>What is it? Kingdom Death is a board game where you kill monsters to make cool new hats.
>Where can I buy it? Nowhere at the moment. You just missed the kickstarter, and the webstore won't be getting any more stock while the update is in production. Should restock approximately on Black Friday, depending on production schedule. If you want to play it, check eBay for the old version, or play over Tabletop Simulator.
>When does it deliver? Core game will likely be this year, mid-late fall. Current Expansions will ship soon after, followed by Gamblers Chest and Promos next year, then Expansions shipping in two or three waves between then and 2020.
>Can I add to my pledge in the Pledge Manager? Nobody knows. Anybody who claims otherwise is lying.
Previous thread >Threadly Question Which new expansion are you most excited for?
First for Adam Poots needs to run a third kickstarter in order to account for the unexpected tax hike
Aaron Richardson
2nd for Ekoi
Isaac Wilson
Which new expansion seems more valuable?
Gavin Cruz
abyssal woods
Leo Sullivan
Can someone explain the storyline to me because so far the only thing I have gathered is that the humans are living in littke villages but have a monster which feeds on them but also protects them. And everyone has a lantern ?
Jose Myers
The storyline depends on what expansions you use. But the basic, no frills and no expansion story is:
>Humans are dropped into a world that is a cross between Monster Hunter and Bloodborne >They gather around a hoard of lanterns that the monsters seem to avoid, so they can safely build a civilization there >Humans fight progressively stronger monsters to build their settlement and make progressively stronger weapons/armor/survivors >Finally, it turns out the reason the monsters stay away from the settlement is that the lantern hoard is actually an incubator for a super predator, and it wakes up every 20 years. If you didn't spend time building up your settlement's fighters your settlement will get rekt. Even if you did, without the presence of the super predator keeping the other monsters at bay they will now relentlessly assault your settlement until every last member of your surviving group is gobbled up. There are no happy endings in Kingdom Death.
Jackson Myers
How do you think a sea-based campaign of Kingdom Death could work? Survivors fighting on single rafts or one big barge? Swimming mechanics?
Carson White
awful idea read the wiki baka nobody likes to spoonfeed except this faggot lmao baka
Chase Anderson
What crawled up your ass and died user? It was just a question.
Adrian Rodriguez
lol which one of those fags were you? baka
Liam Roberts
Cheers dude.
The wiki is confusing and a summation like other user did makes it much easier to understand.
Aiden Cooper
>Using this thread. >Replying seriously to personified autism with no life or job. lmao
Aiden Smith
LEAVE ME ALONE!!! besides you just replied to me moron baka!!!!!
Jackson Perez
I disagree with the fact that it's a cheese strat, in my campaign it was our first time against the butcher with no shields and one bandage so we sent out four no names who ended up winning the fight with no losses. We lauded those survivors as heroes and no we plan to rotate them in as the b-team.
our main damage dealer was disembowled, and was reduced to 1 movement when he had 5 ai cards left, our second dps was heavy injuries in everything but head, our third char was simply a healslut and our fourth guy was jusy plain lucky. almost every character had three disorders
Jackson Edwards
I'm not sure submerging the whole showdown board would work (mostly because KD seems too lethal for that to not be a bad idea for the survivors to venture into), but having half of it submerged (like so) could work. I imagine most hunts in such a campaign would have to be from the shore by necessity, since going out on the open ocean in KD would probably be suicidal; as such, you could have different water levels (low tide has 1/4th of the map in water, regular tide has half the map in water, high tide has 3/4th of the map in water). Save the full water maps for after the settlement builds barges to go kaiju-whale hunting in the sea, something like Reaper's Dagon could make for interesting sea monsters.
I'm a veteran of Veeky Forums, autistic ops are par for the course. I just ignore them and discuss things with the actually interesting people.
Isaiah Rogers
Whoops, I forgot I already had an image selected with the water map.
Gabriel Moore
bad idea
Grayson Taylor
Unless you're gonna make a thread no optiin but to use this one.
