/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls Lore General

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>Tabletop/P&P RPGs
[UESRPG - P&P RPG] docs.google.com/document/d/1pTgTN2aJUoY95JtquowagfUJLL7tCQYhzJKcCAcbvio/edit?usp=sharing
[Scrollhammer - Tabletop Wargame] 1d4chan.org/wiki/Scrollhammer_2nd_Edition
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>Lore Resources
[The Imperial Library] imperial-library.info/
[/r/teslore] reddit.com/r/teslore/
[UESP/Lore] uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Main_Page
[Pocket Guide to the Lore] docs.google.com/document/d/1AtsWXZKVqB4Q825_SwINY6z4_9NaGknXgeOknOCDuCU/edit
[Elder Lore Podcast] elderlore.wordpress.com/
[How to Become a Lore Buff] forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1112211-how-to-become-a-lore-buff/

>General Rules
This is NOT /tesg/ minus waifus, so behave properly.
Keep the squabbling to a minimum.
No waifus/husbandos except for Ahzidal

Previous kalpa:

Other urls found in this thread:


you n'wahs should stop relying on me to make the new thread everytime and do it yourself every now and then

I woke up to find that the last thread died 2 hours ago

I still love you all, no homo though

What race should someone who parents are English/Welsh and Irish/Scottish play? What race most resembles said person? And what playstyle


Any fucking race.

Imperial or nord.

Race: Any
Playstyle: Peasant


How'd you figure?

Breton knight

I don't. I just want the dreugh to be vaguely irish or scottish in cultural inspiration.

I just finished the main quest in Morrowind and started the Tribunal DLC
I don't understand the Tribunal gods, from where do they have such power? Why is Vivec half yellow half grey?

Sorry, I've been very busy with work lately, thanks for making the threads

They user to get their Power from the heart of lorkhan, the one you distroyed in the main quest.

Vivec is the antecipation of Mephala, whose sphere is of sex and murder, or, in broader terms, contrasts and how they are conected. This is represented on Vivec's two colors, as they both represent what his people were (chimer, yellow) and what they are now (dunmer, grey).

This is why Vivec sometimes is also refered to as a hermaphrodite as well.

Probably Breton or Nord because of the whole Gaelic/Celtic aspect to the Bretons, and quite a lot of Scottish people have Nordic ancestry.

Can someone explain in simple terms what a kalpa is?

Anyone have the image summarizing in layman terms TES universe lore, like the god head, and the entire history up until vivec has the third god head?

oh and it's apparently written by kirkbride. It was his summary if I remember the post.

Never seen it

It's a world cycle. The concept is found in most mythologies.

I thought I knew the basics of TES lore until I read it. Looking for it on google and in the archives because I saved it from here.

I'm a disgusting heathen piecing my understanding together from a play through of Skyrim (I intend to work backwards from there).

I know we have wikis and stuff, but I'm getting ready for work and will have time to peruse there. For now I'd rather engage some anons in this general who like talking lore.

So, Aedra and Daedra are formed respectively out of the spilled blood of Anu and Padohme. Anu and Padohme are the primordial aspects of order and stasis, and chaos and change.

Aedra and Daedra kind of seem like a very loose analogue of Angels and Demons? Dremora seem very much like their own distinct race of people with their own culture, though.

What does that make The Divines? Where do they originate from?

the divines are the aedra dude
all divines except talos are aedra but not all aedra are divines. some aedra turned into mer and laws of physics

talos can be argued to be aedra due to the shezarrine aspect of tiber septim

Aedra and Daedra are almost the same.

The Divines are basically Aedra who created Mundus (the mortal part of the Universe), and lost some of their power, and got trapped in Mundus, which is why they are worshipped: they sacrificed a lot of their power to create Nirn. There's also Magnus, who was th designer for Mundus, but he escaped, tearing a whole into Aetherius, which became the sun, and is probably the source of magic in Mundus. His followers went with him, later, and their holes became the stars, since they had less power, since they participated in the creation of Mundus for longer. There's also Lorkhan, who many are unsure if he's Aedra or Deadra, and tricked the Aedra into building Mundus.

