Is he right Veeky Forums?
Half-elves, and how they could be entertainingly different
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Playable demihumans were a mistake.
I can't take this guy seriously after that video he did about mg42 vs bren gun, he was just so fucking wrong!
I'm too lazy to watch that video again but I remember that he spoke about unfertile mixed races, right?
I played with the concept once, I had murderous cannibal elves that populated the dense woods of my world. They had basically no sex drive, glowing eyes, and only reproduced for population control, but because they had inferior technology or organisation they got often captured by humans. The elves were often taken as slaves and female elf and male human ofspring were known as mestices, really tall, strong and blonde demi-humans with human eyes, which were prone to lack of humour and odd behavior. They are generally despised, because their behaviour differs from humans.
female human and male elf offspring are exceptionally rare, producing fair skinned and smaller demi-humans with black hair and dark eyes with black sclerae, resembling the eyes of dead elves. Elves don't trust them, because they are known as bringers of death and sickness. Humans despise them, because only a whore and a witch could carry a child of an elf. These half-elves are known as Cambions and are associated with lust, necromancy and devil worship.
picture related, what mestices usually looked like. they were beautiful like their elven parents and muscular, because they were used for hard labour.
Why don't the sub-races be a different colour?
I dunno. td;dr his argument for me, because I'm not going to watch him rant about tangentially related stuff for half an hour.
Stop posting this ugly autistic prick, holy shit
The video is just six minutes. But anyway he says that half elves should be infertile to make them much more interesting.
Stop posting his videos, now YouTube recommend him to me.
He's also a climate change denier.
>But anyway he says that half elves should be infertile to make them much more interesting.
Meh. It's not like having children to countinue your line matters outside of video games and RL.
>implying that's bad
>implying Science is wrong
>Implying your cherry picking of Scientist to create this 99% myth is correct
"durr hurr scientists are evil and nicola tesla was a diabolist wizard"
>fire is scary and science is a jewish conspiracy
>I have a very basic understand on what effects the climate of the earth
>cherry picking scientists
>the deniers are lunatic fringe level "I AM RIGHT!" autists
>every actual denial scientist that tried disproving global warming had results that proved otherwise
Please tell me now about the gay frogs.
Nice strawman there. Believing that some scientists are wrong on a certain subject doesn't mean you're against science.
I really don't care about some random user's opinions of how my game should work.
Even if I know his name and he does youtube videos.
He's also a holocaust denier.
>accused on cherry picking
>responds by cherry picking and straw manning
It's possible to stop that, hovering over the video you can see the three horizontal dots, after clicking not interested the space then gives you a "tell us why" option, and if the reason for it being recommended was you watching another specific video you can tell it to not use that video for recommendations.
Whatever, yes you're right, global warming doesn't exist and the US are trading with aliens.
>inb4 contrarian greentext
That Stirling engine video was probably recommended to you because you watched some Lindybeige videos. He recently made one about the stirling engine.
The fact that climate denials are almost exclusively located on the US should tell you more than enough.
That's an impressive and arousing magical realm set-up you got there, friend. Any more details? Famous individuals of any of these races or subraces?
I never said anything that implied that I believed in some wild conspiracy. I just pointed out one of the many lies that have been made by the people who propagate their global warming agenda.
>people who propagate their global warming agenda.
You mean the scientific community?
Fuck off. The guy is a walking meme at this point.
But I'm still willing to play the devil's advocate: he did not outright deny the Holocaust, he said that the Holocaust did not exclusively target Jews. This is correct. In France for example, more resistance members (goy) were deported than Jews, in part because Pétain actively looked out for French Jews (though he did willingly deport foreign Jews). In Germany itself homosexuals, the disabled, certain Slavic minorities and various dissenters (among whom some Conservative Catholics, whom the Nazi's feared would become a Fifth Column over time) were executed as part of the Holocaust as well.
I don't care what you think about /pol/ or whether or not you believe in a grand Jewish conspiracy, it is an outright fact that the "Hitler wanted to kill Jews and only Jews" narrative is straight up false. If you don't believe me look up Generalplan Ost: a planned mass genocide on the Slavic Peoples that would make his prosecution of the Jews look like a jook in comparison.
Doubt it, the last video before op of his was something about chain a few years ago. I tried to check but no specific video came up as a reason for the recommendation. I mean I don't have an issue with Youtube recommending me that video, I'm just surprised because basically every other recommendation shows my shit taste in music, video games, or is full of tits, also occasionally cat videos.
