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The REAL Alignment Chart
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Lawful Neutral should say "statist cuck"
Sometimes lawful neutral is a retarded druid that only cares about "muh nature".
Pretty badly
should be a triangle
You're right but I'm fucking lazy.
That's even worse
It's a terrible alignment.
Egoism is a virtue, altruism is delusion.
I like how the asshole-line is still there.
Loyal Good should "by the book, conservative nice guy who thinks his values leads to good and happiness"
Loya Neutral should be "by the book, conservative guy who only care about traditionnal values because they are the traditional values"
Chaotic Good should be "Progressive nice guy who believe his kind of progressiveness leads to hapiness and good"
Chaotic Neutral should be "Progressive for the sake of being progressive"
And Chaotic Evil are SJW
Poorly as you admitted alignments exist
How does "progressive for the sake of being progressive" fit into the "I'm a dickass thief and I'm going to steal your gold but at least I won't stab you and who knows maybe I'll use it to buy maddeningly ill-fitting shoes for an orphan" alignment?
Because you are going to push progressiveness for things you know are bad.
See Everyone knows that progressive is just another word for "person that wants someone else's money"
Jesus, so many libcucks on this board
Why is there so much /pol/ in this thread? Are we being raided?
It really doesn't. It completely falls apart there.
Chaotic is not neutral, it just means you value freedom but not good or evil.
Just like a neutral good only values good, is not against society and will push for good laws but disobey to the the bad ones, basically seeing society as a tool for good and not an end in itself like a loyal neutral or gives it equal value to good.
A chaotic neutral just values freedom, he don't swing randomy between good and bad actions.
Please die.
*equal value to good like a loyal good.
The whole paladin thing is virtue AND honor, like a knight that seriously see betraying his lord as being just as bad as killing an innocent.
3 seconds in paint
ITT: another dnd discussion with potential ruined by people incapable of not bringing there politics into dnd discussion
>implying that if someone disagrees with you politically then they are evil
>everyone who disagrees with me is evil
>dnd discussion with potential
>Veeky Forums alignment thread
Ehh, not really
A neutral good without rejecting this kind of loyalty would not compare at all betrayal to the death of the innocent.
A chaotic good would loathes the knight to renounce to freedom like that and compare it to the live of a innocent.
A chaotic neutral idem except he don't care about the innocent.
Loyal neutral like knight except he don't care about the innocent.
That's supposed to be what each of them views themselves as, right?
He literally named the file bait, I think it might be ever so slightly tongue-in-cheek.
Basically what I was saying.
I like this. This seems pretty decent. Using this might get rid of lulrandumb fucktards in my evils and stick up their asstards on the good end.
I mean I dont mind playing any evil character, as long as they are lawful. Lawful evil is dope af
At this point you could replace the good-evil axis with the humane-determined axis and the lawful-chaotic axis by the honorable-independent axis.
Please go back to /pol/.
He said triangle, that's only two lines
It's non-euclidean.
that's because the creative and intelligent people got kicked of the board by assholes like you, you know. So don't blame anyone but yourself.
>druids who care about nature exclusively, also care about man made laws
Most retarded statement on tg today?
Being lawful has nothing to do with observing man made laws.
>year of our lord 2017
>unironically an An-Crap
Order is an elemental force of the universe, integral to D&D's cosmology.
It is not "manmade laws"
The state of nature is actually anarchy, so yes, a muh Nature druid would not be lawful.
Do you think there are only two lines because you cannot see the third?
state of nature is neutrality - some things happen in patterns, some seemingly random
What even is this image? Anarcho-Capitalists don't give two shits about all that marxists class bullshit.
Temporary patterns are possible in non ordered systems.
>Get laid off by boss
>Suddenly have no ability to work, and lack capital to start my own job
>Terrified about what is going to happen to me
That image was clearly made by someone who never worked a day in their life.