At this point shitposts are pretty much whitenoise.
Noah Gray
I stopped making OPs after the angel autism became a thing.
Dylan Cook
>(mostly because KD seems too lethal for that to not be a bad idea for the survivors to venture into) >since going out on the open ocean in KD would probably be suicidal
We are getting a showdown that is upside-down, hanging from rings nailed into a roof where the monster can hold on by his toes. I think survivors can handle a little water.
Lucas Morris
True. I was mostly thinking about things like a swarm of KD piranha equivalents stripping survivors to the bone while they're swimming.
Ryan Watson
>Deep Sea Kingdom Death
Imagine the pinups!
Jeremiah Campbell
I'm sure there'd be a hunt event to that end on your way to the Leviathan showdown.
Bentley Perez
I just did some research on this, and now I want it all.
>thankyou Veeky Forums
Eli Johnson
No problem friend
Kevin Baker
is there a reason why you shouldn't extend the campaign three time after GSK? going screaming god, death chicken then ivory dragon?
I ask because of the node #5 stuff
Adrian Collins
The only pinups that come with game content are the promos of death right?
Henry Hill
Currently working on my DBK. How's it look so far? Gonna go for gold trim and eyes, and pearlescent wings with gold veins
Michael Morales
Benjamin Carter
honestly? really bad. messy as fuck and you need to THIN YOUR PAINTS
Grayson Phillips
Looks like a candy apple lol!
Noah Williams
way too glossy and thick
Henry Ortiz
that's what she said
Christopher Baker
I was testing with this pearlescent red paint that wasnt what Im used to because I wanted the color-shift effect (Koongs Chameleon paint, fyi), which needed to be thinned with paint thinner, but it still came out thick.
I also had a coat of tamiya clear red on top thinned with water
I think I just had too many experimental paints stacked on top of each other
my painting doesnt usually suck, just wanted to try something new, and it looked fine on my test models :(
Hunter Robinson
that one isn't much better, dude
can people only post models if they're above tabletop standard, please? just fucks up the image limit for people who can actually paint
Dominic Butler
We never hit image limit anyways fuckwit.
Elijah Campbell
even so, your models are an eyesore
Jordan Morgan
Please stop shitting up my thread
Leo Reed
It's not my model, fuckwit. Shit, the two models posted here so far don't even belong to the same person. is the first post made by that IP address. (Extensions can track the Unique IPs feature reported by the Veeky Forums api and note when a post increases the count.)
Jaxon Rogers
That guy isn't me, but well, I'll take it as some honest feedback on my paintjobs
Jaxon Butler
Disregard that; I suck cocks.
Kayden Scott
That lion looks pretty baller.
Nathaniel Richardson
The lion and DBK are both mine, actually
Christian Lopez
eat shit
Easton Roberts
I don't mind when people post their models. I think it encourages everyone to get better at painting and make better looking models. If you would like to post your own I'd appreciate that too. Also, if you really don't like seeing them, why not just ignore them? this is an imageboard after all.
Andrew Hernandez
Are we in some bizarro /kdg/ where you can't post kdm models? How are you shitting up a thread by posting a wip when there's ekoiposter literally shitposting every two posts. Fuck, at least the dbk is a discussion.
Brandon Rivera
I literally made the thread, you dumb fuck. Go make your own if you have a problem with mine.
Daniel Roberts
>Now knowing that the mad ekoi kid takes off his trip to shitpost because he's le exdee clever. Seriously.
Wyatt Phillips
And this is why namefags are not tolerated. The moment anyone takes a name, all it does is open up shitposting opportunities for the degenerates of a community.
I'd put money on it that the shitposting is actually fake Ekoi. This is his modus operandi -- imitating and mocking anyone who identifies themselves in a thread.
Michael Garcia
I make sure to always post with this name, whether I change the trip or not. You can tell by checking the poster counter at the bottom right, newfriends.
Carson Morgan
Stop using your phone you pathetic child.
