Take a moment to look at it. Tell me this doesn't look like it'd fit in 40k.
Take a moment to look at it. Tell me this doesn't look like it'd fit in 40k
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I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.
"Fitting in" to 40K is, by the setting's design, not a hard thing to do.
It's true; the whole thing is like a mulligan stew.
Ork MegaBomma Lobba.
Counts-as twinlinked Rokkitt launcha
God I hate Fallout. 1 and 2 were amazing, but ever since Oblivion With Guns came out, its been consitently garbage tier.
Yeah, this house has been completely rebuilt by the wastelanders, but this house looks like the bombs fell yesterday, with shit like newspapers and delicate electronics. exposed to the rain, for 20, no, 30, no, TWO HUNDRED YEARS LATER, everyone is still living in piles of rubble and nothing ever grows and skeletons and newspapers are still right where they always were!
Isn't it so immersive, how mob camps are 20 feet apart and there's no real story, and SHAUUUNNN.
And of course, the gameplay doesn't work either. The balance fucks up about 10 hours in so that you can unload eight magazine's into someone's eye and they still have half health, and then punch them so hard they... shrug and slowly fall over because ragdoll physics was just something cobbled together from the "make the room violently explode with physics objects everytime you walk" engine
This, in a setting with fifteen odd armies, thirty counting variants, each with their own theme of course you can find a theme that'll match nearly anything.
>wahhh, someone posted a /v/ thread and someone posted about a vidya game
Its literally about how everything fits on 40k.
Fine, I hate Atompunk Death World Of The Imperium. Does that make your bleeding vagina feel better?
>I'm too much of a newfag to know what's considered on topic so now I'll act like a whiny bitch like that's everyone else's fault
This is Veeky Forums, we don't need other boards.
Doesn't look like it'd fit. It's too reserved for Orks, too junky for Imperium and even AdMech, and too specific (that of a bomb launcher, not a converted tool) in design for Genestealers or CSM Cultists.
Going by the design aesthetic it's not one to really work in 40k. It'd either have to be much larger, uniform, and archaic in design to fit with the Imperium, much more cobbled together with a bunch of other things for Orks, and it'd have to look like it was converted from a mining tool or something civilian for Cultists of any stripe.
For senseless moaning about vidya, yes we do. Topic is about 'fitting shit into other shit', not 'I didn't like thing, pay attention to me'
This board is for 'doing cool shit', not hating what you love. For that, we have /v/. Or, alternatively, /pol/.
not 'I didn't like thing, pay attention to me'
AHAHAHAHAHA newfag. He's wrong, yes ,but you're retarded.
The actual Davy Crockett man-portable launcher is far more fitting to 40k saying as how it's effective range was far far shorter than the blast wave of the payload it fired.
Didn't know it was possible to compress this much butthurt into one post
That's a myth, the minimum arming range was well in the "certain death" radius, but the maximum range was roughly double the certain death radius.
I would recommend taking cover in a foxhole after firing, though (and crews were provided with explosive charges for digging a foxhole really fast) until after the flash, however, because you are still in the radiation injury zone at maximum range.
What about the Squats?
Nope, save your bitching for a place about vidya.
This is how the Fat Man from the game looks like it could be from the 40K universe, not how much Fallout 4 sucked.
>That pic
Wait, isn't that just a map of europe rotated 90 degrees?
I guess that's the joke...
What if the mechanicus found the STC for the t-51?
>Be Necron
>Fighting Space Marines
>Well, they look like space marines, but they use flashlights for some reason
>Warriors cut through them easy
>Fucking human scrubs
>Get bored, try taking a few heads for myself
>Cleave through like four squishies at once
>They don't look as big as they should be inside that armor
>About to rek one marine who has a rocket launcher or something
>He's not wearing a helmet, dumb gloryhound
>Decide to bisect him from head to crotch
>Marine doesn't look scared at all
>He shouts "Ad victoriam!" and pulls the trigger
>Flash of light, big bang, green glow as I get phased out from catastrophic damage
>Fucking monkey had a mini-nuke
>Suffer permanent damage to mind due to radiation and sheer force of the blast
>Every time I get super-pissed I short out and start playing soap operas that I'm picking up on radio waves.