The Daedra are basically the same as the Aedra, except they didn't take part in the creation of Mundus. So there are loads of Daedra. The most powerful are the sixteen Daedric Princes. They aren't good or bad, but they are so above mortal understanding, so mortals tend to think Divine/Aedra = good, Daedra = bad.

Took forever but I fucking found it.

I think it's a good place to begin with before delving into specific areas of TES lore

>Lorkhan is a fat neckbeard who believed he was actually a chad who was banging bitches before he awoke one day in his current form
>Fucks around and gets killed
>Dwemer are fat neckbeard atheists who fuck around with Lorkhans heart and become his skin

Why does Anu as stasis represent being or IS?
It'd make more sense to me to associate non-being with stasis and being with change

It makes sense when you take into account that the overlap is change.

World exists (is) + world doesn't exist (is not) = world exists but will end (change)

If beth are following this, the next game should be about numis return

If vivec is herma-phrodite, where is titties and vagina? Checkmate, tribunal

Something I dont understand is how Kalpa's and the recreation of the new world happen
As far as I know, Alduin, assuming he does his job, eats the world and ends the kalpa, and thus starts a new one
But will the same spirits become the Aedra of the new world, just as in the previous kalpa, or will others do it that time?
Do those spirits hold any memory of that?
And most importantly, if the current Aedra dont help in creation of the new world and forget everthing, how can Alduin do his thing, as he is an aspect of Akatosh?

But his mum was dragged into the sea by crabs and they wizarded her a penis

Will Beth include playable dickgirls in TESVI?

His penis separates like a predator face and reveals a blushing, hot pink pussy, again much like a predator face. He's also flat cos flat is best.

It could also be like a snakes vagina and located where his gooch should be.

Afaik it's like everything is rewound back to the Convention and (((Nirn))) or whatever they will call it is created again then the RNG kicks in and you get a reimagining of the mortal realm
Like one time they were like "Dude let's be like sentient trees and shit" and the spirits on Mundus became Hist who managed to survive to other kalpas in their own sekkrit plane of Oblivion
Then another time the spirits on Mundus were like "Let's be black people :D" and so came into being the Yokundans who also figured out how to dodge the Apocalypse
Then the next time the spirits on Mundus were like "Blacks were a mistake, whites only this time, guys" and then we got Atmorans and Nedes who eventually became the modern Nords, Cyrodiils and Bretons and shit

Alduin is outside of time so isn't affected by Kalpas.
The new beings would still be aware of him and his presence but might know him by a different name.

I think the aedra change each kalpa and have no clear memory of it. Like a hazy dream. Daedra are affected to a lesser extent if at all.
There will always be spirits that become the aedra. It all just changes so good aedra from one kalpa might be bad the next or completely different.

Wherever he wants them to be. Possibly currently on loan to Molag Bal.

>Do those spirits hold any memory of that?


user who was asking about Aedra/Daedra earlier here. This is really helpful, as well as of course the contributions of and .

Are the daedra and aedra affected by the changing kalpa because mortals and their perceptions shape reality in TES?

Any race, you don't have to play what your IRL ethnicity limits you to.

That being said, Breton are pretty much English/Scottish/Irish/French. Nords are Scandinavian and a bit Scottish.

Celtic and Germanic heritage means either Nord or reachman (Nord-Breton mix)

A breton or a colovian imperial.

Reachman Druid. Run around with a big poisoned stick and smack people with it. Wear blue face paint and when people want to fist fight you strip naked and push them into the mud.

Colovians are slavs

Vivec was a hermafrodite before he became a God though.

Why does Alduin want to destroy the world and why doesn't Akatosh do anything about it?

