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This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Which Dark era do you think is the best?
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Anyone ever play a futuristic campaign like those Bleeding Edge books?
Which splat has the best waifu potential?
Anyone ever played World of Future Darkness?
Isn't that shadow run?
How did that ginger munter ever get on this show
Hollywood diplomacy. Either fucking a show runner, related to someone fucking a show runner, or does cocaine with a show runner.
It's basically VtM in Cyberpunk 2020.
I seriously hope none of you ever fell for the Golconda meme.
I love Golconda.
Geist. Your waifu is inside your soul. Also shes a spooky ghost monster thing, but hey, gotta take the good with the bad.
All flavors of Immortals are best waifus
If you got True Faith, you're alright.
A Daeva has potential to be amazing or terrifying so I'm going with that.
What bad?
Mage again. Life allows her to be exactly what you want, while Mind and Fate allows her to never fail you.
>That blood bather waifu that keeps trying to trick you into it for your own good.
>The reborn waifu who delights in embarrassing you by coming on to you while still in a young body.
>A kinky body snatching waifu that keeps a closet of 'outfits' for fun.
>Purified waifu that's into getting really rough, body mods, and snuff even though none of it will last more than a day or two on her.
You have good taste my friend.
Mages are the splats for normies and autists.
Normies because you don't have to give up anything in exchange for your superpowers (and of course they're the best ones despite having no major sacrifices involved!)
Autists because the open ended nature lets them argue relentlessly about semantics.
Prove me wrong you can't also changeling best splat
>you don't have to give up anything in exchange for your superpowers
U fukin what? I have never played a mage game where our character's lives weren't turned to shit by it.
My favorite splats have always been Hunter (either, though I tend a little more towards Vigil) or Wraith.
Which splat has the best husbando potential?
That's nowhere near as life destroying as becoming a Vampire, Werewolf or Changeling, m8. Last thread was even espousing the virtues of playing a Mage because you can keep in touch with your former life and humanity MUCH more easily.
Werewolf obviously.
Reckoning is more fun. All of the Vigilfags i've met get such a boner at the idea of being 'OOH-RAH BLACK OPS OPERATER OPERATING GONNA KILL ME THEM NIGGEEEERRRRRR I MEAN FURRIES AND LEECHES, YEAH!'
In general I really hate the game. Its either that or they want to be scrappy hobos and normies who kill supers on the weekend. Whatever happened to being crusader-knights fighting against the darkness hiding beneath society with faith and fire?
On the other hand Promethean has it worse than anyone else 90% of the time. At least unlike those he can hope for a happy ending.
That's an extremely rosy picture they're painting then, because in tAw at least, you're going to have issues with other members of the Consilium asking you why you are still hanging out with the Townies, at best. At worst you'll have a pack of ready-made spies for when the Seers come calling, or a bunch of possible abyssal incursions from your neighborhood Scelesti. If you manage to disentangle yourself from most of that, you still have the fact that Legacies basically warp the way you perceive the world to the point where empathizing with most normal Sleepers is more or less impossible.
I tend to keep my players away from the more...well-equipped compacts, I prefer Tier I or II a great deal more, and those tend to view monsters more with pulse-pounding terror than they do as validating their machismo.
There are like no Time artifacts in Mage, anyone have any ideas for powerful ones a nasty baddie might have?
I get the feeling a lot of Mage fans, not necessarily players (but them too), act like you stay the same and just get superpowers because you are a Cool Dude.
Mages are expected to keep up a normal life in addition to their magical bullshit.
Powerful Time artifacts seem like a self solving problem.
Changeling 2e when?
Also I hate making backstory. Is there maybe a table where you can roll your Durance and how you escaped or something?
That doesn't make that either
Equally enforced in all locations.
I would love to watch some of the Legacies keep up a 'normal life' like say, Fallen Pillars or Daksha?
Look up a plot summary for SVU make it edgier with a fantasy twist.
Like you were kidnapped by a member of the gentry that claimed she was your fairy godmother and you spent your durance being fistfucked as a party favor at a hip arcadian dance club.
>Also I hate making backstory. Is there maybe a table where you can roll your Durance and how you escaped or something?
you shouldn't be playing these games
just go to tvtropes and hit random a few times
>Conjoined Twins
>Sapient Cetaceans
>Training from Hell
Okay so a pair of conjoined twins where swimming and then they went to Arcadia were they became dolphins and they had to train hard as warriors to escape.
>your durance is ecco
there you go
This sounds like a pretty great way to shit out surreal concepts actually.
Who the fuck is playing operators in the game about average folks? I like Vigil over Reckoning because I hate the idea of the mortals versus monsters game raking the easy way out and giving the little guys superpowers.
I want to imbue a pistol to shoot laser bolts.
How do I do this?
Ech You could have True Fae as twins with different personalities and training from hell could be you were a marine that was taken during combat training in some assend of nowhere. But I have no idea what to do with a fuckin dolphin
forces 4, transform energy, turn kinetic energy from bullet fired to lasers
And all of that is shit that Mages do to themselves or get done by other Mages. Every other splat is full of drawbacks and suffering just from the innate nature of the splat, let alone that splat's personal antagonists.
