Shouldn't different parts of your body have different ability scores?
High cha face / Low cha body
High str arms / Low str legs
High dex dominant hand / Low dex non-dominant hand
High int head / Low int lower torso
Shouldn't different parts of your body have different ability scores?
High cha face / Low cha body
High str arms / Low str legs
High dex dominant hand / Low dex non-dominant hand
High int head / Low int lower torso
No, that's stupid.
Shouldn't high STR arms/legs being equivalent to a high CHA body? Same goes for a high CON body.
and what about a high WIS crotch?
It has 'street smarts' and 'pulls back' from 'contaminated caverns'--as it were.
I have high str & con on my dick :^)
Unless you can come with a meaningful, interesting way this would affect a game that's worth the increased complexity, absolutely not.
Baring abuse of things that shouldn't be abused or fleshweaver style absorption, I'd say no
>Low str legs
Are you paraplegic? Legs outstrength arms any fucking day of the week.
How long has it been since you slept, OP?
yeah sure dude you go write rules for that
like, have fun
don't encourage people like that, last time someone did we ended up with FATAL
>High str arms / Low str legs
>needing to specify in your character background whether they skipped leg day
Pretty gay desu
Not unless each body part is sentient and acts independently from the rest of the body.
Would that make for a good game?
>group play all different body parts of a single organism
Sounds good
CHA refers to ability to lead, not looks.
I could see maybe penalties for using you non dominant hand in combat.
Body parts can exude personal magnetism.
... she has six fingers per hand at the end there.
Shadowrun does it on implants, and it is somewhat of a clusterfuck (use limb stat when you use that limb, average it for all your limbs when you don't, rounded down).
We don't need things to be this complicated. Especially with mental stats in non-mental body parts.
A lot of systems already have something like that, which is why "Ambidextrous" is a common Feat/Trait/Edge for character options. For the rest of your body I think it's assumed that your Strength is automatically a culmination of all your limbs, which makes sense because you often need to use your legs when lifting something heavy with your arms. If a limb gets chopped off, take a point of that attribute off a call it a day.
I've seen stuff like in Shadowrun and Traveller and it just becomes a headache to deal with, especially if your arms have different stats but you're using both to swing a weapon or something.
Every game strikes a balance between realism and playability, and having specific stats for each body part sacrifices way more playability than is gained in terms of realism.
You just wanted to make a "thinking with your dick" joke, didn't you.
>why do you always trying to seduce npcs?
>can't help it man, my character have low int, but his dick have 20 int.
So, dick CHA governs harem size.
>Not having int/cha/wisdom scores for your left brain hemisphere and right brain hemisphere
>being this autistic
seek help user
It would be relative to the strength of normal legs.
For instance, a curlbros arm strength would overshadow their leg strength.
Isn't that how it works in Dwarf Fortress?
>hey, why are you always talking out of your ass?
>I can't help it, my ass has 20 charisma
>Play a necromancer.
>Zombie-Frankenstein body.
>Every stat is now 15+.
Nope. Dwarf fort autistically tracks medical information for every part of the body, but your attributes (all two dozen of them are so) are applied uniformly across your whole person.