>tfw your favorite setting is dead
>tfw it's probably not coming back
>tfw you don't have a group IRL currently that you could bring it up with
What's her name, Veeky Forums?
Tfw your favorite setting is dead
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Is this a CATastrophe thread?
That would actually be legitimately incredibly heartwarming desu
I have a notepad doc with a little catastrophe stuff on it somewhere around here. Let me see if I can dig anything up.
On a post-civilisation water world from which humanity has long vanished, the only traces left of this once-mighty race are their submarine ruins, and their creations.
After the moon and the northern ice-cap were struck by immense comets of ice, the oceans rose with terrifying speed, flooding the civilized world in the blink of an eye. The remnants of humanity that survived the initial cataclysm were faced with a new threat in the wake of the impact; as frozen alien algae and bacteria thawed from their icy prison and fed on Earth's rich oceans, poisonous gases were released into the air. Some of Earth's native species were struck hard by the new inhospitable new climate, but none were hit harder then mankind -- they, above all, could not continue breathing the new atmosphere.
With time rapidly running out, the last great minds of humanity spliced their genes with those of the remaining adapted mammals; the new breed would be able to survive Earth's new climate, and perpetuate some semblance of intelligent life on the planet. They released their new creations on the flooded constructs across the globe and what little dry land remained, and with that, humanity faded into the sea. Some say that leftovers of a bygone era still lurk beneath the waves in suspended animation, sleeping dreamlessly and waiting, in the desperate hope that sometime in the distant future their creations would learn to restore them to life.
Of course, the Earless have become little more than a legend over the years, so it would be impossible to separate the facts from the fiction of these stories.
Earth is now the Endless Blue, populated by races of demi-humans -- known to themselves as mimi -- who make their home on artificial islands, the unsubmerged peaks of mountains, or the tops of Earth's flooded skyscrapers. Together, they scavenge, survive, and thrive amongst the rubble of their ancestors.
Sun, sea, catgirls, and shinies!
The problem with CATastrophe is that it's not exciting. It's /comfy/, yeah, but that's just kind of depressing escapism.
The Endless Blue is a cozy, post-apocalyptic world of infinite oceans and eternal summer, full of animal people (our gene-spliced descendants) whose entire purpose in life -- in between lounging on beaches and partying around campfires -- is to dive down into the depths and return with treasures from the long-extinct civilization known only as the Earless.
Nekomimi are cat people. Usamimi are bunny people. Mausumimi are Mouse People. Inumimi are Dog People. Butamimi are Pig People. Hitsumimi are Sheeple. Humanity as we know it is referred to as The Earless.
The origin of the mimi is half-remembered - it is commonly known that the Earless somehow created the mimi, but not how or why or where they went after that. It is also well known that the Earless were, like, really smart.
Torimimi are Bird People, who all live on floating cities in the sky. You only ever see them from a distance, or very briefly, and almost all of what you know about them comes from gossip and rumour. They seem pretty OK, though. You wonder how their flying cities stay up, because everyone knows heavy things don't stay up. Maybe it works different for Torimimi, who knows? There are many different varieties of Torimimi, but of course as they are all far away the other mimi have little or no knowledge of this.
In general, there's no real friction between mimi. At worst, mimi of one kind will think another kind is "weird" or "does things funny", but that's not a harsh judgement. Stereotypes tend towards "All X are lazy" rather than "All X are thieves".
Turns out I didn't have that much saved. This story (estimate 4 posts) is it. Tone's a little odd, must have been written by an user taking the setting off in their own direction.
“So this is it, huh? I don’t see any treasure.” Shansha took off her scuba mask and began scratching aggressively at her ears and wringing out her tail to the best of her ability. Those rubber straps always irritated her ears and the water did her no favours either.
“S’what the wanderer said. Said he didn’t have the gear to go down himself, but he could somethin’ shinin’ down underwater.” Marko stretched, also removing his mask and letting it hang around his neck. Their troupe just hit the air pocket on the old tower. He hopefully wouldn’t need it for a little while now. He liked the taste of this stale air the ruins captured. It tasted like…history.
“You met a guy wandering all alone? Why didn’t you bring him back to town?” J’kai cut in, ears perking up as she suddenly became interested in the conversation.
“Because I'm not evil enough to wish that upon even my most hated enemies.” He quipped, giving her ear a little flick as he walked by her.
“Hey! Meanie! ‘Sides, I never hear YOU complaining.” J’kai countered, rubbing her ear defensively.
“That’s, enough, ladies!” a woman, the only one still wearing her scuba mask, barked at the trio before remembering to add on a “…and Marko. We came here for a reason, so let’s get whatever it is you were looking for and get the hell out of here before any Oldguards show up.”
