Itt shitty gms

>be me , three years ago
>be a homeschooled autist who must do his gaming online because social anxiety
>sign into giantitp because it was the only gaming forum i knew at the time.
>find an interesting campaign idea. Nothing special now that i look back at it.
>it was an all evil campaign where the characterstried to become the villains of the next campaign.
>join in make character, so on so on.
>Dm is a fucking wizardfag.
>makes our wizard star of the show
>does everything in his power to make everyone second fiddle.
>my warrior had higher intelligence. Because eldritch knight
>dm calls the subclass class retarded and nonsensical, proceeds tell me to change to one of the purely martial ones or leave

Rest assured, i left

>be me
why do people keep starting their greentext stories with this shit these days? is it a reddit thing?

shit story FYI you could've started at 'dm is a fucking wizardfag'

>Rest assured, i left
now if you would kindly do the same again

>Join random game over interwebs
>Unusual format, each session is a one-off for the sake of universe-building
>Turns out GM is shit at doing this

>First session
>Told we'd be clearing out the sewers due to infestation
>Make prissy elf who is only doing it for the promotion
>Apparently a bunch of gang kobolds live in the sewer for poorly explained reasons
>Try to arrest their leader after fight begins for no particular reason
>Also get attacked by allies for dumb reasons, basically end up ignoring it
>Final boss is a bunch of slimes
>Try to kill them early but GM will not let me despite it being very obvious that statues are disguised slimes
>Session kinda boring but okay

>Second session
>Told we'd be helping escort a paladin around town so he can cure people afflicted with some sickness
>Given ridiculously overpowered armor by GM for some reason
>Campaign is extremely boring, literally just following paladin from house to house
>wtf is this
>Final boss fight occurs for no readily apparent reason, don't even remember what it was
>No one is even close to being in danger
>Hurray the paladin cured the town
>Player actions all felt entirely inconsequential

>Third session
>Exploring haunted house
>This apparently means killing everything in it with no exploration at all
>My character's main ability is basically removed by GM fiat with no notice right before the game starts
>Characters decide to play chess
>I'm sick and this session was sprung with minimal warning
>Leave because this isn't fun, combat isn't even interesting

I cannot remember a single thing he did to build up the universe's lore other than the paladin in the second session being a raven for some reason. Nothing seemed to have a cause or any consistency, and looking back I should have left a lot sooner.

Honestly at this point I just do it to annoy autistic Veeky Forums elitists.
>You do something different than me?
>You must be from reddit, no other explanation for someone not being identical to me in every way

>join a game a while back
>all is good for a few sessions
>NPCs in our party aside
>after an adventure, my character approaches one of the NPCs who hated him because he was a prick
>want to talk shit out to understand what the fuck his problem is
>NPC goes on a rant about how everything bad in the party is [Character]'s fault
>after NPC finishes monologuing, GM mentions how the NPC had his dagger on the artery of my Character since the start of the rant
>no perception check, no reflex check, no nothing to notice or do anything about him, stop him mid-rant or anything
>I object
>I leave, because GM thinks that he was right and seems to like his GMPCs a whole lot more

So much for that shit.

That sounds really shitty.

>Friend runs a Game
>Asks me to join, why not
>Of the other people there, DM lets one guy fudge nearly every god damn roll he made
>He never failed any of his checks
>He never rolls a 1
>He gets 20's every other time he rolls
>Let the DM know that I'm not up for any more games
>Asks why
>Spew to him everything I just wrote
>"Oh, I let him do that because he's in a rut, the game is the only power that he really has"
Yeah, but what's the point of playing a game if the chance for failure doesn't exist?

That mentality is shit. It's especially bad when GMs manage to convince players to believe this sort of shit, while they would be better off just writing a novel or some shit. I don't know if you could tell from the story, but it was also fairly heavily railroaded. GMs who think that story comes before player choice are the absolute worst.

Unless youre new to gming you really should avoid railroading at all. Take a more minimal approach to questmaking.

The final mark of a shitty GM?