Probably nothing.
>implying New Vegas isn't the best fallout game ever made.
Everything fits in 40k.
Star Trek phaser? It's archeotech.
Post apoc flamethrower? A hiveworld child's toy.
Oh look, that old nonsense again, mindlessly parroted by someone short on both understanding of the subject and general critical thinking.
The Davy Crockett warhead had a yield around 10-20 tons. There were two launcher,s one with a 2km range, the other with a 4km range.
So for the worst case scenario, here's a 20t detonation along with a 2km long blue line.
Implying? No. Flat out stating it.
An official species of abhumans again since 6th edition.
Is it better than a 40k power armour? No.
some things fit more snugly than others though
>Is it better than a 40k power armour? No.
its imperial guard sized power amour that can be bu8ilt with easily found conventional materials
>pic related
>T-51 requires special training
>protection, strength increase, and integrated systems are quasi-impossible to compare due to coming from two very different systems that rely a lot on handwaving.
The guard has strenght enhancing bionics and carapace armour, and yet those are reserved to elite troops. What makes you think that they will use t-51s en masse?
>T-51 requires special training
in game it takes you exactly an hour to learn how to use the armor
>What makes you think that they will use t-51s en masse?
Because it would be incredibly easy to produce en masse compared to nearly everything else in the imperiums arsenal
>Because it would be incredibly easy to produce en masse compared to nearly everything else in the imperiums arsenal
Like the rare carapace armor and hotshot lasgun? You're also not accounting for the fractious and cutthroat nature of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
I find the lack of skulls...disturbing.
Typical Obsidian work, great story burdened by unplayable levels of bugs.
It is flat out impossible to play NV without ~tcl.
>>Every time I get super-pissed I short out and start playing soap operas that I'm picking up on radio waves.
>crunch/fluff distinction
I'm sure that the game would have been thrilling if power armour training took you years to master.
If it's easier to produce than carapace, that is nothing more than plates of armors, then it would provide no real advantage over it.
If not made of some extraordinary material, it will provide no additional protection compared to what's already available; and if made of some extraordinary material then you can upgrade your regular gear instead.
And the NCR seemed to have issues reproducing it, despite having a decent industrial base.
>the NCR seemed to have issues reproducing it, despite having a decent industrial base.
That allays annoyed me, shouldn't the NCR have huge amounts of captured BOS and Enclave scientists and engineers
>hating what you love
>implying anyone loves contard games
Congrats on answering your own question
Men of iron m8
The Men of iron did nothing wrong
Vilken jävla smäll.
>Nefar the Annihilator, feared overlord of the Solana sector. Far from longing for his old body, Nefar despises life and the weakness of the flesh, and seeks to destroy every organism in the galaxy.
>He is constantly thwarted by a mechanically-minded xeno and his tiny iron man friend. He still always blames his defeats on the inquisitor dressed in green who always swoops in at the end and acts like he was the hero.
>I have never even heard of Fallout: New Vegas in my life: the post
Also, balance? You shit on balance in the new fallouts when you could empty your entire starting weapon and get the shit kicked out of you in a fight with a rat about three feet outside the vault door?
1 and 2 were a bore. 4 is the best imo.
Seeing as 40K steals from everything, it comes as no surprise that lots of things therefore fit into it.
Especially since Fallout is itself just a ripoff of Mad Max with a bunch of garbage 50's era Americana aesthetics smeared on top of it.
Alternatively you could max out agility and small arms and be able to kill five men in five seconds right out the door. Fallout has never, ever been as balanced or as "non-linear" as people claim.
