Filename thread anyone?
Filename thread anyone?
>stormtrooper commanding a space battle
Do you have the full one?
>Do you have the full one?
I do
>That last one
Fuck I laughed.
This sounds like if you made doggos into people, and also made them smart enough to do consistent menial labor.
Thanks user.
>Imagine living in a world with intensely needy girlfriends. It's fucking exhausting.
How horrifying. Like legitimately terrifying to the point that isolating yourself from interacting with others is an actually advisesble solution.
Anyone have the full rage marine greentext? Or the one where they rip apart their dropship and rain down upon heretics like raging meteors? Or the one where they dropped a bunch of ships on a daemon?
>angry al-Bheds
>Rules As Intended vs Rules As Written
How would a person with social anxiety survive in that situation?
where do all these birds-art-things in your posts come from? I've seen this same artist/style before
1. They leave the planet.
2. They isolate themselves and work over the internet.
3. They leave life
4. Heavy medication
5. Cover themselves with hormone-destroying deodorant
6. Fall in love with an elf after nearly dying from a suicide bomber.
Guide to Troubled Birds
by The Mincing Mockingbird
There's actually two of us, and I just happened to get my half from filename threads like this.
And I'm the other user, who's made them as I went along
you can see the filename by hovering over the spoilered name
Please stop.
Can't have people posting this inappropriate filth on a christian imageboard, you should report this to the mods.
Good work keeping Veeky Forums a safe place user.
Sure, that's my problem with it.
this one gave me a chuckle
I don't know, you think they used enough fire?
They used as much as they had on hand, which is acceptable
and here I was under the impression that urine was sterile.
Never said he was a particularly clever acolyte.
May I please have sauce on this?
reverse image search is not working.
Depends on the kidney.
Pretty sure that guy's just a fucking idiot. There's bad stuff in urine as that is the body's favored way of filtering out waste, but unless you're sporting a serious infection, there are no bacteria. Weapons would be stored in latrines if you wanted to ruin them/turn them in to a biohazard because of the shit, not the piss.
"Oh. Okay"
This is the current bane of my life
Fuck, I heard it in my head.