How do I be a John Wick GM?
How do I be a John Wick GM?
>Read the book pictured in the OP
>Do as the book says
>Kill every player related to the murder of your dog
Change the purpose of the game from "having fun" to "challenging your players until they either quit the hobby forever or succeed".
Well, for one thing, you need a playerbase made up of 90s comic book fans who will eat your edgy bullshit up like ice cream, like Wick had.
Buy yourself some vibrating nipple clamps. Play while wearing them until you derive sexual pleasure from being an asshole to your players.
>Be an asshole.
>Kill your players' characters until they leave your game or become fanatically-devoted cultists willing to die for your cause.
>The Cause is whatever you want on any particular day.
Arbitrary ignore rules on character advantages and reapply them when it would be a determent to the character.
You can start by hating your players, hating yourself, and thereby making your players miserable to ease your internal pain of being a colossal failure at life.
Becoming John Wick is but the first step of many
What should you do when you discover evidence that your terrible GM (only GM in the area, always screws over your characters, kills off characters' family members, interprets character abilities in the most malicious way possible, rigs rolls in his favor, acts all smug about it, even publishes an eBook on how to "play dirty" as a GM) is actually the very recently retired top hitman of the state's largest crime family?
Kill his dog, steal his car, insult his dead wife. Obviously, duh.
Step one: Remove all agency from your players.
Step two:???
Step three: Profit.
When your group stops playing with you, you've succeeded.
Find a group of players that get off on being dicked on and then constantly hold the odds against them and test their resolve.
Then drape your dickery in flowery writing and pass it off as intellectual theory regarding rolling dice and playing make - believe.
Eventually you'll either end up gaming alone or youll develop a cult following of players who will defend your actions like abused spouses because to them their ability to overcome fictional scenarios is more rewarding than actually developing as a person.
When needed splash in some insight about how rewarding moments of story telling that can never be recreated outside the living room / kitchen they occurred in were to justify it being worthwhile.
Eventually you'll either love being a Dirty DM or come to realize that wicks work is just another tool to try make you a better storyteller rather than The only way of running a story.
It's the same principle why people love GoT. Martin freely fucks with all the characters but you can't look away because you need to see what happens next.
Just remember about 90% of rpg players are more interested in playing out power fantasies though than "losing" a game without a win/loss mindset.
Don't be afraid to kill characters. Punch their characters until they're bleeding on the floor, but let them stand up and keep fighting. Make it so the players can fail.
>never heard of this guy before a couple days ago
>decide to look him up
He's one of the most awful sounding people to game with I've ever heard of.
Find players a group who aren't entitled babies (or find a group of entitled babies and give them a lesson in emotional maturity) then proceed to challenge them as intended.
Then exaggerate the play style in a shitty made-for-controversy tract for money.
Kill your dog
Pretty much this. All else on this post is faggots crying in a corner cause they can't play on anything other then easy mode.
>Ask if anyone else is willing to GM so that you can play your awesome character concept: Mary-Sue Edgelord who is a Level 20 Anti-Hero.
>Allow the rage inside you to build slowly over the years as your fellow fa/tg/uys concoct ever more elaborate and less believable excuses to force you to GM for them.
>Realize that these so-called "friends" have been purposely conspiring to prevent you from birthing the abortion that is your idea of RP to their side of the table.
>Embrace the Darkside and become and actively attempt to kill the hopes, dreams and sense of wonder in your players hearts through the medium of their murdered characters by ignoring the rules of the games that you and others create.
>Grow strong on their despair.
You don't.
John Wick is a trash GM who sells power trip snake oil to gullible teenagers.
Go back to first edition L5R, and read The Silence Within Sound instead of Play Dirt 1 & 2.
Give the group the Die Hard / John McClane experience.
Always be less of a dick than Wick.
I know Varg and Wick, but who's the other fucktard? I know it isn't Monte "Fighters are fags" Cook or SKR.
Lindy "Player agency is banned at my table" Beige
Find out the kind of game your players are interested in playing and change it until it's no longer recognizable, especially if you can change it in ways that don't even make sense for the setting, like making the Empire the good guys or having Vulcan go to war with the Federation.
please tell me that's an actual quote.
I'm writing a how-to-not-suck-at-running-games workshop for my gaming club and I would LOVE to quote that shit as an Exibit A
Lindy Beige. He's some vlogger on Youtube who does stuff about medeival armor and weapons and for some reason triggers the fuck out of Veeky Forums without fail
Look at what your players want to be good at, and make sure they can't do it, or can only do it in a way that fucks them over. For example, if some wise guy tries to make his character immune to disease in HERO system, make a disease that ignores disease immunity completely. That'll teach him for putting his points in disease immunity.
Has anyone ever asked Casey why he bothered making this a comic when the characters are entirely stationary and text takes up most of the panels?
Now send that to the drawthread.
That's because he doesn't know what he's talking about, especially when it comes to RPGs.
Dont forget to make him immune to the cure.
Play dirty, play underhanded, but don't play cheap.
That isn't being a "John Wick" GM, tho.
Being a John Wick GM involves screwing over the players because you "interpret" things differently than they do, but you do not come to an accord about it.
By being a GM who takes the game ten levels more seriously than you should.
>Find out what kind of support characters are in your PCs backgrounds, and murder and maim them through the campaign.
>Have the Code-Against-Killing Hero 'accidentally' kill hundreds of people.
>Create a Just-As-Planned Man NPC to support and/or undermine the heroes like a bootleg Maxwell Lord.
Rule No1. RPGs are serious business, no casual gaming allowed.
Rule No2. You need to suffer before I let you enjoy the game.
Rule No3. Your advantages don't matter. Your disadvantages don't matter. I'll use both of them against you at my leisure.
Would you believe SKR spun on a fucking dime as soon as he was no longer on the Paizo payroll? He even had a post on his developer blog which can be summarized as "let martials be anime".
Jason Buhlman was using him as a mouthpiece on the paizo boards.