>Especially since Fallout is itself just a ripoff of Mad Max
I don't see it. I mean, they're both post apoc in the desert, but beyond that the similarities end. If anything, Mad Max is a ripoff of Westerns, which are a ripoff of Japanese Jidai films.
this isn't even the right board for it, and it's still obvious you aren't even trying
bait or not though you're still the biggest faggot on the entire board for at least a week with this
At least I got a bait image I didn't have yet out of it.
Seeing as literally every single one has Max's Enforcer gear and Dogmeat in it, as well as the standard Raider aesthetic, it's pretty much70% Mad Max, 30% shitty sci-fi
Both of those factions hate other factions enough to be willing to do ANYTHING to fuck over anyone that captures them.
Is Fallout not inspired by Warhammer 40k? There is a few similarities like the power fist, ripper and power armour. Power armour especially when taling of Fallout 1, 2 and 4.
Fallout to me reminds me of Warhammer 40k's Unification Wars, just not as deadly due to lower tech. Both great settings though.
But as has stated, Warhammer 40k is such a vast and imaginative setting, that it could fit into any other setting.
>That allays annoyed me, shouldn't the NCR have huge amounts of captured BOS and Enclave scientists and engineers
NCR has the AI that designed the t-51 power armor and the industrial complex that produced them. The Glow became Dayglow, an industrial city of the NCR and it's populated by ghouls from Bakersfield. That's the place that the BoS kept sending recruits to die in.
>oh Janice.
>oh Lance!
>oh my.
Or maybe the workable ones wasn't to widespread to begin with, and mostly reserved to protect the homefront rather than waste it on uncertain frontier.
>I'm sure that the game would have been thrilling if power armour training took you years to master.
3 is the ONLY game where Power Armour took training to use, every other game let you just get in it easily.
>t. Millennial
And you can find raiders who stole power armor from a BoS patrol, so it's only the player that needs training. Everybody else can just wear it.
Doesn't 1 require PA training, which you get from the BoS?
no. There's 3 ways to get a suit of PA, the one that takes any in game time is where the player fixes a damaged suit of PA that the BoS were going to throw away because it had an improper weld on the face plate.
>3 is the ONLY game where Power Armour took training to use,
Apart from NV.
The NCR can't even move fucking piles of debris out of their fucking command centers, they make IoM bureaucracy look competent by comparison.
NV was built on 3's engine
In Fallout 1 Shady Sands was clean and orderly. In Fallout 2 the NCR was clean and orderly. Fallout 3 and beyond, everyone forgot to remove corpses and junk from where they lived.
Yes, and? That doesn't stop it being a game where PA takes training to use.
1, 2, Tactics, and 4 do not require training. It's non-fucking-canon.
Give power armor to boone, he wears it no problem.
>NV was built on 3's engine
So were Morrowind and Oblivion. What's your point?
I'm not sure that's right. Morrowind has an entirely different console command structure, so I'm pretty sure it's on the predecessor engine.
The minimum arm distance is 500 meters for the 2 km max range version. That's one where you jump in a foxhole and wait for the flash immediately after pressing the "fire" stud.
Please, by all means, prove me wrong.
>Gamebryo and Gamebryo LightSpeed are the same thing
Win 3.1 and Windows 10 are the same thing.
It's a distinction without a difference when the argument is, "Fallout 3 and New Vegas only required powered armor training because they used the same engine."
>Morrowind was originally built on NetImmerse, an engine that saw many other uses in some very different games, like Dark Age of Camelot and Freedom Force. In 2004, after Numerical Design Limited, the engine's creator, merged with another company, the engine was rebranded. At this time, Bethesda still licensed what was then called Gamebryo, modifying it further and releasing Oblivion in 2006. By 2008, when production on Skyrim began, the engine had been modified to the point that it was mostly Bethesda's code running in a framework that NDL had designed; hence it was renamed the Creation Engine.