“You the boss, BB.” Marko shrugged. He seriously doubted there would be any Oldguard in this ruin. They usually only showed up in the ones with real shiny stuff. The only reason this place hadn’t been picked clean by other treasure hunters yet was due to how far off from any settlement it was. They would’ve never bothered to even check if it wasn’t for that tip. Of course, it was Bahi-Bahi’s job to be cautious, that eyepatch of hers was a constant reminder of what happens when you get careless while spelunking. Not that she’s any less aggressive than before. If anything, she got meaner and tougher from the encounter. You know what that say about porcupine dogs…
The quartet wandered around the ruin for a spell, grabbing an energy drink here and some catnip there, but never finding anything to make the trip worthwhile.
“I think that wanderer sold you bad intel, Marko.” Shansha smirked
“Nah, he seemed trustworthy enough. It’s gotta be around here somewhere…”
She only giggled at his denials “Face it. You got scammed, sweetheart.”
“Aha! There it is!” Marko’s face brightened as he ran forward and hugged a strange looking box with a glass panel on one side.
“A box? That’s what we came all this way for?” J’kai raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“None of you have ever stepped foot in the Archives, have you?” Marko sighed
“Reading about all that old stuff is boring when you could be finding it!” J’kai countered cheerily
“Aw come on, everyone knows that's boy stuff” Shansha shrugged.
“I keep meaning to, but…” Bahi-Bahi offered weakly.
Marko let out another sigh. “Well, if any of you HAD bothered to listen to all the voices captured on the speakyboxes, you would know that the Earless used these things to store information, if I can only get it to–” he plugged a few wires into his portabattery and began pressing buttons seemingly at random until he was finally rewarded with a glimmer of light from the glass panel “–turn on. And there we go. Time to find out what the Earless saved on this one.” After typing on the tablet in front of him and gazing intently at the screen for a few minutes, much to the mystification of the three girls, Marko leaned back and pulled on his ears in frustration, letting them droop flat. “And the thing is locked. It needs a password, I think, but I have no idea how to figure out what, though”
“Well, if I was going to put a password on something, I would make it something easy to remember like ‘password’.” J’kai offered helpfully, entranced by the gentle swaying of a nearby dangling light
J’kai, bless her heart, was virtually every stereotype about her kind rolled into one. She was scatterbrained, as lazy as any of her kind in even the most dire of circumstances, it was damn hard to motivate her to do anything she didn’t want to do, and Bahi-Bahi would NEVER trust her with an arc rifle. And yet, when push came to shove, she was one of the best treasure hunters around. To this day, no one knows how she managed to lift an entire energy drink vending machine, much less swipe one from the middle of a den of kleptomanders without waking a single one of them up.
Marko shrugged and decided to try her suggestion anyways. It couldn’t hurt.
“…It worked.”
“Hah! I'm a genius! In your FACE, Marko!”
Marko just chuckled quietly to himself and got back to work, removing various electronics from their waterproof containers and plugging them into the ancient machine and typing and clicking furiously, pausing occasionally to shoo away J’kai whenever her boredom compelled her to bat at his flitting tail. Finally he let out an exuberant cheer and began packing up his equipment.
“So what’d you find?” Shansha looked up from the rubble she had been occupying herself with, some nondescript object shining in her hand. “Some sorta treasure trove of old words?”
“Nope, something better.”
“Blueprints for some of the mechworks back home?”
“Even better.”
“Just tell us already!” J’kai interrupted frustratedly.
“Fine, fine, but only because you asked so nicely.” Marko hit a button on the speakybox he brought with him, prompting it to emit a bizarre noise.
“Is that…music?” Bahi-Bahi eyed him from her defensive point watching the door they came in from, lowering her arc rifle ever so slightly.
“Earless music.” Marko triumphantly corrected her.
“Oh man, this is gonna be the BEST pool party ever when we get back!” J’kai shouted before falling into jubilant gossip and planning with Shansha. Even Bahi broke down and started discussing what she was going do when they got back to town and who she was going to woo with her loot, her tail wagging so fast that Marko could feel a gentle breeze as he walked behind the group, silently praising himself for his decision of career change from mechano-historian to treasure hunter.
Spelljammer & Planescape.
You are like little babby.
Watch this.
Anyway, that was the FATE version that came after much internal squabbling.
Here's the original that was going to be playtested until all activity on the playtest forum suddenly and inexplicably ceased.
This. So much this.
My fucking chaotic stupid players can't cope with each other long enough for me to get the game off the ground. Because running a ship needs some element of party cohesion.
Now I'm curious, are there any warships left from the earless? Or do they build their own ships?
What are you talking about?
This is pretty much exactly what I remember CATastrophe was like, it even does its best to walk by its signifying traits one by one.
