What makes this all beautiful is that we all know that one day Chainlink will reach $1

What makes this all beautiful is that we all know that one day Chainlink will reach $1.

We all know it will one day reach $10.

It is inevitable.

Read the whitepaper and 3.5 billion mcap is still undervalued.

We need to invest in holy trinity. Chainlink, REQ, Quantstamp... REQ is trying to implement Bitcoin oracle in Q1

shhhhh we wait until the holiday season is over. We are still accumulating

Not selling til $300 though

Muscle less soyboy.

Short anything he makes.

Literally me. QSP, REQ and LINK are the triforce for 2018.

I will cry if my funds don't get there in time to finish my last possible accumulation for the year before the news ='(

what about $100?

It's up your butt and around the corner.

read thew hitepaper
oracle probem = solved

Given enough time 1000 may even seem fractional in comparison to Links price

fuck, I had forgotten this rebuttal. Thanks for bringing me back to my childhood user


Replace link with EOS and urite

lol except it isnt

"Replace Link with EOS"
inhale gas

What's so funny user


Do you hate money?

I wanted to sell at 2130 to buy back at 2000 but Im on my phone with a shitty internet connection:(
Still feels good being a linkstaa

I have EOS since 1.90 but if I had to choose between EOS and Link, I'd choose link always

so sad and deluded

Shoo Shoo stinky linky

Im outsie, peace!

This nigga made off with 32million just like that? Not enforced by the SEC... maybe we should just make our own altcoin and cash out in this Wild West