Didn't he become one retroactively? I'd be strange otherwise, because isn't he the only exemple of an hermaphrodite in the hole setting (not accounting gods)?

>Why does Alduin want to destroy the world
Can't help it, it's in his nature

>Why does Alduin want to destroy the world
He is not destroying the world, he reshapes it.

>why doesn't Akatosh do anything about it?
Did you miss the two dragonborns he sends to stop Alduin?

>Why does Alduin want to destroy the world
Why enthropy does enthropy things?
It's just his nature.
>why doesn't Akatosh do anything about it?
They're the same.

Not according to this

He was born as one and sold his vagoo when he was prostituting on the streets. Lost his dick to Molag Bal.

>reachman (Nord-Breton mix)

I think there is a problem on the lore, how can Alduin eat the world? In Skyrim he is too small to even eat a mountain, let alone the entire Nirn.


You're right, I mean it would take fucking forever for him to eat the entire planet and then the space one mouthful at a time wtf

He lets the LDB win because his job is too boring

Also a lot of it is just like dirt and stones and shit, can't taste great



Is Alduin a dragon?

No he's a Wyvern.

>The Western Reach is actually the easternmost section of the Breton lands; its name derives from its location on Skyrim's western border. During the First Empire, it was incorporated as one of the Holds of Skyrim, and many Nords settled in its rolling hills and pleasant valleys. But they paid a terrible price during the Dissolution of Skyrim's Empire; the Aldmeri retook the Western Reach with a vengeance, slaughtering the Nord colonists to a man; precious little Nord blood flows in the veins of today's Reachmen.

>precious little Nord blood flows in the veins of today's Reachmen

>precious little Nord blood

>little Nord blood

Learn your fucking lore for once.

So, what are we hoping comes up in future games? I liked the idea someone in a previous thread had about the next game focusing on stopping Numidium.

Eliminating (most) Nordic settlers within the Reach is not equivalent to eliminating Nordic ancestry within the people of the Reach, nor eliminating the cultural impact of Nord-Reachman intermingling.

That now after 2 generic fantasy settings that made a bunch of money and solidified TES as a triple a mainstream franchise they'll suddenly go back to the Morrowindesque weird again

Are you blind? Read the text again.

>Aldmeri retook the Western Reach with a vengeance, slaughtering the Nord colonists to a man
>precious little Nord blood flows in the veins of today's Reachmen
>As a hedge against future incursions from Skyrim, the Aldmeri fashioned the Western Reach into an impregnable bastion
>Thus, the Western Reach remained under Elven rule the longest of any part of High Rock
>Descended originally from one of the earliest Atmoran tribes to settle Tamriel, their lineage now partakes of nearly every race imaginable
>Elven blood still flows strong in the Reachmen

Take a look at these lines especially:

>precious little Nord blood flows in the veins of today's Reachmen
>their lineage now partakes of nearly every race imaginable
>Elven blood still flows strong in the Reachmen

So essentially, Reachmen are more Elf/Breton hybrid than a Man/Breton hybrid like some dumb fucks only familiar with Skyrim seem to think.

The forsworn did nothing wrong

Objectively true

Stop shitposting.

Forsworn are literally BLM
>we wuz Longhouse Emperors and shiiieet
>everywhere we go, war and destruction follows because we have no understanding of consequences
>literally no one we contact ever had a peaceful relationship with us because we are volatile, ungrateful, regressive and self-centered
>every chance we get, we commit robbery on roads, enslavement, dark magic, daedra trafficking, encroachment over rightful territory of our neighbors, disregard our own folk and use the youth as cannon fodder
>gets ass-blasted
>"That is who we are. The Forsworn. Criminals in our own lands. And we will cut a bloody hole into the Reach until we are free."
>Proceed to chimp out to protest your punishment for chimping out

Anyone who gives the Forsworn any credit is a cuck.