But I know ten whole scientists that have no proof or conducted any experiments to disprove it! IT'S FAKE
Will Lindy ever learn to dress like a functioning adult and comb his hair?
>among whom some Conservative Catholics, whom the Nazi's feared would become a Fifth Column over time
Remember the 6,000,005
Why do I keep seeing threads about this idiot every day? And every thread is just everyone talking about how shitty he is while OP defends him. Lindy, plz go back to youtube comment threads.
Also can someone post that copypasta about all the dumb shit he's made up so I can save it? It was something like:
>Thinks spears were never used in war
>Thinks crossbows are a myth
>Thinks nobody rode horses in battle
etc. etc. etc.
>mg42 vs bren gun, he was just so fucking wrong
can I get a tldr version of why he is wrong?
He made a video on how the Germans lost WW2 because the Bren was the better machinegun. I'm not twisting his words or leaving anything out, that was his conclusion.
>continuing with the straw man act
Would you feel better if I was to give you some evidences which fuels my reasoning for why I am critical of the constant pushing of expensive ineffective renewable energy.
It would depend apon the tactical situation, the Bren was more accurate, but the mg-42 could fire a lot more bullets
>Why do I keep seeing threads about this idiot every day
Veeky Forums is a Veeky Forums colony
>I still have no proof of everything I say
>holy shit they are making fun of me
>I know, I'll call them a strawman!
>now my planet isn't fucking destroyed and mister Jones was always right!
t. ostrich
>>Thinks nobody rode horses in battle
I think I saw this video. Wasn't it him just kind of voicing his thought that cavalry sounds really dumb on paper when you really think about it step-by-step?
I can't remember him ever outright saying cavalry was a myth. Or the spear or crossbow bits either.
There is no enough hard evidence on this link to even start doubting the scientific community as a whole. You are either stupid or evil (or both) if you think that the climate change is a lie.
But that's backwards, Veeky Forums is a Veeky Forums colony, Veeky Forums was previously the board where a lot of that stuff actually defaulted to. Or at least history was really split across a number of boards, and only relevant to the topic of Veeky Forums on the whole.
Though also stuff about Lindy has been posted on Veeky Forums long before Veeky Forums was a thing, and I think Lindy also got posted on /k/ but I've never been a big frequenter of /k/.
reminder that Lindybeige claims:
>no one used swords, axes
>no one used horses
>no one used throwing knives
>no one used double strap arm shields
>no one used scythes
>no one used mail coifs
>no one used torches
>Pikemen didn't fight each other
>no one spoke French during the French revolution
>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
>battle of Zama didn't happen
>Romans carried one pilum
>Vikings weren't real
>berserkers weren't real
>climate change isn't real
>stagnant social mobility isn't real
>castles were defended by three soldiers
>butted mail is better than riveted mail
>operation market garden was a success
>Napoleon was literally Hitler
>The Churchill was the best tank in WWII
>The English won the Hundreds Years' War
>I'll call them a straw man
I was saying that you're straw manning me which is essentially what you are doing right now again with repeating the assertion that I watch Alex Jones. Which is straw manning because you're bundling me up with people who do so that you can make your ideal straw man on which you base your whole argument on.
Also I never said that I deny that climate change is occurring nor did I claim that the earth's climate change isn't influenced by human emissions. But that wouldn't fit your argument at all so you continue to chose to ignore that fact to maintain this idealized image of me being this Alex Jones strawman.
You realise the only "proof" for Generalplan Ost even being a thing are some propaganda fliers from Poland? That place that had everything in the world to gain from chalking their own failed ethnic cleansing campaign up to someone else? I'm not saying you're all wrong but the fact remains that virtually nothing about the conventionally taught version of WW2 is backed by evidence.
He's not wrong you know. . .
why magical realm set-up? that was not an erp campaign. the main mechanics I employed ingame were travelling, survival and trade.
Most of the PCs were former slaves that left their home village together.
And people keep discussing this clueless attention whore.
He's really vague on that point, but it mostly revolves on making them outcasts.
Mail can be easily penetrated, I always loved this one because he experimented on chain that was neither riveted nor welded.
FYI "gay frogs" are a real thing.
hey, didn't know al gore was a climate scientist.
I'm not attacking your idea, I'm just saying that feral hybrid monster people and their sexy descendants is naturally conducive towards some pretty arousing premises.
Any setting can be turned into a magical real set-up. You should know that
Just rewatched the horse video. You are correct, it is about how horses would be shit before selective breeding and how you needed to invent saddles and stuff to control them and that chariots seemed to be a half measure before horses were bred to be larger and better behaved.
