Warhammer 40,000 general

First fat Celestine and now fat lady Malys, when will this stop? edition.

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Malys doesn't have a model, and the Emissary isn't fat, either.


Then who created the first few aleldari gods?

>Avatar of Ynnead is called the Yncarne
Why is this allowed?

We need a Night of the Long Knives but for GW's hack writers.

She's fucking fat as fuck she's the most fat eldar model ever produced recently

old ones

post her feet doe

Didnt think the old ones used the warp

She's not fat you drooling retard, you can see how thin her goddamn waistline is. That's a victorian-style dress with metal wiring on the inside poofing it out.

At least the retards poking the label at Celestine had something almost resembling a point in that we haven't had SOB with actual Marine-esque armor before, but this is next level.

for all the fanfare attatched to her model, its really fucking boring and plain as far as poses go.

Seriously she isn't even fluttering her fan or some shit.

her arms look fat


If I'm making an all-infantry Death Guard list, how many autocannons should I take?

All of them.

How many can you take?

That many.

all of them

Muscular, more like. But there's not much they can really do about that without making her look weird next to every eldar model ever.

She's completely obese on her waist, are you fucking blind?

They can use the regular TE's Donkey Punch (model exchanges all attacks in a round for a single S10 AP1 attack, usually hilarious if a challenger doesn't have eternal warrior).

And if you manage to take Celestine in an allied detachment, you can /maybe/ get a S:U AP3 blade that can become +2 AP2 if they pass a leadership test.

It's iffy, though, because you gotta replace a melee weapon to use it, and unless you count inbuilt generic "close combat weapon," they don't have one.

Still a Tau Crisis Bodyguard bomb with Farsight, a Fusion Blade Body Guard, Donkey Punch Body Guard, Blade of the Worthy Commander, can be made quite tough as fuck. A very, VERY expensive Tau melee crisis death star is often surprising, though.

There is no way this can't be a low-tier troll.

her tits are too small too... and her head is dumb. but the feet game is good

What is it with GW and ridiculous topknots?


She's wearing a corset user.

i want to buy it but I know mine wont look nearly as good as this one

Is there any reason to take other heavy weapons?

I want to suck on dem toes

Sisters of silence are wearing power armour and yet they doesn't look fat, incarnate is an obese eldar, stop justifying it you chubby chaser.

You had a point with one of the gemini now you are just trying to bait people so have a (you) and calm down

Heavy Bolters can be justified since you can move and shoot.

Lascannons are too expensive and if you take them on infantry, they should be on IW Havocs.

Missile Launchers just suck in general.

That isnt her actual waist, she's wearing a Victorian style wire-form dress

Just stop son. You're just embarrassing yourself.

Sister of silence are frail and tiny human compared to an Eldar.


on infantry, no. Autocannons, melta guns and plasma guns can't really be beaten.

If you take lascannons, put them on vehicles.

Not really. Autocannons have a good combo of strength and rate of fire. The other options are too pricey and don't benefit as much from Relentless.

>not frail
what are you smoking

yeah she should be nude and not fat

What is this fat meme? Am I out of the loop or something

Was thinking plas/h-bolter squads and then 4x autocannon havocs with cover-camping loblits in the back field.

>CSMs with multimeltas

You must be tripping

Do you have the minis? they are really small, and their arm is tiny compare to an Eldar.

People shitposted about Celestine and the Geminae a ton. Count yourself lucky.

A bunch of autists that worship sticks and don't know anatomy, just ignore them they thrive on (You)s

I wouldn't mix weapon types. Double up on plasma guns, you're gonna be in range for the first one and you have FNP anyways.

H-bolters could work for 10-man Rhino havocs running around pretending to do Fury of the Legion.

GW is producing chubby girls. Some are denying that they are chubby.

The only fit female model that GW put out was the Everqueen in AoS. What's GW trying to say?

Was tripping extremely. You may still want some meltaguns regardless for heavier vehicles though.

