Stat my paladin, Veeky Forums.
Stat my paladin, Veeky Forums
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why did that ninja punch the paladin?
It was the paladin, dipshit.
meh, too bad he only punched this alt+right bitchpussy.
why did paladin punch the paladin then?
paladins dont run around in all black with masks... they also dont assault peaceful people
Becouse the "paladin" is a nazi.
I don't feel that it was called for, really. I don't see anything he did right there to deserve getting punched. Your paladin a shit.
>a shit
Pretty sure guy in question would thank you.
what is your definition of a nazi?
socialists think anyone that isnt socialist is a nazi. so i dont trust people's words anymore
>moments before he was attacked he was asked if he was neo-Nazi or Klan
>stated both hate him
>attacked by anti-far zealot
>"guize hes the badguy"
>free speech only counts if i agree with you :^)
>randomly suckerpunch some guy giving an interview
Why are anti-fa guys such tremendous faggots?
>free speach has value on itself
can vs should
Sure I could call you a cunt, but I shouldn't
are you saying that you dont believe in freedom of expression?
thats all i need to hear from you to discredit everything you think
Why can't /pol/acks stay on their own board?
>it's ok if people who agree with me do it to people who don't agree with me but I couldn't possibly deserve to get punched for anything I ever do
Have you ever considered that you might not always be on top, and that free speech and not getting violently assaulted for having a dissenting opinion is what allowed faggots like you to sprout up in the first place?
/pol/ shit.
Statted. Now get the fuck off of Veeky Forums.
The guy in the video literally did nothing but speak to reporters and then he gets suckerpunched. How is that not the epitome of faggotry?
The same reason Marxists have the second highest number of terrorist attacks of any group in the world. Anyone and everyone that isn't their particular flavor of Leftist is an enemy to a greater or lesser extent, and they've always been willing to dispose of their enemies because to them the ends justify the means.
They never seem to realize they're really just the other side of the totalitarian coin. Or at least, they don't care.
If free speech wasn't valuable in and of itself, why would it be such a big deal that some countries have it and others don't? Why would people in countries that have free speech look on in horror at those countries that severely regulate the speech of their populace?
So fallen paladin attacked lawful good paladin.
Fallen black paladin
humanoid, chaotic evil
armor class 14 (+3 anarchist cloth armor, +1 dex)
Hit points 7 (2d6)
speed 40 ft
STR 10 AGI 16 (+6) CON 10 INT 8 WIS 8 CHA 8
Skills stealth +4
Language: common, progressive
Sanik punch, Melee Weapon Attack +4 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit 3(1d6 + 1 for every 5 ft crossed this turn) blunt damage
>reach 5ft
Is he an Orangutan?
>innocent civilian gets attacked during interview
>and we're supposed to cheer for the subhuman thug who did it
I hope one day what goes around comes around and the world shows as much sympathy to you cowards as you're showing now. Disgusting behaviour.
>innocent civilian
in america everyone has the right to express their views. thats what the first amendment is about.
dare i say, he is not the nazi, you are
freedom of expression is
You seem confused. Let me help you.
Remember that the only appropriate place for nazis is the grave.
>Is he an Orangutan?
secretly, under those clothes, it was actually an orangutan on stilts
The Communist orangutans have infiltrated our youth culture and our media. They are the great enemy of our time.
Everyone's entitled to an opinion. You're entitled to not agree with all opinions. Unless this guy has been wearing swastikas and burning jews, I dare say he's not actually a nazi. There are different words for things that are *almost* but not quite another thing, if you want to take this there. Those words are different words than the thing they not quite are.
you think people should be murdered for their political beliefs? you dont believe in beating people in the marketplace of ideas so you resort directly to force?
thats awful dude. you are a awful person
Low-effort falseflag
>you dont like nazis?
>you nazi!
but they're lefty-pol this time, not stormfags
Pretty sure it was aimed at /pol/ defenders that swarmed the thread.
>it's okay to murder people for their political beliefs
Guess the nazis were right all along :^)
>calling for the genocide of other peoples
im a classical liberal.
i like freedom and democracy and individualism.
the socialists and nazis have alot in common. its good that they fight each other so that people remember the value of freedom.
