Tau can go home. It looks like Eldar is going full anime.
Tau can go home. It looks like Eldar is going full anime
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Holy fuck
They blindsided everyone on this one.
Oh btw OP, Eldar were ALWAYS full anime, but they're tasteful about it.
Nah. It's the avatar of the new Eldar god Yngve or whatever it was called.
I love the soulstones floating around it. Fantastic model.
Seriously? I thought it's new Fulgrim model.
It is the avatar of Ynnead the Eldar god of death that they were trying to create.
Fulgrim has tits and lady hips?
The horn does look very slaanesh thats for sure.
It's Slaanesh's brother.
So, we are getting elf waifus soon?
>Eldar are getting a literal god
>Imperium still doesn't get a primarch
GW's favoritism is really showing.
Eldar has fielded avatars of their god before. It's just something they do.
>one tit
>one giant horn
Now; I don't wanna be a dick with Eldrad, everything he's done for the eldar race has been great and all, but I wouldn't be fucking surprised if a daemon of Slaanesh snuck xwir way into the Infinity Circuit at some point because THIS here looks like a daemonette mixed with Fulgrim cosplaying as the gayest eldar who ever lived.
Eldar have always been the most anime faction. I never got why people thought the Tau were the anime faction. Eldar are the ones who fight with swords and shuriken and razor-wire, while using their psychic energy-powered mecha. The only real argument you can make for the Tau being anime is that they have mecha, but literally everyone in 40K has mecha. At least the Tau have relatively subdued mecha, the Imperium has fucking Gurren Lagann-scale city-sized mecha. But you wouldn't call the Imperium anime.
Necrons can have DBZ characters flying around
Exactly. GW is now full of metalheads and homos who hate the shit out of the imperium.
>I never got why people thought the Tau were the anime faction.
Because in the WD issue where they were introduced, the designers EXPLICITLY said that the tau were inspired by "Japanese cartoons and comics".
It's just that the tau do a shit job of it, whereas the eldar do it right.
Read the source material next time you wanna be a smartass
Not sure if shitposting.
Chaos Eldar would have Chaos symbols, this thing is carrying a different sigil
Fulgrim would have Slaanesh's symbol
Slaanesh, essentially, is an Eldar god; any god/daemon they would be capable of creating after Slaanesh would necessarily reflect their racial fear of She Who Thirsts
weird that a god would be carrying what is obviously a power sword instead of a magic sword like the Avatar, though
maybe it works more like the Avatar? it's a skin for a sacrificial soul to wear? or maybe it's Cegorach?
Every codex except imperial ones now have strength D weaponry. Get fucked.
Imperial Knights have the D
>Every codex except imperial ones
What are Tyranids, GSC, Orks, and Dark Eldar?
What are Imperial Knights?
Only in melee. Which is shit.
I think GW are going for the whole anti version trope. Ynnead is is uppose to be the anti-Slannesh god so has aspect taken from him but Ynnead will be more linked to the purity of the Eldar (or something like that) so will be physically similar with some changes to represent his aspects.
Simply put, like how the good guy and the bad guy in many cartoons look nearly identical but one is black and the other is white.
>Imperium gets living saints that gets her powers straight from the Emperor
>Eldar only gets an avatar of a runt god
>Imperium gets living saints that gets her powers straight from the Emperor
at S3 T3.
The Eldar avatar will probably be S5 T8 or some bullshit.
It's probably supposed to represent the duality ofnthe Eldar race. Ynnead will unite the Dark and Craftworld Eldar.
That's not unexpected, Slaanesh is an incredibly Eldar god, it's not surprising that the Eldar racial consciousness generates similar looking gods. This is basically how the Eldar see themselves.
>purity of the eldar.
>most of the race is full of xenobite tier clones.
GW always had metalheads and homos. They are just less awesome now.
>crying about Celestine
Why tho she is great at that cost
The energy bullshit can be assembled separately, right guys?
every faction except imperial has 1/4 the models of the imperium and half the releases.
The imerpium is the main faction that the narrative of 40k is framed by, it's obviously the fucking favourite. This release is part of an imperial centric narrative campaign you fucking jizzmop.
>mfw the new Eldar god is literally named Denny
Fulgrim's lower half would be a snake's. Fulgrim went full lamia when he got Daemonhood.
Makes sense. GW looks like it's wanted to jam the elfs together for a while, now.
so fulgrim is pic related?