>tfw your corsairs will be left out of the eldar superfriends decurion in the new book

the everqueen is a 10ft tall tranny tho

>being sad about missing out on aeldari superfriends aka new ways to minmax craftworlds with cherrypicked adarki aeldari support
We're lucky we can distance ourselves.

Take notes. This is how you make a female body.

Eh, Forgeworld was pretty good about adding to the Craftworld Hosts Decurion with some of their units to throw in Shadow Spectres and the like. I wouldn't be surprised if they put out a quick datasheet to clarify some of this stuff.

It's kind of sad that Forgeworld seems to still be moving at a steady pace for rules and books while GW is hammering them out. Makes it hard for them to keep up.

do you guys use any primer other than black or white?


Looks like this might have gotten takedown'ed.

I sometimes go with gray if I need something more neutral, or red for some certain armies and color schemes.

Not everything can have loli-style proportions, user.

Grey is good. Probably why the plastic is grey, most colours seem to go well over it

Note to self, make a mega account and copy everything in the mega link in it next time.

Thanks fuck I had all the codex and campaign in my account tho.

>this is how you make a female body
>literally a man in a dress

lol ok user

Is there anything like the T95 Super-Heavy in 40k?

In celebration of the rebirth of Ynneas, I've decided to start repping Slaanesh and have been playing around with Traitor Legions. Raptors are new for me and I'm not sure which squad the Jump Lords should join.

Any advice on building Emp's children? I get its probably not super optimized but I'm okay with that because I love my Noise Marines.

>he doesn't realise that boys make the best girls
Have you been on any other board on this site in the last decade?


>That Emissary model

>That Warrior model

>That Emissary
Apart from the extra spikes n shit, it's shit


The one in the wip threads with all the painting guides and white dwarfs got nuked too

How thick is that gun mantlet? Several inches, at least?

That would definitely be the Shadowsword

I havent made a list in a very very long time. I'm two editions behind. If I was thinking about being a memelord and running this, what does Veeky Forums think?


Tank Commander (2) - 330pts
1 Tank Commander: Leman Russ Commander,Tank Orders,Battle cannon,Heavy bolter
1 Leman Russ: Battle cannon,Heavy bolter

Leman Russ Squadron (3) - 450pts
3 Leman Russ: Battle cannon,Heavy bolter

Leman Russ Squadron (3) - 450pts
3 Leman Russ: Battle cannon,Heavy bolter

Platoon Command Squad (5) - 35pts
1 Platoon Commander: Voice of Command,Laspistol,Close combat weapon
2 Guardsman: Lasgun
1 Guardsman: Flamer
1 Guardsman

Infantry Squad (10) - 55pts
1 Sergeant: Laspistol,Close combat weapon
8 Guardsman: Lasgun
1 Guardsman: Flamer

Infantry Squad (10) - 55pts
1 Sergeant: Laspistol,Close combat weapon
8 Guardsman: Lasgun
1 Guardsman: Flamer

Platoon Command Squad (5) - 35pts
1 Platoon Commander: Voice of Command,Laspistol,Close combat weapon
2 Guardsman: Lasgun
1 Guardsman
1 Guardsman: Flamer

Infantry Squad (10) - 55pts
1 Sergeant: Laspistol,Close combat weapon
8 Guardsman: Lasgun
1 Guardsman: Flamer

Infantry Squad (10) - 55pts
1 Sergeant: Laspistol,Close combat weapon
8 Guardsman: Lasgun
1 Guardsman: Flamer

Chimera (1) - 65pts
1 Chimera: Multi-laser,Heavy flamer

Chimera (1) - 65pts
1 Chimera: Multi-laser,Heavy flamer

Chimera (1) - 65pts
1 Chimera: Multi-laser,Heavy flamer

Chimera (1) - 65pts
1 Chimera: Multi-laser,Heavy flamer

Chimera (1) - 65pts
1 Chimera: Multi-laser,Heavy flamer

Lord should probably go with a Warp Talon squad so as to not overlap with Fear, and to get him into combat quickly, while the raptors may prefer to sit back and shoot sometimes.

I'd skip on some of the close combat weapons on noise marines. They tend to be a bit of a waste of points, and you can't take them with a sonic blaster anyway due to how it's written.

