Are elves the most likely fascist dictatorship in your fantasy setting? Why are they so authoritarian?
Post pictures of elves and allies
Are elves the most likely fascist dictatorship in your fantasy setting? Why are they so authoritarian?
Post pictures of elves and allies
even the girls are hitler
> Why are they so authoritarian?
Commonly elves are arrogant, keep close to each other and are very condescending (if not outright racist) to other fantasy races. They have this "We're so better and wiser and so much more perfect" attitude.
This makes it easy to cast them as villains.
Durthu is literally treeHilter, cmon man step up your game
which is the number one reason they should feature as the dictatorship in a fantasy setting
>Are elves the most likely fascist dictatorship in your fantasy setting?
No, the countries' races are mixed.
Stop the "one race countries" meme, it's boring.
Germany featured multiple races yet it was still dictated by aryans. Just because a country has humans does not mean it cannot be ruled by elf hitler
on Veeky Forums elves are a strawman for whatever user describing them dislikes.
So right-leaning user will describe them as retarded hippies. Left-wing user will describe them as retarded nazis. Insecure user will rant night and day about limp-wristed girlyboi elves, and elf slave wat do/elf rape wat do is a staple against people too repulsive (mentally and physically) to ever make a girl look in their direction.
Whatever elven race are, their main purpose in any setting is to be a hate-sink so people will feel better about themselves (all while complaining about "effortlessly superior elves", a thing literally nobody does anymore).
How about we go back a bit and make elves just interesting people with their own niche?
I wanted to post this, but in my setting I literally made them the USSR combined with Nazis.
Though, to be fair, it was originally just a subrace of elves but I simplified it at the last minute. I feel like such a hypocrite...
They are superior to other beings, so it is birthright to rule over them.
>How about we go back a bit and make elves just interesting people with their own niche?
That would mean undoing years of development (or regression) because D&D has made elves the passe-partout race (especially with the insane number of subraces in 3.5e). At this point they're more versatile than humans, who are supposed to be the versatile (read: generic) race!
>I literally made them international socialism combined with nationalistic socialism
How does that work?
>How does that work?
The USSR was only international socialism until shortly in to Stalin's leadership. He even coined the phrase "Socialism in one country."
I'm guessing Nazi+USSR would be Fascism + State Capitalism.
This guy's got it.
Huh, same here. All cities must have elven leadership, all trade goes through the elves, elves frequently purge resistance and wrong-think, basically trap their population in to become slaves or cannonfodder.
Not all elves though.
STFU about real world politics, post elves in stylish uniforms.
Why do you make elves into filthy Germans who ruin their own continent all the time?
Seriously that's just stupid.
Go with making them a mix of Ming Chinese and Colonial Spain.
>Believe themselves to be an ancient, powerful people
>Believe themselves to be greater, more powerful than other people
>Distinct culture that has been attacked and blamed for the worlds woes
>Responsible for most of the advances in science, war, technology, engineering and more
>When a nation is pushed and blamed, nationalism grows ad the people become unified
>When Nationalism grows, confidence and strength grow
>Weaker nations get pissy when the stronger nations begin exhibiting their strength and unity.
>animu elves
Not really, they have chaotic hearts, so facism isn't a government they support.
They're more like anarchist communes then anything. Their populations are unlikely to be more than 200 elfs per settlement, and usually no less than 20. Clans are more like massive extended families and half-siblings due to both how relationships work for elves, and the small elfin populations. This is a holdover from their fey lineage, as impermanence is a reality in the realms of the fey.
This lends well to having a totally combat trained population as well, but it's unlikely you'll find an elfin army, unless such a thing was discussed and agreed upon at the last Elfmoot, in which then each clan acts as their own company in the force. Elfs supplement their martial ability with magical ability. Beware the female elfin Unicorn Knights.
Elfs hardly have cities, and the only one they have they didn't entirely make themselves as it was gifted to them. An elf clan is capable of leaving a place much easier then that of a dwarf of human clan, whose populations are rooted in more permanent locations.
That's a lot of headcanon that doesn't work in some settings.
In our own settings?
I don't like elves in most settings, so my elves aren't like them.
Oh, that time again.
>Are elves the most likely fascist dictatorship in your fantasy setting?
Not quite. Dorfs are more like the type to have dictators, however their culture is such that they are okay with it and the term doesn't have negative connotation for them. They're also rather isolationist as a people, so they don't really cause enough trouble to be what most would call a fascist dictatorship.
If by "fascist dictatorship" you mean Thalmor-level assholes then yes, the elves are the most likely. It hasn't happened yet, though. So far they are content with keeping slaves and enjoying decadent lifestyles while feeling superior to everyone else. When they feel the need to assert that superiority, there's gonna be trouble.
Because they are superior and need to keep the inferior mongrel races in check. If the inferior races weren't a bunch of violent nogs they wouldn't have to be so harsh about it.
Elves are the fascist dictatorship in my setting. The humans and half-elves living within their borders are forced into slums and ghettos, and often conscripted in times of war to use as meatshields. There aren't any dwarves left in their kingdom after the elves honour killed all the dwarven civilians after a stalemate against the neighbouring dwarven-ruled nation.