>skub posting
ah right. But I'm sad to say that this wasn't the main focus. I heavily explored racism and the ethics of slavery with these elements, rather than the sexual part.
Men thought of Elves as beasts and the females as whores, where they actually were ..not that evil actually. sure, they sometimes ate people, but it was a cultural thing. And they weren't keen on breeding with humans, the reason for the disparity between mestices and cambions is that it is easier for a male human to rape a female elf than for a female human to rape a male elf. Cambions were breeded for specific purposes, like a kingsguard of magicians or assistants of evil necromancers.
alright I admit, that sounds pretty magical realm.
Nothing wrong with it. If it's fleshed out and compelling, it can stand to be sexy at times too.
Wasn't that video just "Maybe half elves should be infertile, like mules?"
It's ridiculous that he thinks such a basic idea has never been considered before.
About famous people:
I don't remember much, but there were some.
There was one Mestice named Drifter, who left his village after a famine. He met a wizard who tought him the art of painting. After some adventures and mercenary work, he made a lot money.
He is one of a handful of people who could have fulfilled one specific prophecy.
There is a legendary creature, called the Preservant, who prevents the first King of Men, Cantar Coradyn, The ruler beyond the polar desert, from ending the world.
So he shouldn't have made a video about it, because some one else also had that idea?
I think the point was rather that their outlook and worldview should then be molded by it, give the half-elfs a distinct identity from being just apes with elven traits
I waste a lot of time reading Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums-related material, and I don't know of any popular fantasy settings where half-elves are infertile. It would not surprise me most people haven't even considered it let alone how it would affect behavior.
Ideally he would stop making videos altogether.
Proof he said these things and proof his wrong.
>People can't have an opinion different then me!
>Manmade climate change
Come back when grow up.
Great argument.
They're two different weapons with different roles, and different functionality. His argument hinged on the fact that one is rapid-fire, and the other is not (and therefore more accurate). The two weapons are too different to give this sort of "better than" comparison on.
Also, he's a notorious Brit jingoist who gave the Brit gun a leg up. Neither are bad guns, but to say that the gun that's still in military service virtually unchanged to this day (as the MG-3) is objectively worse than the one that isn't, it just pants-on-head retarded.
Videos in which he talks about it are eight years old. He's changed his opinion on things before, in less time. Unless he makes another statement on the topic again, updated, I'm not sure it's particularly relevant.
He never denied it, he advocated for "forgetting it", and in the video he later changed the description to state that he had changed his opinion on the matter, but left the video up as a point for discussion and because he thought it was important to show his mistakes.
He said that the Bren was a better offensive weapon and the MG-42 was a better defensive weapon. It's like you didn't even pay attention.
He also insisted on referring to the MG-42 as a "Spandau", which is simply the name of the factory, and can refer to the MG-42, the MG-34, and even a beastly watercooled Maxim copy from WWI.
>>no one used swords, axes
Literally never said that. Has stated the very opposite numerous times.
>>no one used horses
Again, never once said that. He made a video about how peculiar an idea cavalry is, especially to people familiar with horses only as beasts of burden.
>>no one used throwing knives
Acknowledged the historical uses of them in his video, but stated that for military use they're simply not as good an idea to have as javelins, slings, or archers.
>>no one used double strap arm shields
His own Hoplite shield is strapped to the arm. His videos on shields were about how, most of the time, a center-grip shield was more effective given the reach and mobility. He's far from the only youtuber to say this.
>>no one used scythes
Said scythes, as in the L-shaped farming equipment, weren't used in battle save for very desperate times by peasants, and that they are unsuitable for combat roles. Addressed warscythes in a second video, and stated that they were converted to spears/glaives or were never a scythe to begin with and bore the word only in name.
>>no one used mail coifs
Holy shit does anyone even watch his videos? He said that they weren't worn in the way we typically see them, because the chin is exposed and they don't have (enough) padding, which wouldn't have been the case.
>>no one used torches
In his videos on torches he lists numerous uses for torches, but again it focuses mostly on how people today view them through media.
>>Pikemen didn't fight each other
His commentary was that the fighting was done in melee, rather than with the pikes themselves.
>>no one spoke French during the French revolution
He said France did not speak a single "French" language as we think of it today. There were (and are) many regional dialects that are often considered separate languages.
>>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
See above about dialects, but also he says that the Elite spoke Greek among themselves.
>He's really vague on that point, but it mostly revolves on making them outcasts.