>the little toy helicopter
omg my side
No, the state of nature is decay. We just can't perceive it because humans are temporarily ordered systems in a vast tapestry of entropy
Any true druid would be chaotic
>he doesn't know what unions are
>he doesn't understand what solidarity is
Realtalk: the D&D alignment system doesn't map to current US politics, or US meme "politics".
*Anyone* espousing a Perfect System Of How We Should Do things is Lawful Something. The Good/Evil part comes from why they're doing that.
Chaotic Neutral isn't dogmatic Anarchism, because that's an ideology. It's "like, do whatever, who cares?".
it's like some people want their surplus value exploited
Pick one
>he is so entrapped by bourgeois ideology any alternative to capitalism is the evil "anarchy"
>he doesn't realize capitalism is the anarchy of production that will eventually collapse
Unions are only effective if compulsory, and then they are certain to create their own managerial class.
Also, spoken like someone whose never dealt with a real union in their life.
Probably would've been better to be a peasant than a feudal lord desu.
Where are these memes coming from? Is it Veeky Forums?
Good thing there aren't any evil unions in India to steal these children's freedoms right?
Here's the REAL Alignment Chart.
Well, I didn't vote for you.
Tell that to all the egoistic, brother-backstabbing tribes that went extinct because they where outcompeted by tight knit, altruistic Übermensch tribes. Making altruism an almost universally present trait in humans in the current year.
The state of the Indian economy is mostly a function of imperialistic policies by foreign States.
But it benefits the Indian bourgeois as well.
The world is divided amongst members of the same class, who will generally protect their class interests.
India's ruling class has been given the resources and lessons that capitalistic powers like the U.S. and U.K. can provide, to suppress or weaken efforts undertaken by the Indian working class, namely, in how to destabilize or crush unions entirely.
And it isn't just in India either.
Go home Stirner, everybody knows you're a hack.
What's the part in the second triangle represent? Otherwise great job!
>Every form of government or non-government sucks, some versions just suck harder
I sure hope you guys realize this.
Unions, when compulsory, are a tool to suppress the interests of the class that gets unionized.
Voluntary unions are fine, but you'll never see a union elite admit that.
If you want to raise the standard of living in a country, there is no substitute for true free market capitalism. Some people will become richer than others, but everyone will become richer.
>If you want to raise the standard of living in a country, there is no substitute for true free market capitalism
Yes, all hail the invisible hand (pbuh).
And yes, unions controlled by corporate interests are never going to work in the interests of the workers (see the AFL-CIO). But unions organized by workers and for workers are always going to be enemies to the capitalist class, which is why organizations like the IWW were targeted and largely destroyed.
Wow, it's almost like "do this one thing, as hard as possible, in all circumstances" is a really dumb idea.
If your Union can only sustain itself through conscription, then it will never work for workers. All unions can only ever sustain themselves through conscription.
>Haha workers will never want to join unions because they'll demand higher pay and better conditions
>this makes sense to me because getting paid less and working in an unsafe workplace is actually a freedom
Have you heard of >>>/reddit/? Alternatively, have you ever thought about taking your own life?
Unions never really care for the working man. Union cares for Union under the pretense of caring for a working man.
>workers will enjoy starving, unable to work because they exceeded their Union mandated quota last week and their hours have to be shifted to Bob as a result.
If you really think unions can survive without conscription, why don't you vote to make your state right to work? Pussy.
Who's gonna organize shit? Who's gonna manage the paychecks? Who's gonna dole out workers compensation when needed? Who's going to take responsibility when things go wrong? Who's going to prioritize what needs to get done and the order it needs to be done in? Who's going to order supplies and do inventory? Who's going to schedule? Who's going to decide how many people the job needs?
You can divide this up among multiple people if you like, but you increase the complexity of the system every time you do.
There's something to be said for the idea that bosses can be and are overpaid. But simply not having one at all is a recipe for disaster. Even if you somehow manage to get everything to work, the efficiency of whatever system you end up with will pale next to a boss/employee one, which means you'll be out-competed every time, which means very swiftly this "bossless" business will be out of business.
