/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General

Rolled 19 (1d20)

Y'all gonna get Archiv- ugh, never mind Edition

Helmeted Primarchs Sub-edition

Helmeted Primarchs a best.
Resin Supremacists vs (((Plastics))) discussed how to minis but the only way to prevent bubbles is to order TWO SEXMACHINES, and all your streets are now Fortified. Knight fire arcs doesn't make sense, probably because they're surfing on tanks and stuff. All of that and more in the previous thread >HHG
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016)
What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more
>HH Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23F!BxI1HSgI!0tKymKh9RZTzGpgIA5EyC
>Updated rulebooks
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2Ffz1OuHK%2Fcrusade-imperialis-army-lists.pdf.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2FZTK72gs%2Flegiones-astartes-age-of-darkness-army-list.pdf.html
>/HHG/'s Legion demographics
>Primarch Popularity Poll

>Make your unit entries
mediafire.com/file/q315zmyjntb4j04/LA Exploitable v1.pdf

>BoP's Paint guide

>HH Discord

Other urls found in this thread:


>Rolled 19 (1d20)
The XIX claims this thread!

This thread's for the Mechanicum, since we don't exactly have a number to reserve one for us.

Admittedly, my lot aren't exactly normal. We do make good monsters, though. Starting to clean and trim some bits for the Genetor Castellax.

user did a marvelous job there.

Damned sneaky beakies ;) Ah well. We call reserves on the next one, though! Also, maybe roll D23? 21 Mechanicum, 22 Solar Auxilia, 23 MaC.

The XIX claims the XXIXth thread ;^)

Daily reminder that its rules reveal a harsh truth : FW does not want you to buy this tank

Caw caw?

We also have Shattered Legions, three flavour of Blackshields, three flavours of Mechanicum, Solar Auxilia and regular IM mortals.

So I guess it would be a D27?

But we gotta agree on which group claims which number.

You know, prevent the whole "do we decimate on a 1 or on a 10?" scenario

>tfw I have no crows here

MaC. Militia and Cults, so all the Army and such.
I think we can probably roll the Mechanicum and Blackshields into one each, but I forgot about Shattered Legions. How about:

21 Shattered Legions
22 Blackshields
23 Solar Auxilia
24 Militia and Cults
25 Mechanicum.
Should probably put that on the OP of we're rolling like that, though.

It could be worse. Nice trips.

What about #2 & #11?
>Fishline man
He was a Finnish dude? What the fuck is going on there, I thought you were merely eastern Swedes.
I was thinking more about the Raven story

So finland is nostamo?

Nifty, thanks. I did post the finished one last thread too.

Free-for-all, I guess. Or the time those guys who wrote fluff for their own Legions to crawl out the woodwork. There were a couple of those a while ago IIRC.

Also, does anyone have the rough dimensions of a Vulturax, IE length and width? Need to know whether the ideas I've had for conversion are at all reasonable.

Nah I was just telling him that not having crows isn't as bad as living in Finland.
Yep they're Nostramans.

Maybe #2 is for SoS and #11 for Custodes
Your other pics don't have that much of shade. Maybe turn off the flash?

Oh they all have flash. Colour balancing sometimes makes it lighter or darker.

I also forgot THOSE existed. There's literally no player who doesn't run some variant of Calth+ Primarch+ Toys at the local GW, I think I will be the first non-Legion guy. Going in with an almost completely converted army, too. I'm such a special snowflake...
That system works well, and I'm fairly certain we've got everything apart from Daemons and Knights-Errant, which aren't really standalone things here. Tack Daemons on as 2 and have Agents of the Emperor on 11?

Hello X,

Your DHL EXPRESS shipment with waybill number XXXXXX from KABUKI STUDIO SRLS is on its way and may require a signature.

The current scheduled delivery is Wed Jan 25 2017 by End of Day.

Y'all will be the first to see my 'celtic knight' Special edition.
Hopefully it as detailed as it looked in the pictures.

Does anyone have the original thread for that? Whenever it gets posted I try to look for it in the archives, but I fail each time.

So eager to forget these guys.

The only thing I liked Horus saying is, foolish, but:
>The Chaos gods don't direct this Crusade. I do.

Since shit goes on sale Friday, that means we are now a mere 11 alphariuses away from all of the great things we have ever been waiting for and then much more for we will never want again blessed be Forge World and our savior Alan!



Job's a good 'un.

>Ordo Sinister

the most seniors of the legio titanicus, it's basically composed purely of imperator titans.

They get sent out when someone needs to be made a show of.

Thats uh. Nice? Unless theyre getting expanded or redacted i dont see anyone fielding 12 Inperetor Titans.

I'm assuming they must play a major role in Adeptus Titanicus.

>Space Wolves, Sisters of Silence and Custodes
Can't get the job done

>Space Wolves, Sisters of Silence, Custodes, Sons of Horus, Mechanicum, Legio Titanicus, the fucking Legio Sinister
Still cannot get the job done.

Amazing, truly the emperor's executioners.

I just found out that my mother's maiden name mean "Horace" aka Horus in Polish.

Am I the son of a heretic? How should I attone?


Who does get the job done?

Do you look in mirror and see pic related?

You could be Horacio/Horatio. That's double-pain glove

Slay your mother.

Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolling persuasion for user to commit mumicide.

