Shouldn't different parts of your body have different ability scores?

Shouldn't different parts of your body have different ability scores?


High cha face / Low cha body
High str arms / Low str legs
High dex dominant hand / Low dex non-dominant hand
High int head / Low int lower torso


No, that's stupid.

Shouldn't high STR arms/legs being equivalent to a high CHA body? Same goes for a high CON body.

and what about a high WIS crotch?

It has 'street smarts' and 'pulls back' from 'contaminated caverns'--as it were.



I have high str & con on my dick :^)

Unless you can come with a meaningful, interesting way this would affect a game that's worth the increased complexity, absolutely not.

Baring abuse of things that shouldn't be abused or fleshweaver style absorption, I'd say no

>Low str legs

Are you paraplegic? Legs outstrength arms any fucking day of the week.