Evan Baker
Or else what? You're going to "ruin this community"?
Fuck off faggot.
Adrian Smith
Also-- I'm not even the only Ekoiposter. There's at least 4, including Poots' buttbuddy. I'm not on mobile, but if I was, it'd be the same IP.
Jaxon Russell
Can you faggots stop derailing the thread, maybe? Would be much appreciated.
Michael Smith
>Claiming ownership of a General hello newfriend. ^_^
Brayden Lewis
I'll counter that using emoticons is more akin to newfriend behavior. Stay on topic, please.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the one person holding this community together.
Henry Stewart
Just filter him and / or report him and remind others when they mistakenly respond to him. It's clear he's cancer, and we've been too lax lately in entertaining him.
Thomas Davis
I'll just change my trip, then. You can't filter me-- I've learned all the tricks. Plus, reporting is a placebo.
Anyway, what models are you guys currently working on?
Bentley Watson
>Anyway, what models are you guys currently working on?
Finished painting my Percival earlier today, pretty happy with how she turned out. Probably could have used a more exciting color scheme but the default scheme turned out well enough.
Hunter Bell
Nice. I should have gotten a Percival while she was still available. Still kicking myself over it. Beautiful model for sure
Christopher Gonzalez
I went back and forth on whether or not to get her but eventually decided to bite the bullet. I backed the kickstarter 2.0 so this was my first proper KD model I have painted. Was a fun (if tiresome) bit of painting. And I got a (good???) SFA for my troubles so that's always nice.
Carter Nelson
Please stop shitting up my board.
Blake King
Please do not respond to fake Ekoi. Just leave him be until he stops throwing his temper tantrum.
I actually like this one. It looks unnatural, which is actually sort of the point, otherwise the white lion doesn't really fit the setting.
Chase Gray
is this your first time making a thread? if so, it shows
Thomas Brown
Levi Sanchez
Carson Gutierrez
FYI 40% of these posts and 90% of people being shitty to you are one troll. I mean think about how was civil KDM has been in general. Keep up the painting, bro.
Robert Howard
Dat footwork
David Rivera
>tfw these threads are garbage now
Isaac Peterson
You don't even need a filter. I just gloss over it. KDM is just like any old general on Veeky Forums now. Just glaze over the chaff looking for cool stuff.
Chase Gonzalez
It's just fallen in line with usual chons bullshit term.
Camden Bell
nah check the poster count
Joshua Parker
I think it's time to stop
Jayden Collins
It's just some nugget on his phone.
Ayden Campbell
That's true. But if you want you can set it to hide ekoi posts and flag real ekoi's trip in a different color to read .
Is steam lich homebrew user around? That always brought up some good design debate at least. While we're waiting for poots...
Adrian Myers
What makes you think I'm on mobile?
Josiah Brooks
Mulling my choices of current expansions. Anyone feel strongly one way or the other about Sunstalker?
Oliver Parker
It's mid tier in my opinion, not as great as Dragon king for an alternate campaign, but you still get a lot of value out of it.
Austin Lewis
Question for people who also had experience with Gorm campaigns:
We finished our campaign, but is it possible to take a lower result on the Gormchemy table? Our settlement had all the innovations unlocked, but then lost our Wisdom Potion (which is a middling roll on the table).
Now we could only get the various higher tier results, but we lost the ability to view the hit location deck in any way since we didn't hunt lions.
Luis Miller
pretty good, clean up the 'poots joint' part
Joseph Ross
I'd agree that it's a high content expansion, but I also bought all the base expansions at retail so my judgement should be suspect.
Jason Gray
I like its campaign more than Dragon King, but I seem to be in the minority on that. It actually feels different, while Dragon King still feels like the same overall decisions, with the game playing out the same way.
For the fights themselves, Sunstalker is WAY better than Dragon King. One of the best fights in the game.