...What does that mean?


I think I failed so hard that Anons mum is, in fact, a chaos cultist and user will joined her cult

What does he mean by this

I think it means I need to embrace her heretical bloodline and start a Sons of Horus army.

Suspected it.
Critical fails are always hillariously bad, exploding femurs and all that.

Did someone say "this thread doesn't have enough videos of Duncan kitbashing a cataphractii blood angel"?

If it isn't covered in assault cannons by the end of the video I WILL be disappointed.

I love you Duncaaaaaaaaaan


A lot of scandinavians could be nostramans, in the north it's crazy darkness during the winter. Pale as fuck skin too.

Isn't there a place in Alska where the sun doesn't shine for 30 days? Night Lords are Alaskan/Scandinavians.

>Sons of Horus
>implying they actually went to Prospero

Norway has a Nostramo-y place for 6 months straight

In Barrow, Alaska the sun doesn't shine for 67 days straight.


SoH where probably killing as many Wolves as TSons.

Norway sounds very depressing.

>No grav Rhinos
B O O O O O O O O ! ! !



Confirmed it's been delayed lmao fuck u FW





The Luna Wolves didn't do anything wrong but the Space Wolves certainly did.

You can stop lying now. It's all over.

>Norway sounds very depressing.
It can be.

Man I'm super hyped for Adeptus Titanicus , hopefully I'll get a chance to play it on the friday night.

Is anyone else from Veeky Forums going?

>As you’d expect, there are loads of new rules for Space Wolves and Thousand Sons armies – both of which can deviate quite considerably from the standard Space Marine Legion force. It’s not just the VI and XV Legions in the book though – also covered are the Talons of the Emperor: the Sisters of Silence and Legio Custodes. Even in an age of superhuman demi-gods, this force is elite, with access to loads of great vehicle support for their unequaled infantry.

>All in – it’s looking great, it’s going to be awesome, and it’s on its way in early March.

fuck you

I'll be there, didn't think there were others, nice.

You're going to the HH Weekender?

Would you mind being the font for all of /hhg/s questions for Bligh and the rest?

Nigga, it's going to be up for sale at the weekender. Don't worry.

Sure , why not.

I'll make a list

>Helmeted Primarchs Sub-edition
Fuck yeah helmets

First, thank you. It's very kind of you to do this for us.

From me, ask about the Spireguard. Are they getting anything, and if not, why not.

>on its way in early March

it's not at the weekender fuck this gay earth

Clear, concise answer, or ideally an updated FAQ, clarifying whether Tyrant Siege Terminators are elites or heavy support. Settling this once and for all would be much appreciated by most bitteranons I think.

Thanks for doing this.

Would you be so kind as to ask about what Blood Angels are getting? What's their fluff going to focus on? What special units are they getting? ETA on Sanguinius? ETA on Scoria?

Thanks again.

>Why are the fucktards at BL allowed near a keyboard?
>^this tbqhl
>Why are indomitus so shit?
>Destroyer what the fuck
>Storm Shields + Tartarus what the fuck
>No proofreading what the fuck
>everything what the fuck

Ask if there's confirmation they're holding back Alpharius and Dorn for the Solar War book.

Where the fuck are you getting march?

Or am I being banted right now?

What a productive use of a question.

Are Solar Auxilia on the map for any updates?

Will Constantine Valdor be able to beat Sigismund?

Will Assassins ever be added to Horus Heresy?

How much do chainaxes cost?

Welp, I now know where my tax return would be wasted on.

Maybe it's a sign
Another user does whine
Really though, Inferno's delayed
Citizens going to HH have prepaid
/hhg/, read the first letter of every line

If it's March, then you're really, really fucking screwed.

Not entirely Inferno related, but any news on a Scoria or Arlatax model?

Also, does he work on Mortarion? For some reason I never got a reply to my emails.

Any chance of Thunder Warriors getting rules at all?

What do you reckon Narthan Dume looked like lads?
Thinking of converting up some Unification era thingies like Cardinal Tang and the aforementioned Tyrant of the Pan-Pacific.

What if this is Bligh taking a more direct route to questions.

I echo and Thank you

Will Moritats get a rework? As-is theyre s mathematically poor choice

Will Destroyers get a fix soon? Or points drop?

Will an FAQ/Errata in general be coming out?

Will Xenos Deathlocks be redone? Volkite is superior in every way and doesn't kill your own dudes.

>both of which can deviate quite considerably from the standard Space Marine Legion force

I really hope not, at least no more than any other legion. The thing that made 30k great was the ability to create forces which have access to the same units but play very differently through the choice application of a few rules. If they start making all the remaining legions wildly divergent because they're bored it'll destroy that elegant design (along with the balance).

Still, it'll be amusing when that annoying tripfag best left unnamed discovers that his 300 marines that he's already bought don't work in a SW army.

Yeah but TS and Wolves are known for their restructuring. Everyone else fiddled with it but none did an entire overhaul

Like something Ironsleet made for Pilgrym.

>TS: lol psy everything
>SW: lol wolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolf

Yes, this is true, in fact we, the Ultramarines, barely fiddled with the preexisting structure at all.


I'm sure you're parents are proud of you.

space wolves geometry confirkms infiltration by alphas

Good job


from the man(wolf) himself