years outdated.
And maybe the nuclear winter will buck global warming a bit too.
>With the approval of the masses (most of whom overwhelmingly support the Sharia) a theocratic regime is established that actually enforces that Sharia with all the negative consequences it leads to
Such as...?
Also only muslim allowed toserve in high rsnks of government in Sirya
>abandoning the south
I like the way you think. Gas those jewcucked stone age white trash welfare queens.
>What Americans do not understand in their foreign policy is that not everyone is ready for democracy.
All of us understand that, we just had no recourse against GWB because the UN security council bypasses congress.
t. /pol/ vermin that doesn't belong on Veeky Forums
... From an actual news site?
Are there any that aren't biased anymore?
- Confused European
It always pays to bet on the lowest common denominator.
I agree that the US can win this war, but it will be a war fought over nothing with horrible casualties on both sides. If it can be avoided, it's better to avoid it.
I also, despite being a Yuropoor, can understand Trumps views on NATO from the American perspective: America uses its troops to defne countries who can't even keep their own side of the bargain. The minimum limit is very clear: 2% of GDP. That's fucking nothing, even for a small country like Luxembourg that's nothing (though it would most likely translate to not much more than a few infantry divisions and jets). If they can't keep their end of the deal, why should America be expected to keep theirs?
>Such as...?
I admit not being an expert on the situation, but Iran comes to mind. It went from an Enlightened Despot type Shah to a downright theocracy through what at first appeared to be a popular revolution.
Bitch, Veeky Forums is my homeboard. I've been here for the better part of the decade.
Just because I have differing political beliefs from you, doesn't mean I am some external invader to your safe space.
Nationalists can enjoy plastic dudemans and tabletop rpgs too.
>Also only muslim allowed toserve in high rsnks of government in Sirya
Assuming you're talking about the SAR, that's absolutely untrue. They hold managerial and directorship positions and even a few seats of Parliament.