Which of the four classical elements does lightning fall under? Most people seem to have agreed on fire but I think a case can be made for air.
Which of the four classical elements does lightning fall under...
Oh look, another shitty trump poster. Did you go to Washinton so he and Pence could annoint your loyalty with their piss?
>Elemental shit
Fuck is this ever the worst trope of all of human fiction.
I like air as an interpretation because Zeus is sky god and weilds lightning.
Fuck you heretic, don't insult the God Emperor!
Fire and Air are both likely, but Lightning might also fall under Earth, given that Lightning is attracted to Earth.
Air would make sense since the energy is being released from the air. But going by this, fire would become whatever happens to be burning.
>It's another "Newfag ousts himself as a butthurt redditor and then tries to backpedal by pretending to be an oldfag staunchly protecting Veeky Forums's political neutrality, despite that fact that he's the one trying to start shit about politics in the first place" episode
Oh boy, these are my favorite!
If we go with avatar's bending (a quite complete and easy to grasp elemental system)
Fire = energy
Air = Movement
Earth = Matter
Water = Life
So everything electric is obviously fire-related.
Under another system... Do whaterver you want man, it's make believe.
Or Lightning is a sub-element/combo-element between Fire and Air? As Ice would be between Water and Air?
It's based on metal.
Sorry but the God Emperor doesn't piss on people and that's not how he made the Primarchs
>Implying this hardd
Forgive me if I get miffed at the idea of people putting the head of a whiny bitch baby pisser on the Emperor's body.
/pol/ and trump posters are the new furries with wanting to shove their shit into everything, go back to your shitty hotwheels board with your thinly veiled trolling.
The Wu Xing is neat in that, while the elements are named after substances, they're really about abstract qualities that those substances make an easy shorthand for. Like, flowers are not part of the Wood element, even though they're plant life, but wind is.
Fire and air if you're going by Wheel of Time channeling
No I won't forgive you because you are:
>A. Trying to derail a perfectly good, on-topic thread simply because you're butthurt about the image
>B. Not even contributing to the thread because you'ld rather bitch whine about "Muh Drumpf-fags R Opressing this cuntry BAAAAWWWWWWWWW!
>C. Can't even do it in a funny or meaningful way, so you have to resort to a Meme that The old media is only picking up on because they're desperate and was probably invented by /pol/acks themselves
Perhaps you should go shitposting that seems better for you.
You intentionally picked a /pol/ meme to use as the OP picture. Of course people are going to call you on your bullshit, quit trying to be cute.
I don't give a shit what you forgive. This would have been an okay topic but a degenerat like you had to trump post and ruin it from the get go. Your pisser in chief won can't you just be satisfied with that instead of shitting up Veeky Forums with your faggotry?
An argument can be made for water or air, never felt comfortable with fire representing lightning.
No fun, it's not even political until you make it political.
>Implying I'm OP
Let me just tell you something. Just because (you)'re samefagging, doesn't mean everyone else is
And the Pic had lightning in it so it was related and had nothing else to do with Trump or Pence besides having A face shopped on it. But go, continue explaining that you're a hardcore fa/tg/uy who's fighting for Veeky Forums's purity by shitting up perfectly good threads because they offend your sensibilities. We all totally believe you noble warrior. Maybe later, you can show a screen cap of this to your Reddit friends, showing them how you BTFO'd those Drumpf-supporting fascists on a Laotian underwater-basket-weaving forum.
>No fun, it's not even political until you make it political.
And yet he doesn't post /pol/ content except memes in response to you.
Even as pics go the joke is tasteless but politically neutral.
I think lightning is a mixture of fire and air really. Mostly fire, but still has that air in it.
I'm not the guy you're replying to but I just want to enjoy my mongolian shadow puppets scripted in moon runes without real life bullshit being pushed in it alright?
I thought most people agreed that it belonged in air, lightning is possible because of a property of air, you wouldn't get lightning in a vacuum. I don't see fire at all, fire is about kinetic energy, lightning is a flow of particles, it's more earth than it is fire.