>girls scuba dive for treasure
>men are kept and used as engineers/translators
>the whole exists out of remnants of the old world
Ships detoriate pretty quickly if there's nobody to look after them. Metal rusts.
>Metal rusts.
Sure, but if people can still be living in the ruins of skyscrapers, that implies...
I don't know what that implies.
I think CATastrophe has some justification on why the skyscrapers haven't all collapsed but I do know that in their natural state boats have a significantly shorter lifespan than buildings.
>are there any warships left from the earless?
I think there's a few wrecks that "sunk" on or fairly high up into sky scrapers over the years - maybe some basically unusuable abadoned hulks which are nonetheless still somehow watertight after all this time (like that cargo ship that was abandoned near china a decade ago and took another decade of slowly floating before it hit the west coast of america).
Folks who live on the big blue have mainly made their own boats or have the end result of repairing and rebuilding an older boat over enough generations that there's nothing of the original boat left.
Alpha Omega. Two books. Amazing art direction and production values. Good vision. An interestingly timed marketing campaign. I may even have my hardcopy around here somewhere.
And as expected, it wasn't bought and noone cared, so it released one more book and went out of print. I've got a pile of notes from when my old group used to play here somewhere, trying to fix the problems with the races thanks to the stat/wielding limitations. It's a bit odd.
Dominaria, pre-Odyssey.
Have the PDFs?
Quality 40k, though I do have an irl group for it.
Aarklash, Confrontation's setting. The thing is so crazy and the aesthetic is just so beautiful.
Give me a site to upload them without an account, and sure.
I cannot believe I fell for that.
CATastrophe is actually my group's go-to setting for filler games between campaigns or not everyone can make it. We've run it in various systems and had a few longer campaigns.
I personally prefer it in GURPS, but I like everything in GURPS.
My negro, i loved the factions and the artstyle of that.
Jesus Christ, you already ripped all the other ones from Japanese, why the fuck aren't they called Nezumimi too?
This bothers me to an inordinate degree.
I loved it as well. I think it was the true spiritual successor to the early humorous Warhammer.
Planescape isn't all that dead, is it?
Shame about Spelljammer though.
It is, unfortunately, extremely dead. Though with Ravenloft kinda sorta revived, there might still be some hope.
Walmart Apocalypse
Actually the next campaign i'm gonna GM will be CATastrophe.
Maybe i even get to writing storytime.
Deathworld. It was one of the coolest Veeky Forums projects.
I can't agree with that. People run Planescape campaigns and write houserules for it all the time. I don't think I've ever stumbled across a Spelljammer aficionado.
>Suddenly, Alternate WWII with magic and science and shit
That was beautiful.
I tried running CATastrophe once. Only one person came back for the second session. I think I missed the whole point of the setting, too.
If you had fun, you won.
It's one of the systems you only run online. And preferable Text-Only.
>Get your hands off my Sport
>tfw have a group
>all players are dead set in their ways down to what characters they roll each time
>all they want to ever play is dnd
>only time you change games is when new dnd comes out
>desperately want to try other systems
>no, dnd only, final destination
>each campaign feels the same, it's all a blur
>get so desperate start looking for people online
>it turns out 95% of players I could get in touch with are either warhammer zealots or dnd zealots and there is some historical animosity between those
>5% are goth kids playing masquerade
>all I want to do is try a not dnd game, preferably some sci fi stuff
Are you me? I looked for people online, and actually got a game of Call of Cthulhu in. It was all spoiled when I asked them what they wanted to play next and the answer was invariably D&D and/or Pathfinder.
Well I sure wish I could get at least that one game out of a group of strangers. Given where I live and my social setting the only chance for me to play not-dnd is to make my current group give it a try.
I mean I have nothing agains dnd in principle but we've been playing it in the same group for 10+ years and I can tell ey would like something new since we had some board games on the side to mix things up but they don't seem to beable to step outof the dnd comfort zone.
Catastrophe is a shitty furry setting.
Alpha omega has some of the highest production values in any game i've seen.
My brief foray into the forums showed a pretty caustic fanbase (from what I recall), and no one wanted to play it.
now it's Mutant: Year Zero.
i like CATastrophe, but i always preferred it simple.
someone added all kinds of races...and it was odd.
i kinda wanted 80% cats, and the rest dogs, mice, or bunnies, maybe a human for real novelty? or were they dead?
Humans were dead. The whole point of this setting is that all humans are the Antlanteans that left behind a ton of ruins and ancient tech.
Some people went all autistic over humans in the Setting. But I still added a few living examples sleeping like ancient gods in massive ruins deep unter the water.
Mixes it up a little bit and that feels and plays better.
Personally i feel that having humans that know about the world pre-sinking kinda goes against the very premise of the setting.
Amnesiac thawed-out person as a PC i'm fine with, but no more.
I know these feels user.