I could imagine that Ynnead now instead of Slaanesh is the god that siphons Dark Eldar souls instead.
It's not gay if it's with a space elf.
Except he looks like Zyzz and Sephiroth had a gay darmon babby.
Hope you like pierced 2+ foot long cocks and no lube, waifu fuckboi
Androgynous fetish escorts?
so, exactly like the pic then.
glad we cleared that up then.
>full anime
Does he a ranged weapon statblock to represent his swordbeams? Because if not, I know you're lying to me
Khaine already has that. Unironically.
That is one of ugliest models i've ever seen.
Besides Innyead or whatever looks like slaanesh queer faggot instead of space elf grim reaper.
What where they fucking thinking.
The kids will like it,
>a race of traps have a god that looks like a trap.
who'da thunk.
>Gathering Storm I, Imperium (+some sidekicks) vs Chaos -> 3 new models for the imperium
>Gathering Storm II, Eldar (and I suppose some DE) against Chaos -> 3 new models for eldar
So... I guess we can assume this will be more than a 2 book campaign, when will we see new characters for chaos? I know TS got some, including Magnus, but they don't play a part in this campaign. Kinda strange that they don't release a new model for antagonists like Abaddon before they move on to the next theatre of war.
thanks senpai
>the eldar do it right
>implying thats something to be praised
Imperium gets fucked at every opportunity
A race that made god of war that looks like god of war spewing molten metal, now it made god of death and hope that looks like things they were trying to fight in first place, they've completely missed the point.
>THIS here looks like a daemonette
there's a reason for that: the narrative is going to kill off slaanesh and replace it with an eldar god, daemonettes are going to get reused for this new faction as shadow things not unlike the mandrakes are so we're going to see more analogies in the model range to prepare for the rebranding and merging; this is happening in both 40k and AoS.
see pic related? that's the symbol of a rather promiscous dark elf (was the mother of the cults of pleasures in the old world) that has been shown in company of shadow daemons at the start of aos, when slaanesh went missing by the hands of the elves and when among all the other chaos forces, slaanesh didn't get 2 subfactions unlike the other gods (no division between daemonic and mortal followers) and is missing its own imagery and themes in the faction of chaos united (archaon and his buddies: the chimera lacks the 4th head, the Knights lack the slaaneshi daemonic weapon where they have one for each other god).
of course people will say "but the dragon thing doesn't have a head because slaanesh was missing fluffwise! archaon's shield has a small scratch representing slaanesh! they would never kill off completely the 4th god!"
but the truth is GW has planned to do it, justified the fluff accordingly and it's going to sell its death and rebirth as a samey elvish being that will be different enough to do what they want with it as far as the plans for new and old miniatures are concerned.
yeah what they need is some kind of super-heavy tank bristling with guns with like a dozen hull points
i guess we'll never get one of those
Dude, are you autistic?
AoS is set into thematic campaigns.
Fyreslayers vs Khorne
Sylvaneth vs Nurgle
Steamhead vs Tzeentch
Aelves vs Slaanesh
Stop crying you autistic retard. Because those Shadow Daemons were not Daemonettes and were also having a dancing orgy with Morathi.
Looks like a JoJo villain.
Slaanesh *is* death to the Eldar, user.
Think through what you just said one more time.
Im a slaanesh player and sad about this whole mess.
but slaanesh was never a death god to the eldar. ever.
I thought Ynead was supposed to be a cute shota, not some Slaanesh tranny lookalike.
No, Slaanesh was worse.
That would make an awesome Fulgrim conversion - from the scene in Angel Exterminatus where he ascends into demonhood
Probably not big enough though
Slaanesh isn't death, its endless torment, it eats souls and preserves them for mutilation, that is why they fear it more than psychical death.
how does that makes what I wrote unlikely?
did you read any description of the shadow daemons that would indicate rebranded daemonettes models wouldn't be usable for them?
why do you think the eldar and elven campaigns in 40k and aos are lining to be released almost contemporarily?
Who dis?
Because we already have hints as to where Slaanesh is, and it's within Sigmar's inner circle.
If you actually paid attention to the story of AoS, you'd know Slaanesh was betrayed by the other three chaos gods, specifically, Tzeentch, so they could fill the vacuum with another stronger Proxy, namely, the Horned Rat, who is there at the behest of Tzeentch and is already trying to betray both.
