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>it's another "GW trying to make woman miniature" episode
GW confirmed footfags
who's dat?
aw, butthurt about women intruding into your precious neckbeard sanctuary?
Dark Eldar special character, introduced in last codex but did not have model until now.
her schtick is
>poison, poison for everyone
I'm confused..Are you upset, or are you saying other nerds will be upset?
That sculpt is dread knight hideous.
He just means that GW sculptors can't sculpt attractive female models
He is referring to the fact that all women that GW make look awful. This one is no exception to the rule.
the only problem is her dumb headdress, everything else looks tight
she looks like a proper anime ojou villainess
John Blanche has been sneaking into the design studio and the guys over on Iron sleet are now jizzing to death at the sight of this sweet kitbash potential.
The new celestine looks fucking angelic, what are talking about?
Another lardass model. Nothing to see here.
I,can practically hear her "fufufu"ing as she looks upon the pathetic mon'keigh's and their indecent genitals
confirmed not lady malys by Warhammer TV
>when dat ass so fat you need an oval base for it
>no eldar waifu to step on your dick while calling you a filthy monkey.
>The new celestine looks fucking angelic
Hi tumblr
You think she will sneak off and start fondling a few just to see how indecent they are?
She doesn't look that bad, desu.
Codex: Hellraiser
Cat suit with a bodice and a bustle is bringing out my inner Veeky Forumsggot.
I'll just be snapping that big headdress of and replacing i with a smaller one from the wytch set or something.
Swiggity swooty, I'm comin for that booty
is there an in-canon reason for why she's carrying all those soulstones?
T3 Thick
Nothing wrong with that.
its weird they use soulstones to prevent their souls getting eaten by slaanesh. basically to keep them away until ynnead awakes to eat them himself. so they might be needed to summon the avatar in the first place.
Im not too sure atm since im in a constant state of sadness and hype after the new announcement. They release an amazing keeper of secrets alongside killing my favoruite army off
I like the bodysuit under the dress thing, but im not down for the corset and bustle. The gems on the string belt-ish thing are cool, but trying to move would be a bitch.
But let me repeat, fuck that corset.
>Imperial xenobiologists to investigate, eldar may in fact be capable of having dem hips, possibly even dat ass
>partially barefoot toe-thong thing
Don't tell me this is supposed to be Fulgrim
And this is how Eldar booty started Imperial Crusade of unparalleled size into Commorragh
Nope, Avatar of Ynnead.
Looks Slaaneshi because Slaanesh is a god born from the Eldar, and Ynnead is supposed to be the Eldar Death God born from siphoning the souls from Slaanesh.
i know why Eldar carry soulstones, but IIRC Dark Eldar don't need them
The screaming souls of Eldar trapped in stones make great fashion accessories.
So Slaanesh is dead now?
It's very likely that Slaanesh will die in this book/event.
GW are phasing out Slaanesh from their game lines.
Not according to the video she's not.
Pretty good choice for a conversion though.Only thing that needs changing is the front of hercorset thingy.
>another barefoot eldar
its not malis.
wild rumor with no actual support.
Why? Because it offends trans and such?
If anything that would be the perfect god for trans.
It's not a substantiated rumor, but it's also not quite baseless speculation if The End Times is considered as a precedent for the direction that GW wants to take their IP.
there is no actual evidence of it, but neckbeards keep insisting it's going to happen because it fits their sky-is-falling beliefs.
The only thing we've seen is slightly less 'tits everywhere', and that they've had a plot point about Slaanesh being missing (but still talked about and actively sought by her minions who still have power), in AoS.
Which is more of a "Chaos Gods are actually going to do things, instead of being a background element", than "slaanesh is getting squated".
>Eldar body suit but with those half shoe things
Holy fuck
except they didn't kill off Slaanesh in The End Times.
Your basis for precedent doesn't contain what you're saying, so it is baseless.
Would suck, one of the most interesting chaos gods, as its the most relateable in a way, also perversion is fun.
>Dark Eldar women twerk at Imperial citizen
>Entire sector fell
>Had to be cleansed and reclaimed.
