Was this guy anyone else's favorite Dawn of War character?

Was this guy anyone else's favorite Dawn of War character?

He wasn't as badass as the others but it was interesting seeing a space marine who was young and not a grizzled veteran of centuries of battle while managing to not be obnoxious.

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I would say this conversation planted him as a top tier Blood Raven character

But he ended up in chaos didn't he?


Ah right, sorry, my mistake

Not really your fault since relic never really helps us with this shit

We dont even know if Thaddeus,Tarkus,Thule,Hailgel, and Cyrus are in DoW3

>seeing a space marine who was young and not a grizzled veteran of centuries of battle
Why the fuck is he a squadleader then?
I get that Closecombat > young hothead is a popular trope, but still.

He was nearing 100 if I recall and he recently became one

I really liked both Tau charecters.

Then he should have his precious feels ironed out by then.

If they needed some guy still finding his place, they should have had the scout sarge croak in the beginning and the most senior scout step up.