4 is the best mechanically in that it works, I've played it for 70+ hours with no crashes, otherwise its gunplay is basic; run of the mill, boilerplate, vanilla, white bread tier plainness. FO3 runs circles around it for character building and meaningful interactions (strange to say but true) your skills and SPECIAL stats offer new dialogue if you meet the requirements, the very same skills will pop up to let you circumvent obstacles besides just picking locks or hacking terminals. FO3 actually allows for more dialogue options besides yes; no, information, and "sarcastic". Having a level cap actually makes you question which perks are worth taking since you now have a limit to how many you can have.
I'm still replaying through FO3 but already I feel more engaged with the setting than in FO4 despite playing like hot garbage. I'll get to New Vegas next, than maybe 1 and 2 as well, but FO3>FO4
3 and 4 both suffer from the same problem of being a bunch of disjointed and unrelated locations separated by wasteland. It feels like it's 20 years after the War, not 200.
Also obligatory.
New Vegas was god tier, rest a shit
>the little lamplight section
Oh boy, I forgot that whole part and replaying reminded me why.
Still, obvious disparity of timespan aside, FO3 does something FO4 doesn't and that's tone. FO3 is saturated in greens and greys and wants to give off a melancholic feeling that wants to remind you of just how awful things are out in the wastes and how bad things were even before the bombs fell, even the music choice for GNR help set it up too. Maybe; Way back home, Civilization etc. all work so well with the environment you're in to keep that tone consistent.
FO4 often feels like it wants to stay with that tone at times but also wants to be something else at the same time but can't make up its mind on which. I don't know man, I've been in a Fallout kinda mood lately and am just gonna play the whole damn series, I bet they all have their positives.
Doesn't the guard literally have something like this?
I was seriously seriously disappointed with he way newvegas was so cut up and... honestly, fucking tiny.
i personally love the feelign of searchign through DC itself, picking my way across the rubble and having gunfights here and there, while hoping that the next gutter doesn't have a reaver snoozling in it.
It helps if you cut off a zero and imagine the modern Fallout games take place 20 years after the bombs fell instead of 200.
That old nonsense would fit well into 40k though.
Tale of Two Wastelands is a mod that allows you to play Fallout 3 in Fallout NV's updated engine (iron sights), plus you can play both games using the same character.
The biggest issue was it had an accuracy deviation of nearly a mile.
That is what made it a concern for the users.
What? I generally only get serious bugs from mods these days, which is completely understandable given the number I use. There's some janky shit, sure, but most of that is the shittastic engine they were forced to used combined with the fact that by Sawyer's own admission they had only 12-15 months to actually work on the game because Obsidian is fucking cursed. At lauch it was a shitshow but these days it's about Bethesda standard if not better for bugs.
And invisible walls? The fuck are you on about? If you got stuck you were a dumbass who tried to get somewhere you shouldn't or got really unlucky. I don't think I ever had to use ~tcl once in that game.
Yeah I guess....But New Vegas nerfs some of 3s amazingly good perks and you can't abuse intelligence for skill points as much.
>Men of iron m8
That's the T-1000 not the T-51, completely different.
Playing with TTW made me realized how much 3 pales compared to NV. The only thing it had going for it was the DC areas but even that is bland salami.
in b4 obsidian grognards froth at the mouth over bethesda
Probably give it to select elite troops like Elysians or Sisters of Battle. Imperium of Man has way too many fundamental logistical problems to even consider equipping all it's armies with power armor, no matter what the design. A huge step up would be "equip all armies with standardized powered vehicles" to eliminate the need to haul random horse-like animals to distant planets for use as transportation.
It'd be a huge game changer if the imperium found the blueprints of a Ural and a 1940 US Jeep.
T-51 (or T-45 or T-60 or enclave) would probably rate the same as a Sororitas Power Armour and be about as difficult to manufacture since it uses a very non standard technological base, analog electronics and magnetics instead of digital circuits.
You're already trained before the war in F4.
Wife didn't unless JAG has a power armor unit. Random settlers didn't train before hopping into a power armor that you forget to remove the power core.
A rogue trader and his bodyguard, out for a night on the town?
what I find funny is that the descriptions are not so far off, if you count the history of europe.
I guess that's the joke