...but mules are extremely useful animals. They basically got the smarts of donkeys and the strength of horses. There'd really be no point for an elf to not breed himself an army of halfs and conquer his own little kingdom somewhere.
>and that chariots seemed to be a half measure before horses were bred to be larger and better behaved.
They worked well enough to be the absolute aphex of mobility, protection and firepower for at least a thousand years in all of Eurasia. That's really not half bad. Straight up cavalry's simply a helluva cheaper once you got horses and have figured out riding, meaning that you can suddenly do everything the former military aphex predator did at maybe a third of the costs AND in the absolute boonies.
He's wrong at being right.
I remember we had a tread about him.
I lost all respect for his opinion after he did videos about D&D.
Most of the time he either doesn't know the subject, or can't present the arguments straight.
So probably he is bullshitting again.
>>battle of Zama didn't happen
He casts doubt on whether or not it happened as is described by later Roman historians, suggesting it may have been a series of battles that ultimately lead to the defeat of Carthage.
>>Romans carried one pilum
Hardly remember this video because I didn't find it to be a particularly interesting subject but from what I remember he just went on about how it was to fuck up enemy shields and they fought primarily with their swords.
>>Vikings weren't real
Said that "Viking" wasn't a culture or job description because the culture was Norse/Scandinavian, and raiding was usually an occasional thing that only a few would participate in, and that it wasn't exclusively their role in society.
>>berserkers weren't real
He said berserkers as we think of them today (Khorne Berserkers, for example) didn't exist, but that they were personal champions for a thane or jarl who was denoted by a bear skin.
>>climate change isn't real
Ancient videos that are fairly damning, but he's been BTFO in the comments for the past 8 years, so who knows where he stands now.
>>stagnant social mobility isn't real
Is this about the video where he talks about the two conflicting notions people have about social mobility? Those being "Some people are born to be successful" and "Anyone can potentially achieve anything".
>>castles were defended by three soldiers
Literally when did he say that.
>>butted mail is better than riveted mail
See above. Also, isn't the armor he himself made riveted?
>>operation market garden was a success
I don't recall him saying anything of the sort, so please, do give me a source.
>>Napoleon was literally Hitler
He's only the, what, millionth person to draw comparisons between them because they both made efforts to conquer Europe and both had their turning point in Russia?
>>The Churchill was the best tank in WWII
He's a big fan of them, but I don't recall him explicitly stating that they are hands-down the absolute best of the war.
>all this backpedalling
Just stop, Lloyd. We know it's you
>Europe and both had their turning point in Russia?
but napoleon got also buttfucked in spain like a retard and also decided to stick his dick up an angry bear's ass, but hey
>Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums
>Knowing jackshit about history
>His commentary was that the fighting was done in melee, rather than with the pikes themselves.
Let me guess, spain also lost the war of jenkin's ear.
He established at the start of the video that he would be referring to it as such because it was what he was familiar with. He also listed war memoirs as justification, but honestly, I didn't give much of a shit because he established what he meant by it and clarified everything from the getgo. Could have called them "Pernicious Pussy Parades" and I wouldn't have cared so long as he established what he was talking about. Freaking out over what a dude calls something even though he made it clear what that something is is like the fuckin definition of niggling
No, I've just watched his shit for like... Seven years? Off and on. I don't always agree with him. I've rarely been subbed to him. His channel is more like a curiosity I come back to from time to time, watch through his videos (not the dancing and poetry, I can't be fucked) think "Huh. That's interesting." and carry on with my life.
I never said he didn't get buttfucked in Spain. The first time I can recall hearing someone compare Napoleon to Hitler was a history teacher in 8th grade. My point was that it's not really that uncommon.
Never said I agreed with him. I thought it was strange when he uploaded the video.
Look, it's just autistic in the extreme to purposefully use an archaic term when you know fully well that the entire world is using a more accurate term. It's all part of this impression I get of Lindybeige: He's a massive contrarian, and it rubs me the wrong way.
And you know what is the fucking definition of niggling? Half of Lindybeige's content, which is about shit like how D&D's turn system is unrealistic (no shit!), or how some shitty no-budget movie no-one has ever heard of is historically inaccurate. Shit like that Spandau name is something Lindybeige would triumphantly point out in a video if some supposedly ancient Greek dude referred to his aspis as a scutum. So no, I'm not letting it slip.
Someone must be really asspained over Lloyd to spend a week spamming threads about him.
Did he and Matt win that Hannibal vs Rome reenactment thing and now the other team are spurging out?