But sure, keep being a doom and gloom cunt and know nothing, Just screencap this post when you and your doomsaying faggotry is proven wrong.
The Sword of Ynnead.
For now we just don't know. But it is pure sex and I want it.
if you knew about AoS you would be able to post a source for slaanesh being at sigmar's place and not at the elves', but you don't because you still believe the bullshit that the horned rat ascended to replace slaanesh while it did regardless of it and is not near being treated as a replacement by the other gods.
This is the one is actually good. The other two need major sculpt work to look decent.
This one seem to be Malys, but it really look like the Lhammean 2.0
Maybe you should try reading into the setting then instead of just spouting 1d4chan tier memeshit then.
They all look great, I think you just don't get the Aesthetics of the setting.
That outfit is hideous.
Has a sort of sci-fi white lion aesthetic going on. I like it.
What a great name for a god.
If you think this or the Tau are anime you probably don't post on Veeky Forums very much.
Are you fucking serious?
For YEARS all that's been done on Veeky Forums is an endless stream of bitching about how Imperium is their special snowflakes and nobody else gets enough love and blagh blagh blagh etc.
Now they're finally doing that and now you're upset about it?
>instead of just spouting 1d4chan tier memeshit then.
except you're the one spouting the meme that the horned rat is the replacement.
Since all you fuckers are too dumb to just check their website with information, I'll just post it for you.
how do those feathers stay straight with those gems on them?
I never said he was the replacement, I said he takes Slaanesh's empty seat in the great game.
Slaanesh doesn't have a replacement because he'll be coming back.
Back pedaling at its' finest.
the gems are powered, and make the feathers straight and strong.
He's clearly an Incubi but his name is the Sword of Ynnead. Therefore the DEldar ("Daeldari" or some stupid shit I guess) join the CWEldar at some point, or at least some of them do. We've known for a long time that the Incubi's phoenix lord, Ahra, was originally a CWEldar phoenix lord.
The story told in the books is that Ahra refused to stop fighting Chaos and kept going when the others ran away, and eventually was defeated and possessed, but in a moment of clarity asked his Incubi to kill him and one managed it and that started the whole Incubi shrine thing (where the Incubi all kill whoever is better than them to ensure they're led by the best).
TL;DR at least some Dark Eldar are Ynnead fans now
Eldar magic.
Probably via the cries of human children.
You're hideous
You're a fucking idiot, you know?
Bitch I'm fabulous.
How am I the idiot? I'm not the one writing a massive conspiracy theory that Slaanesh is somehow going to be replaced in both universes because one has an Elf with Shadow Daemons and now we have a new Eldar god.
He's wrong because the books have explained everything, it's not my "Opinion" he's wrong, it's right there in the writing of AoS.
>I never said he was the replacement, I said he takes Slaanesh's empty seat in the great game.
1. take the place of.
2. put (something) back in a previous place or position.
>I never said he was the replacement, I said he replaces slaanesh as the 4th god
post a single citation saying the horned rat has a place at the great game's table like the major gods, I'll wait.
Yngwie comes, riding the Malmsteed!
What is with the zoom in on the cat's tail?
She would also look a lot cooler without the weird hat.
>it's not my "Opinion" he's wrong
>posts nothing thst directly disproves the conspiracy
The Primarchs will appear to save the day once Abaddon gets close enough to victory. Were still just in the 'Gathering Storm' part of this event.
>Skaven legend tells that, during the last days of the world-that-was, he became so powerful that the Gods of Chaos themselves were compelled to admit the Horned Rat to their ranks. Thus was he able to spread his children across the Mortal Realms, and though the other Dark Gods see this newcomer as little more than an amusing distraction, the rat-god plans to prove them wrong.
Now called the Great Horned Rat, he is blight and pestilence incarnate. Having recently ascended to the pantheon, the skaven deity is not yet considered an equal by his dark brothers.
The Great Horned Rat's most zealous and fervent worshipers are the Skaven of the Clans Pestilens, who horned their deity in the aspect of the Great Corrupter, the bringer of plague. In contrast to the plague god Nurgle, who finds great satisfaction in the cycle of death and rebirth, the Horned Rat cares only for entropy and the pestilent withering of all. He seeks the final corruption of everything, knowing this will bring about his own ascension as the most powerful deity of them all.
Age of Sigmar book you get with the starter set.