I'd like to apologize for making this thread. I just wanted to post my chart, maybe get a little discussion going about how players use alignment. I didn't think that this would happen. I'm sorry.
Choose one, anarchist scum
No no, this is hilarious. Sit back and just watch the shitshow.
>yeah man the real reason people are underpaid are the unions
>not the parasitic bosses who pay them starvation wages
Go get curbstomped you wannabe bourgie scum.
What happens when you mix /pol/ and Veeky Forums?
this thread apparently. And am I loving it.
I work in construction. The union boys look for every fucking excuse they can to not do their jobs and one of them was arrested a few months ago for showing up at members doors backed up by unknown thugs telling them how to vote in the US elections, claiming it was "part of the contract".
Union boys are scum who have ruined a good name.
>dude the bosses are MAGIC geniuses who are totally necessary.
>workers are too stupid to make decisions
Did the financial collapse of 2008 not happen in this fantasy land of yours?
>my anecdotal experience overrules data and observable trends
Ah jeez I really don't wanna get into this shot show, but I have to day something. See south Korea Taiwan and China? They went from nothing to developed states in decades and improved their standards of living exponentially. Not one of them did it as a democratic free market. Command economies with dictators every one.
Are you aware that crisis was not caused by middle managers, but financial gamblers scamming each-other?
Or are you just one of those 12yo's who think that RICH == BAD?
Neither leadership nor management are easy, and its not something everyone is cut out for. Coordinating the efforts of millions of people is something that requires both physical and human infrastructure.
The problem is not with "bosses", its with politicians getting into bed with the financial sector, and taking off the locks that make sure they don't gamble the entire economy on a combination horse race / pyramid scheme.
All the /pol/tard images are named the same way. It's painfully obvious this is one person baiting one or two idiots.
He isn't seriously arguing against you, god damnit. He doesn't feel like he won if he gets the last word, just stop replying.
It's fucking pathetic how easy it is to bait some of you people...
Except China was a shithole for the longest time, and only started really improving when they let business do their own thing, as long as they stayed out of politics?
>>The problem is not with "bosses", its with politicians getting into bed with the financial sector, and taking off the locks that make sure they don't gamble the entire economy on a combination horse race / pyramid scheme.
>implying the government isn't comprised of the official representatives of the ruling class
>implying that you can separate the bourgeoisie from the modern state
>implying "cronyism" isn't the natural result of any class society
Was still improving relative to where it started, even before they started to loosen up, and korea and Taiwan are still relevant.
I genuinely don't know which stance this is taking.
Spotted the dirty union boy who wont do his job. Did you know that thousands of labor law violations reported each year (6800 in 2010) are attributed to unions?
Union boys are thugs and cannot be trusted. They're also the laziest cunts imaginable and should not be holding a job.
>Unions are corrupt and don't deserve to exist!
>Unlike corporations though, they justify continued existence through total freedom from corruption.
>yeah those unions are evil!
>I'm absolutely my all benevolent job-creators would never falsify data about organized labor!
Reminder that shit like this was acceptable in the U.S. before unions started organizing.
>>implying the government isn't comprised of the official representatives of the ruling class
This is precisely what I am saying. The issue is not with class, it is with class dictating policy.
Class is a natural consequence of biological diversity. The more useful and adept humans obtain more wealth than others.
It really, really wasn't. Go read about the Great Leap Forward. They tried replacing industry with communes, removing the concept of private property. The entire country fell into famine. It was a mistake. They went crawling to the
Americans not a few decades later begging for help.
>class is a natural consequence of biological diversity
Please tell me about how superior the Kardashians are to you or me.
Please tell me how Windows is the best operating system ever created and that Gates didn't make his wealth through financial fuckery and govt intervention.
Please tell me about the genius of Jobs and the brilliance of Rockefeller's offspring.
Explain how the fucking Habsburgs remained in power so long, with their """"""""superior genetics""""""".
I'm really interested in seeing the mental gymnastics you're going to have to perform.