Not steam lich user, but I'm still working on my custom campaign. It's about a group of survivors who are protected by the Lonely Tree, and in return they feed it the monsters they hunt. The campaign is meant to basically be a "Satans Lantern Campaign" where you combine every single expansion. The two main unique mechanics for the campaign are that the monsters you hunt are determined semi-randomly, with a deck of monsters you draw from which gets upgrade at certain milestones, or when you defeat certain monsters (for example, defeating the 10-year weaver adds the 100-year weaver to the deck). The other mechanic is the way the survivors Age. They only have 5 Hunt XP boxes, so they Age every time they return, then instead of retiring, they trigger an event pretty similar to A Warm Virus. So a lot of the campaign revolves around giving your Founders progressively stronger bodies to run around in. They also have a stat called Lifetime, which is like Courage or Understanding, and is used for many of the campaigns events. It increases every time a survivor is reincarnated through retirement.
I'm pretty happy with the reincarnation mechanic, but I might end up scrapping it in the end because it makes the Phoenix fight fucking impossible.
David Young
Why not just have a blurb about the tree making survivors immune to Spiral Age due to shenanigans? I know it's a key mechanic, but Phoenix has plenty of other shit to kill you with, and it's better to have a slightly easier fight than a functionally impossible one.
Wyatt Parker
I saw somewhere that it adds 'sky fishing' is this a new resource event like underground farming in the Dung Beetle Knight expansion? Are any of the sunstalker innovations includable in the main game?
Dylan Richardson
It adds ninjas, sword masters, asian stoic discipline, shrine clothes, and other weeb stuff if that appeals to you. The teeth armor is kind of unique looking and interesting.
Samuel Stewart
>I'm pretty happy with the reincarnation mechanic, but I might end up scrapping it in the end because it makes the Phoenix fight fucking impossible. You could have it occur via alternate retirement and gaining extra hunt xp in the Aftermath, rather than an altered hunt xp track. That way the age tokens would push you just the same (since they skip "retired" or its replacement for "deleted") but everybody would age like 1.0 Saviors.
Blake James
It's not NEARLY as fleshed out as farming - it's about a half step about acanthus farming.
Speaking of, anyone here ever bothered to try and get deeper into the swamp? It's so much more prep than mining that it hardly seems worth it.
Nathaniel Murphy
Also an ability that allows gear to be rotated to make affinities line up, and skills where any color can match. Good for gear combo hijinks
Kevin Cox
Is that an actual shitty movie you got that image from? I'd believe that is a porn title
Zachary Clark
My current solution was to give an ability when you hit the first Lifetime milestone that makes it so any time you would gain more than 1 Hunt XP, you gain exactly 1 instead. It's already suicide to send in newbies anyway, so it's not as big a deal.
That said, triggering it through another track intirely might be a better way to do it. I'll have to play around with it a bit and see. Sadly a large amount of the campaign is designed around content that still isn't out yet, and it doesn't really scale DOWN. Trying to design around this many expansions, I can totally see why Poots won't budge on saying the big campaigns REQUIRE those expansions to use, and he can't officially support homebrewing them out. Designing for stuff that MIGHT be there is fucking absurd.
Ageless Apprentice is the thing that lets you rotate gear, and that's Lion Knight. Sunstalker just gives Prismatic, which is still absurdly useful.
Matthew Bell
You need to create gear to fish, and it gives you the chance to die, get a weird fish, or get dragged further on the hunt tracker. Not great. The idea is cool, and it's too bad they didn't do more with it. Imagine crab pots on balloons made from some lighter-than-air sack from a dead sunstalker that get floated in the air and are harvested for critters living up in the clouds
Blake Peterson
Excellent. It could expand on the unseen seamonster that lives up there. Imagine if you pulled down some kind of flying mermaid creature. Poots, quit whatever you are doing with our money and update Sunstalker 1.5
Nathan Carter
What's the best designed settlement event and why is it Gaping Stone Face?
>High Risk >High Reward >Burns extra endeavors >fukkin awesome way to find a sword.