Because Anons have an inferiority complex and need to make anything pretty the bad guys.
Elves are, in most settings, the least likely race to care about things like empire and the least likely to have a dictatorship. They have usually progressed to a point where they as a culture understand such things to be ultimately meaningless or they are functioning under an entirely separate ruleset to humans (i.e. elves were not on Middle Earth to build empires an shit. They were there to fight Morgoth and his servants. Everything else was incidental and when there was no more of that to be done they left).
They're fun to kill.
This thread is making me love elves. Classic noblebright elves are boring as fuck, and the drow are edgy; you glorious motherfuckers have helped me see the light. Why would elves be any other way?
If anything, Elven empires should be closer to Tsarist Russia.
1. Long lifespans mean their demographics are naturally going to migrate towards a large population, but lack of technology or proper infrastructure is going to make their wars and any internal reforms or development attempts costly and slow.
2. "People of the land" and "Eschews machinery, technology, and metalworking" seems like they'd be ideal unwashed peasantry.
3. Along with 2, their resistance to change and suspicion of outsiders also plays into the Tsarist Russia comparison. Huge swathes of populated but underdeveloped land with piss-poor logistics.
4. Distinct sub-races that don't really cooperate, but fall under the same banner of "Elf" draw an analogue to the different regions within Tsarist Russia that were not under strong central government control.
Fuck that waifubait elf shit. My elves still hit all the racial traits and still they live in the dirt and squalor of subsistence farming.
Remove elves
Lorwyn has a nice Nazi elf deal going on, killing everything that's not them and even some of their own if perceived as imperfect. Ironically justified with all of the other races being barbarous nature-killers in Shadowmoor.
But the dictatorships are the heroes in fantasy settings.
>implying anyone plays total warhammer
its a dead game for a dead setting.
What does that make dwarves then?
Nazi elves are cliche shit.
Low time-preference, r selection, high intelligence, spiritual veneration of nature/natural order. They're traditionalist/reactionary, not fascist (which is not the same as natsoc, FYI). You sorely need to expand your political education.
close enough
Like dwarves
Self insert for neckbeard Basement dwellers.
Was Hitler a ranger? That's a nice doggo
He was... Then he took the pact with Odin...
So Elven women try and 'marry-up' to a human to escape poverty?
Reminds me why I gravitated towards tieflings. Say what you will about 'em being "special snowflakes", at least they've got some potential to develop character beyond being political strawmen.
Well, cause they are literally superior.
40K Eldar are quite literally Hitler fluff-wise, so it's actually user's imagination that needs applying to make them more friendly and tolerable.
Actually Eldar were so superior that they've actually got bored and started degeneracy that ultimately cost them their empire, power and their souls.
Also, GW's recent fluff can suck my dick. I bet they'll start at least a miniature End Times, if not full-scale. Fucking retards.
You do realize that they get blamed because they did it?
If I raped your whore of a mother, you did blame me for it too.
They don't.
There were Soviets, Brits, Murricans who did no less of a shit, and sometimes much more.
It's just that Reich was far too powerful to be left alone to threaten everyone. Just not powerful enough to take on everyone else alone.
This model breaks down if you assume that elves have greatly superior knowledge of/skill with magic to humans (which they almost always do).
I do like the idea of many sub-races being like the semi-autonomous regions though. I don't think I've seen a multi ethnic all elf empire before.
>Stop the "one race countries" meme, it's boring.
no, it's pretty gud, if not mandatory
>Everyone who has an pet must be a ranger.
elves in my setting are not nearly efficent enough to be Hitler, not to mention that humans are the masterrace to begin with.
How did this even happen? Tolkien elves were cool, where did it go so wrong?
>implying they wouldn't devolve into strawmen for angry anti-racemixers
anything popular enough becomes political
I guess people started to insert into them everything they liked, always made them beautiful and great at what they are doing. Now we are living in the dark times, where all the nice things of the past need to be subverted and it's not cool anymore to like idealistic and good things. It needs to get thrown in the mud and beaten into a bloody pulp.
I've got something similar. Elves are the commanders and politicians, with dwarves and gnomes either living as complacent, second-class citizens or frontier tribes/minor nations that are most likely to get steamrolled by the elf legions (where the average footman is a dwarf, ironically)
So much of the biosphere was destroyed after the Godslayer went off that the surviving elf and human leaders were effectively forced to merge their communities into each other, before tribalism killed what few people were left. There aren't any Nazi analogues in my setting.
Ghengis Khan, though, we've got'cher Ghengis. Hoo boy.
For me its cause they think they are helping.
Space elves have a significant tech advantage, including a technobio casing they use to terraform. They know so much they have nothing better to do then help others.
The issue is, since they are significantly better off then say, lizard people then whats the best way to help the lizard people? Make them more elfy of course!
I'll typically define a country by the ruling race. The party is starting in a dwarven-ruled society a la Dragon Age where the Dwarf leaders are ambitious backstabby assholes trying to bring glory (read: wealth) to their clan, but ~80% of the population they rule over are humans.