>GM starts a pretty good campaign
>It's set in a interdimensional pocket where an ancient hoarder god is building a giant junkpile of shit from other worlds
>The first couple of sessions are "Lord of the Rings meets Mad Max"
>Everyone feels really invested
>The third time we meet up, the GM goes full autist
>It takes him forever to get setup, and when he finally does, he can't seem to get the ball rolling
>When the game finally starts, the first thing he makes us do in-game is go to a money changer
>Spend the first twenty minutes making sure everyone's currency is properly converted
>Has us go and talk to various NPCs in funny voices
>After an hour or so, finally says "You know what guys? I'm really not feelin' it, tonight."
>Never fixes it or tries to run that campaign again.

This was the worst campaign I ever ran. I don't know what happened. The first two sessions were awesome, and my players seemed excited, but I couldn't seem to get anything working, that third session. I kept getting names wrong and I couldn't manage to think of a way to link encounters together. I just did this awkward thing where I stared at the players before awkwardly asking, "So uhm... What do you do?"

To be fair, that is how people start stories on Reddit.

>capitalizing greentext
screening for and shaming newfags is extremely important to maintaining a cohesive, quality board culture on any imageboard, but you wouldn't know anything about that what with moot and his entryist cabal banning it the fucking sellout traitor.

It's not a coincidence it's almost always a signal the post isn't worth reading. Apparently redditors can't into brevity.


I wouldn't know that, I have never been to reddit.

Well in irl games yeah. But text based its kinda necesarry

Happens to everyone, no shame in that.

>first time playing shadowrun
>make a street Sam, bro makes mage, other players are street Sam and Decker
>gm and Decker do not know decking rules and just phone it all in
>mage p bro and I end up abandoned and back to back on a mission, gm drops a mage with crazy high masking,enough to not have an Astral signature apparently, on us for a simple break in and entry in the middle of the night to a building that closed at night. Afore mentioned Decker set off alarms due to neither she or the gm knowing decking rules.
>manage to get out by the skin of our teeth thanks to magic bro and smart use of magic walls.
>later gm puts us up against six high mag mystic adepts, with improved reflexes all around. Still manage to eek out victory thanks to magic bro having answers in the form of walls.
>Finally gm puts us up against a gang attacking us for breaking into an abandoned library that was on their turf they are described as using out dated gear, use liberal grenades set to motion sensors to punish human wave tactics they used, doing well but they just keep charging like fanatics.
>Suddenly shot, sniper from off the map shoots my street Sam with the largest sniper rifle in the game instant kill.
>Game fell apart shortly after.

>mourning yet another thing stolen by normalfags is autism

>seriously buying into the "stacies and chads stealing muh games" meme

I have some bad news...

>implying tumblr and reddit aren't stacy and chad

>Every encounter was a 'random encounter'
>GM would roll dice and pick the page he rolled
>He would only choose monsters either our level or below or level fortunately
>Unfortunately, he didn't know that adding multiple attackers raises the CR. He would just add the base CR of creatures together and call it good.
>Enter dungeon, first enemies; Stirge's
> "You enter the dungeon cave, and above you are six Stirge's"
>"Yeah, don't worry I just added enough for it to be a challenge"
>Party is swarmed instantly and is absolutely destroyed in a few turns, barely escape with our lives.

One of my friends eventually gave him a book for Christmas; Dungeon Master for Dummies

By this logic, MtG became toxic and "normie" sometime around 2004, and D&D became a "normie" game at 3.5. And, on a meta level, suggests that the appropriate behavior if you love a game is to drive as many people as possible away from it and keep it all to yourself and maybe like 10 other people at all costs, which is /r9k/ tiers of derangement.


>By this logic, MtG became toxic and "normie" sometime around 2004, and D&D became a "normie" game at 3.5.
Give or take, yup.