But the problem with infertile races is they'd be too rare to really have as player races, and the reason it works with Muls in Darksun is that the Sorceror-Kings are deliberately producing Muls en mass to be Gladiators and workers - you have to have in-setting reasons for there being enough of an infertile race to be player races, and in Darksun's case the Muls emphasise that the sorceror-kings are total dickbags.
So if half elves are infertile you gotta answer: who is producing this massive piles of half-elves all over the place?
(and Half-elves exist so that there's a a race that gets the human extra proficiency bonuses at CHARGEN that also has dark vision and so doesn't have to role play being literally blind whenever they go into a dungeon)
Fair enough, dude. Guess I never minded because I kinda' like hearing about inane shit. You are right about him being a contrarian, though; that's basically the crux of the bulk of his videos. It's basically "Oh, you thought X was like that? Nope. Here's my reasoning." He is as well fairly conservative in that he holds on to things that most everyone else moves away from, like vehemently defending Imperial units, or "B.C" and "A.D".
But like I said, fair enough, man. I'm not going to give you shit for not liking something. Hell, if I'm honest he gets under my skin from time to time with how thick-headed he can come across.
>So if half elves are infertile you gotta answer: who is producing this massive piles of half-elves all over the place?
Spelljammers are real, but the government is keeping the lid on it because they profit from it immensely. Elfs are alyums.
They're producing halfs for their space wars.
>Hell, if I'm honest he gets under my skin from time to time with how thick-headed he can come across.
Yeah, that's pretty much it. He has some good video's, but I can only roll my eyes at stuff like his video about halberds, which is frankly kind of retarded.
Thanks for being understanding.
Perhaps due to reasons beyond the understandings of science or magic, Half Elves are truly immortal. The strange combination of elven longevity (700 yrs in DnD) and human durability results in Half Elves that can live basically forever unless killed. There's always a good number of them around to be PCs because the population rarely shrinks.
Elf women constantly rape human males in order to produce fast growing cannon fodder to fight the orcs in the frontier.
Humans allow this because elves are hot.
Why does it have to be explained. Just have cities or trading hubs where humans and elves interact a lot.
I mean mules still exist and we go out of our way to stop horses and donkeys from fucking.
protip: he is twisting words and leaving things out.
He made a video on how one gun applied itself better to storming tactics whereas the other ate through ammo and was used better as a defensive point.
The internet hated him for pointing out something fairly obvious.
>He said France did not speak a single "French" language as we think of it today.
On top of that, the French Revolution is actually a very reasonable turning point. The "Parisian" dialect of lange d'oïl was more or less made into the language of the nobility by Francis I, but practically unspoken by peasants outside of Paris (and I think some other parts of the country where the king's influence was strong like Bordeaux? Don't quote me on that). So prior to the French Revolution even the Russian nobility would speak better Parisian than the average Frenchman. And there was no need for the French to speak Parisian, because what defined their Frenchness was to what king they bent the knee. Certain Basques bent the knee to the Spanish Bourbons, and others to the French Bourbons. That was the only difference.
The French Revolution changed a lot because of mostly ideas concerning popular sovereignity as the only legitimate source of power for any regime. For this there needed to be a populus first: a single people with one identity, one language and if possible one religion as well. The religion the French had on lockdown since the expulsion of the Huguenots, but language and culture not so much. It all started with the Lycée system introduced by Napoléon and more or less ended with the Jules Ferry laws (which made education free and mandatory, but only in the Parisian language and teachers were allowed to beat students who spoke anything else would probably work wonders on all those Arabs trying to pollute France nowadays). That's when Parisian became "French", as in the language associated with France and the exclusive language of all Frenchmen.
tl;dr: Lindybeige is absolutely right, outside of the nobility and clergy, the grand majority of Frenchmen did not speak "French" (same for Italy and Italian until about the 1900s actually).
t. Autism
The Bren gun was in service up until the 1990s.
Regardless of whatever else he's said, I think he is right about this making half-elves a bit more interesting. Makes them rarer too, but it also gives people a real reason, besides mistrust of foreigners, to be biased against half-elves.
Daughter/son falling in love with a half-elf = no grandchildren = family line now dead
It also takes the weirdness of the possibility of half-elf cities and nations completely out of the equation. If you apply the same logic to half-orcs it provides similar benefits to the lore.
On another level, it just makes sense that different species of humanoids can't breed true from a biological perspective. True it is fantasy, but I like my fantasy with a little realism.
Ultimately it's a matter of taste, but I like this hint of realism taste.
Post sauce