Are your parents fa/tg/uys or fa/tg/irls?
Are your parents fa/tg/uys or fa/tg/irls?
Nope. They were busy actually having lives.
Neither, but my father is very fond of the Warhammer 40k books and universe.
dad was a jock, mom was the student council president
Neither really understand Veeky Forums shit, but don't really have any bias against it either. They're good people.
Yeah my dad got me into RPGs. First helped me make a Traveller character at age 8. Then Star Wars d20 system when I was 10 or 11. Then D&D 3.5 a couple years later once I'd seen LotR. We still play the first campaign I ran for him and my brother, which I started about 9 years ago. It's funny too cause my parents met through a mutual friend my dad played D&D with. I don't think that friend was solely because of D&D but it's nice to think that RPGs had a hand in my existence.
my dad used to for a long time, and my mother DM'd for some game back in the 80s
Started playing AD&D with my father and his group when I was 8, we played other games like COC, Conan, Warhammer fantasy, and that western thing with fantasy monsters where you use poker chips. We used to play FnM and he'd make the decks for me. But since I've been stationed away from home haven't been able to see him and my mother much. Fml
Pic unrelated, my deck box
Does it count if my wife and I are the fa/tg/uys to our kids?
How old are they user?
Dad was a blue collar worker out in the pulp woods during the 70s and 80s, so he did not into Veeky Forums. But damn if he didn't introduce me to all kinds of Veeky Forums related things (he was the one to give me my Conan books when I was but a wee user,and let me watch Star Trek with him when I should have been in bed). He's cool with the concept, but has no interest in it. Does think my making terrain is neat and helps me with that.
Mom is very salt of the earth and doesn't understand escapism, and she thought teenagers socializing lead to casual drug use and delinquency. Getting her into board games though, so that's something!
We have 7 year old boy and a two month old daughter. The last year has been nice for dnd since my son can finally do some basic math without it taking awhile and being able to read his character sheet without help has been nice too.
Yes, but not because they're into Veeky Forums stuff they're just fat because they're old.
>Is a father
>Goes on Veeky Forums
>t 45 years old atheist kissless virgin
My parents saw lotr 1 once.
that's about it for Veeky Forums related things
Absolutely not.
At most, I can get my mother to play some general family game night kinds of stuff.
>t 45 years old atheist kissless virgin
That's not the point.
Veeky Forums is a festering shithole. Nobody who's raising children should be here.
Maybe some boards are but Veeky Forums is pretty chill
I'm not sure. I mean, they only go out every week to play D&D at the FLGS and there's a bigass shelf of RPG books dating back decades and a bunch of old as shit board games as well, and that's not including the warhams or the general nerdstuff everywhere.
I guess they aren't, though, because neither come here.
Mother is a normalfag and therefore boring.
Father is indeed a proto Fa/tg/uy, taught me AD&D when I was 7. 20 years later we still get together and play from time to time- however the task of finding additional players has fallen to me now- unless one of his old guard stop by.
We have also taken to playing at out FLGS to gather more players but most are either 3.5, Pathfinder or 5th ed experienced. Due to this most of em shit their pants (Or equivalent) when we explain how skills did not exist back in AD&D.
Nope. They tolerate my hobbies and support me in pursuing things I like, and they're definitely not part of the "DnD is devil worship" crowd, but I don't think they really understand.
Dad doesn't really understand fantasy but is semi-supportive of my historical wargaming. Mum likes fantasy but is more a fairy tale person than anything.
My uncle (mum's brother) is actually the one who got me into tabletop ought about 7 or 8 years ago. Started with Warhammer Fantasy and sort of just went from there.