>And, on a meta level, suggests that the appropriate behavior if you love a game is to drive as many people as possible away from it and keep it all to yourself and maybe like 10 other people at all costs
No, the appropriate behavior is for developers, stores, etc. to try to cater to the core fanbase and not low-hanging fruit. It might be a tall order for an industry that's become as corporate and soulless as videogames, but for a long time, it really was just people making games for no reason more important than that they simply liked games and wanted to make more good games for themselves and other people who appreciated them. if it means ignoring the LCD masses, it's a small sacrifice - but ignoring the profit inherit in the LCD market is a much bigger sacrifice that you can't blame anyone for not making.

but the specific situation in the comic is expressing one single game group, so yeah, whittling it down to like 10 people is completely reasonable. Everyone tries to curate their group to something that flows well together, and tries to get new players to understand and assimilate to any long-running group. whether or not TTRPG's have fallen to cancer isn't even the point. I can't believe you're so new that you're arguing over (and misinterpreting) this years old comic. yudowsky expressed basically the same in 'well-kept garden dies from pacifism' if you need a more expanded discussion of the community moderation concept and there was some similar usenet tract that was common in the past but I can't find the right keywords on google to bring it up.

>thinking running the hobby into the ground his how companys can make money

Here's the thing. Weather you like it or njot, capitalism enforces soulessness into any hobby, its their job to make money, not make you happy. The marketyfor tabletop gaming has grown a lot over thepast few years, more feminists are getting into it, and thats just fucking fine. And I dont even like feminists.

In order to have a succesful business you're gonna have to expand the fanbase for your product.

> Play Warhammer 3rd edition
> Know the GM for some years and know that he is sometimes "creative"
> play a human pistolier (basically a noble cuirassier)
>adventure starts with the typical: "your are all kidnapped and have no idea where you are"
> run around in town with the other group members trying to find out what we are doing here
> Gm looks at me
> "You see a little boy standing behind you."
>"I look for my purse."
> "You're purse is there, but the boy reminds you of those little children you nobles like to molest."
> mfw I have send him a mandatory description of my character with character flaws
> pedophilia wasn't mentioned on that list
> mfw when I say my character isn't a pedo and the GM ignores me
> mfw when the GM and all players make pedo jokes over the whole evening

Luckily that character died one evening later and I proceeded to play a redneck Judge Dredd like roadwarden so they would stop with those disgusting jokes. I haven't forgiven them that to this day.

Why still play with them?

I was young, dumb, had no car and had no idea where to look for other players.
Also not all players were assholes. Those jokes were coming mainly from to of them. One of them left the group some weeks later, the other one is still there but misses like 9/10 meetings and I screwed him over on several occasions later in the game.
The GM was an asshole and moved away. In the end nearly everyone had some sort of problem with him.

Ah, that makes sense.

That's perfectly fine but why did they have to come to fucking Veeky Forums?

It's the normalfags' arrogance, envy and entitlement that's the problem. Anything they see they think is theirs and they're perfectly happy to just push aside everyone who built the thing and destroy everything they did before moving on to the next trendy thing like a horde of locusts. If they were just happy to stay in their little boxes being catered to and farmed for big bucks, there would be no problem, but they make a point of occupying and destroying any community that is specifically trying to avoid their shit just because they keep committing the cardinal sin of making something good and enviable. I mean, at least corporate shit is happy to just steal from independents but normalfags make a point of fucking destroying their shit. this goes far beyond just imageboards and TTRPG's, even artists have to deal with this shit with all their homes and venues getting outpriced by yuppie hipsters trying to play-pretend as art kids with the same entitled cunt attitude as this motherfucker

People cater to the majority, that happens to be sjws atm

SJWs are different, they've a specific intention to infiltrate and change things they're not a part of into their own image. It's still mostly social and they do buy their own bullshit, but they're not innocent chads and stacies. it's the textbook definition of entryism.

In my book, the worst GMs are the boring ones.

>Stars Without Number
>spend half the session describing an airport line and getting autistic about there being no logic on spaceships having windows in sci-fi because it's "unrealistic"
>the other half of the session is a murder mystery that actively involves all character and excludes mine
>leave as soon as we're done and message him that his game isn't what I'm looking for

Then perhaps politically aware is a better term?