Every splat has antagonists; only mages don't have any innate drawbacks.
Ash poster here, I think using Operators in H:tV is perfectly valid, but just not as PCs. In one of my games a player took an atrociously high Allies rating and had a family 'Uncle' he could call on when things for the Crew got really, really bad. They always hesitated to call 'Teddy' because he was intense, creepy and willing to do truly awful things in his pursuit of helping them. Think season 1 Brock.
If you don't think that Mages have antagonists outside of simply 'other mages', I really don't know what to say to you from here. I guess maybe re-read the books?
That sounds like an awesome Durance, you're a free Porpoise-Man trying to escape the monthly culling by the UFO invaders from above the waves, and one day, you followed the Songs home.
>If you don't think that Mages have antagonists outside of simply 'other mages', I really don't know what to say to you from here. I guess maybe re-read the books?
>Every splat has antagonists; only mages don't have any innate drawbacks.
>Every splat has antagonists
Name them
Where do you think having an Acamoth go,
>"Hay bb, min' if I hollow out your soul? kthx."
is on the level of innate drawbacks? How about the fact that if you talk to any one about this other than other innately self-centered, usually awful people, you will sound like someone with Schizophrenia? You have to lead at best a constantly paranoid, often surreal double-life where you're never sure if some awful, soul-wrenching threat is going to rend the people you love apart? Have you read Intruders? That shit just glombs onto the Awakened Soul like bird-shit on a freshly cleaned windshield. And that's discounting Angry Spirits, Ghosts or all the other myriad crap that can *tell* when what they're looking at is a Mage.
>get embraced
>cry yourself to sleep
>wake up unable to open your eyes
If you're going to let the Hunters be operator-tier operators, you gotta send them up against opposition that demands all of that skill. No chickenshit ezpz supernaturals they can roll over. You've got to increase the threat level a bunch.
Former operators as supernaturals are perfectly acceptable, though.
vampire: strix/belialbrood/vii
werewolf: pure/spirits/idigam/hosts/claimed/balehounds/maeljin
mage: scelest/seer
prom: centimani/pandoran/broken
changeling: loyalist/truefae
hunter: all the above and below/slashers
geist: abmortals
mummy: deceived
demon: angels
beast: insatiable/heroes
The only decent antagonist you've posted are the Pure and they did nothing wrong.
Looking for something similar to The Invisibles comics to play.
Which WoD game is closer to that, Mage or Demon?
Something a mage either summoned themselves by being really really deliberately shit at their job (it's nearly impossible with the new Paradox mechanics)?
So once again, caused by a mage.
The entire point of mages is that they create their own problems. They don't have any that are innate.
The only ones I like are True Fae, Strix, and Angels, but the question was "list all splat-tied antagonists" not "list good antagonists."
For sure, but I at least think that undermines the theme of H:tR quite a bit, but to a lesser extent H:tV. Having the players go against an Elder as a group of highly trained vets is cool I guess, but I think the idea of drug gangs fighting Bloodsuckers and Werewolves with Gats, Firebombs and Drivebys to be more compelling, just my opinion.
Play anything, insert 50 gay and trans people in clown-makeup, sprinkle it with cocaine, bdsm and other degeneracy and you are there.
Mage, 100%, like to the point where I can't even really understand how someone could be confused. I believe the M:tAw Core even namedrops the Comics.
That's just the Acamoth, there's also all the other Abyssal stuff that doesn't need to be let in purposefully, and again, Spirits and Ghosts can generally tell when someone notices them, that's another thing to contend with. It's okay to admit being wrong sometimes, no one will think less of you.
What is fucking Abyss?
Speaking of the Pure, are pro-Pure ghost wolves a thing or not?
That must be an especially nosy Consilium then. In my versions of Mage society, bringing up a Mage's sleeper life is considered very rude unless that you rank among that Mage's trusted confidants.
On top of that, maintaining Sleeper relationships (especially with family) is a good way to keep yourself from slipping too deep into your Supernal identity and losing yourself to Hubris. Of course keeping Sleeper relationships will run risks with supernaturals who don't respect such boundaries or are looking for a way to tear you down. That's part of the conflict in doing so. You'd have to take measures to protect them from danger and to keep them from getting too close to your other life.
Some Mages tend to make their Supernal identities their only identities, it's true. But that's a great way to lose perspective. And all of this doesn't change the fact that it is actually fundamentally easier for a Mage to keep old relationships because he doesn't have any supernatural rage or a killer allergy to sunlight or a magic doppelganger that lived their life for them while they were off getting magical deformities.
Oh, for sure. I'm just saying that the problem comes from people mixing the power levels, sending Seal Team Six up against supers that are supposed to be for the lower-power Hunter groups. If you want the increased skill and firepower, you have to accept that means you're going after stronger targets.
Something that only affects Mages in any way when they cast spells and deliberately fuck them up. Look at the 2e Paradox rules.