I think it allows for a lot of worldbuilding that wouldn't be possible otherwise. Besides the personal drama of waking up in a postapocalyptic world and dealing with the new races living in it, it also adds a great contrast to the more happy and innocent tone.
A human makes a great antagonist, a surprising plottwist or generally adds a roleplay-challenge. You have to ofc, balance the appearance of them and the influence they make. Relying too much on the cheap effect of just being human gets old pretty quick and goes, like you said, against the premise.
On the other hand, not adding them at all, is wasted potential.
Warhammer Fantasy. Got blasted in exchange for a poorly written He-Man knockoff.
I have an IRL group but the setting is too low magic for them.
Feels bad, man.
And that's how CATastrophe died.
It died because it was a flawed system from the beginning and handled absolutely autistic by its creator(s).
This + ravenloft.
I literally have a Spelljammer campaign I wrote up and then all my friends said it sounded like a dumb setting. It's a shame, because it's such an easy setting to pull off a lot of different moods and themes in.
You have to be careful, though. Shoving them into campaign from the beginning is a bad move.
>having to climb a ladder to get to the burger place
>also squeeze pas the hammock
>the burger place has a diagram of a pig
>want to dispose of trash afterwards, but I have to climb down a ladder to get to the trash can
how does he even have room to cook the burger in that tiny space?
Tough I prefer a more comfy version than the darker one where humans didn't go extinct instead they just left Earth for good they invented FTL drive an better planets to settle at. Thee kemos that left were intended to be caretakers as a natural Earth preserve project but governments/corporations pulled their funding so the project was scrapped half way because why bother if they won't come back? Humanity just left the hibernating Kemos there without any instructions or message. I prefer the route of "humans didn't bother cause they are lazy and indecisive" instead of the darker "humans go extinct despite their magic super science and created kemos to keep life going."
Your friends sound like boring no creativity types.
Actually, I'm kind of worried by what the pink haired bunniegirl is looking alarmed about..
the burger place has instant microwavable food, you get down by diving
I like FTL idea too, although it's better to keep it ambigious at first, get players to believe humans are dead, then bam, reveal.
There's a walk-on entrance on the second floor. There's also a blue sign sign that looks like some sort of ocean bus.
Presumably a bus can be two stories tall with a stair/ladder between floors. Meanwhile the locals are fine with using the ladder when there's no bus.
> No-ones ever heard of your favourite system
> Can't even convince your adventurous players to try it
> There isn't even enough interest to put together a game online
Woe is me and my salty Hong Kong tears.
He'll sounds fun to me.
Is it just me or does anyone else think a past exctinction event doesn't really have to drag down the tone of the setting? Unless you're diving up corpses it can still be lighthearted even when the only reason it exists is because an entire race had to die out. The mass deaths are in the past, they're not part of this time period.
The FTL sounds sort of silly to me. All of humanity decided to just up and leave?
What if the extinction is due to the ecological disaster (that's still a thing, remember all oceans being like pool water?) causing mass infertility? Humanity could have made the kemos as substitute children but they were too wacky and carefree to maintain humanities culture.
>being the same as mixtape.moe
>The FTL sounds sort of silly to me
That was the intended goal actually. It is sort of a comedy setting after all.
The way i'm doing it - going into space was humanity's last resort measure to save themselves from the giant ice meteorite about to hit the earth and subsequent climate change about to wreck the planet's shit up for another 500 years.
>that's still a thing, remember all oceans being like pool water?
No, i deliberately choose to not remember this - it's dumb, and not in a good way.
It gives the setting a unique look
It also makes it very hard to do anything with the setting without piling up justification on justification and in general it's better to cut it off before it swells into justification tumor.
Well yeah, the entire game is just a justification to fap to furry shit; does it really need to make sense too.
consistent and well-developed worlds are my fetish.
My god, if you had harnessed that drive into shit that wasn't degenerate trash.
Unfortunately, user, i AM degenerate trash.
Birthright. I'll never be able to run it.
You are on tg after all
I actually think I could get my friends to do this one. It's been on my list for years. Are their conversions to newer edition, or I suppose I could stick with 2e
Choose one and only one
NEVER CHANGE Veeky Forums!
>>girls with animals ears and tails
>>not furry bullshit
Sure thing kid.
oh boy, here we go.
Goddamnit, I had this blocked out of my memory.
One of the reasons I don't play anymore.
Listen senpai, as a degenerate furfag, these plebtier jap-girls wearing ears and tails stapled to their ass are most definitely not furry.
Monstergirl-fag here. Don't lump us with those degenerate furries.
Just hide his post.
I would have liked to see where it went.
Where can I find more CATastrophe art? only reason I'm checking this thread desu
The setting seems far better for writing stories in than actually RP'ing in as a group so it's no wonder it's dead.