It happened to me years ago and barely anybody knew how to play, but I had some social anxieties at that point and it got into me

>played a post-apoc game
>make a super-inspiring charismatic guy who knew how to gamble
>players insist on piling up all resources on a truck
>I agree, figuring that my clothing and a shitty gun with a single magazine will be enough, because I was planning on some non-combat shit
>the game starts off with a monster clawing through the top of our truck
>we defeat it but the truck is busted and it also just happens to not have fuel
>we stay in a small settlement looking for clues on how to earn money
>we gather information as best as we can
>nobody, including old black guy on the porch named Joe, knows anything interesting
>the GM literally says "the only thing you guys are offered are a job in the mines"
>trying to push things ahead a bit I suggest that maybe we should just go to those mines - hoping for a plot hook or some small dungeon
>GM immediately shoots it off with "and what, are you gonna work in a mine for a week to get any pay?"
>obviously that's nonsense
>I go into a pub
>join in a poker game
>put in my pistol on the line, seeing as how I can't shoot it much anyway
>Bluff and Gamble are my things anyway
>"two guys pass"
>okay I got this, roll Bluff again
>huge win for me
>"the last guy looks at his cards and hesitates but raises the stakes anyway"
>bet the remaining bits and pieces from my equipment
>after passing three separate checks to even make a showing at the table I finally roll Gamble
>and narrowly lose
>everything I bet just like that
>four skill checks for a game with three rednecks
>other players berate me
>no, not their characters, the players, ooc
>it stung

No, entryist SJWs is a more accurate description than the obfuscating "politically aware," a definitely significant party but casual cashcow normalfags are still the meat of the cancer that's destroyed modern TTRPGs/Veeky Forums/tech/nerd communities in general over the last decade.

ically what my point is, businesses aplly to the lowest common denominator for success.

>then, finally, after 1,5 hours of navelgazing and being told that there is nothing to do in town
>and everything around is vast desert with no landmarks
>the GM finally told us a wild game hunter came into town and that the beast he's tracking is super dangerous and difficult to defeat
>we have literally no other hook so we just go in while GM keeps saying, OOC, that it's gonna probably kill us
>well, yeah, what else is there
>disclaimer: I do not have a speech impediment
>or problems articulating
>and, let me remind you, playing a Charismancer
>wild game hunter guy also treats my high Cha/leadership character like shit
>and so does the beast that shows up
>who dashes past everything and mauls my character
>lose the Cha permanently
>character is a cripple with nothing now

I went home that day and cried, because teenage hormones and broken fantasies of power. Next day told them I would rather not play again because bullshit reasons because I did not know how to talk it out with people who were my actual schoolbuddies.

The only time I had no fun playing and the GM seemed to subconsciously have it out on me. It was probably lack of experience and trying to impose the notion of grit on the world rather than malice, but still.

Yes I know, I said the same. My point was why do the normalfags also have to seek out and destroy communities that expressly avoid the LCD? They show up to anything that's produced anything of note and then immediately start kvetching to lower the standards to their level, whining it's not fair, it's elitist, etc. when they get told to assimilate or fuck off.

At least businesses just steal OC from independent communities to dumb down and resell to normalfags, but the normalfags actively try to destroy it.

Bad gming is bad gming no matter wwhat

Can't stand GM's like that.

I play with normies,they tend to be decent roleplayers and are really no different from people on Veeky Forums who i play with. Hell sometimes i run groups with q bit from both communiies and no oje notices.

Don't blame players for changes being made to the game that you like. Blame the people who make the game. The community is larger than its ever been.

I run my games with normalfags too, teaching virgins the ropes is a lot easier than trying to deprogram the damaged goods of most of the modern RPG community. Read the comment thread, I blamed devs and game stores for ruining TTRPG's, not players. You can't blame the casuals, they'll buy into whatever's marketed to them.

But I AM going to blame newfag cunts for coming in and turning Veeky Forums, once an isolated enthusiast chan community, into a proud den of casual reddit/tumblr cancer.

But I've seen people post starting with >be me for a decade now. Are you sure it started on reddit and they didn't just take it from here?

>these days

Lurk the fuck more or return to reddit

>profit at all costs
I want the economic Darwinists to leave.

But that's how ceos and business owners think.