Tell me about your Ghengis Khan. I've got a nation in the steppes that's gone unconquered only because it's people are nomadic and the cost of occupying the land outweighs any profits that may come from it. People sorely underestimate the steppe-folk, but I like the idea of a threat rising there.
Not him, but I will inform you that in muh settan I merged some aspects of your typical wood elves with nomadic, horse archer steppe elves, with some inspirations from scythian art and vedic religion. Because it works pretty well, in my opinion
But they aren't natsocs
My (((elves))) are literally otherworldly jihadist who are the sword of the vengeful Demiurge who's creation was literally broken and stolen by the proto-human wizards who then proceeded to create their own reality in which they were their own gods (generations of degeneration reduced them to "humans") so now the notElves are sworn to wage eternal holy war of revenge and conquest to claim it back
They're singular and militant and I guess facist
They also have NGEesque egoless angel WMDs
I always thought elves would be more prone to being commies rather than fascists.
My Ghengis is a woman, Deif, whose father enacted a decades-spanning plan to conceal a secret magical artifact from the deities who would claim his soul on death. Through an act of amazing trickery, he managed to do so, while also leaving messages for his daughter, in code, to decipher. She did so, and became the Empress of the Steppes Folk; she used her innate magic power and unfathomably potent magical artifact to do something nobody had managed to do on any scale since the war that destroyed the afterlife, three thousand years prior: she found a way to reanimate dead bodies and install orders in them, to follow and obey her. She could also select and control individual ones remotely, though that meant the others diverted to pre-programmed orders. She had an army of eighteen thousand corpses and twenty-four thousand living soldiers, some with magic, and attacked my rough equivalent of early-renaissance Norway. A goddess had to personally intervene and show her brothers evidence that the Empress was using a magic artifact on the Proscribed list, and one of them killed her to prevent the demigods from removing all oxygen molecules from the city they were attacking in punishment.
Sorry, that last bit was unclear. The demigoddess showed the Empress's brother that the Empress was breaking the magic law.
That's me.
Granted however, they are. Better, that is.
Using modern leftwing social theory, you can say its a result of their environment.
When you live hundreds of years you tend to accumulate a lot more knowledge and wisdom than any other race, you see them as stupid infants (which, to be fair they are) that don't know what they are doing (which, many times they do not).
Dunning-Grueger effect works both ways, it makes stupid people think they know more than they do, but they also make highly educated people assume everyone has the same level as they do, and when faced with reality (most do not), they just tend to assume people just be slightly retarded or stupid.
Mix it with having a highly refined culture, and being so long lived social rules, taboos, norms are super important, then come some half retarded infant humans and commit so many faux paux in one day that it horrifies everyone.
The natural response is dislike, even hate, especially when said races keep destroying and polluting everything in their blind pursuit of greed. and gain.
That makes no sense, you cannot break magic laws as they are laws of physics.
At best you can exploit them, or you mean she's breaking a taboo?
Other that, or some demigoddess has some explaining to do about her "laws".
There is a law that states that any use of any magic spell on the Verboten List (or any of those spells bound into physical objects, called the Proscribed List) merits instant death penalty. The people have been living with it for three thousand years, because if even one more demigod or one more weather machine goes away, the world will end.
If you have a object on the scale of a demigod it probbably becomes easy to ignore reality.
Remenber in this setting s9meone blew up heaven
Ah, so more like taboo's or legal restrictions, desu should make that differentiation more clear, as it might be confusing to a reader.
That said, granted, we also use the word "law" to shit we make up, when its meant to be something inviolable.
I actually love this trope, because it gives the author the chance to humanize the 'evil' race when they actually see the civilian life.
I thought Avatar did this well, some of my favorite stuff was when they went to the Fire Nation and expected everyone to be malicious, and they just turned out to be people.
Yet another /pol/ thread. Aren't you glad you got rid of quests and /wst/ so you could have these people post more inane threads like this?
Is there actually even one setting where the main elves are fascists? One that isn't made up by Veeky Forums?
There isn't a game based on Steven Brust's Jhereg series, so no, there isn't. This is a /pol/ bait thread, and pretending it's anything other than one is stupid.
Skyrim, though it also makes it abundantly clear that the non Thalmor elves are quite embarrassed by them.
8bit theater?
I dont play that many fantasy games.
> Why are they so authoritarian?
Because, we are the superior race.
Try not to be too jealous.
>responsible for most advances in science, war, technology, engineering and architecture.
Not in Tolkien if I remember correctly, in his writing the elves as a species were created with all of their technology and knowledge given to them and havent really advanced, even regressing at certain times, also they are guaranteed eternal paradise on death so they dont really want to advance. This is why soany people hate elves, as a species everything is handed to them on a silver plater, they're basically the trust fund kids of fantasy.
You remembered wrong. Elves had to learn things like everyone else. When they first showed up they knew nothing and just wandered around admiring stars while getting wrecked by Melkor and his minions.
In our defense, we are the best board. We're not good, but we're significantly less terrible than anyone else
The elves in my setting are similar. Less violent, but very much haughty and arrogant.
Except they were all genocided, save for a single outcast hermit that is a bright and jovial scholar, and only learns later on that his people are gone.
They're Arabs, so what do you think?