It isn't, it's not supportive or critical of Mike. Just an immature joke of his past endorsement of electroshock therapy towards the gay community.
>Veeky Forums has shitloads of "please don't take these items", rape threads, scat-magic threads
>electrocuting a gay is tasteless though
This board has been sliding left into the black fucking hole that /co/ created at the core of Veeky Forums.
Yeah, but personal bias you know.
I don't find the joke funny but it doesn't mean you're not allowed to make it.
I don't give a shit about that. We regularly discuss whole civilizations doing worst on top of our personal brands of degenerancy I'm just sick of fucking Trump posters
I'll accept it.
I appreciate your thick skin.
And he didn't Trump post.
And I your conviction.
Then keep Trump out of this, shitter, and accept the fact that OP actually was just asking about the elemental associations of lighting.
Normal lightning uses a bit of everything.
>Forms out of clouds which are air and water.
>Creates lots of heat and light in its extremely short lifespan.
>Always impacts the earth.
You should go back to school
>Using the archaic 4-element system (5 if you're a Nip Nong Ching Chong) invented by peasants and "philosophers" (AKA lazy NEETs).
>Not using an eight element system, invented, approved, and used by all modern magical colleges.
Dunka Dunka, Plebs
>not using Rolemaster's 12 element system with 2 complex composite elements and 6 primal elements.
>only eight elements
>not harnessing the power of 120+ elements
>not manipulating the four fundamental forces directly
Top kek, enjoy ur polonium :^)
I always viewed them as primary and secondary elements, lightning being air and fire.
>Not being learned in the Dorwall 45
Its like you don't even want to blot out the sun with more suns.
>pic is a joke tangentially related to the subject matter
>OP doesn't put in any politics
>decides to bring politics and shitpost about things he dislikes
How does it feel to be as cancerous as /pol/?
Honestly? Earth.
Seriously, its motherfucking earth. It blows my mind that fantasy never gets this right. Yes, lightning comes from teh sky, but the critical factor is the charge of the earth. And sometimes there is ground to sky lightning too. Just think of all the synergy with metal and lodestone! ANd more importantly, anything earth elemental should be completely immune to lightning. In the same way fire elementals are immune to fire.
Water is acid. Acid is just inert powder without water. Water dissolves and erodes. Water is weak to electricity because of all the corrosive shit in it (like salt). And earth, by contrast, is most vulnerable to water. Acids that eat away the stone into hollow caves, and water that crushes rock into canyons and sediment and sand.
Fire is less "fire" as it is heat. The only thing that harms heat is cold. And cold is likewise harmed by heat.
And where does that leave air? Well, air isn't as good as water for convection. And strictly speaking *nothing* harms air. I guess at most fire might chemically alter the oxygen content, but air is mostly nitrogen. I don't think nitrogen gives a shit if its frozen or condensed to a liquid. Frankly, air is a weird motherfucker. But I at least rule it as cold boreal wind.
I can feel your anger.
Let the hate flow through you!
Also air.
>OP makes a post that doesn't mention politics, but uses a mildly amusing, semi-related picture of a man user doesn't like
>user is triggered
>pretending this thread wasn't made by a /pol/tard
C'mon now. You /pol/ guys stay in your bin, and stop doing your damnedest to leak out. it's embarrassing to see you make these try-hard threads.
Air primarily, Fire minorly. Primarly, it is because it comes from clouds, a dominant Air domain. Minorly because the lightning burns it's victims
Might want to have that butt checked by a doctor, it sounds pretty hurt.
>no mention of politics on subject discussed
>lol politics
>waah get out!
Why are such a child? And if this is bait, well, pretending to be retarded makes you indistinguishable from one.
>because it comes from clouds, a dominant Air domain.
No it doesn't. It just looks that way.
Should be fire since both are plasma.
The only one trumpposting is you.