>females ruin everything

>Is it a Reddit thing
So we've come full circle. There are people who actually think one of the most iconic (if cancerous) Veeky Forums idiosyncrasies is from Reddit.

I can barely remember at this point but weren't /r9k/ format greentext stories not a thing until like 2009? they definitely didn't start with >be me then. isn't that from when reddit started lifting rage comics and turning them into storytelling? saying '*le me' or something

I think you're right.. I can't really remember for sure either though

>these days
>is it a reddit thing?

Your new is showing. No, it started on /b/ (before Veeky Forums was even a thing), whenever people told greentext stories about stuff they did they would just start that way. Why? I dunno, maybe to annoy autists. Clearly it worked.

no, he is complaining about the diary style storytelling from leddidfaggots.
>greentexts are precise


Jesus Christ how pathetic. You might be better off at /v/, /r9k/, or /pol/.

>Regular GM wants a break from running things.
>One of the players steps up to the plate.
>Makes incredibly bizarre, shitty, railroad campaign, full of logical impossibilities, forcing us to attack our allies, and a DMPC who introduces himself with the phrase that he 'fellates the giver', whatever the fuck that means.
>Some time ago, tell story about it on Veeky Forums
>get some laughs, but then one user tells me that not only is it utter, utter shit, it's plagiarized shit from some scenario in an indie RPG builder.

>getting autistic about there being no logic on spaceships having windows in sci-fi because it's "unrealistic"

We do not see the problem with that.

>thing is obvious trap
>GM wont let players investigate it
I fuckin hate this.

I normally buy followers, like as a Wizard I hired an apprentice and as a Fighter I hired two squires. As the Wizard I always get pedo jokes, not so much with the Fighter.

He really wanted to fellate your giver

I'm only postulating since I lack the whole picture but I'd wager you didn't do a lot of prep for your sessions past the initial one? The first few sessions are easy to throw since you are motivated by the freshness of everything, but when the rush wears off you quickly end up stuck. Prepared stuff helps in this because it's a good thing to fall to when you lose momentum. If you have a rough idea of potential scenes you can quickly advance to the next one when the conversation dies down etc. Same with encounters.

The sad truth is that a lot of campaigns die because the gm stops putting in the work due to it feeling like, well, work. Compounded with coming off from a bad session makes working on the campaign even less appealing which causes the death spiral. You feel unmotivated to work on the campaign because you had a bad session, and you have bad sessions because you stop working on the campaign.

It's a fairly normal thing to happen and usually happens when the campaign has a lot of flash but little depth. Next time just try to think what would make the next session enjoyable for you as a gm and hopefully you can keep your own interest in the setting going.

Unless I am wrong in which case nevermind all that, shit happens senpai

No, I don't believe you. I remember shittalking >be me as newfag shit on /v/ circa 10 or 11.

>be me
>these days
nice one newfag

made that mistake early on, I try to forget about those days

learned to take a dark souls mentality where the world exists and the players are just visitors, they can make change but it requires a lot of work and effort on their part.

happens to me a bit with the online campaigns I run on R20, tends to be a problem with prep dude, always prep.

or just do one shots every session unless your players are pretty close to you and are ready for a grandiose campaign.


They do. They just never developed adult brains and don't get that actions have consequences. You can't get too mad, tricking men into taking care of them is their only defense mechanism.

>As night falls on a city we entered, everyone is pushed into a tavern by the DM.
>We discuss the info we've gotten from our day and our characters eat and go to bed.
>In the middle of the night, we awake to the sound of a commotion outside.
>Some of us peek out our windows and see a lot of soldiers and knights
>They've surrounded the tavern.
>Yes, it does turn out that somehow a small private army has literally entered a city at night and has the whole tavern blockaded without anyone waking up or causing a noise for us to hear.

