If Veeky Forums becomes the wealthiest board on Veeky Forums, couldn't one of us buy the site from Hiroyuki/Gook??

gas chamber for you shlomo

I can't find any info on this

Just think.

Someone, somewhere, prior to 2017, bought a Veeky Forums pass with bitcoin.

Remember when they banned /pol/ the first time? If you werent such a raging newfag you would realize why that would be counter intuitive

I actually like to have a containment board that is still so big that it scares a good amount of normies away.

And the second time.
If there's one board you can't touch or they'll Samson Option the site it's them.

Good guys.

How about I buy it and buy everyone that bitches about /pol/? How much does the nip want anyways?

t. weak and insecure leftist

why so many lefty cunts on Veeky Forums? fuck off to redddit

this is Veeky Forums, most of us are pol. most of us support pol

I'd run an ICO to rebuild the site if it ever gets shutdown
Then i'd skim a bunch of the profits and hire a bunch of pajeets to build it