Then explain why the only three types of lightning, IC, CC and CG all specifically refer to clouds?
>no mention
>i can't see pictures
Please. Stop being this fawkwardly trolly. It's one thing to make this shitty thread, it's another to feign innocence like you couldn't find a thousand better pictures for this thread.
You sound like you're feeling a bern, you should get some ointment for that.
Newfags clearly don't remember eight years ago when we had Tzeentch Obama threads for weeks. Get over it and stop crying.
>Most people seem to have agreed on fire
That's news to me. As far as I'm concerned, most people seem to have agreed on air.
>40kfags did faggy things
We hated that stuff too.
Fire, really? 99% of games and related stuff I've played seem to place it under Air whenever it's not an element of its own.
Either way, actual lightning from the sky is more related to barometric differences creating charged clouds to begin with, so I don't see how it could be anything but Air or at best Air+Water (instead of Ice, which desu should've been Fire and Water in the first place).
>a picture is talking politics
Does a joke really trigger you that much when it's not even part of the debated subject?
Are you really this much of an autistic neckbeard?
Here's a radical thought: why not design a system of classical elements where fire isn't an element at all?
When a waterbender changes the temperature of water so it becomes ice, it's not a different element. When an earthbender changes the temperature of earth so it becomes lava, it's not a different element.
Why should there be an entire core element for making air hotter? That's essentially what you're doing when you throw a fireball. You're not breaking molecular bonds in any fuel, unless you're one of those ultra-rare combustion specialists.
And we're telling you to fuck off and find a different thread then you sensitive little bitch. If Trump triggers you and you don't want to talk about lightning, there's the door.
Stop. You're not fooling anyone.
I'm not even one of the guys who initially called you out. I'm calling you out now not just for thinking lame /pol/ jokes belong outside of /pol/, but for acting like you can feign ignorance or innocence.
Just keep /pol/ in /pol/, quite thinking you're special and that those sort of rules don't apply to you, and please don't make any more of a fool of yourself than you already have, holy shit.
>oh, wait, my picture is a lame joke from /pol/ and my thread is just a non-question as an excuse to post it? oh shit, i just noticed, how did that happen, stop calling me out on being a dumb faggot
>implying containment boards are anything but a myth
In b4 /mlp/, which is pure bullying for its own sake.
Liberals can't help but cry everywhere can they? Nice derail faggot.
>system of classical elements
>wants to use molecular theory
Nigga what are trying to do?
>anything right-wing or even centrist Republican is /pol/
This is so blatantly disingenuous I almost believe you're from /pol/. Over half the country's legal citizens are NOT in favor of gassing all of the Jews and Canadians.
This, really.
Avatar would've been quite a different experience if Iroh sat Zuko down to give him a fucking chemistry lesson.
Look, quit it already. The OP used a /pol/ bait image, and people calling him out on it is appropriate. While biting bait is bad, the OP is the one who is initially at fault.
I'm actually rather right wing myself, but if I want to play around with politics, I will go to /pol/, instead of trying to drag that shit out into the other boards. It's needless drama, and the only way to avoid it is to just keep it all there, regardless of what part of the spectrum you fall on.
No, it's anything politics is /pol/. If you hadn't noticed, that's a politician right there, and a controversial one at that.
Please, stop acting stupid already. It's tiresome and embarrassing to watch you flounder like this.
Are you being this pendantic specifically to annoy me, or does it come naturally?
If the element fire is heat, then magic that explicitly deals with elements other than fire should not be able to control heat.
If adding or removing heat in your chosen element is a standard application of elemental powers, then heat, and therefore fire, isn't a separate element.
>Quit it already
>Implying I posted before
>Anyone who disagrees with me is samefagging
This thread is beyond redemption if people are this triggered
Except neither of your "benders" shit examples and not elementalists at all, because they are not controlling their respective elements, they are manipulating temperature. That's domain of fire element, control of heat energy.
So, you're just going to keep being dumb then?
Could you at least put on a trip?
