>This is paladin not warlock. All they need is oath and ideal to believe in not fucking patrons.
I used the term "patron" as a more divine-neutral term for who this Oath might serve. You could make this Oath to serve as a knight for Strahd, for example, and Strahd isn't quite a god just yet.
And yeah, I'm aware all you need to be a paladin is belief in an ideal. The default assumption seems to be that MOST paladins have gods, though.
>Both channel divinity are good and one of them is save or die.
There's no save component to Death Whisper, though. I set it up to do scaling damage similar to Blinding Smite, though functioning off of CD instead of with a spell slot.
>Level 3 feature that replaces your smite with of element that almost no one resist ? And no other oath gets this feature?
True, but the alternative is being a shadow paladin that does radiant damage, so either way it's gonna be weird as shit. I figure this is the least of two evils.
Consider also how few things resist radiant, while how many resist necrotic or psychic. Giving the choice between the two as a 3rd level feature is intended to replicate how non-resisted radiant is, while still allowing for situations in which the smite's damage CAN be resisted.
>Level 15 doesnt really fit the the oath but its cool
I think I get what you're saying, because this Oath is trying to be both a shadow assassin sort of deal AND a paladin, and Umbral Jaunt gravitates towards the latter more than the former, but I'm not sure how I'd make it better than it is. How should I modify this?
>Level 20 so you upheld your Obfuscation tenet by turning into big fucking monster that people run away in fear from?
Good point. Considering it inherently hides your identity, though, you might be able to get a pass.