You mean people calling the guy that punched a dude giving an interview a shitbag? Oh, I see, they're /pol/ because... They defended a man's right to express his opinions, regardless of how shit they may be, without being assaulted by someone who disagrees with him? They only look like /pol/acks if you think people can only be X or Y.
Hes a white supremacist what proofs do you need?
"White americans dont need other people, we can make this country ours again".
You think he is suggesting what? Vacations?
You really think he calls for ebin day of the rope ethnic cleansing? You can vacate undesirables without killing them, you know?
To fucking where retard? Look at the syrian refugees. Imagine that 1000 fold. Imagine they have guns and aren't going willingly. You really that naive?
socialists really are stupid. you and the nazis really deserve each other.
advocating for an ethno state is not the same as being a nazi or asking for genocide.
and actually, nationalism was originally part of the enlightenment it gave distinct people the ability to govern themselves.
white supremacist =/= genocidal. Abe Lincoln didn't much like blacks and wanted them out of the country, but he suggested having them returned to Africa.
It's not nice to say people want to murder everyone of a particular type unless they've explicitly stated that.
>lets give benefit of a doubt to a nazi
You need to be punched too.
It's never okay to attack someone in the street who is doing nothing criminal and who has a legal right to be there.
Oath of Vengeance Paladin + rouge levels with unarmed feats
People have the freedom to accept the consequences of their free speech. Like this nazi questioning the value of a whole race of people. Turns out those people hate that shit. Should have seen it coming
>to fucking where
Back home.
Your Paladin has already been doxxed as LITERALLY (using the word in its original sense) a scat / cuckold fetish porn gimp
But then shouldn't all White Americans return to Europe? And all White Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders and the rest?
ITT: filthy pinko communists once again taking a royal shit on everything even as they proceed to genocide hundreds of millions, but hey its ok as long as it isn't nazis the filthy scum.
you filthy creatures disgust me you genocidal shits.
wait, wait, let me try this, making assumptions seems like fun
>lets give benefit of a doubt to a witch
You need to be burned too.
>advocating for violence against thought crimes
Calm down Hitler
And when they refuse? And when they fight to stay in THERE home? Thats when the genocide begins. Hitler didn't begin with "lets gas the jews" it was "lets just deport them".
Yep you guys are just naive.
t. stalin
don't you have a gulag to kill tens of millions of bretheren to kill you filthy evil fuck?
If he has a cuckold fetish, wouldn't that defeat the narrative of him being a racist?
really made me think
now you advocate violence against not just peaceful people expressing their ideas, but also people that think they should be allowed to express their ideas.
that escalated quickly. have you ever read the gulag archipeligo by chance?? the exact same thing happened in the USSR. 20 million people were tortured to death as a result
By that logic, everyone has to go back to Africa, because that's where humanity began.
Americans don't have to go back to Europe for the same reason Japanese people don't need to go back to mainland asia.
>falling for le gulag meme
You /pol/acks arent even hiding anymore.
>civy punches out a nazi
>literally communist
what are you a conspiracy fag? that analogy only works if he's a secrete government agent
go out side and start trying that nazi shit you'll get the same reaction from everyone else
While the overlap is frequent, cuckldry doesn't inherently imply race mixing.
most of the american left is explicitly postmodern marxist now.
>oh nobody died in Russia, Russia can do no wrong!
>all hail comrade stalin for killing the proletariat!
your god is a filthy genocidal maniac and you are evil, plain and simple. You literally make nazis look good because you are so filthy evil, hell you are so evil that if this was D&D, always evil creatures would tell you to tone it the fuck down as you've killed your 50th child that week still covered in the blood of the innocent.
>unironically advocating for violent vigilantism against people for committing perceived thought crimes
I'm pretty sure anyone who thinks that is remotely okay just has no sense of right and wrong.
>cowardly comes out of stealth to sneak attack a man not for his actions but for his opinions
>opinions that he doesn't even have
See, I was under impression it's predominantly SJW and their kin. But maybe that's just their vocality.
The majority of politically active people on the political left are functionally SJWs.
Silly user, we couldn't even if we want to; there's no room for us anymore because the muslims took all the free space.
A.) we don't know how -he- thinks it should be done, and we couldn't know unless he was put in a position of power to do such.