>The OP used a /pol/ bait image
its just a fucking image of the infamous cover with the protag's head replaced with pence
is it bait if someone posts an edit with a jojo image? do you have to tell them to fuck off back to /a/ and make a huge deal of it? what if someone posts an edit with a pokemon image? does everyone jump on them and tell them to fuck off back to /vp/?
No, I was actually wondering why you want to mix modern concepts of matter with obviously antiquated ones? Where do you plan to draw the line?
Is water actually H2O or liquids in general?
If it is just H2O, is it H2O in all of its phases?
If it is just liquids, is lava earth or water?
What happens when you dissolve stuff in water?
Is the same true when you dissolve stuff in other liquids?
What about gas in solids?
Vacuum is what?
Nice false flag.
Yes, yes, yes, and yes, and you can go fuck yourself.
I'm not here to argue with you. I'm here to tell you that no one's fooled, and you'd be better off not being such a little bitch about people calling you out on being a dumb fag.
The four elements are lightning, water, stone, and plant.
that's funny, i don't see you complaining about
which is an edit of a cartoon so obviously it doesnt belong here
you seem like a hell of a hypocrite
No, it was generally accepted because we hadn't been infested by sensitive far-left redditors who fell for the free college meme yet. You people are a hundred times worse than /pol/ and /co/ combined. Fuck off and stay fucked off. Trump won. He's president. He'll undoubtedly be a terrific president because he cares about trade and jobs more than bullshit social issues. Deal with it.
>No, it was generally accepted
Shut up already, you living embarrassment. Your rhetoric is basically just "let us post /pol/ outside of /pol/" when all that does is spread those same endless, mindless debates that go on eternally in there to the rest of this site.
Do yourself a favor, and quit pretending the issue is what poltiics you're trying to spread. It's the fact that you're playing the fool about spamming shitty politics threads outside of /pol/ that is the issue.
Now, I'm sure you've got something even more stupid to say, but please, save yourself from the further embarrassment. Stick to /pol/.
/pol/ is there as a containment board for politics and the politically incorrect, they're allowed to have other hobbies but aren't allowed to bring off topic /pol/ topics here.
Yes he may be a /pol/tard but until he starts a nigger hate thread and stays on topic to Veeky Forums he's fine.
That system is dumb since it makes literally everything fire
Yes, Avatar doesn't have a very nuanced elemental system.
it's air.
and some others
eat shit
>just stay in your containment zone
But user, it's Trump America. Everywhere is our containment zone. Such is life in the zone.
>When I said I wanted to be in a Zone animation I never meant it like this...
No in avatar.
Fire = control of "free" Electrons and radiation
Air = Control of all/most gases (in theory you can say they "control" all of the below in a special kind of way, that's why airbenders can learn to literally fly unaided, they bend themselves)
Earth = control of all minerals/metals, metaloids and the inbetween (in theory, proven by Toph)
Water = control of all "other nonmetals" and Halogens.
What is this
Wow. You are by far the most off-topic person here. Like seriously do a search for /pol/ and see how many times you said it vs everyone else. Not once have you actually answered the OP.
>except you are OP. You are a master troll and this was your intent all along
Shame on you Veeky Forums for humoring this faggot. I remember when we were able to ignore this nonsense and just answer the OP. Or ramble on tangents that were still Veeky Forums related.
OP, electricity is metal is earth.
>This thread
The "classic" elemtents are five, you forgot the aether. Everyone does
>the old "i really wanted people to ignore my bait picture and focus on my non-question" ploy
Still trying, eh?
Air, so I can shit lightning at people while flying
>is it bait if someone posts an edit with a jojo image?
If the franchise was recently at the center of a tumultuous global event or if /a/ was known for shitting in other boards' cereal, yes, it would be bait.
>do you have to tell them to fuck off back to /a/ and make a huge deal of it? what if someone posts an edit with a pokemon image? does everyone jump on them and tell them to fuck off back to /vp/?
People do this shit all the time.