They needed to be cleansed if they thought twerking looks anything other than retarded.
with hundreds of seductive and amazingly alluring dances out there, you had to go with the one that looks stupid as fuck?
It's not all bad
Is it just me or is 40k lore getting shitty while at the same time the models get cooler.
I disagree. The lore is getting different and the models are getting different.
>cavalry base
>solely due to cape
I kinda agree
Hell I fucking love the Tempestus Scion models but hate their lore
If the Redeemer states it, it must be true.
The red eldar guy has a slick Dark Eldar and Craftworld eldar combo that just looks amazing to me for some reason.
The lady is alright.
Also I dont get the scion hate GW fucking combined Beret Storm Troopers with 3E Storm Troopers it looks great.
I feel the same, new models are cool but new fluff ranges from decent to terrible with few great pieces mostly created by FFG
It's the try hard lore mostly
I don't think anyone ever really complained about the models.
Its the retardly snowflakey fluff to justify charging for another codex that got people in my area annoyed.
>hurr durr dem monkies do it so it's bad
Someone doesn't appreciate a nice fine ass.
She would be so pretty if she wore her hair down
Not just you.
The recent models a freaking great, especially the TS, but the fluff just gets stupider.
I've personally frozen my headcanon somewhere around 2003.
Not him, but there are way better ways to show off an ass than bluntly shaking it up and down.
Biel tan isn't dead just civil war
So? Better than the anime garbage from kingdom death
Holy shit, are people this fucking retarded serious?
It's a setting for a model wargame man, it's not supposed to be hyper-serious and considering you claim 2003 was good, it sounds like you're one of those 4th edition faggots.
>like shaking it left and right
Can't we just enjoy all of it? You posted Shante so I see you as a poster of patracian taste
They do if they want to live outside the webway
Well its better than what we have currently
Like dancing, you imbecile.
Who cares if they're attractive? Do you want to have a hardon while playing 40k?
After sanding off those lines and adding a different head, that will make a good Neferata.
Which seems to be what they're channeling with that pocket pussy.
Are you fucking high?
The fluff is exactly the same, there was just less of it.
Hell, I'm finally glad we're through the dull patch and we have more Magical grimdark hijinks happening.
2003 was the Storm of Chaos/Eye of terror tier shit.
That looks fucking terrible.
What were they thinking?
> He doesn't have the reading comprehension to see he's merely bitching about the uninteresting sculpt
The aesthetic dips too far into steampunk for my liking and the stupid auful helmet looks like the baby from Dinosaurs
Ill agree but people can belive anything they want
I prefer the 40k is a setting not a story ideal
>you claim 2003 was good, it sounds like you're one of those 4th edition faggots
The fluff, not necessarily the rules.
And I don't want it "hyper-serious", I want decently written stories, not change for the sake of it, like blowing up planets for no good reason.
Wow. That's such a blatant ripoff that it looks like something out of early Warhammer.
>another "female" model by games cuckshop
>it looks like shit
Who would have guessed.
Nigga, when was 40k ever written "Well"?
You do realise the people have not changed much? Oh sorry, we lost Andy Chambers, the guy who wrote Starcraft 2.
Yes, that Starcraft 2.
>bare feet
>boob, ass, tits
200% lewd
Anybody else noticing how GW sculpts are becoming increasingly dependent on "particle effects" ?
The problem with 40k is that the story was best when most of it was undefined.
GW can't write stories, and they suck ass at filling in holes. They also proved they can't progress the plot either.
Its like GW took multiple fetishes and put them into one model
>body suits
>and a fucking elf on top of it
I disagree.
I loved Warzone Fenris, it felt like a fucking Fantasy Novel in Space, just like how 40k is.
We had an army of shamanistic Conans fighting Space Thulsa Doom.
I think people just need to get their heads out of their asses and stop assuming they know better, they really don't.
>celestine and gemini are godtier
>cawl is fap tier
>Malys is waifu tier
>veridian is dominatrix tier
What are you talking about ?
It replaced hat size as their way of indicating who the VIP is.
Damn shit, Eldar are beautiful.
>40kids still gobble this trash up and ask for more
>All these xeno fappers in this thread
I think it's just the CAD guys finally being able to use CAD to their advantage.
Works well for along of magic things.