>Two obvious mini-bosses enter the tavern.
>Drag everyone except the sneaky rogue out of their rooms.
>Demand some maguffin or another we found a while ago.
>Retardedass npc's get mad when one of us points out a lapse in their logic while interrogating us. (Read: DM gets caught on his bullshit.)
>Fight breaks out.
>Doesn't let rogue do sneaky things or even escape because apparently there is literally an army so massive outside there's no way he can hide.
>Doesn't let the combat min/maxer combat because he's stuck from all the fucking npc gaurds that are attacking and missing constantly.
>One player gets knocked out immediately
>This goes on for two hours
>Eventually DM has the tavern light on fire and causes an explosion to occur outside so a medieval seal team 6 can save us.
>Worst session I ever played, and the campaign is abandoned.
>Except I didn't play it
>Because I was the DM.


Either this didn't happen.
Or I just feel personally sad for the players.

Here's the (You) you wanted

SJWs aren't the majority, dumbshit. They're just the loudest and shrillest minority. If they were the majority, Ghostbusters wouldn't have tanked and /v/ would be a hugbox.

Was ll most hillery supporters were sjws and she won the populatr vote by a pretty large margin

>popular vote means anything

Take away the illegal immigrants and it disappears.

Kikery was seen as the successor to the Obama legacy, and she still had record low Democrat turn outs.

>Was ll most hillery supporters were sjws
Your standard Trump voter, ladies and gentlemen.

>Take away the illegal immigrants and [3 million votes will] disappear...
Trump trash will believe literally anything if it supports their really, really dumb opinions

Nah I don't live in your shit country.

It's hilarious how salty you cunts are over some democracy.

>proceeds to namedrop yudkowsky

>The "winner" lost by 3 million votes
Good one.

>Implying it wouldnt have been a landslide if Shillary hadnt rigged it like we all know she did

Allow me to reiterate: Trump trash will believe literally anything if it supports their really, really dumb opinions


>the popular vote would have turned out exactly the same had the electoral college not been in place
Sorry, but not everybody is as uninformed about the election process as you are.

>Le Popular Vote meme

I'm sorry you don't understand how your own countries system works, but I'm pretty sure they teach you in school right?

I'm namedropping the article. desu I never realized it was written by him until I googled it for that post, I was kind of embarrassed to find out.

But he's right.

Stay salty. The Democrats lost because they abandoned the working-class. Whining about the "popular vote" is just cynical obfuscation of that fact driven by terrified liberal journalists.

Trump's gonna make America great again whether you like it or not.

And I'm sorry that you are too fucking stupid to understand the difference between democracy and the electoral colleges

Is there any reason to think that that helped Clinton any more than Trump? Or is that more Trumptastic rationalization...

The United States has never been a Democracy, as it much as its uninformed citizens like to believe it is.
It's been a Republic since day fucking one.

That happened to me not too long ago. I painted myself into a corner with a setting that i thought was cool, but was very boring in practice

Who are the morons who think that the guy who was born to a millionaire father and took over the family business and has been repeatedly sued for his scams (which he settles out of court) and has never done a thing for the working class in his life and whose "charity" has a concern advisory from Charity Navigator (the Clinton Foundation has a 94.74% rating) is a champion of the working class? How fucking dumb do you have to be?

>Is there any reason to think that that helped Clinton any more than Trump?
No, but that's not relevant. I'd be swatting /pol/flies with the exact same newspaper had the college gone to Clinton and the vote to Trump. You don't get to put sarcasm quotes around 'winner' just because one number irrelevant to the electoral mechanism was bigger or smaller than another number irrelevant to the electoral mechanism. Get over yourself.

He's right, though. Normies make everything into normiefodder. Nothing actually interesting remains afterward.

How about the ones who wanted to see TPP dead?

Would Clinton have done that? Nope!

You really seem to think that you're witty and that you're really revealing something. I encourage you to reconsider that assumption. The discussion was about democracy and whether Trump's election was genuinely democratic. I pointed out that losing by 3 million votes is far from democratic. Now you're acting like that's wrong because that's how the system is set up and because we're a republic.

It is how the system is set up and we are a republic.


Its still democracy when you lose buddy.

Sorry :(

But at least the Lefts autistic spergings are turning normies against you.

Hey why don't you punch another guy, that'll cheer you up?

Nan rump is shit. I didnt vote because i knew it wouldnt really account for much. That said hillery won fair and square then the elextlrial college happened. Now,lets get back to shitty dms