>Spirits and Ghosts can generally tell when someone notices them
So... don't cast spirit/ghost detecting spells. Once again, problems they cause for themselves. Not problems that are innate. You've let to list any problems that will affect a mage if they all just sat around not fucking around with reality for shits and giggles.
Unlike every other splat, where merely existing has drawbacks.
>The only decent antagonist you've posted are the Pure and they did nothing wrong.
you didn't ask for decent antagonists you shallow fuck
if you want stupid "dur I hate you for no reason" then go back to wod
But what happens to the bullet?
>And all of this doesn't change the fact that it is actually fundamentally easier for a Mage to keep old relationships
Doesn't mean it's not fundamentally stupid, because it basically give access to your true name to everyone how is interested.
>Something that only affects Mages in any way when they cast spells and deliberately fuck them up. Look at the 2e Paradox rules.
I looked them up, and it's really easy to fuck it up by overreaching and then deciding it's going to be problem for those other guys.
Why is losing Morality/Humanity/Wisdom/Clarity ect. a bad thing? It's the World of D a r k n e s s, stop being so uptight and embrace it!
>true name
2ed tossed that bullshit out a LONG time ago
The point isn't that it's not stupid. The point is that it's EASIER. Literally, physically, emotionally easier. Obviously it's dangerous, but it's doable on a level that simply isn't possible for the other splats.
Then what's the point of a Shadow name?
And I agree whole-heartedly, of the tier III compacts, my favorite is probably the Chirenon Group, if only because they involve the least amount of Wooo compared to the other ancient and mysterious conspiracies.
It's a balancing act, stray too far onto the Mortal side and the duties you've accumulated with your Wisdom and backbiting begin to wither, too much on the Supernal side and as you say.
distance between your mundane life and your mage life
I think using your real name in any splat is a bad idea in general. You don't want people going after your family.
At that point just play Night's Black Agents.
Either Mage or Unknown Armies.
So you're saying that if Mages never use their powers, and ignore their enlightenment, then they're completely safe, right? Just like uh- pretty much everybody besides Vampires and Changelings (who are safe magically too, since there are no seers or any other demands of Mages, so why should Changelings get any?)
I mean after all, there aren't any drawbacks to being a Hunter if you don't Hunter
There aren't any drawbacks to being a Demon if you don't seek hell and just keep cozy in a Cover 5 identity and never use any of your powers.
I could go on, but this is fucking stupid.
It keeps sympathy from forming between your magic life and mundane life; good thing since your Long-Term Nimbus would affect your family otherwise.
Also your real name gives an ever-so-slight easier time of sympathetic magic against you, but it's really negligible.
so who/what exactly the machine God?
What relationship does he have with the Jesus that baptized Longinus?
You can always use your first name or a common nickname. No need to call yourself Ozymandias when Adrian serves you just as well.
God Machine is the cast-off skin of the Principle, like a snake does. Specifically a snake that might have inhabited a certain garden some time ago
Dude, again, it's okay to admit being wrong, your True Name does indeed do things, trying to downplay is just stupid.
>so who/what exactly the machine God?
Part of some archmage Imperial Omens. Probably some Alienated.
Demons have Angels after them. Probably some other shit, but I never read the book.
Werewolves have their silver weakness and can't ignore their nature unless they want to go crazy out of balance.
Prometheans have Disquiet/Wasteland.
Geists have ghost vision that they can't turn off and thus get ghost-harassed.
Changelings have Iron and True Fae.
I think officially it's "who knows".
But I want to be called Ozymandias!
Has anyone ever watched that Vampire: the Masquerade TV show from the 90s? It's kind of bizarre
Not having a True Name is like -2 to your roll. It can be made up with a single Reach or just ignored. In Mage 2e, True Name means jack shit.
I have a question. Say a Green Beret who was helping the South Vietnamese during the War got embraced. But he still wants to help his former unit even after they fled the country as refugees, and they still respect him for what he's done and how he still protects their neighborhood.
What Backgrounds would properly represent this? Domain, Herd, and Allies? The idea is that the elders, his actual former soldiers, know he's a vampire and still maintain contact with him as he is.
I'm well aware of how much of a faggot this makes me sound like. The guy's still a monster who lurks in the dark; he just preys on the people who want to prey on HIS people.
And Mages have Seers, Reapers and Banishers after their lives, minds and souls.
All of which are other mages. All mage problems come from mages. Either themselves or other mages.
This is a thing unique to Mages.
As I said from the beginning.
I did. It was 100% 90s cheese
And Demons are just Angels, making all Demon problems Angel made problems meaning they're all made from their own splat too. Fuck off you fucking Autist.
Mages aren't safe if they forsake their magic. An awakened soul is a lightning rod for the supernatural. A mage that ignores developing their magic will still find themselves crossing paths with all sorts of mysteries and they'll be easy prey the day a real horror stumbles into them.
You're the one getting triggered by the stated design goal of Mage 2e, not me.
The whole point of Mage is that they get fucked over by their own Hubris.
Don't Spirits love to feed from Awakened souls?
Strix are shit tho
I like superpowered Hunters tho