I posted quotes from actual lore sources. If you consider this to be shitposting maybe you gotta fuck off back to /tesg/ or whatever tuskhole you crawled from.

>Posts lore showing Reachmen have Nordic ancestry
>hurr durr Le reachmin r elves

>post lore explicitly saying Reachmen have little Nordic blood in them
>LALALALA can't hear you reachmin r nurds

Not even the user you're arguing with but holy shit you're misinterpreting that text hard
It's not lore showing Reachmen have nordic ancestry
It's literally the opposite, that despite being part of Skyrim and even after centuries of nord overlordship there's barely a hint of nord in them


Hella frigging epic post, dude

First of all, by the time of Skyrim the Reachmen would have significant Nordic heritage after generations of occupation, so even if your autistic fit about Reachmen was accurate, which it isn't, it's irrelevant at this point in the timeline.

And then, secondly, you seem to think that by killing NORDIC settlers within the area of the Reach, that somehow retro-actively removes the genetic influence of Nord-Reachman racemixing from all Reachmen. It obviously doesn't. It just removes the population of Nords from the Reach and increases Elf genetic presence through Elf-Reachman mixture. Which, like I said, is irrelevant by this point as now Nord's are possibly the majority population within the Reach, or if not, then still a very large minority.

Also, you're a cunt.
>Ages ago Aldmer kill Nordic population with Reach
>Later, Nords re-take area and become largest/second largest race within
>Somehow Reachmen don't have significant Nordic blood
lmaoing at your brain

Faggot neck yourself

>More than one person calls me out on my bullshit? Naw, literally impossible, must be samefag.

>he did it again

>Le ebin not a smaefag maymay

Except they're white pagans fighting the gayass cuck Roman boylover Empire, which is pretty awesome.

Also muh Neolithic-ish aesthetic. And muh hedge magic aesthetic.

fuck off /tesg/

>Sacrifice children, practice ritual cannibalism, undermine and attack the Kingdoms of non-degenerates
>Muh freedums dood

Trash tier race. Purge the Reach.

You say "human sacrifice" and "cannibalism" like they're bad things. Brutal lithic era shamanism is the fucking shit, dude. When we're talking fantasy fiction, it's all about that aesthetic.

Speaking of, what do Breton arms and armour look like? Clothing, architecture?

I bet you think Portuguese are also white.

Not him, but Portugal is white

>t. american

I bet you think the French are also white
Germans too while we're at it lmao

>prehistoric European materials technology
>Celtic and Gaelic derived names
>Clearly drawing from Irish separatist themes
>woad paint
>not white


Breton aesthetically look like medieval/renaissance Brits/French.
Imperials are Roman influenced.
Nords are Nords.
Redguards are closest to pre-Islamic middle-easterners but the actual race looks like sub-Saharan Africans.

Typical Western-European Fantasy Knights, lots of classic Feudalism and such. Pretty Vanilla.

You are sort of right about their Aesthetic, I will admit.

Jesus Christ this has gone downhill fast.

>anyone below Denmark, west of Iceland, east of Norway is white
>accuse me of being american
If you look at the map, you'll see that Celtics and Gaelics and Irishmen are nowhere close to the real white lands.

t. muh heritage

>Denmark, Sweden, Norway

>not inbred and therefore not white


Argentina is the most white country in the world

I swear, these threads hit a new low every week.

Oh man, I know how I'm doing my Paladin-style spellsword character now. The Hedge Knight armour mod on Steam Workshop will look freaking perfect. Also found one that adds different weapon classes like spears, halberds, and different 1h weapon weight classes (shortswords, hatchets and clubs).

Halberd wielding, undead-busting knight in shining armour here I fucking come!

Fuck off and die
>thinks I'm calling Sweden white
HAHAHA nigger read what I wrote. You have no reading comprension! WHere is Sweden on the map?

It's year 6 since the last TES title was released, mate
Eventually there's just not going to be anything real to talk about