The Icons might also be a bit of a waste on smaller squads like those, unless you stick a lord with them. Consider a 10 man squad with 2 blastmasters and an icon to sit back and shoot without a Rhino, skipping on some of the CC and icon upgrades on the other squads to get more bodies for them as well. You can potentially skip on blastmasters in the 5 man teams as well in order to save points, as they often want to shoot different things than the sonic blasters.

cant wait for slannesh to be squatted, permanently.

And yet that doesn't explain her short fat fingers on her fat hands connected to her fat thick arms.
Her head also looks stupid but GW has never made a well designed face for a female model.

She's got a nice pussy.

I doubt it will be since it's still mentioned in a ton of new fluff
Remember that TKs and Brets were completely wiped from the lore before they got squatted

Slannesh is still around baby

Hmm see I wanted to do that originally and thats normally how I run Noise Boys, but the problem is I'll go over my points limit. Should I maybe axe a squad of Raptors or Talons? Try to build them as 10 man squads without CCW or Blastmasters?

not once the electrocutions start

That is one foot of steel.

>implying that would make it stronger
I'd play Slaanesh if it wasn't for the fact the models look kinda, bad

That belly-button eyeball bothers me.

I'd fuck it.

>chubby girls

Speaking on the subject, why all the hate for Slaanesh, Veeky Forums? Everyone thinks of them as the God of sex and shit and I guess they are, but they're also the God of rock n' roll and EVERY kind of excess, which is pretty fucking cool.

Is it because everyone is a raging Khornefag? Has everyone forgotten the halcyon days of Doomrider?

It's literally the default pose of 3d model, if they (designer) decided they're gonna be a lazy fuck with posing, at least make the joint arm more flexible so we can pose the arm a bit, but no, these character have some weird ass joint on everything, even the head have a special joint.

>implying after a week of nofap you would give a shit
I wanna lick Slaanesh's bellyeye

hurrg excess is as worn dry as hurrr violence, man

Slaanesh is objectively the worst.

>little baby goddess
>not khorne
>Doggo daemon beats any slaaneshi daemon

I don't know. If I had to pick a god it would be Slaanesh. I think she has the best domain.


>default pose for 3D model isn't T pose

I'm a Nurgle guy myself, but Slaanesh is alright.

Was that even English?

I make my own Slaanesh fluff since GW are incompitant twats
>Doomrider is now a Headless Horseman biker that heralds an invasion
>Warband is led by the Spectre of Chemos who misses his time as a legionary and is trying to make an Imperium BETTERER then the Imperium - but can't focus due to boredom of victory
>I played a Black Crusade PC who was basically a chef that was so obsessed with being the best chef he used obscene ingredients to make the perfect dishes and was obsessed with their quality.
>"What do you MEAN this not!Vodka wasn't distilled in the northern pole of the planet? You plebs reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I need the pic of slaanesh fapping for science

Don't reply to this faggot. Just don't do it.

I might say to skip on a squad of Talons to help save points, though I have less experience with them overall.

Skipping on CCW is something I would say to do regardless, unless you intend on it being a super-cheap CC noise marine squad just to fill out the formation, which might be an option. Holding off on Blastmasters can also help make Icons of excess more efficient. Consider that the 34 points on both of those can basically buy you 2 more marines.

You don't need to give all of the squads transports. Instead, I'd focus on what you want each Noise Marine squad to be doing and shooting at. Blastmasters are versatile, but excel at long range support. Sonic blasters can be good on the move, but want to bunker down somewhere with enemies nearby. Close combat weapons work well with a doom siren, but you can't charge with salvo and you don't want to tie up a blastmaster in CC.

My advice is essentially to not see your Noise marine squads as a single type of unit that all has to be kitted out the same way. Think of the various ways you can customize and specialize them, as if they were different unit entries entirely. There's a lot of ways to build them, but that doesn't mean you need to take all of it at once.

Should not ban user YOU UNDERSTAND!?


kek. slaanesh is hot topic - the god

Chubby-chaser detected. KY.