B.) Even if he was a nazi, which he says he isn't, no group is homogenous. See Marxist leaders and the many variants they made (Leninism, Maoism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, etc.)
C.) If the United States did find itself in that situation, the first thing attempted would be an exodus for the willing. Then those who refuse would be forcibly sent if getting them gone is really the objective the government is going for. I doubt it would ever turn into full-on genocide if that isn't already an option to them. Hitler was convinced by an Arab to kill the Jews off because "If you send them here, then we Arabs will have to deal with them".
10/10 bait by OP.
Great follow up by various anons too.
For a few minutes, I actually thought people on this board believed it's okay to punch people for perceived thought crimes.
Great stuff.
A guy always on the cusp of pronouncing his own personal race war shouldn't complain when the enemies he's picked out launch a preemptive strike, so to speak.
You are subhuman
SJWs are postmodern marxists.
postmodern marxism invented SJWs
>oh no he said words
>lets beat the crap out of him on television and make a point saying all people saying words must die!
>freedom of speech is complete bullshit anyways, how dare you say things i don't like, even though i specifically use this very same belief to guard myself from the exact situation i just caused.
that logic is bad and you should feel bad.
>For a few minutes, I actually thought people on this board believed it's okay to punch people for perceived thought crimes.
>Right guys...?
>None of you actually believe that stuff, right?
A fist is a form of speech. That one says "your ideas aren't worth any engagement but the violence you wish to precipitate, if in a lesser form"
>forcibly ejecting non-whites from their homes is fine, and a perfectly acceptable activity for a young man to devote his life orating on.
>fulfilling this task will certainly require no amount of lethal force or unethical coercion, the nazis just didnt do it right.
>this man is a paladin.
Hahahaha you guys.
Daily reminder that advocating "freedom of speech" for anything other than protection from persecution by the whole of the government or law enforcement is for weaklings that can't handle the idea of their bitch asses getting stomped by another singular person for talking shit.
Maybe you bitch boys should start lifting weights.
Protip: Once they see the hook and realize they're looking at bait, jiggling the hook in front of their face doesn't suddenly make them want to latch on to it.
Just fyi.
Go ahead and reply though, if you want to see this advice in action.
We live in an age where such things have become fashionable again.
WWIII can't come soon enough.
If killing and replacing the native population makes that area yours, why are you saying that everyone but white people have to go back to their continents?
Or is there a time limit too? You had to have replaced the previous population XXX years ago instead of X years ago. How convenient.
Right you should keep that in mind as someone beats you to death and kills your family for having different beliefs in religion as them. This is totally ok in modern society, theres absolutely nothing wrong with rape and murder, or assault or overall generally doing anything you feel like.
so one day if i come and burn your house down with you in it there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. After all its just a form of expression, just a prank, we was gud bois, we dindu nuffin.
good to know.
lol guess it's fair game for me to just start gunning down black lives matter ""protesters""" then.
Weak bait, but I had fun replying. ;^)
I'll bite.
If you can point to "White Person Only Continent" and everyone else is ALSO going back to their respective continent, I'll gladly go.
Speech inciting violence invites it, as a matter of fact before principle.
>muh frozen peaches as a defence of neo-nazism
Protection of free speech should not apply to hate speech :^)
>everyone alive now is responsible for everything their ancestors did
Uh huh. I'll make 'reparations' for black slavery when one of them bows down and calls me master.
>If killing and replacing the native population makes that area yours, why are you saying that everyone but white people have to go back to their continents?
This seems like a logical non-sequitur.
You don't appear to have thought through what you're saying.
Or maybe the decades of anti-thought babying you've received has made you unable to.
no fuck you if you want to beat people for thought crimes you deserve violence and the worst human right abuses because you have l,ost your right to being human. You are a cancerous wart on society and i will treat you as such, you will be removed and made an example of, in the most brutal gory way known to mankind.
indoctrination favoring free speech. philosophy is still something only a select few show interest in, so even the progressive western civilization tend to take their stances on rights and ideals based on what they're thought by the public educational system, media and their parents.
By that logic I should just attack anyone who talks about having taxes, since taxes can only be collected by force or the threat of force, people who advocate taxes are also advocating violence and therefore deserve what they get.