Have you ever played a tacticool character before? What was he/she like?
Have you ever played a tacticool character before? What was he/she like?
Let's just get this out of the way.
None of you are operators.
I'm an operator, asshole.
I operate a forklift. Licensed and everything!
Correct. Nor are we wizards, cyborg, elves or any other such thing. I'm glad you have a keen sense for when people are enjoying playing pretend.
pics or gtfo
Everyone in my group used to airsoft back in college. After playing a few mil-sims with tryhards, NONE of us want to go 'tacticool' with our characters
>why can't I hold all this tacticool.png
>none of us are Wizards
Just two years, four months, and 21 days to go for me
Yep, had a heavy in a SWRPG game.
Enhanced optics and a flame thrower on a heavy repeater, vibrosword, heavy battle armor, and somehow I was still the stealthiest guy on the team.
Sad. Just go get laid already. You will get no super powers or great understanding from not getting laid.
You won't get them from getting laid either. But you might get to know a person and have a good time.
>None of you are operators.
Don't be silly, we're all oper8rs here.
We're all little girls too.
Well obviously I know that, I was just making a joke. I can't overcome my crippling lack of self-discipline and still retain just enough pride not to buy it
Very cool and tact.
Like a gent
Surrounded by amateurs
I'm an oper8r
The last shadowrun game I was in myself and the adept went full Operational Operators Deployed On Operations. We played them as a parody of the try hards for grins. It was a lot of fun hinestly, they ended up like pic related.
But I am an operator.
Every time I send a message for someone, it says Operator user right on it.
Jesus christ, the geardo is evolving!
This might be related, it's a game I started working on based off of a friend's idea to make a game with stupid weapon customization, like foregrips and scopes on revolvers, attaching loads of stupid things to your gun, etc. Curious on any opinions you might have on it.
Good luck, user. Seven years to go for me.
My drivers license says Operator on it... hmm.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little normie? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Applied Memetics, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Tumblr, and I have over 300 confirmed triggerings. I am trained in meme warfare and I’m the top shitposter in the entire US proxy. You are nothing to me but just another twitter profile. I will wipe you the fuck out with pepes the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, SJW. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of fake social media accounts across the USA and your facebook is being reported right now so you better prepare for the storm, newfag. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your image folder. You’re fucking stale, kid. I can post anywhere, anytime, and I can scar you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my webm folder. Not only am I extensively trained in GIMP, but I have access to the entire arsenal of google images and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of this board, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will poo all over your loo and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Sure I was even a tactical genius once...
Nirt, op, standard, or Moffett?
But I am Alpharius.
Short and deadly.
Basically tried to recreate as many tacticool high speed low dragon operator tropes. But as a kobold because why not.
I've got a game for that, actually.
I had a hardcore military guy in abberant once.
He could turn his bone material (and a not small amount of screws and plates left over from an accident when young) into shit, and generally followed orders from his higher ups.
He was the only one taking shit seriously half the time and died saving everyone from a disease spreading 5 year old.
The party then depopulated the Mediterranean with super powered bees out of grief.
Good times.
>He could turn his bone material into shit
>"don't worry guys I got this"
>walk into room full of terrorists
>transform skeleton into shit and flop onto the floor in a heap
>terrorists begin vomiting uncontrollably at the disgusting spectacle
>rest of the party bursts into the room and slip on half-digested goat kebab
>one of them lands on the horrible boneless heap of flesh
>shit spurts out from every orifice and covers the entire room
>uncontrollable vomiting intensifies
>This is a thing
I don't know what to feel.
I'd play it as a lighthearted one-shot
>Rigger with accute robot fetish
>66 deployments
>Not the best aim, but a CQC pragmatic
>Love brownies
In short, pic related
Not to that extent, think more internal weaponry and making cover and what not. Think shotgun knuckles and a rifle with the muzzle just above the wrist. He also had tecnopathy for shits and giggles. Died as a result of NOT having regeneration, which is what i would have bought with my EXP. story;
>be me, wounded to shit after fighting a Japanese thunder god like dude and becoming iron man
>be at work and missing the session
>get text from DM
>"Base under attack, alarms blaring what do?"
>find out through the cameras that small child is making everyone sick
>Party is arguing weather or not to kill him
>WTF time to do shit
>make a basic life support system to get my mangled ass body to the room
>shoot kid in the head and promptly die
>DL brain onto the internet because fuck it
>File 2.0 has my old toon in his head telling him to be a hero
The party only saw my soon to be corpse come in, shoot the kid without a word, then die.
all done through text while i was slinging coffee.
good times.
I'm running this in a week, and completely forgot about it until now.
Luckily, the story kind of writes itself.
>and still retain just enough pride not to buy it
user, there is no pride in not paying for sex.
Because you aren't paying for sex. You're paying for them to go away after you get your nut. You're paying for them not to have expectations about a long term relationship. You're paying for them not to have any right to bitch about what you do in your free time.
Just pay for it and get your dick wet already. Anyone who talks shit to you about it is one of three types:
1. Hypocritical religious fundies
2. Militant sex negative feminists who see all sex as rape and deep down actually see prostitution as a threat to their one source of power over men
3. Chump beta orbiters who try to shame you into doing what they do, but they'll hang around your girlfriend in the hope that you guys have a fight so he can convince her to make you jealous by fucking him
A white African mercenary who shot a child on the first job in order to maintain stealth. Stealth was not maintained, and he ended up blowing up the entire building and the barracks outside.
I really regret that the campaign ended after that first job. It had a lot of promise.
Was he a Man Among Men?
I just read through it. I like it. It's simple and quick to use.
Back in 2007 and when I was in my weeb phase, I ripped off MGS2 Raiden and Sousuke Sagara (despite not having watched Full Metal Panic, and rightfully getting mocked by the person who DID and used Mao as a faceclaim)
I tried making a Black Ops/Brandenburger-style ~deep cover~ agent - emotionless, brought back from the near-dead from his time as a USAMRIID scientist after the facility got attacked by generic terrorists, and pumped full of cocktails and mental conditioning (I didn't know it at the time, but it turns out I was subconciously ripping off Universal Soldier AND the modern reboot of Unknown Soldier). Hi tech, and yet, he used a fucking Tommy gun with the Cutts compensator, drum mag, and foregrip. Hurr. He was SUPER EMOTIONLESS~ (and sucked at it because dumb RP romances)
Nowadays, he's closer in tone to Agent Wilkes or wacky young pre-MGS3 Big Boss.
I still admit to giving my military-oriented characters dumb shit like G11s and OICWs.