How should I deal with my idiotic chaotic evil, Aasimar, cleric party member. He's got such low INT that he can barely fucking read. I'm a chaotic good Dragonborn paladin if that tells you anything.
How should I deal with my idiotic chaotic evil, Aasimar, cleric party member...
Kill him. If you are letting a chaotic evil person stay in your party, you should either fall because of your ineptitude to defeat someone who is evil or purge him from existence. This isn't hard desu.
lots of laffs
I have considered killing him because of how he doesn't listen to anything anyone else says. Usually though I try to have him run in first to places to check it out since he's so dumb and willing to do it.
Also my character don't know he's actually evil I think, but I do know he's dumb and kind of a dick.
Does your character suspect he is? Has he unrepentingly performed evil acts in your presence? Is he a noticeably corrupting influence on the hearts and minds of good people?
If yes, smite the bastard.
He hasn't yet but when we were in a manor we found a hidden room and found a letter from some Count, and when it mentioned the word torture he chuckled and my character looked at him funny.
Why not tell the player to stop mucking around? If you kill his character he'll just make a new character and try to kill you back.
Patronizingly tell him torture is a bad thing men with poor endowments do to make their willies bounce.
Well, don't do that exactly. You've missed your mark. But when he does stupid little things that hint at his alignment, use your knowledge that he's an imbecile to correct him by having your character simply assume he doesn't know what things are because he's pants-on-head retarded.
How do you not know what alignment a cleric is? A evil cleric follows a evil god right? Unless he's lying about what God he follows.
Well I rolled a religion check, and the dm said I hadn't heard of the god he says he follows, which I found very odd to begin with.
>Laughs at alignments
>Tells someone how to play his alignment
>Doesn't know that alignment does not compel or prohibit action
Get out of this thread and STAY out.
And you haven't gone to the libraries of your people's faithful (or those of an allied, more knowledgeable deity) to see if there's any records of such a being, so you may better understand your party member's bizarre faith?
user, your other player might have a character with a low INT, but I worry you yourself might have one, too.
If he is evil just on paper but doesn't commit any evil acts, don't be a faggot and let him be since the player doesn't seem to be keen to play him as evil.
You might as well convert him to do good.
My character's INT isn't high at all to be honest only 10 actually. His is even lower like 7 or 8 or something. I can't go to a library anyway though. We all started in the middle of a forest and haven't seen a real town yet. All we've seen are two kids who've disappeared into fog.
lure an intellect devourer to him.
>He hasn't yet but when we were in a manor we found a hidden room and found a letter from some Count, and when it mentioned the word torture he chuckled and my character looked at him funny.
Oh, you're running Curse of Strahd? This module is fucking lit, don't ruin it with party infighting.
10 is an average human being. The largest subset of people you know are either INT 10 or close to it.
I'm not talking about your character's INT in my previous post.
Well no, cause I know I'm not dumb, not a genius, but not a slobbering fool :p
Yeah that's what my dm picked, looks like cool gothic horror like Castlevania esque so I'm pretty excited to get into it.
>chaotic evil
let him summon the demon
>chaotic good
wtf are you niggers doing
>chaotic good paladin
Fucking lord.
I'd recommend getting a new DM if he's allowing bullshit like this across the board
>Well no, cause I know I'm not dumb
Ask a relatively large number of stupid people if they're smart and tell me the results.
Stop playing with idiots.